< Psalmen 119 >
1 Aleph. Welgelukzalig zijn de oprechten van wandel, die in de wet des HEEREN gaan.
(Yahweh is pleased with/Happy are) those about whom no one can say truthfully that they have done things that are wrong, those who always obey the laws of Yahweh.
2 Welgelukzalig zijn zij, die Zijn getuigenissen onderhouden, die Hem van ganser harte zoeken;
Yahweh is pleased with those who (obey his requirements/do what he has instructed them to do), those who request him with their entire inner beings to help them [to do that].
3 Ook geen onrecht werken, maar wandelen in Zijn wegen.
They do not do things that are wrong; they behave like Yahweh wants them to.
4 HEERE! Gij hebt geboden, dat men Uw bevelen zeer bewaren zal.
Yahweh, you have given [us] (your principles of behavior/all the things that you have declared that we should do), [and you told us] to obey them carefully.
5 Och, dat mijn wegen gericht werden, om Uw inzettingen te bewaren!
I desire that I will faithfully/always obey all (your statutes/that you have said that [we] should do).
6 Dan zou ik niet beschaamd worden, wanneer ik merken zou op al Uw geboden.
If I continually (heed/pay attention to) all (your commands/that you have commanded), I will not be disgraced/ashamed.
7 Ik zal U loven in oprechtheid des harten, als ik de rechten Uwer gerechtigheid geleerd zal hebben.
When I learn [all of] (your regulations/the rules that you have given [to us)], I will praise you with a pure inner being [IDM].
8 Ik zal Uw inzettingen bewaren; verlaat mij niet al te zeer.
I will obey all (your statutes/that you have decreed that [we] should do); do not desert/abandon me!
9 Beth. Waarmede zal de jongeling zijn pad zuiver houden? Als hij dat houdt naar Uw woord.
[I know] [RHQ] how a youth can (keep his life pure/avoid sinning); it is by obeying what you have told us to do.
10 Ik zoek U met mijn gehele hart, laat mij van Uw geboden niet afdwalen.
I try to serve you with my entire inner being; do not allow me to (wander away from obeying/disobey) (your commands/what you have commanded).
11 Ik heb Uw rede in mijn hart verborgen, opdat ik tegen U niet zondigen zou.
I have (memorized/stored in my mind) [many of] (your words/what you have promised) in order that I will not sin against you.
12 HEERE! Gij zijt gezegend; leer mij Uw inzettingen.
Yahweh, I praise you; teach me (your statutes/what you have declared).
13 Ik heb met mijn lippen verteld al de rechten Uws monds.
I [MTY] tell others (the regulations/the rules that you have given [to us)].
14 Ik ben vrolijker in den weg Uwer getuigenissen, dan over allen rijkdom.
I like to obey (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do)]; I enjoy that more than being very rich.
15 Ik zal Uw bevelen overdenken, en op Uw paden letten.
I will (study/think about) (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and I will pay attention to what you have showed [me].
16 Ik zal mijzelven vermaken in Uw inzettingen; Uw woord zal ik niet vergeten.
I will be happy [to obey] (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do), and I will not forget your words.
17 Gimel. Doe wel bij Uw knecht, dat ik leve en Uw woord beware.
Do good things for me, who serve you, in order that I may continue to live and obey (your words/what you have told us to do) during all my life.
18 Ontdek mijn ogen, dat ik aanschouwe de wonderen van Uw wet.
Open my mind in order that I may know the wonderful things that [are written] in your laws.
19 Ik ben een vreemdeling op de aarde, verberg Uw geboden voor mij niet.
I am living [here] on the earth for only a short time; (do not prevent me from [understanding]/help me to understand) [LIT] (your commands/what you have commanded).
20 Mijn ziel is verbroken vanwege het verlangen naar Uw oordelen te aller tijd.
In my inner being I strongly desire to know (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) all the time.
21 Gij scheldt de vervloekte hovaardigen, die van Uw geboden afdwalen.
You rebuke those who are proud; cursed are those who disobey (your commands/what you have commanded).
22 Wentel van mij versmaadheid en verachting, want ik heb Uw getuigenissen onderhouden.
Do not allow them to continue to insult and scorn me; [I request this] because I have obeyed what you have instructed us to do.
23 Als zelfs de vorsten zittende tegen mij gesproken hebben, heeft Uw knecht Uw inzettingen betracht.
Rulers gather together and plan ways to harm me, but I will (meditate on/study) (your statutes/what you have decreed).
24 Ook zijn Uw getuigenissen mijn vermakingen, en mijn raadslieden.
I am delighted with (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do)]; [it is as though] they are my advisors.
25 Daleth. Mijn ziel kleeft aan het stof; maak mij levend naar Uw woord.
[I think that] I will soon die [IDM]; revive/heal me, as you have told me that you would.
26 Ik heb U mijn wegen verteld, en Gij hebt mij verhoord; leer mij Uw inzettingen.
When I told you about my behavior, you answered me; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
27 Geef mij den weg Uwer bevelen te verstaan, opdat ik Uw wonderen betrachte.
Help me to understand (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and [then] I will (meditate on/think about) the wonderful things that you [have done].
28 Mijn ziel druipt weg van treurigheid; richt mij op naar Uw woord.
I am very sad/sorrowful [IDM], with the result that I have no strength; enable me to be strong [again], like you promised me that you would do.
29 Wend van mij den weg der valsheid, en verleen mij genadiglijk Uw wet.
Prevent me from doing what is wrong, and be kind to me by teaching me your laws.
30 Ik heb verkoren den weg der waarheid, Uw rechten heb ik mij voorgesteld.
I have decided that I will faithfully/always [obey you]; I have (paid attention to/heeded) (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
31 Ik kleef vast aan Uw getuigenissen; o HEERE! beschaam mij niet.
Yahweh, I try to carefully hold fast to what you have instructed [us to do]; do not [abandon me, with the result that] I would become disgraced.
32 Ik zal den weg Uwer geboden lopen, als Gij mijn hart verwijd zult hebben.
I will eagerly obey [IDM] (your commands/what you have commanded), because you have enabled me to understand more [what you want me to do].
33 He. HEERE! leer mij den weg Uwer inzettingen, en ik zal hem houden ten einde toe.
Yahweh, teach me the meaning of (your statutes/the things that you have decreed that we should do), and [then] I will obey them, every one of them.
34 Geef mij het verstand, en ik zal Uw wet houden; ja, ik zal ze onderhouden met gansen harte.
Help me to understand your laws in order that I may obey them with all my inner being.
35 Doe mij treden op het pad Uwer geboden, want daarin heb ik lust.
I am happy with (your commands/what you have commanded), so (lead me along the paths/enable me to walk on the road) that you [have chosen for me].
36 Neig mijn hart tot Uw getuigenissen, en niet tot gierigheid.
Cause me to want to obey your rules and not to want to become rich.
37 Wend mijn ogen af, dat zij geen ijdelheid zien; maak mij levend door Uw wegen.
Do not allow me to look at things that are worthless, and allow me to continue to live, like you promised that you would do.
38 Bevestig Uw toezeggingen aan Uw knecht, die Uw vreze toegedaan is.
[Because] I serve you, do what you promised to do for me, which is what you also promise to do for [all] those who revere you.
39 Wend mijn smaadheid af, die ik vreze, want Uw rechten zijn goed.
[People] insult me; protect me from those insults, [because] I hate them. The (regulations/rules that you have given [to us]) are [very] good!
40 Zie, ik heb een begeerte tot Uw bevelen; maak mij levend door Uw gerechtigheid.
I very much desire [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do); because you are righteous, allow me to continue to live (OR, be good to me).
41 Vau. En dat mij Uw goedertierenheden overkomen, o HEERE! Uw heil, naar Uw toezegging;
Yahweh, show me that you faithfully love me, and rescue/save me, like you have said/promised that you would.
42 Opdat ik mijn smader wat heb te antwoorden, want ik vertrouw op Uw woord.
After you do that, I will be able to reply to those who insult me, because I trust in (your word/what you have promised that you would do).
43 En ruk het woord der waarheid van mijn mond niet al te zeer, want ik hoop op Uw rechten.
Always enable me to [LIT] speak your truth, because I have confidence in (your regulations/the rules that you have given us).
44 Zo zal ik Uw wet steeds onderhouden, eeuwiglijk en altoos.
I will always obey your laws, forever.
45 En ik zal wandelen in de ruimte, omdat ik Uw bevelen gezocht heb.
I will be free [from (affliction/my enemies’ attacks)], because I have tried [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
46 Ook zal ik voor koningen spreken van Uw getuigenissen, en mij niet schamen.
I will tell to kings (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do); and [because I did not abandon you], those kings will not cause me to be ashamed.
47 En ik zal mij vermaken in Uw geboden, die ik liefheb.
I am delighted to [obey] (your commands/what you have commanded), and I love them.
48 En ik zal mijn handen opheffen naar Uw geboden, die ik liefheb, en ik zal Uw inzettingen betrachten.
I respect/revere [IDM] (your commands/what you have commanded), and I love them, and I will (meditate on/think about) (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
49 Zain. Gedenk des woords, tot Uw knecht gesproken, op hetwelk Gij mij hebt doen hopen.
Do not forget what you said/promised to do for me, who serve you, [because] what you have said has caused me to confidently expect [good things from you].
50 Dit is mijn troost in mijn ellende, want Uw toezegging heeft mij levend gemaakt.
When I have been suffering, you comforted me; you did what you promised me, and that [PRS] revived me.
51 De hovaardigen hebben mij boven mate zeer bespot; nochtans ben ik van Uw wet niet geweken.
Proud people are always making fun of me, but I do not (turn away from/stop) [obeying] your laws.
52 Ik heb gedacht, o HEERE! aan Uw oordelen van ouds aan, en heb mij getroost.
Yahweh, when I think about (your regulations/the rules) that you gave to us long ago, I am comforted/encouraged.
53 Grote beroering heeft mij bevangen vanwege de goddelozen, die Uw wet verlaten.
When [I see that] wicked people have disregarded your laws, I become very angry.
54 Uw inzettingen zijn mij gezangen geweest, ter plaatse mijner vreemdelingschappen.
While I have been living here for a short time on the earth, I have written songs about (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
55 HEERE! des nachts ben ik Uws Naams gedachtig geweest, en heb Uw wet bewaard.
Yahweh, during the night I think about you [MTY], and [so] I obey your laws.
56 Dat is mij geschied, omdat ik Uw bevelen bewaard heb.
What I have always done is to obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
57 Cheth. De HEERE is mijn deel, ik heb gezegd, dat ik Uw woorden zal bewaren.
Yahweh, you are the one whom I have chosen, and I promise to (obey your words/do what you have told us to do).
58 Ik heb Uw aanschijn ernstelijk gebeden van ganser harte, wees mij genadig naar Uw toezegging.
With all my inner being I plead with you to be good to me; be kind to me, like you promised/said that you would do.
59 Ik heb mijn wegen bedacht, en heb mijn voeten gekeerd tot Uw getuigenissen.
I have thought about my behavior, and I [have decided to] return to [obeying] (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
60 Ik heb gehaast, en niet vertraagd Uw geboden te onderhouden.
I hurry to obey (your commands/what you have commanded); I do not delay [at all].
61 De goddeloze hopen hebben mij beroofd; nochtans heb ik Uw wet niet vergeten.
Wicked people have [tried to] seize me, [like a hunter tries to catch an animal] with a net [MET], but I do not forget your laws.
62 Te middernacht sta ik op, om U te loven voor de rechten Uwer gerechtigheid.
In the middle of the night I wake up, and I praise you for (your commands/the rules that you have given us to do); they are fair/just.
63 Ik ben een gezel van allen, die U vrezen, en van hen, die Uw bevelen onderhouden.
I am a friend of all those who revere you, those who obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
64 HEERE! de aarde is vol van Uw goedertierenheid; leer mij Uw inzettingen.
Yahweh, you faithfully/always love [people] all over the earth; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
65 Teth. Gij hebt bij Uw knecht goed gedaan, HEERE, naar Uw woord.
Yahweh, you have done good things for me, like you promised/said that you would do.
66 Leer mij een goeden zin en wetenschap, want ik heb aan Uw geboden geloofd.
Teach me to think carefully before I decide what to do, and [teach me other things that I need to] know, because I believe [that it is good for us to obey] (your commands/what you have commanded).
67 Eer ik verdrukt werd, dwaalde ik, maar nu onderhoud ik Uw woord.
Before you afflicted/punished me, I did things that were wrong, but now I obey (your words/what you have told us to do).
68 Gij zijt goed en goeddoende; leer mij Uw inzettingen.
You are [very] good, and what you do is good; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
69 De hovaardigen hebben leugens tegen mij gestoffeerd; doch ik bewaar Uw bevelen van ganser harte.
Proud people have told many lies about me, but [the truth is that] with all my inner being I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
70 Hun hart is vet als smeer; maar ik heb vermaak in Uw wet.
Those proud people (are stupid/do not understand your laws) [IDM], but [as for me], I am delighted with your laws.
71 Het is mij goed, dat ik verdrukt ben geweest, opdat ik Uw inzettingen leerde.
It was good for me that [you] afflicted/punished me, because the result was that I learned (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
72 De wet Uws monds is mij beter, dan duizenden van goud of zilver.
The laws that you [MTY] gave/told [to us] are [worth] more to me than gold, more than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.
73 Jod. Uw handen hebben mij gemaakt, en bereid; maak mij verstandig, opdat ik Uw geboden lere.
You created me and formed my body (OR, kept me safe); help me to be wise in order that I may learn (your commands/what you have commanded).
74 Die U vrezen, zullen mij aanzien, en zich verblijden, omdat ik op Uw woord gehoopt heb.
Those who have an awesome respect for you will see [what you have done for] me, and they will rejoice, because [they will see that] I have trusted in (your words/what you told us).
75 Ik weet, HEERE! dat Uw gerichten de gerechtigheid zijn, en dat Gij mij uit getrouwheid verdrukt hebt.
Yahweh, I know that (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) are right/fair and that you have afflicted/punished me because you faithfully do [what you have promised].
76 Laat toch Uw goedertierenheid zijn om mij te troosten, naar Uw toezegging aan Uw knecht.
Cause me to be comforted/encouraged by [knowing that] you faithfully love [me], like you said to me that you would do.
77 Laat mij Uw barmhartigheden overkomen, opdat ik leve, want Uw wet is al mijn vermaking.
Be merciful to me in order that I may [continue to] live, because I am delighted with your laws.
78 Laat de hovaardigen beschaamd worden, omdat zij mij met leugen nedergestoten hebben; doch ik betracht Uw geboden.
Cause the proud people who falsely accuse me to be ashamed, [but] as for me, I will [continue] (meditating on/thinking about) (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
79 Laat hen tot mij keren, die U vrezen, en die Uw getuigenissen kennen.
Cause those who revere you to come [back] to me in order that they may (OR, specifically, those who) know (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do]).
80 Laat mijn hart oprecht zijn tot Uw inzettingen, opdat ik niet beschaamd worde.
Enable me to perfectly [obey] (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do) in order that I may not be ashamed [because of not doing that].
81 Caph. Mijn ziel is bezweken van verlangen naar Uw heil; op Uw woord heb ik gehoopt.
I am very tired/exhausted while I wait for you to save [me from my enemies]; [but] I confidently expect that you will tell [me what you will do].
82 Mijn ogen zijn bezweken van verlangen naar Uw toezegging, terwijl ik zeide: Wanneer zult Gij mij vertroosten?
My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to do what you promised/said that you would do, and I ask, “When will you help/encourage me?”
83 Want ik ben geworden als een lederen zak in den rook; doch Uw inzettingen heb ik niet vergeten.
I have become [as useless as] [MET] a wineskin that is [shriveled from hanging a long time] in the smoke [inside a house], but I have not forgotten (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
84 Hoe vele zullen de dagen Uws knechts zijn? Wanneer zult Gij recht doen over mijn vervolgers?
How long must I wait? When will you punish those who (persecute/cause trouble for) me?
85 De hovaardigen hebben mij putten gegraven, hetwelk niet is naar Uw wet.
[It is as though] proud people have dug deep pits for me [to fall into], people who do not obey your laws.
86 Al Uw geboden zijn waarheid; zij vervolgen mij met leugen, help mij.
All (your commands are/what you have commanded is) trustworthy; [but] people are (persecuting/causing trouble for) me by telling lies [about me, so please] help me!
87 Zij hebben mij bijna vernietigd op de aarde, maar ik heb Uw bevelen niet verlaten.
Those people have almost killed me, but I have not stopped [obeying] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
88 Maak mij levend naar Uw goedertierenheid, dan zal ik de getuigenis Uws monds onderhouden.
Because you faithfully love [me], allow me [to continue] to live in order that I may [continue to] obey (your rules/what you have instructed [us to do]).
89 Lamed. O HEERE! Uw woord bestaat in der eeuwigheid in de hemelen.
Yahweh, your words will last forever; they will last as long as heaven lasts.
90 Uw goedertierenheid is van geslacht tot geslacht; Gij hebt de aarde vastgemaakt, en zij blijft staan;
You will faithfully [continue doing] ([for people who are not yet born/in every generation]) what you have (promised/said that you would do); you have put the earth in its place, and it remains firmly [there].
91 Naar Uw verordeningen blijven zij nog heden staan, want zij allen zijn Uw knechten.
To this day, [all things on the earth] remain because you decided that they should remain; everything [on the earth] serves you.
92 Indien Uw wet niet ware geweest al mijn vermaking, ik ware in mijn druk al lang vergaan.
If I had not been delighted [in obeying] your laws, I would have died because of what I was suffering.
93 Ik zal Uw bevelen in der eeuwigheid niet vergeten, want door dezelve hebt Gij mij levend gemaakt.
I will never forget (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), because as a result of [my obeying them] you have enabled me to [continue to] live.
94 Ik ben Uw, behoud mij, want ik heb Uw bevelen gezocht.
I belong to you; save/rescue me [from my enemies], because I have tried to obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
95 De goddelozen hebben op mij gewacht, om mij te doen vergaan; ik neem acht op Uw getuigenissen.
Wicked [men] are waiting to kill me, but I [will] think about what you have instructed [us to do].
96 In alle volmaaktheid heb ik een einde gezien; maar Uw gebod is zeer wijd.
I have learned that there is a limit/end for everything, but what you command (has no limits/never ends).
97 Mem. Hoe lief heb ik Uw wet! Zij is mijn betrachting den gansen dag.
I love your laws very much. I (meditate on/think about) them all during the day.
98 Zij maakt mij door Uw geboden wijzer, dan mijn vijanden zijn, want zij is in eeuwigheid bij mij.
Because I know (your commands/what you have commanded), and because I think about them all the time, I have become wiser than my enemies.
99 Ik ben verstandiger dan al mijn leraars, omdat Uw getuigenissen mijn betrachting zijn.
I understand more than my teachers do, because I (meditate on/think about) (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
100 Ik ben voorzichtiger dan de ouden, omdat ik Uw bevelen bewaard heb.
I understand more than [many] old people do, because I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
101 Ik heb mijn voeten geweerd van alle kwade paden, opdat ik Uw woord zou onderhouden.
I have avoided all evil behavior in order that I may obey (your words/what you have told us to do).
102 Ik ben niet geweken van Uw rechten, want Gij hebt mij geleerd.
I have not (turned away from/quit) [obeying] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us), because you have taught me [while I have studied them].
103 Hoe zoet zijn Uw redenen mijn gehemelte geweest, meer dan honig mijn mond!
[When I read] your words, they are like [MET] sweet things that I taste/eat, [yes], they are even sweeter than honey.
104 Uit Uw bevelen krijg ik verstand, daarom haat ik alle leugenpaden.
Because [I have learned] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), I am able to understand [many things]; therefore, I hate all evil things [that some people do].
105 Nun. Uw woord is een lamp voor mijn voet, en een licht voor mijn pad.
Your words are [like] [MET] a lamp to guide me; they are [like] a light [MET] to show me the path [that I should walk on].
106 Ik heb gezworen, en zal het bevestigen, dat ik onderhouden zal de rechten Uwer gerechtigheid.
I have solemnly promised, and I am solemnly promising it again, that I will [always] obey your (regulations/rules that you have given to us), and they are [all] fair/just.
107 Ik ben gans zeer verdrukt, HEERE! maak mij levend naar Uw woord.
Yahweh, I am suffering very much; cause me to be strong/healthy [again], as you have promised to do.
108 Laat U toch, o HEERE! welgevallen de vrijwillige offeranden mijns monds, en leer mij Uw rechten.
Yahweh, when I thank you while I pray, it is [like] [MET] a sacrifice to you; [please] accept it, and teach me your (regulations/rules that you have given to us).
109 Mijn ziel is geduriglijk in mijn hand; nochtans vergeet ik Uw wet niet.
[My enemies are] often trying to kill me [IDM], but I do not forget your laws.
110 De goddelozen hebben mij een strik gelegd; nochtans ben ik niet afgedwaald van Uw bevelen.
Wicked [people] have tried to seize me [like a hunter tries to catch an animal] with a trap [MET], but I have not disobeyed (your principles of behavior/what you declared that we should do).
111 Ik heb Uw getuigenissen genomen tot een eeuwige erve, want zij zijn mijns harten vrolijkheid.
(Your requirements/What you have instructed us to do) are my possession forever; because of them [PRS], I am joyful.
112 Ik heb mijn hart geneigd, om Uw inzettingen eeuwiglijk te doen, ten einde toe.
I (have decided/am determined) [IDM] to obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do) until the day that I die [MTY].
113 Samech. Ik haat de kwade ranken, maar heb Uw wet lief.
I hate people who are [only] partly committed to you, but I love your laws.
114 Gij zijt mijn Schuilplaats en mijn Schild; op Uw Woord heb ik gehoopt.
You are [like] a place where I can hide [from my enemies], and you are [like] a shield [MET] [behind which I am protected from them], and I trust in your promises.
115 Wijkt van mij, gij boosdoeners! dat ik de geboden mijns Gods moge bewaren.
You evil people, stay away from me in order than I may obey (my God’s commands/what my God has commanded)!
116 Ondersteun mij naar Uw toezegging, opdat ik leve; en laat mij niet beschaamd worden over mijn hope.
Enable me to be strong, as you promised/said that you would do, in order that I may [continue to] live. I am confidently expecting [that you will restore me]; (do not disappoint me/do not allow me to be disappointed).
117 Ondersteun mij, zo zal ik behouden zijn; dan zal ik mij steeds in Uw inzettingen vermaken.
Hold me up, in order that I will be safe and always (pay attention to/heed) (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
118 Gij vertreedt al degenen, die van Uw inzettingen afdwalen, want hun bedrog is leugen.
You reject all those who disobey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do); but what they deceitfully plan to do will be (useless/in vain).
119 Gij doet alle goddelozen der aarde weg als schuim, daarom heb ik Uw getuigenissen lief.
You get rid of all the wicked [people] on the earth like [SIM] [people throw away] trash; therefore I love what you have instructed us to do.
120 Het haar mijns vleses is te berge gerezen van verschrikking voor U, en ik heb gevreesd voor Uw oordelen.
I [SYN] tremble because I am afraid of you; I am afraid [because you punish those who do not obey] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
121 Ain. Ik heb recht en gerechtigheid gedaan; geef mij niet over aan mijn onderdrukkers.
[But] I have done what is right and fair/just; [so] do not allow people to oppress/mistreat me.
122 Wees borg voor Uw knecht ten goede; laat de hovaardigen mij niet onderdrukken.
Promise me that you will do good things for me and do not allow proud [people] to oppress me.
123 Mijn ogen zijn bezweken van verlangen naar Uw heil, en naar de toezegging Uwer rechtvaardigheid.
My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to rescue [me], for you to save [me] like you promised/said that you would.
124 Doe bij Uw knecht naar Uw goedertierenheid, en leer mij Uw inzettingen.
Do something for me to show that you faithfully love [me], and teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
125 Ik ben Uw knecht, maak mij verstandig, en ik zal Uw getuigenissen kennen.
I am one who serves you; enable me to understand [what you want me to know] in order that I will know (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
126 Het is tijd voor den HEERE, dat Hij werke, want zij hebben Uw wet verbroken.
Yahweh, now is the time for you to [punish people] because they have disobeyed your laws.
127 Daarom heb ik Uw geboden lief, meer dan goud, ja, meer dan het fijnste goud.
Truly, I love (your commands/what you have commanded) more than I love gold; I love them more than I love [very] pure gold.
128 Daarom heb ik alle Uw bevelen, van alles, voor recht gehouden; maar alle valse pad heb ik gehaat.
So I conduct my life by (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and I hate all the evil things that [some people do].
129 Pe. Uw getuigenissen zijn wonderbaar, daarom bewaart ze mijn ziel.
(Your requirements are/All the things that you have instructed us to do are) wonderful, so I obey them with all my inner being.
130 De opening Uwer woorden geeft licht, de slechten verstandig makende.
When someone explains (your words/what you have said), [it is as though] they are lighting a light; what they say causes [even] people who have not learned your laws to be wise.
131 Ik heb mijn mond wijd opengedaan, en gehijgd, want ik heb verlangd naar Uw geboden.
I eagerly desire to know (your commands/what you have commanded), like [SIM] a [dog] that pants with its mouth open [wanting to be fed].
132 Zie mij aan, wees mij genadig, naar het recht aan degenen, die Uw Naam beminnen.
Listen to me and act kindly to me, like you do to [all] those who love you [MTY].
133 Maak mijn voetstappen vast in Uw Woord, en laat geen ongerechtigheid over mij heersen.
Guide me as you promised/said that you would do and help me not to fall/sin; do not allow evil [people] to control what I do.
134 Verlos mij van des mensen overlast, en ik zal Uw bevelen onderhouden.
Rescue/Save me from those who oppress me in order that I may obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
135 Doe Uw aangezicht lichten over Uw knecht, en leer mij Uw inzettingen.
Be kind to me and teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
136 Waterbeken vlieten af uit mijn ogen, omdat zij Uw wet niet onderhouden.
I cry very much because [many] people do not obey your laws.
137 Tsade. HEERE! Gij zijt rechtvaardig, en elkeen Uwer oordelen is recht.
Yahweh, you are righteous and (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) are just/fair.
138 Gij hebt de gerechtigheid Uwer getuigenissen, en de waarheid hogelijk geboden.
(Your requirements/All the things that you have instructed us to do) are true and are all very right and fair.
139 Mijn ijver heeft mij doen vergaan, omdat mijn wederpartijders Uw woorden vergeten hebben.
I am (furious/very angry) because my enemies disregard (your words/what you have told us to do).
140 Uw woord is zeer gelouterd, en Uw knecht heeft het lief.
(Your promises are/All the things that you have said that you will do are) dependable and I love them.
141 Ik ben klein en veracht, doch Uw bevelen vergeet ik niet.
I am not important and people despise me, but I do not forget (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
142 Uw gerechtigheid is gerechtigheid in eeuwigheid, en Uw wet is de waarheid.
You are righteous and you will be righteous forever, and your laws will never be changed.
143 Benauwdheid en angst hebben mij getroffen, doch Uw geboden zijn mijn vermakingen.
I [constantly] have troubles/difficulties and I am worried, but (your commands cause/what you have commanded causes) me to be happy.
144 De gerechtigheid Uwer getuigenissen is in der eeuwigheid; doe ze mij verstaan, zo zal ik leven.
(Your requirements are/All the things that you have instructed us to do are) always fair; help me to understand them in order that I may [continue to] live.
145 Koph. Ik heb van ganser harte geroepen: verhoor mij, o HEERE! ik zal Uw inzettingen bewaren.
Yahweh, with all my inner being I call out to you; answer me and I will obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
146 Ik heb U aangeroepen, verlos mij, en ik zal Uw getuigenissen onderhouden.
I call out to you; save/rescue me in order that I [can continue to] obey [all] (your requirements/the things that you have instructed us to do).
147 Ik ben de morgen schemering voorgekomen, en heb geschrei gemaakt; op Uw woord heb ik gehoopt.
[Each morning] I arise before dawn and call to you to help me; I confidently expect you to do what you have (promised/said that you will do).
148 Mijn ogen komen de nacht waken voor, om Uw rede te betrachten.
All during the night I am awake, and I (meditate on/think about) what you have (promised/said that you would do).
149 Hoor mijn stem naar Uw goedertierenheid, o HEERE! maak mij levend naar Uw recht.
Yahweh, because you faithfully love me, listen to me [while I pray], and keep me safe because of [my obeying] (your regulations/what you have told us to do).
150 Die kwade praktijken najagen, genaken mij, zij wijken verre van Uw wet.
Those evil people who oppress/persecute me are coming closer to me; they do not pay any attention to your laws.
151 Maar Gij, HEERE! zijt nabij, en al Uw geboden zijn waarheid.
But Yahweh, you are near to me, and [I know that] (your commands/what you command) will never be changed.
152 Van ouds heb ik geweten van Uw getuigenissen, dat Gij ze in eeuwigheid gegrond hebt.
Long ago I found out about (your requirements/all the things that you have instructed us to do), and [I know that] you intended them to last forever.
153 Resch. Zie mijn ellende aan, en help mij uit, want Uw wet heb ik niet vergeten.
Look at me and see that I am suffering [very much], and heal me, because I do not forget your laws.
154 Twist mijn twistzaak, en verlos mij, maak mij levend, naar Uw toezegging.
Defend me [when others accuse me], and rescue me [from them]; allow me to [continue to] live, as you promised/said that you would.
155 Het heil is verre van de goddelozen, want zij zoeken Uw inzettingen niet.
Wicked [people] do not obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do), so you will certainly not save them.
156 HEERE! Uw barmhartigheden zijn vele; maak mij levend naar Uw rechten.
Yahweh, you are very merciful; allow me to [continue to] live because of [my obeying] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
157 Mijn vervolgers en mijn wederpartijders zijn vele, maar van Uw getuigenissen wijk ik niet.
Many [people] are my enemies and [many people] (cause me to suffer/persecute me), but I (do not turn aside from/have not stopped obeying) [LIT] (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
158 Ik heb gezien degenen, die trouwelooslijk handelen, en het verdroot mij, dat zij Uw woord niet onderhielden.
When I look at those who are not faithful to you, I am disgusted because they do not obey (your requirements/what you have instructed [us] to do).
159 Zie aan, dat ik Uw bevelen lief heb, o HEERE! maak mij levend naar Uw goedertierenheid.
[Yahweh], notice that I love (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do); because you faithfully love [me], allow me to [continue to] live.
160 Het begin Uws woords is waarheid, en in der eeuwigheid is al het recht Uwer gerechtigheid.
All that you have said is truth, and all (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) will endure forever.
161 Schin. De vorsten hebben mij vervolgd zonder oorzaak; maar mijn hart heeft gevreesd voor Uw woord.
Rulers persecute me for no reason, but in my inner being I revere (your words/what you have said).
162 Ik ben vrolijk over Uw toezegging, als een, die een groten buit vindt.
I am happy about (your words/what you have promised [to do for me)], as happy as someone who has found a great treasure.
163 Ik haat de valsheid, en heb er een gruwel van; maar Uw wet heb ik lief.
I thoroughly hate [DOU] [all] lies but I love your laws.
164 Ik loof U zeven maal des daags, over de rechten Uwer gerechtigheid.
Seven/Many times each day I thank you for (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us), and they are [all] just/fair.
165 Die Uw wet beminnen, hebben groten vrede, en zij hebben geen aanstoot.
Things go well for those who love your laws; there is nothing adverse/bad that will happen to them.
166 O HEERE! ik hoop op Uw heil, en doe Uw geboden.
Yahweh, I confidently expect that you will rescue me [from my troubles], and I obey (your commands/what you have commanded us).
167 Mijn ziel onderhoudt Uw getuigenissen, en ik heb ze zeer lief.
I obey (what you require/what you have instructed) us to do; I love it [all] very much.
168 Ik onderhoud Uw bevelen en Uw getuigenissen, want al mijn wegen zijn voor U.
I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and you see everything that I do.
169 Thau. O HEERE! laat mijn geschrei voor Uw aanschijn genaken, maak mij verstandig naar Uw woord.
Yahweh, listen while I pray [for you to help me]; help me to understand [(your words/what you have told us to do)].
170 Laat mijn smeken voor Uw aanschijn komen, red mij naar Uw toezegging.
Hear me while I pray and rescue/save me as you promised/said that you would.
171 Mijn lippen zullen Uw lof overvloediglijk uitstorten, als Gij mij Uw inzettingen zult geleerd hebben.
I [MTY] will always praise you because you teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
172 Mijn tong zal spraak houden van Uw rede, want al Uw geboden zijn rechtvaardigheid.
I will sing about (your words/what you have promised to do) because (all your commands are/everything that you have commanded is) just/fair.
173 Laat Uw hand mij te hulp komen, want ik heb Uw bevelen verkoren.
I ask you [SYN] to [always] be ready to help me because I have chosen [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
174 O HEERE! ik verlang naar Uw heil, en Uw wet is al mijn vermaking.
Yahweh, I eagerly desire for you to rescue/save me [from my enemies]; I am delighted with your laws.
175 Laat mijn ziel leven, en zij zal U loven, en laat Uw rechten mij helpen.
Allow me to [continue to] live in order that I can [continue to] praise you, and that your regulations/rules [that you have given to us] will continue to help me.
176 Ik heb gedwaald als een verloren schaap; zoek Uw knecht, want Uw geboden heb ik niet vergeten.
I have [wandered away from you] like [SIM] a sheep that has become lost; search for me, because I have not forgotten (your commands/what you have commanded us).