< 1 Corinthians 5 >
1 Fornication is actually heard among you, and such fornication that is not even named among the Gentiles, for some man to have his father's wife.
Mongwe le mongwe o bua kaga selo se se maswe se se diragetseng koo mo gare ga lona, sengwe se se bosula thata se le e leng bone baheitane ba sa se direng! Lo na le motho mongwe mo phuthegong ya lona yo o tshelang mo sebeng le mosadi wa ga rraagwe.
2 And ye are puffed up and did not rather mourn, so that he who committed this deed might be taken away from the midst of you.
Mme a lo santse lo ipelafatsa, lo re lo ba “Semowa?” Ke eng fa lo sa lele ka khutsafalo le ditlhong, le gore lo bone gore motho yo o ntshiwa mo botokololong jwa lona?
3 For I truly, as being absent in the body but present in the spirit, I have already, as though present, judged the man who committed this thing this way.
Le fa ke se na le lona koo, ke ntse ke akanya thata kaga se mme mo leineng la Morena Jesu Keresete ke setse ke ntse ke akanya thata kaga se ke ka se dirang, fela jaaka ekete ke koo. Lo tshwanetse go phutha phuthego, mme nonofo ya Morena Jesu e tlaa nna le lona fa lo kopana, mme le nna ke tlaa bo ke le teng mo moweng,
4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
5 to deliver such a man to Satan for destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
mme lo kgaole motho yo mo bolokong jwa phuthego, lo mo tsenye mo diatleng tsa ga Satane, go mo otlhaya, mo tsholofelong ya gore mowa wa gagwe o tle o bolokwe fa Morena Jesu Keresete a bowa.
6 Your boasting is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?
Mo kana go hakgamatsa jang gore lo bo lo ipelafatsa kaga boitshekiso jwa lona, mme le fa go ntse jalo lo letla selo sa go nna jaana go tswelela pele. A ga lo itse gore fa motho a le mongwe fela a letlelelwa go tswelela mo sebeng, ka bofefo go tlaa ama batho botlhe?
7 Purge out the old leaven, so that ye may be a new lump, since ye are unleavened. For also Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.
Tlosang sefatlhi se se maswe se, motho yo o bosula yo, mo gare ga lona, gore lo nne lo le phepa. Keresete, Kwana ya Modimo re mmolaetswe.
8 Therefore we should feast, not by old leaven, nor by leaven of evil and wickedness, but by non-leaven of sincerity and truth.
Jalo a re jeng moletlo o mo dipelong tsa rona mo go ene re gole thata mo botshelong jwa Sekeresete, re tlogele gotlhe kwa morago, botshelo jo bogologolo ka mafufa otlhe a jone le bosula. Mo boemongjwa seo, a re jeng moletlo wa senkgwe se se itshekileng sa tlotlo le bopelo-e-phepha le boammaaruri.
9 I wrote to you in the letter not to associate with fornicators,
Erile fa ke lo kwaletse la ntlha ke rile lo seka lwa tlhakana le batho ba ba bosula.
10 and not at all with the fornicators of this world, or with greedy men, or with predators, or with idolaters, since then ye would need to go out of the world.
Mme erile fa ke bua jalo ke ne ke sa bue kaga batho ba ba sa dumeleng ba ba tshelelang mo boakeng, kgotsa difatlha tsa batsietsi le magodu le baobamedi ba medimo ya disetwa. Gonne ga lo ka ke lwa nna mo lefatsheng leno kwa ntle ga batho ba ba ntseng jalo.
11 But now I write to you not to associate if any man who is called a brother is a fornicator, or a greedy man, or an idolater, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or a predator, not even to eat with such kind.
Se ke neng ke se raya ke gore ga lo a tshwanela go tsalana le mongwe yo o ipitsang Mokeresete mme e le moakafadi, kgotsa sefatlha, kgotsa motsietsi, kgotsa moobamedi wa medimo ya disetwa, kgotsa letagwa, kgotsa mokgadi. Lo se ka lwaa ja le motho yo o ntseng jalo.
12 For what is in me to also judge those outside? Do ye not judge those inside?
Ga se tiro ya rona go atlhola ba ba kwa ntle. Mme ke tiro ya rona tota go atlhola le go dirana thata le ba e leng ditokololo tsa phuthego, le ba ba leofang.
13 But God judges those outside. And ye yourselves shall drive out the evil man from you.
Modimo o le osi ke moatlhodi wa ba ba ka kwa ntle mme lona ka bo lona lo tshwanetse go dirana le motho yoo gore lo mo kgaole mo phuthegong ya lona.