< 1 Thessalonians 3 >

1 Therefore, no longer covering over it, we preferred to be left behind in Athens alone.
Zato, ko nismo mogli več potrpeti, smo mislili, da je dobro, da v Atenah ostanemo sami,
2 And we sent Timothy, our brother, and a helper of God, and our fellow workman in the good news of the Christ, in order to establish you and to encourage you about your faith,
in smo poslali Timóteja, našega brata in Božjega služabnika in našega sodelavca pri Kristusovem evangeliju, da vas utrdi in da vas potolaži glede vaše vere,
3 for no man to be disturbed by these afflictions. For ye yourselves know that we are set for this.
da ne bi bil noben človek omajan s temi stiskami, kajti vi sami veste, da smo določeni za to.
4 For also when we were with you we foretold you that we were going to be oppressed, just as it also happened, and ye know.
Kajti resnično, ko smo bili z vami, smo vam vnaprej povedali, da naj bi trpeli stisko; kakor se je zgodilo in vi to veste.
5 Because of this, I too, no longer covering over it, sent in order to know your faith, lest somehow he who tempts was tempting you, and our labor became in vain.
Zaradi tega razloga, ko nisem mogel več potrpeti, sem poslal, da spoznam vašo vero, da vas ne bi z nekimi načini skušal skušnjavec in bi bil naš trud zaman.
6 But now of Timothy, having come to us from you, and having proclaimed good news to us of your faith and love, and that ye always have a good recollection of us, longing to see us, just as we also you,
Toda sedaj, ko je od vas k nam prišel Timótej in nam prinesel dobre novice o vaši veri ter ljubezni in da nas imate vedno v lepem spominu ter si silno želite, da nas vidite, kakor si tudi mi [želimo] videti vas;
7 because of this, brothers, we were encouraged toward you in all our affliction and necessity through your faith.
zato smo bili, bratje, po vaši veri potolaženi glede vas v vsej naši stiski in tegobi,
8 Because now we live, if ye stand firm in the Lord.
kajti zdaj živimo, če vi trdno stojite v Gospodu.
9 For what thanks can we repay God about you, for all the joy in which we rejoiced because of you before our God,
Kajti kakšne zahvale lahko spet za vas vrnemo Bogu, za vse veselje, s katerim se zaradi vas veselimo pred svojim Bogom?
10 praying night and day above extraordinary in order to see your face and to mend the deficiencies of your faith?
Ponoči in podnevi silno prosimo, da bi lahko videli vaš obraz in lahko dovršili to, kar primanjkuje vaši veri.
11 Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way to you.
Torej sam Bog in naš Oče in naš Gospod Jezus Kristus [naj] našo pot usmerjata k vam.
12 And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love toward each other, and toward all men, just as also we toward you,
In Gospod [naj] vam stori, da rastete in [ste] obilni v ljubezni drug do drugega in do vseh ljudi, prav tako kakor mi počnemo vam,
13 in order to establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his sanctified.
z namenom, da bi lahko vaša srca utrdil brez graje v svetosti pred Bogom, celó našim Očetom, ob prihodu našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa z vsemi njegovimi svetimi.

< 1 Thessalonians 3 >