Aionian Verses
En al zijn zonen, en al zijn dochteren maakten zich op, om hem te troosten; maar hij weigerde zich te laten troosten, en zeide: Want ik zal, rouw bedrijvende, tot mijn zoon in het graf nederdalen. Alzo beweende hem zijn vader. (Sheol )
All of his children came to try to comfort him, but he did not pay attention to what they said. He said, “No, I will still be mourning/crying when I die and go to be with my son.” So Joseph’s father continued to cry because of what had happened to his son. (Sheol )
Maar hij zeide: Mijn zoon zal met ulieden niet aftrekken; want zijn broeder is dood, en hij is alleen overgebleven; zo hem een verderf ontmoette op den weg, dien gij zult gaan, zo zoudt gij mijn grauwe haren met droefenis ten grave doen nederdalen. (Sheol )
But Jacob said, “No, I will not let my son go down there with you. His [older] brother is dead, and he is the only [one of my wife Rachel’s] sons who is left! If something harms him while you are traveling, you would cause me, a gray-haired old man, to die because of sorrow.” (Sheol )
Indien gij nu deze ook van mijn aangezicht wegneemt, en hem een verderf ontmoette, zo zoudt gij mijn grauwe haren met jammer ten grave doen nederdalen! (Sheol )
I am an old gray-haired man. If you take this other one from me, too, and something harms him, you would cause me to die because of my sorrow.’ (Sheol )
Zo zal het geschieden, als hij ziet, dat de jongeling er niet is, dat hij sterven zal; en uw knechten zullen de grauwe haren van uw knecht, onzen vader, met droefenis ten grave doen nederdalen. (Sheol )
If he sees that the boy is not with us when we return to him, he will die. We will cause our gray-haired father to die because of his sorrow. (Sheol )
Maar indien de HEERE wat nieuws zal scheppen, en het aardrijk zijn mond zal opendoen, en verslinden hen met alles wat hunner is, en zij levend ter helle zullen nedervaren; alsdan zult gij bekennen, dat deze mannen de HEERE getergd hebben. (Sheol )
But if Yahweh does something that has never happened before, if he causes the ground [that is under their feet] to open up and swallow these men [and their families] and all their possessions, and they fall into the opening and are buried while they are still alive, then you will know that these men have insulted Yahweh.” (Sheol )
En zij voeren neder, zij en alles wat hunner was, levend ter helle; en de aarde overdekte hen, en zij kwamen om uit het midden der gemeente. (Sheol )
They fell into the opening in the ground while they were still alive, and all their possessions fell into the opening also. They disappeared, and the ground closed back up again. (Sheol )
Want een vuur is aangestoken in Mijn toorn, en zal bernen tot in de onderste hel, en zal het land met zijn inkomst verteren, en de gronden der bergen in vlam zetten. (Sheol )
I will be very angry, and I will destroy them like a fire that will burn on the earth and all the way down to the place where dead people are [MET]; that fire will destroy the earth and everything that grows on it, and it will even burn what is down under the mountains. (Sheol )
De HEERE doodt en maakt levend; Hij doet ter helle nederdalen, en Hij doet weder opkomen. (Sheol )
Yahweh, you cause some people to die, and you restore some people who are almost dead. For some people, [it seems that they will soon] go to where the dead people are, but you cause them to become healthy again. (Sheol )
Banden der hel omringden mij; strikken des doods bejegenden mij. (Sheol )
I thought that I would die; it was as though death wrapped ropes around me; it was as though I was in a trap where I would surely die. [PRS, MET] (Sheol )
Doe dan naar uw wijsheid, dat gij zijn grauwe haar niet met vrede in het graf laat dalen. (Sheol )
Because you are wise, do to him what you think is best [for you to do], but do not allow him to become old [MTY] and then die [IDM] peacefully. (Sheol )
Maar nu, houd hem niet onschuldig, dewijl gij een wijs man zijt; en gij zult weten, wat gij hem doen zult, opdat gij zijn grauwe haar met bloed in het graf doet dalen. (Sheol )
But now you must [LIT] surely punish him. You are a wise man, so you will know what you should do to him. He is an old man [MTY], but be sure that he [loses/sheds] a lot of blood when you kill him [MTY].” (Sheol )
Een wolk vergaat en vaart henen; alzo die in het graf daalt, zal niet weder opkomen. (Sheol )
Like [SIM] clouds (disperse/break up) and then disappear, people [die and] descend to the place where dead people are, and they do not return; (Sheol )
Zij is als de hoogten der hemelen, wat kunt gij doen? Dieper dan de hel, wat kunt gij weten? (Sheol )
[What there is to know about God] is greater than [the distance from earth to] heaven; so there is no way [RHQ] that you can [understand it all]. It is greater than [the distance from here to] the place of the dead; so it is impossible for you [RHQ] to know it all. (Sheol )
Och, of Gij mij in het graf verstaakt, mij verborgt, totdat Uw toorn zich afkeerde; dat Gij mij een bepaling steldet, en mijner gedachtig waart! (Sheol )
[“Yahweh, ] I wish that you would put me safely in the place of the dead and forget about me until you are no longer angry with me. I wish that you would decide how much time I would spend there, and then remember [that] I [am there]. (Sheol )
Zo ik wacht, het graf zal mijn huis wezen; in de duisternis zal ik mijn bed spreiden. (Sheol )
If my home will be the place where dead people are, where will I sleep in the darkness? (Sheol )
Zij zullen ondervaren met de handbomen des grafs, als er rust te zamen in het stof wezen zal. (Sheol )
After I descend to the place where the dead are, (will I be able to confidently expect anything good there?/I certainly will not be able to confidently expect anything good there.) [RHQ] [It will be as though] [RHQ] I and the things I hope for will descend with me into the dust [where the dead are].” (Sheol )
In het goede verslijten zij hun dagen; en in een ogenblik dalen zij in het graf. (Sheol )
Wicked people enjoy having good things all the time that they are alive, and they die quietly/peacefully and go down to the place of the dead. (Sheol )
De droogte mitsgaders de hitte nemen de sneeuwwateren weg; alzo het graf dergenen, die gezondigd hebben. (Sheol )
Just like the snow melts away when it is hot and there is no rain, those who have sinned disappear into the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
De hel is naakt voor Hem, en geen deksel is er voor het verderf. (Sheol )
God knows all about [those who are in] the place of the dead; there is nothing down there that prevents God from seeing what is there. (Sheol )
Want in de dood is Uwer geen gedachtenis; wie zal U loven in het graf? (Sheol )
I will not be able to praise you after I die [RHQ]; No one in the place of the dead praises you. (Sheol )
De goddelozen zullen terugkeren, naar de hel toe, alle godvergetende heidenen. (Sheol )
Wicked people will all [die and] be buried in their graves, and [their spirits] will go to be with all those who have (forgotten about/rejected) you. (Sheol )
Want Gij zult mijn ziel in de hel niet verlaten; Gij zult niet toelaten, dat Uw Heilige de verderving zie. (Sheol )
because you, Yahweh, will not allow my soul/spirit to remain in the place where the dead people are; you will not allow me, your godly one, to stay there. (Sheol )
Banden der hel omringden mij, strikken des doods bejegenden mij. (Sheol )
[It was as though] the place where dead people are had ropes that were wrapped around me, or [it was as though] there was a trap [MET] that would [seize and] kill me. (Sheol )
HEERE! Gij hebt mijn ziel uit het graf opgevoerd; Gij hebt mij bij het leven behouden, dat ik in den kuil niet ben nedergedaald. (Sheol )
You saved/restored me when I was dying [MTY]. I was nearly dead, but you caused me to get well again. (Sheol )
HEERE! laat mij niet beschaamd worden, want ik roep U aan; laat de goddelozen beschaamd worden, laat hen zwijgen in het graf. (Sheol )
Yahweh, I call out to you, so do not allow me to be disgraced. I desire that wicked people will be disgraced; I want them to [soon die and] go down to the place where the dead people are. (Sheol )
Men zet hen als schapen in het graf, de dood zal hen afweiden; en de oprechten zullen over hen heersen in dien morgenstond; en het graf zal hun gedaante verslijten, elk uit zijn woning. (Sheol )
They are certain to die just like sheep, when a shepherd leads them away to be slaughtered. [PRS, MET] In the morning righteous people will rule over them, and then [those wealthy people will die and] their bodies will quickly decay in their graves; they will be where dead people are, far from their homes. (Sheol )
Maar God zal mijn ziel van het geweld des grafs verlossen, want Hij zal mij opnemen. (Sela) (Sheol )
But it is certain that God will rescue me so that I am not kept in the place of the dead. (Sheol )
Dat hun de dood als een schuldeiser overvalle, dat zij als levend ter helle nederdalen; want boosheden zijn in hun woning, in het binnenste van hen. (Sheol )
I desire/hope that my enemies will die suddenly; while they are still young, cause them to go down to the place where the dead people are. They they think evil things. (Sheol )
Want Uw goedertierenheid is groot over mij; en Gij hebt mijn ziel uit het onderste des grafs uitgerukt. (Sheol )
You faithfully love me very much; you have prevented me from [dying and going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
Want mijn ziel is der tegenheden zat, en mijn leven raakt tot aan het graf. (Sheol )
I have experienced many troubles/difficulties, and I am about to die [MTY] and go where dead people are. (Sheol )
Wat man leeft er, die den dood niet zien zal, die zijn ziel zal bevrijden van het geweld des grafs? (Sela) (Sheol )
No one can [RHQ] keep on living and never die; (No one can [RHQ] avoid going/Everyone will go) to the place of the dead. (Sheol )
De banden des doods hadden mij omvangen, en de angsten der hel hadden mij getroffen; ik vond benauwdheid en droefenis. (Sheol )
Everything around me [MET] caused me to think that I would die; I was very afraid that I would [die and go to] the place where dead people are. I was very distressed/worried and afraid. (Sheol )
Zo ik opvoer ten hemel, Gij zijt daar; of bedde ik mij in de hel, zie, Gij zijt daar. (Sheol )
If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I lay down in the place where the dead people are, you would be there. (Sheol )
Onze beenderen zijn verstrooid aan den mond des grafs, gelijk of iemand op de aarde iets gekloofd en verdeeld had. (Sheol )
Like a log that is split and cut into small pieces [SIM], their shattered bones will be scattered [on the ground] near [other] graves. (Sheol )
Laat ons hen levend verslinden, als het graf; ja, geheel en al, gelijk die in den kuil nederdalen; (Sheol )
We will kill them [HYP] and get rid of them completely, [just] like [people who are buried in] graves are gone forever. While they are in good health, we will send them to the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
Haar voeten dalen naar den dood, haar treden houden de hel vast. (Sheol )
If you go where she goes [MTY], you will go down to where the dead people are. Her steps will lead you straight to the grave. (Sheol )
Haar huis zijn wegen des grafs, dalende naar de binnenkameren des doods. (Sheol )
The road to her house is the road to the grave. Those who enter her bedroom [PRS] will die as a result. (Sheol )
Maar hij weet niet, dat aldaar doden zijn; haar genoden zijn in de diepten der hel. (Sheol )
But men who go to those women’s houses do not know that those who have gone there are now dead; they have descended down into the deepest parts of the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
De hel en het verderf zijn voor den HEERE; hoeveel te meer de harten van des mensenkinderen? (Sheol )
Yahweh knows [what is happening in] the place where dead people [DOU] are, so he certainly knows [RHQ] what people are thinking. (Sheol )
De weg des levens is den verstandige naar boven; opdat hij afwijke van de hel, beneden. (Sheol )
Wise people walk on a road that leads up to a long life; they do not walk on a road that leads down to the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
Gij zult hem met de roede slaan, en zijn ziel van de hel redden. (Sheol )
and it may save them from [going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol )
De hel en het verderf worden niet verzadigd; alzo worden de ogen des mensen niet verzadigd. (Sheol )
[It is as though] the place where the dead people are is always wanting more people to [die and] come there; and humans [SYN] are always wanting to acquire more things, [too]. (Sheol )
Het graf, de gesloten baarmoeder, de aarde, die van water niet verzadigd wordt, en het vuur zegt niet: Het is genoeg! (Sheol )
The place where the dead people are; women who do not have any children; ground that needs water/rain; and a fire that always needs more wood. (Sheol )
Alles, wat uw hand vindt om te doen, doe dat met uw macht; want er is geen werk, noch verzinning, noch wetenschap, noch wijsheid in het graf, daar gij heengaat. (Sheol )
Whatever you are able to do, do it with all your energy, because [some time you will die], and in the place of the dead where you are going, no one works or plans to do anything or knows anything or is wise. (Sheol )
Zet mij als een zegel op Uw hart, als een zegel op Uw arm; want de liefde is sterk als de dood; de ijver is hard als het graf; haar kolen zijn vurige kolen, vlammen des HEEREN. (Sheol )
Keep me [close to you], like [SIM] a seal on your heart, [or] like [SIM] a bracelet on your arm. Our love [for each other] is as powerful as death, it is as enduring as the grave. [It is as though] our love [for each other] bursts into flames and burns like a hot fire. (Sheol )
Daarom zal het graf zichzelf wijd opensperren, en zijn mond opendoen, zonder maat; opdat nederdale haar heerlijkheid, en haar menigte, met haar gedruis, en die in haar van vreugde opspringt. (Sheol )
[It is as though] [PRS] the place where the dead people are is eagerly looking for more Israeli people, opening its mouth to swallow them, and a huge number of people will be thrown into that place, including their leaders as well as a noisy crowd of people who enjoy living in Jerusalem. (Sheol )
Eis u een teken van den HEERE, uw God; eis beneden in de diepte, of eis boven uit de hoogte. (Sheol )
[He said to tell him], “Request me, Yahweh your God, to do something that will enable you to be sure [that I will help/protect you]. What you request can be [from a place that is] as high as the sky or as low as the place where the dead people are.” (Sheol )
De hel van onderen was beroerd om uwentwil, om u tegemoet te gaan, als gij kwaamt; zij wekt om uwentwil de doden op, al de bokken der aarde; zij doet al de koningen der heidenen van hun tronen opstaan. (Sheol )
The dead people are [PRS] are eagerly waiting for you to come to the place where they are. The spirits of the world leaders will be delighted to welcome you; those who were kings of many nations [before they died] will stand up [to welcome you]. (Sheol )
Uw hovaardij is in de hel nedergestort, met het geklank uwer luiten; de maden zullen onder u gestrooid worden, en de wormen zullen u bedekken. (Sheol )
You were very proud and powerful, [but all] that ended when you died, along with the sounds of harps [being played in your palace]. [Now in your grave] maggots will be under you [like a sheet] [MET], and worms will cover you [like a blanket] [MET]. (Sheol )
Ja, in de hel zult gij nedergestoten worden, aan de zijden van den kuil! (Sheol )
[But you were not able to do that]; instead, you were carried down to your grave, and you went to the place where the dead people are. (Sheol )
Omdat gijlieden zegt: Wij hebben een verbond met den dood gemaakt, en met de hel hebben wij een voorzichtig verdrag gemaakt; wanneer de overvloeiende gesel doortrekken zal, zal hij tot ons niet komen; want wij hebben de leugen ons tot een toevlucht gesteld, en onder de valsheid hebben wij ons verborgen. (Sheol )
You [boast] saying, “We have made an alliance with [the leaders of Egypt], so we will not be killed [in battles]; we will never go to the place where the dead people are. When the [army of Assyria] attacks us, they will never defeat us, because we have made [an agreement with Egypt] to protect us!” [But that agreement consists of] a lot of lies [DOU]. (Sheol )
En ulieder verbond met den dood zal te niet worden, en uw voorzichtig verdrag met de hel zal niet bestaan; wanneer de overvloeiende gesel doortrekken zal, dan zult gijlieden van denzelven vertreden worden. (Sheol )
I will annul/destroy the agreement that you made [with the leaders of Egypt]. You thought that [because of that agreement] you would not be killed, and you would not go to the place where the dead are. [But] when the vast [army of Assyria] overwhelms you like a flood, they will trample you into the ground. (Sheol )
Ik zeide: Vanwege de afsnijding mijner dagen, zal ik tot de poorten des grafs heengaan, ik word beroofd van het overige mijner jaren. (Sheol )
I thought to myself, “Is it necessary for me to die and go to the place where the dead people are during this time of my life when I am still strong? Is Yahweh going to rob me of the remaining years that I [should live]?” (Sheol )
Want het graf zal U niet loven, de dood zal U niet prijzen; die in den kuil nederdalen, zullen op Uw waarheid niet hopen. (Sheol )
Dead people [MTY] cannot praise you; they cannot sing to praise you. Those who have descended to their graves cannot confidently expect you to faithfully [do things for them]. (Sheol )
En gij trekt met olie tot den koning, en gij vermenigvuldigt uw welriekende zalven; en gij zendt uw gezanten verre weg, en vernedert u tot de hel toe. (Sheol )
You have given [fragrant] oil and lots of perfume to your god Molech, and you sent messengers to distant countries [to find other gods to worship]; you [even tried to] send [messengers] to the place of the dead [to search for new gods]. (Sheol )
Zo zegt de Heere HEERE: Ten dage, als hij ter helle nederdaalde, maakte Ik een treuren; Ik bedekte om zijnentwil den afgrond, en weerde de stromen van dien, en de grote wateren werden geschut; en Ik maakte den Libanon om zijnentwil zwart, en al het geboomte des velds was om zijnentwil bewonden. (Sheol )
This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘When that great tree was cut down, [it was as though] the springs that watered it mourned for it, because I caused the plentiful water [from the springs] to dry up. I caused [the mountains in] Lebanon to become black, and all the trees there to wither. (Sheol )
Van het geluid zijns vals deed Ik de heidenen beven, als Ik hem ter helle deed nederdalen, met degenen, die in den kuil nederdalen; en alle bomen van Eden, de keur en het beste van Libanon, alle bomen, die water drinken, troostten zich in het onderste der aarde. (Sheol )
I caused the people of other nations to tremble when they heard that tree fall to the ground. [They realized] that it would decay, like all people who die and are buried decay. And all the [leaders of other countries represented by] other beautiful trees in my garden in Eden and in Lebanon, were like beautiful trees [that were very proud]. They were ones which had roots that grew down deep into the [ground where there was plenty of] water. They were comforted when [the king represented by] [MET] that cedar tree was there with them in the place where the dead people are. (Sheol )
Diezelve daalden ook met hem neder ter helle, tot de verslagenen van het zwaard; en die zijn arm geweest waren, die onder zijn schaduw in het midden der heidenen gezeten hadden. (Sheol )
The [leaders of other countries represented by] [MET] trees that grew in the shade of the huge tree, [the allies of] the great nation [that the cedar tree represents], had also joined those who had been killed by the sword and gone down to where the dead people are. (Sheol )
De machtigste der helden zullen hem, met zijn helpers, toespreken, uit het midden der hel; zij zijn nedergedaald, de onbesnedenen liggen er, verslagen van het zwaard; (Sheol )
In the place where the dead people are, mighty leaders [of other countries] will [make fun of the people of Egypt] and say, “They have come here to lie with us godless people who were killed by our enemies’ swords!”’ (Sheol )
Maar zij liggen niet met de helden, die onder de onbesnedenen gevallen zijn; die ter helle zijn nedergedaald met hun krijgswapenen, en welker zwaarden men gelegd heeft onder hun hoofden; welker ongerechtigheid nochtans op hun beenderen is, omdat der helden schrik in het land der levenden geweest is. (Sheol )
They will surely [RHQ] not be buried honorably like the soldiers who have died, whose shields were buried with their corpses, whose swords were placed on their skulls in the graves. While those godless people were alive, they had caused many people in the land to be terrified, so they were punished for their sins. (Sheol )
Doch Ik zal hen van het geweld der hel verlossen, Ik zal ze vrijmaken van den dood: o dood! waar zijn uw pestilentien? hel! waar is uw verderf? Berouw zal van Mijn ogen verborgen zijn, (Sheol )
I certainly will not [RHQ] save you from being killed and from going to the place where the dead people are. I will [RHQ] cause you to be afflicted by plagues and to die and be buried in graves. I will not be merciful [to you]. (Sheol )
Al groeven zij tot in de hel, zo zal Mijn hand ze van daar halen, en al klommen zij in den hemel, zo zal Ik ze van daar doen nederdalen. (Sheol )
If they dig deep pits in the ground, or if they try to climb up to the sky [in order to escape], I will reach out and grab them. (Sheol )
En hij zeide: Ik riep uit mijn benauwdheid tot den HEERE, en Hij antwoordde mij; uit den buik des grafs schreide ik, en Gij hoordet mijn stem. (Sheol )
Jonah said, “Yahweh, when I was greatly distressed [here], I prayed to you, and you heard what I [prayed]. When I was [about to descend way down into] the place where dead people go, you heard me when I called out [for you to help/save me]. (Sheol )
En ook dewijl hij trouwelooslijk handelt bij den wijn, een trots man is, en in zijn woning niet blijft; die zijn ziel wijd opendoet als het graf, en gelijk de dood is, die niet zat wordt, en tot zich verzamelt al de heidenen, en vergadert tot zich alle volken. (Sheol )
If people [trust in their wealth], they will deceive themselves, and proud people are never able to rest. [It is as though] the greedy people [of Babylonia open their mouths] as wide as the place where dead people are, and they never have enough, like [the place where] dead people go never has enough dead people [PRS]. The [armies of Babylonia] conquer many nations for themselves, and capture all their people. (Sheol )
Doch Ik zeg u: Zo wie te onrecht op zijn broeder toornig is, die zal strafbaar zijn door het gericht; en wie tot zijn broeder zegt: Raka! die zal strafbaar zijn door den groten raad; maar wie zegt: Gij dwaas! die zal strafbaar zijn door het helse vuur. (Geenna )
But what I say to you is this: [If you are] angry with someone, [God] will judge you. If you say to someone, ‘[You are worthless],’ the Jewish Council will judge you. If you [hate someone], and say to them 'You fool!' you. yourself, will be in danger of being thrown into the fires in hell. (Geenna )
Indien dan uw rechteroog u ergert, trekt het uit, en werpt het van u; want het is u nut, dat een uwer leden verga, en niet uw gehele lichaam in de hel geworpen worde. (Geenna )
If because of what you see [MTY] you [are tempted to] sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it!] It is good [that you not sin and] as a result [go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both of] your eyes. But it is not good [that you continue to have two eyes and sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell. (Geenna )
En indien uw rechterhand u ergert, houwt ze af, en werpt ze van u; want het is u nut, dat een uwer leden verga, en niet uw gehele lichaam in de hel geworpen worde. (Geenna )
If you are [tempted to] use one of your hands to sin [MTY], [stop using your hand. Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you do not sin and as a result you go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both] of your [hands]. But it is not good [that you sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell.” (Geenna )
En vreest niet voor degenen, die het lichaam doden, en de ziel niet kunnen doden; maar vreest veel meer Hem, Die beide ziel en lichaam kan verderven in de hel. (Geenna )
Do not be afraid of people who [are able to] kill your body [SYN] but are not able to destroy your soul. Instead, fear [God because] he is able to destroy both a [person’s] body and a [person’s] soul in hell. (Geenna )
En gij, Kapernaum! die tot den hemel toe zijt verhoogd, gij zult tot de hel toe nedergestoten worden. Want zo in Sodom die krachten waren geschied, die in u geschied zijn, zij zouden tot op den huidigen dag gebleven zijn. (Hadēs )
[also have something to say to] you [people who live in] Capernaum [city] [MTY]. (Do not [think that] you will be honored {that [God] will honor you} in heaven!/Do you think that you will be honored {that [God] will honor you} in heaven?) [RHQ] [That will not happen! On the contrary, after you die, you will be sent] {[God] will send you} down into the place where [sinful people] will be punished {he will punish sinful people} [forever. God destroyed the ancient city of] Sodom [because the people who lived in that city were extremely wicked]. If I had performed in [Sodom the miracles that I performed in your city, the people there would have turned away from their wicked behavior and] their [city] [MET] would still exist now [MTY]. But you, [although I did miracles in your city, you did not turn from your wicked behavior]. (Hadēs )
En zo wie enig woord gesproken zal hebben tegen den Zoon des mensen, het zal hem vergeven worden; maar zo wie tegen den Heiligen Geest zal gesproken hebben, het zal hem niet vergeven worden, noch in deze eeuw, noch in de toekomende. (aiōn )
[God is willing to] forgive people who criticize [me], the One who came from heaven. But I [warn you that] those who say evil things about what the Holy Spirit [does] will not be forgiven {[God] will not forgive people who speak evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does]}. They will not be forgiven {[He] will not forgive them} now, and they will never be forgiven {[he] will never forgive them}.” (aiōn )
En die in de doornen bezaaid is, deze is degene, die het Woord hoort; en de zorgvuldigheid dezer wereld, en de verleiding des rijkdoms verstikt het Woord, en het wordt onvruchtbaar. (aiōn )
[Some people are like the soil that had the roots of] thorny [weeds] in it. They hear God’s message, but they desire to be rich, [so they] worry [only] about [MTY, PRS] material things. As a result, they [PRS] forget [God’s] message, and they do not do [IDM] the things that God wants them to do. (aiōn )
En de vijand, die hetzelve gezaaid heeft, is de duivel; en de oogst is de voleinding der wereld; en de maaiers zijn de engelen. (aiōn )
The enemy who sowed the weed seeds represents the devil. The [time when the reapers will] harvest [the grain] represents the time when the world will end. The reapers represent the angels. (aiōn )
Gelijkerwijs dan het onkruid vergaderd, en met vuur verbrand wordt, alzo zal het ook zijn in de voleinding dezer wereld. (aiōn )
The weeds are gathered and burned. {The reapers gather the weeds. Then they burn them.} That represents [the judging of people, which God will do] when the world will end. [It will be like this]: (aiōn )
Alzo zal het in de voleinding der eeuwen wezen; de engelen zullen uitgaan, en de bozen uit het midden der rechtvaardigen afscheiden; (aiōn )
[What they did in separating the good fish from the bad ones] is like [what will happen to people] when the world ends. The angels will come [to where God is judging people], and will separate the wicked [people] from the righteous [ones]. (aiōn )
En Ik zeg u ook, dat gij zijt Petrus, en op deze petra zal Ik Mijn gemeente bouwen, en de poorten der hel zullen dezelve niet overweldigen. (Hadēs )
I will also tell you this: You are Peter, [which means rock]. [You are like] a rock. What you [and your fellow apostles teach] (OR, [what] you [do]) [will be like a foundation on which I] will create congregations of people who [believe in] me. And the demons [PRS], [who live] where the dead people who lived evil lives are, will not be able to [come and] prevent [MET] [me from doing] that.” (Hadēs )
Indien dan uw hand of uw voet u ergert, houwt ze af en werpt ze van u. Het is u beter, tot het leven in te gaan, kreupel of verminkt zijnde, dan twee handen of twee voeten hebbende, in het eeuwige vuur geworpen te worden. (aiōnios )
So, if you [are wanting to use] one of your hands or feet to sin, [stop using that hand or foot! Even if you have to] cut it off [to avoid sinning, do it] [MET]! It is good [that you not sin and] go where you will live [with God eternally, even though while you are still here on earth] you are maimed or lame and do not have a hand or a foot. But it is not good that you continue to have your two hands and two feet [and do] [MTY] [the sinful things you want to, and as a result], you are thrown into [hell], where there is eternal fire burning. (aiōnios , questioned)
En indien uw oog u ergert, trekt het uit, en werpt het van u. Het is u beter, maar een oog hebbende, tot het leven in te gaan, dan twee ogen hebbende, in het helse vuur geworpen te worden. (Geenna )
If what you see you [makes you want] to sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you not sin and] go where you will live [with God eternally, even though while you are still here on earth] you have only one eye. But it is not good that you continue to have your two eyes [and do the sinful things you want to, and as a result], you are thrown {God throws you} into hell where there is eternal fire burning.” (Geenna )
En ziet, er kwam een tot Hem, en zeide tot Hem: Goede Meester! wat zal ik goeds doen, opdat ik het eeuwige leven hebbe? (aiōnios )
[As Jesus was walking along, a young] man approached him and said [to him], “Teacher, what good [deeds] must I do in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios )
En zo wie zal verlaten hebben, huizen, of broeders, of zusters, of vader, of moeder, of vrouw, of kinderen, of akkers, om Mijns Naams wil, die zal honderdvoud ontvangen, en het eeuwige leven beerven. (aiōnios )
[God will reward] those who, because of being my [disciples], have left [behind] a house or plot of ground, [their] brothers, [their] sisters, their father, their mother, their children, [or any other family] [MTY] [members]. [God] will give them 100 times [as many benefits as they have given up]. And they will live [with God] eternally. (aiōnios )
En ziende, een vijgeboom aan den weg, ging Hij naar hem toe, en vond niets aan denzelven, dan alleenlijk bladeren; en zeide tot hem: Uit u worde geen vrucht meer in der eeuwigheid! En de vijgeboom verdorde terstond. (aiōn )
He saw a fig tree near the road. [So he went over to it to pick some figs to eat]. But when he got close, he saw that there were no [figs on the tree]. There were only leaves on it. So [to illustrate how God would punish the nation of Israel], he said to the fig tree, “May you never again produce figs!” As a result, the fig tree withered that night. (aiōn )
Wee u, gij Schriftgeleerden en Farizeen, gij geveinsden, want gij omreist zee en land, om een Jodengenoot te maken, en als hij het geworden is, zo maakt gij hem een kind der helle, tweemaal meer dan gij zijt. (Geenna )
“You are hypocrites, you men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees! Your punishment will be terrible, because you exert yourselves very much to get [even] one person to believe what you teach. For instance, you travel across seas and lands [to distant places] in order to do that. And [as a result], when one person [believes what you teach], you make that person much more deserving to go to hell than you yourselves [deserve to].” (Geenna )
Gij slangen, gij adderengebroedsels! hoe zoudt gij de helse verdoemenis ontvlieden? (Geenna )
[You people are so wicked] You are [as dangerous as poisonous] snakes [DOU, MET]! (You [foolishly] think that you will escape being punished in hell!/Do you [foolishly] think that you will escape when [God] punishes [wicked people] in hell?) [RHQ] (Geenna )
En als Hij op den Olijfberg gezeten was, gingen de discipelen tot Hem alleen, zeggende: Zeg ons, wanneer zullen deze dingen zijn, en welk zal het teken zijn van Uw toekomst, en van de voleinding der wereld? (aiōn )
[Later], as Jesus was sitting alone on [the slope of] Olive [Tree] Hill, [we] disciples went to him and asked him, “When will this happen [to the buildings of the Temple? Also, tell us what will happen to indicate that you are about to] come again, and [to indicate] that this world is ending?” (aiōn )
Dan zal Hij zeggen ook tot degenen, die ter linker hand zijn: Gaat weg van Mij, gij vervloekten, in het eeuwige vuur, hetwelk den duivel en zijn engelen bereid is. (aiōnios )
Then I will say to those on my left, ‘You people who have been cursed [by God] {whom God has cursed}, leave me! Go into the eternal fire that God has prepared for (the devil/Satan) and his angels! (aiōnios )
En dezen zullen gaan in de eeuwige pijn; maar de rechtvaardigen in het eeuwige leven. (aiōnios )
Then those people [on my left] will go away to the place where [they] will be punished {[God] will punish them} eternally, but the righteous people will go to where they will live forever [with God].” (aiōnios )
lerende hen onderhouden alles, wat Ik u geboden heb. En ziet, Ik ben met ulieden al de dagen tot de voleinding der wereld. Amen. (aiōn )
Teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember that [by the Spirit] I will be with you always, until the end of [this] age.” (aiōn )
Maar zo wie zal gelasterd hebben tegen den Heiligen Geest, die heeft geen vergeving in der eeuwigheid, maar hij is schuldig des eeuwigen oordeels. (aiōn , aiōnios )
But if anyone speaks evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does], [God] will never forgive that. That person’s guilt will remain with him forever.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
En de zorgvuldigheden dezer wereld, en de verleiding des rijkdoms en de begeerlijkheden omtrent de andere dingen, inkomende, verstikken het Woord, en het wordt onvruchtbaar. (aiōn )
they desire to be rich, and they desire to own many other things. So they worry [only] about material things. The result is that they forget [God’s] message and they do not do [the things that God wants them to do]. (aiōn )
En indien uw hand u ergert, houwt ze af; het is u beter verminkt tot het leven in te gaan, dan de twee handen hebbende, heen te gaan in de hel, in het onuitblusselijk vuur; (Geenna )
[So], if you are [wanting to use one of] [MTY, PRS] [your hands to sin, stop using your hand! Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good that you not sin and that you live eternally, [even though you lack one of] your hands [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and as a result God throws your whole body into hell. There the fires never go out! (Geenna )
En indien uw voet u ergert, houwt hem af; het is u beter kreupel tot het leven in te gaan, dan de twee voeten hebbende, geworpen te worden in de hel, in het onuitblusselijk vuur; (Geenna )
If you are [wanting to use] one of [PRS] your feet to sin, [stop using your foot! Even if you have to] cut off your foot [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good that you not sin and live eternally, [even though] you lack one of your feet [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and go to hell. (Geenna )
En indien uw oog u ergert, werpt het uit; het is u beter maar een oog hebbende in het Koninkrijk Gods in te gaan, dan twee ogen hebbende, in het helse vuur geworpen te worden; (Geenna )
If because of what you see [MTY, PRS] you are tempted to sin, [stop looking at those things]! Even if you have to gouge out your eye and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it! It is good that you not sin and live eternally, even though you lack one of] your eyes [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and, as a result, God puts your whole body in hell. (Geenna )
En als Hij uitging op den weg, liep een tot Hem, en voor Hem op de knieen vallende, vraagde Hem: Goede Meester! wat zal ik doen, opdat ik het eeuwige leven beerve? (aiōnios )
As Jesus was starting to travel [again with his disciples], a [young] man ran up to him. He knelt before Jesus and then he asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life/in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios )
Of hij ontvangt honderdvoud, nu in dezen tijd, huizen, en broeders, en zusters, en moeders, en kinderen, en akkers, met de vervolgingen, en in de toekomende eeuw het eeuwige leven. (aiōn , aiōnios )
will receive in this life 100 times as much [as they left behind. That will include houses and people as dear as] brothers and sisters and mothers and children, and plots of ground. Furthermore, although people will persecute them [here on earth because they believe in me], in the future age [they] will ([have] eternal life/live [with God] eternally). (aiōn , aiōnios )
En Jezus, antwoordende, zeide tot denzelven: Niemand ete enige vrucht meer van u in der eeuwigheid! En Zijn discipelen hoorden het. (aiōn )
[But to illustrate how God would punish the nation of Israel, ] he said to the tree, “No one shall ever eat from you again [because you will no longer bear figs].” The disciples heard what he said. (aiōn )
En Hij zal over het huis Jakobs Koning zijn in der eeuwigheid, en Zijns Koninkrijks zal geen einde zijn. (aiōn )
He will be the King of [the] Jews, the descendants [MTY] of [your ancestor] Jacob, forever. He will rule as king forever!” (aiōn )
(Gelijk Hij gesproken heeft tot onze vaderen, namelijk tot Abraham, en zijn zaad) in eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
He promised to Abraham and all our other ancestors who descended from him that he would act mercifully toward them forever.” (aiōn )
Gelijk Hij gesproken heeft door den mond Zijner heilige profeten, die van het begin der wereld geweest zijn; (aiōn )
Long ago God caused his prophets to say that he would do that. (aiōn )
En zij baden Hem, dat Hij hun niet gebieden zou in den afgrond heen te varen. (Abyssos )
[The demons] kept begging [Jesus] that he would not command them to go into the deep place [where God punishes demons]. (Abyssos )
En gij, Kapernaum, die tot den hemel toe verhoogd zijt, gij zult tot de hel toe nedergestoten worden. (Hadēs )
[I also have something to say to] you [people who live in] Capernaum [city]. (Do not [think that you will be honored] {[that God] will honor you} in heaven!/Do you [think that you will be honored] {[that God] will honor you} in heaven?) [RHQ] [That will not happen! On the contrary], [after you die, God] will send you down to the place where [sinful people] will be punished [forever]!” (Hadēs )
En ziet, een zeker wetgeleerde stond op, Hem verzoekende, en zeggende: Meester, wat doende zal ik het eeuwige leven beerven? (aiōnios )
[One day as Jesus was teaching people], a man was there who had studied carefully the laws that [God gave Moses]. He wanted to ask Jesus a difficult question. So he stood up and asked, “Teacher, what shall I do in order to live [with God] forever?” (aiōnios )
Maar Ik zal u tonen, Wien gij vrezen zult: vreest Dien, Die, nadat Hij gedood heeft, ook macht heeft in de hel te werpen; ja, Ik zeg u, vreest Dien! (Geenna )
But I will warn you about the one that you should truly be afraid of. You should be afraid of [God], because he not only has [the power to] cause people to die, he has the power to throw them into hell afterward! Yes, he is truly the one that you should be afraid of! (Geenna )
En de heer prees den onrechtvaardigen rentmeester, omdat hij voorzichtiglijk gedaan had; want de kinderen dezer wereld zijn voorzichtiger, dan de kinderen des lichts, in hun geslacht. (aiōn )
When his master [heard what the manager had done], he admired the dishonest manager for the clever thing he had done. [The truth] is that the ungodly people in this world act more wisely toward other people than godly people [MET] act. (aiōn )
En Ik zeg ulieden: Maakt uzelven vrienden uit den onrechtvaardigen Mammon, opdat, wanneer u ontbreken zal, zij u mogen ontvangen in de eeuwige tabernakelen. (aiōnios )
[So] I tell you [(pl)] this: Use the money that you have [here] on earth to help others so that they will become your friends. Then when [you die and] you cannot [take] any money with you, [God and his angels] will welcome you into a home [in heaven] that will last forever. (aiōnios )
En de rijke stierf ook, en werd begraven. En als hij in de hel zijn ogen ophief, zijnde in de pijn, zag hij Abraham van verre, en Lazarus in zijn schoot. (Hadēs )
In the place where dead people wait [for God to judge them], he was suffering great pain. He looked up and saw Abraham far away, and he saw Lazarus sitting close to Abraham. (Hadēs )
En een zeker overste vraagde Hem, zeggende: Goede Meester, wat doende zal ik het eeuwige leven beerven? (aiōnios )
A [Jewish] leader asked [Jesus], “Good teacher, what shall I do in order to have eternal life?” (aiōnios )
Die niet zal veelvoudig weder ontvangen in dezen tijd, en in de toekomende eeuw het eeuwige leven. (aiōn , aiōnios )
will receive in this life many times as much [as they left]. And in the future age they will (live eternally [with God]/ have eternal life).” (aiōn , aiōnios )
En Jezus, antwoordende, zeide tot hen: De kinderen dezer eeuw trouwen, en worden ten huwelijk uitgegeven; (aiōn )
Jesus replied to them, “Men who live here in this world take wives, or are given wives [by their parents] {their [parents] choose wives [for them]}. (aiōn )
Maar die waardig zullen geacht zijn die eeuw te verwerven en de opstanding uit de doden, zullen noch trouwen, noch ten huwelijk uitgegeven worden; (aiōn )
But the men whom God considers worthy of [being in heaven after] they become alive again will not be married. (aiōn )
Opdat een iegelijk, die in Hem gelooft, niet verderve, maar het eeuwige leven hebbe. (aiōnios )
As a result, everyone who believes/trusts in me will have eternal life.” (aiōnios )
Want alzo lief heeft God de wereld gehad, dat Hij Zijn eniggeboren Zoon gegeven heeft, opdat een iegelijk die in Hem gelooft, niet verderve, maar het eeuwige leven hebbe. (aiōnios )
God loved us people [MTY] in the world so much that he gave his only Son [as a sacrifice for us], in order that everyone who believes in him would not be separated from God forever. Instead, they would have eternal life. (aiōnios )
Die in den Zoon gelooft, die heeft het eeuwige leven; maar die den Zoon ongehoorzaam is, die zal het leven niet zien, maar de toorn Gods blijft op hem. (aiōnios )
Those who trust in [God’s] Son have eternal life. But those who reject God’s Son will never have [eternal] life. Instead, God is angry with them [and he will surely punish them]. (aiōnios )
Maar zo wie gedronken zal hebben van het water, dat Ik hem geven zal, dien zal in eeuwigheid niet dorsten; maar het water, dat Ik hem zal geven, zal in hem worden een fontein van water, springende tot in het eeuwige leven. (aiōn , aiōnios )
But those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. On the contrary, the water that I give them will become in their inner beings like a spring of water that will enable them to have eternal life.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
En die maait, ontvangt loon, en vergadert vrucht ten eeuwigen leven; opdat zich te zamen verblijde, beide, die zaait en die maait. (aiōnios )
[If you help them to accept my message], I will reward you [MET], [as an owner of a field] pays those who harvest the crops. Because of your work, people will gain eternal life.’ [I have been telling people God’s message. That is like] [MET] a man who plants seeds. [You will help people to accept my message. That will be like] [MET] harvesting crops. [When that happens], both you and I will rejoice. (aiōnios )
Voorwaar, voorwaar zeg Ik u: Die Mijn woord hoort, en gelooft Hem, Die Mij gezonden heeft, die heeft het eeuwige leven, en komt niet in de verdoemenis, maar is uit den dood overgegaan in het leven. (aiōnios )
Listen to this carefully: Those who hear my message and believe that [God] is the one who sent me have eternal life. [God will] not (condemn them/say that he will punish them). They are no longer separated from God. Instead, they have [eternal] life. (aiōnios )
Onderzoekt de Schriften; want gij meent in dezelve het eeuwige leven te hebben; en die zijn het, die van Mij getuigen. (aiōnios )
You carefully study (OR, Study) the Scriptures, because you think that by [studying] them you will [find the way to] have eternal life. And those Scriptures tell people about me! (aiōnios )
Werkt niet om de spijs, die vergaat, maar om de spijs, die blijft tot in het eeuwige leven, welke de Zoon des mensen ulieden geven zal; want Dezen heeft God de Vader verzegeld. (aiōnios )
Stop desiring food that will soon spoil! Instead, desire to get [spiritual] food that will last forever! Yearn for eternal life! That is what I, the one who came from heaven, will give you. God [my] Father has shown that he approves of me [enabling me to do that].” (aiōnios )
En dit is de wil Desgenen, Die Mij gezonden heeft, dat een iegelijk, die den Zoon aanschouwt, en in Hem gelooft, het eeuwige leven hebbe; en Ik zal hem opwekken ten uitersten dage. (aiōnios )
[Long ago in the desolate area when those who were bitten by snakes looked at the bronze replica of a snake, they were healed] [MET]. What my Father wants is that [similarly] everyone who looks at [what] I [have done] and believes in me will have eternal life. I will cause them to become alive again (on the last day/on the day [when I judge everyone]) [MTY].” (aiōnios )
Voorwaar, voorwaar zeg Ik u: Die in Mij gelooft, heeft het eeuwige leven. (aiōnios )
Listen to this carefully: Everyone who believes ([my message/in me]) has eternal life. (aiōnios )
Ik ben dat levende Brood, dat uit den hemel nedergedaald is; zo iemand van dit Brood eet, die zal in der eeuwigheid leven. En het Brood, dat Ik geven zal, is Mijn vlees, hetwelk Ik geven zal voor het leven der wereld. (aiōn )
I am the one who came down from heaven to enable people to have [spiritual] life. If people take what I will give them, they will live forever. What I will give them is my flesh, which I will give to [all the people in] [MTY] the world in order that they may have [spiritual] life.” (aiōn )
Die Mijn vlees eet, en Mijn bloed drinkt, die heeft het eeuwige leven; en Ik zal hem opwekken ten uitersten dage. (aiōnios )
Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will cause them to become alive again at (the last day/the [judgment] day), (aiōnios )
Dit is het Brood, dat uit den hemel nedergedaald is; niet gelijk uw vaders het Manna gegeten hebben, en zijn gestorven. Die dit Brood eet, zal in der eeuwigheid leven. (aiōn )
[I am] the true bread that came down from heaven. Although our ancestors ate [manna], they [later] died [anyway]. But those who eat this bread will live forever.” (aiōn )
Simon Petrus dan antwoordde Hem: Heere, tot Wien zullen wij heengaan? Gij hebt de woorden des eeuwigen levens. (aiōnios )
Simon Peter replied to him, “Lord, [we] will not [leave you], [because] (there is no other person [like you] to whom we can go!/what other person is there like [you] to whom we can go?) [RHQ] You have the message about eternal life! (aiōnios )
En de dienstknecht blijft niet eeuwiglijk in het huis, de zoon blijft er eeuwiglijk. (aiōn )
A slave is not a permanent member of a family. But a son is a member of a family forever. [Similarly, you say you are members of God’s family because you are descendants of Abraham, but really, because you are like slaves of your sinful desires, you are no longer permanent members of God’s family]. (aiōn )
Voorwaar, voorwaar zeg Ik u: Zo iemand Mijn woord zal bewaard hebben, die zal den dood niet zien in der eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
But the truth is that anyone who obeys what I say will never die!” (aiōn )
De Joden dan zeiden tot Hem: Nu bekennen wij, dat Gij den duivel hebt. Abraham is gestorven, en de profeten; en zegt Gij: Zo iemand Mijn woord bewaard zal hebben, die zal den dood niet smaken in der eeuwigheid? (aiōn )
Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], [thinking that he was talking about ordinary death and not about spiritual death], said to him, “Now we are sure that a demon [controls] you! Abraham and the prophets died [long ago]! But you say that anyone who obeys what you teach will never die! (aiōn )
Van alle eeuw is het niet gehoord, dat iemand eens blindgeborenen ogen geopend heeft. (aiōn )
No one has ever enabled a man to see who was blind when he was born [like I was]. That has never happened since the world began! (aiōn )
En Ik geef hun het eeuwige leven; en zij zullen niet verloren gaan in der eeuwigheid, en niemand zal dezelve uit Mijn hand rukken. (aiōn , aiōnios )
I will give them eternal life. No one will separate them from me, not ever. No one shall ever pull them away from belonging to me. (aiōn , aiōnios )
En een iegelijk, die leeft, en in Mij gelooft, zal niet sterven in der eeuwigheid. Gelooft gij dat? (aiōn )
Furthermore, all those who believe in me while they are alive, [their souls] will not die [forever]. Do you believe that?” (aiōn )
Die zijn leven liefheeft, zal hetzelve verliezen; en die zijn leven haat in deze wereld, zal hetzelve bewaren tot het eeuwige leven. (aiōnios )
Anyone who strongly wants to keep on living [here on earth] will surely lose his life forever. But anyone who is willing to die [HYP] [for my sake] will surely gain eternal life. (aiōnios )
De schare antwoordde Hem: Wij hebben uit de wet gehoord, dat de Christus blijft in der eeuwigheid; en hoe zegt Gij, dat de Zoon des mensen moet verhoogd worden? Wie is deze Zoon des mensen? (aiōn )
[Someone in] the crowd answered him, “We understand from the Scriptures that the Messiah will live forever. So why do you say that the one who came from heaven, [who is the Messiah], will be lifted up {that [men] will lift up the one who came from heaven, [who is the Messiah], } on a cross? What kind of man who came from heaven are you [talking about]? (OR, That’s not the [kind] of Messiah [we are expecting]!)” (aiōn )
En Ik weet, dat Zijn gebod het eeuwige leven is. Hetgeen Ik dan spreek, dat spreek Ik alzo, gelijk Mij de Vader gezegd heeft. (aiōnios )
I know that [paying attention to] what he has instructed us [leads to] eternal life. So whatever I say is exactly (OR, only) what [my] Father has told me to say.” (aiōnios )
Petrus zeide tot Hem: Gij zult mijn voeten niet wassen in der eeuwigheid! Jezus antwoordde hem: Indien Ik u niet wasse, gij hebt geen deel met Mij. (aiōn )
Peter said, “I will never, ever, [allow you to] wash my feet!” Jesus replied to him, “If I do not wash you, you cannot continue (to be my [disciple/to belong to] me).” (aiōn )
En Ik zal den Vader bidden, en Hij zal u een anderen Trooster geven, opdat Hij bij u blijve in der eeuwigheid; (aiōn )
Then I myself will request [my] Father, and he will send you someone else who will (encourage/be like a legal counsel for) you. (aiōn )
Gelijkerwijs Gij Hem macht gegeven hebt over alle vlees, opdat al wat Gij Hem gegeven hebt, Hij hun het eeuwige leven geve. (aiōnios )
You gave me authority over all people, in order that I might enable all those whom you chose [to come] to me to live eternally. (aiōnios )
En dit is het eeuwige leven, dat zij U kennen, den enigen waarachtigen God, en Jezus Christus, Dien Gij gezonden hebt. (aiōnios )
[The way for people] to live eternally is for them to know that you are the only true God, and to know that [I], Jesus, am the Messiah, the one you have sent. (aiōnios )
Want Gij zult mijn ziel in de hel niet verlaten, noch zult Uw Heilige over geven, om verderving te zien. (Hadēs )
You will not allow my spirit to remain in the place where the dead are. You will not [even] let my body decay, [because] I am devoted to you and always obey [you]. (Hadēs )
Zo heeft hij, dit voorziende, gesproken van de opstanding van Christus, dat Zijn ziel niet is verlaten in de hel, noch Zijn vlees verderving heeft gezien. (Hadēs )
David knew beforehand [what God would do], so he [was able to] say that God would cause the Messiah to live again [after he died]. He said that God would not let the Messiah remain in the place of the dead, nor let his body decay.” (Hadēs )
Welken de hemel moet ontvangen tot de tijden der wederoprichting aller dingen, die God gesproken heeft door den mond van al Zijn heilige profeten van alle eeuw. (aiōn )
Jesus must stay in heaven until the time when God will cause all that he has created to become new. Long ago God promised [to do that, and] he chose holy prophets to tell [that to people]. (aiōn )
Maar Paulus en Barnabas, vrijmoedigheid gebruikende, zeiden: Het was nodig, dat eerst tot u het Woord Gods gesproken zou worden; doch nademaal gij hetzelve verstoot, en uzelven des eeuwigen levens niet waardig oordeelt, ziet, wij keren ons tot de heidenen. (aiōnios )
Then, speaking very boldly, Paul and Barnabas said [to those Jewish leaders], “[We two] had to speak the message from God [about Jesus] to you [Jews] first [before we proclaim it to non-Jews, because God commanded us to do that. But] you are rejecting God’s message. [By doing that], you have shown that you are not worthy (to have eternal life/to live eternally [with God]). [Therefore], we are leaving [you, and now we] will go to the non-Jewish people [to tell them the message from God]. (aiōnios )
Als nu de heidenen dit hoorden, verblijdden zij zich, en prezen het Woord des Heeren; en er geloofden zovelen, als er geordineerd waren tot het eeuwige leven. (aiōnios )
While the non-Jewish people were listening [to those words], they began to rejoice, and they repeatedly said that the message about the Lord [Jesus] was wonderful. And all of the non-Jewish people whom [God] had chosen (to have eternal [life/to live eternally with God]) believed [the message about the Lord Jesus]. (aiōnios )
Gode zijn al Zijn werken van eeuwigheid bekend. (aiōn )
I [caused my people to know about them] long ago.” (aiōn )
Want Zijn onzienlijke dingen worden, van de schepping der wereld aan, uit de schepselen verstaan en doorzien, beide Zijn eeuwige kracht en Goddelijkheid, opdat zij niet te verontschuldigen zouden zijn. (aïdios )
[People] cannot see what God is like. But ever since he created the world, by means of what he created he has clearly revealed what he is like. He has made clear to everyone that he has always been able to do very powerful things. [Therefore, we should recognize that] God is powerful, [completely different from all that he created]. So no one has a basis for saying, [“We never knew about God].” (aïdios )
Als die de waarheid Gods veranderd hebben in de leugen, en het schepsel geeerd en gediend hebben boven den Schepper, Die te prijzen is in der eeuwigheid, amen. (aiōn )
Also, they [chose to worship] false [gods] instead (of admitting/of choosing to believe) what is true [about] God. They worshipped and served things [that God] created instead of [worshipping and serving God himself], the one who created [everything. They did this even though] he [deserves that those he created] would forever praise him. Amen!/May it be so! (aiōn )
Dengenen wel, die met volharding in goeddoen, heerlijkheid, en eer, en onverderfelijkheid zoeken, het eeuwige leven; (aiōnios )
[Specifically], some people, by continuing to doing good things, strive to be highly honored [by God] [DOU] and to receive a life that will not end. [God will reward them by enabling them] to live forever. (aiōnios )
Opdat, gelijk de zonde geheerst heeft tot den dood, alzo ook de genade zou heersen door rechtvaardigheid tot het eeuwige leven, door Jezus Christus onzen Heere. (aiōnios )
He did that in order that just like people everywhere inevitably sin, [which results in their] dying [MET, PRS], people everywhere might inevitably experience God’s acting kindly towards them in a way they do not deserve [MET, PRS] by [erasing the record of their sins]. [The result is that people can] live eternally because of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for them]. (aiōnios )
Maar nu, van de zonde vrijgemaakt zijnde, en Gode dienstbaar gemaakt zijnde, hebt gij uw vrucht tot heiligmaking, en het einde het eeuwige leven. (aiōnios )
But you have been freed {[God] has freed you} from [letting the desire to] sin control you. You have become [as though you are] [MET] the slaves of God. So now the result is that God has caused you to completely belong to him and, as a result, you will live eternally. (aiōnios )
Want de bezoldiging der zonde is de dood, maar de genadegift Gods is het eeuwige leven, door Jezus Christus, onzen Heere. (aiōnios )
[What people receive for] sinning [is that they are] eternally separated from God. That is [like] wages that [people receive] [MET]. But what God gives us is a gift. What he gives us is that we live eternally because of [our relationship with] (OR, because [we are united to]) Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios )
Welker zijn de vaders, en uit welke Christus is, zoveel het vlees aangaat, Dewelke is God boven allen te prijzen in der eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
It was our ancestors, [Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom God chose to found our nation]. And, [most importantly], it was from us Israelites that the Messiah received his human nature. [Nevertheless, most of my fellow Israelites have rejected Christ], who is the one who controls all things! He is God, the one who is worthy that we praise him forever! This is true! (OR, Amen!) (aiōn )
Of, wie zal in den afgrond nederdalen? Hetzelve is Christus uit de doden opbrengen. (Abyssos )
“Or [you should not think inwardly], ‘(Someone will have to go down and enter the place where [the spirits] of dead persons are!/Who will go down and enter the place where [the spirits] of dead persons are?)’ [RHQ]” That is to say, someone will have to [go down and] bring Christ up [from there to bring the message of salvation to us. You should not say that because Christ has already come down to save us, and has already become alive after he died]! (Abyssos )
Want God heeft hen allen onder de ongehoorzaamheid besloten, opdat Hij hun allen zou barmhartig zijn. (eleēsē )
God has declared and proved that all people, [both Jews and non-Jews] [MET], disobey ([him/his laws]). He has declared that because he wants to act mercifully towards us all. (eleēsē )
Want uit Hem, en door Hem, en tot Hem zijn alle dingen. Hem zij de heerlijkheid in der eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
God [is the one who created] all things. He is also the one who [sustains all things]. The reason that he created them was that [everything he created might praise] him. May [all people] honor him forever! (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
En wordt dezer wereld niet gelijkvormig; maar wordt veranderd door de vernieuwing uws gemoeds, opdat gij moogt beproeven, welke de goede, en welbehagelijke en volmaakte wil van God zij. (aiōn )
Do not let anything non-Christian determine how you should act. Instead, let God change your [way of life] by making your way of thinking new, in order that you may know what he wants you to do. That is, you will know what is good, and you will know what pleases [God], and you will know how to be all that he wants you to be. (aiōn )
Hem nu, Die machtig is u te bevestigen, naar mijn Evangelie en de prediking van Jezus Christus, naar de openbaring der verborgenheid, die van de tijden der eeuwen verzwegen is geweest; (aiōnios )
As [I] proclaim [the good message about] Jesus Christ, [I tell about God], the one who is able to strengthen you [spiritually]. I also proclaim the [truth] that was not revealed {which [God] did not reveal} in all previous ages/times (aiōnios )
Maar nu geopenbaard is, en door de profetische Schriften, naar het bevel des eeuwigen Gods, tot gehoorzaamheid des geloofs, onder al de heidenen bekend is gemaakt; (aiōnios )
but which has now been {which [he] has now} revealed. [I, along with others, have proclaimed] what the prophets wrote [about Christ]. We are doing what the eternal God commanded [us(exc)/me to do]. We want [people in] all ethnic groups to know [Christ] so that they can believe [in him] and obey [him]. (aiōnios )
Den zelven alleen wijzen God zij door Jezus Christus de heerlijkheid in der eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
[I desire that by] Jesus Christ [enabling us, we] will forever praise the one who alone is God, who alone is [truly] wise. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
Waar is de wijze? Waar is de schriftgeleerde? Waar is de onderzoeker dezer eeuw? Heeft God de wijsheid dezer wereld niet dwaas gemaakt? (aiōn )
So, do you know [what God thinks] about what [RHQ] people who [IRO] consider themselves to be wise and scholars and philosophers say? [He does not pay attention to what they say, because] [RHQ] he has shown clearly that what unbelievers [think is] [IRO] wise is [not wise at all], but is really foolish. (aiōn )
En wij spreken wijsheid onder de volmaakten; doch een wijsheid, niet dezer wereld, noch der oversten dezer wereld, die te niet worden; (aiōn )
I do teach a message that people who are [spiritually] mature [consider to] be wise. But I do not teach a message that unbelievers [consider to be] wise. I also do not teach a message that unbelieving rulers in the world consider to be wise. [What they think about it does not matter], because [some day] (they will lose their power/not be ruling any more). (aiōn )
Maar wij spreken de wijsheid Gods, bestaande in verborgenheid, die bedekt was, welke God te voren verordineerd heeft tot heerlijkheid van ons, eer de wereld was; (aiōn )
Instead, I teach about what God planned wisely [long ago]. It is something that people did not know about previously because [God] did not reveal it previously. But God determined before he created the world that he would greatly benefit us by his wise plan. (aiōn )
Welke niemand van de oversten dezer wereld gekend heeft; want indien zij ze gekend hadden, zo zouden zij den Heere der heerlijkheid niet gekruist hebben. (aiōn )
None of those who rule this world knew that wise plan. If they had known it, they would not have nailed our wonderful Lord to the cross. (aiōn )
Niemand bedriege zichzelven. Zo iemand onder u dunkt, dat hij wijs is in deze wereld, die worde dwaas, opdat hij wijs moge worden. (aiōn )
Some among you think that you are wise because unbelievers thought you were wise previously. Stop deceiving yourselves. [If you really want to be wise, by accepting what God considers to be wise] you should [be willing to let unbelievers consider that you are] foolish [IRO]. (aiōn )
Daarom, indien de spijs mijn broeder ergert, zo zal ik in eeuwigheid geen vlees eten, opdat ik mijn broeder niet ergere. (aiōn )
So if [I, Paul, think that by] eating a certain food I might cause a fellow believer to be ruined spiritually, I will never eat such food again. I do not want to cause any fellow believer (to be ruined spiritually/to stop believing in Christ). [And you should] ([do as I do/imitate my example]). (aiōn )
En deze dingen alle zijn hunlieden overkomen tot voorbeelden; en zijn beschreven tot waarschuwing van ons, op dewelke de einden der eeuwen gekomen zijn. (aiōn )
All those things [that happened to our ancestors long ago] are examples for us. [Moses] wrote those things to warn us [who are living at this time which is near the end]. We are the people for whom God has done [the things that he decided to do in] the previous periods of time. (aiōn )
Dood, waar is uw prikkel? Hel, waar is uw overwinning? (Hadēs )
Death [APO] will not win a victory over us. Death will not be able to hurt us. (Hadēs )
In dewelke de god dezer eeuw de zinnen verblind heeft, namelijk der ongelovigen, opdat hen niet bestrale de verlichting van het Evangelie der heerlijkheid van Christus, Die het Beeld Gods is. (aiōn )
[Satan, who is] the one [who rules] this world, controls the thoughts of those unbelievers. He prevents them from understanding the message about how wonderful Christ is. [They are not able to understand that] Jesus is like God [in every way]. (aiōn )
Want onze lichte verdrukking, die zeer haast voorbij gaat, werkt ons een gans zeer uitnemend eeuwig gewicht der heerlijkheid; (aiōnios )
[I know that] all these troubles that [happen to us in this life are] not significant and will not last forever. [When we think of] the glorious things [that God is preparing] for us [to enjoy] forever [in heaven], all [our suffering now] is not important. (aiōnios )
Dewijl wij niet aanmerken de dingen, die men ziet, maar de dingen, die men niet ziet; want de dingen, die men ziet, zijn tijdelijk, maar de dingen, die men niet ziet, zijn eeuwig. (aiōnios )
That is why we say, “We will not continue thinking about [all the suffering that we] are experiencing now. Even though [we] cannot see [all the things that God has prepared for us in heaven], those are what we should be thinking about.” [That is how we should think], because [all these troubles] that [we(exc)] have [now] will last only a short time. But what [we will have in heaven], what [we] cannot see [now], will last forever. (aiōnios )
Want wij weten, dat, zo ons aardse huis dezes tabernakels gebroken wordt, wij een gebouw van God hebben, een huis niet met handen gemaakt, maar eeuwig in de hemelen. (aiōnios )
We know that [these bodies] we live in [here in this world are like] [MET] tents. [They are like temporary living/dwelling places]. [So we should not be concerned about what happens to our bodies]. We know that if we are killed {if [someone] kills us}, God will give us [permanent living places. Those permanent living places] [MET] will not be houses that people have made. They [will be new bodies in which we will live forever] in heaven. (aiōnios )
Gelijk er geschreven is: Hij heeft gestrooid, hij heeft den armen gegeven; Zijn gerechtigheid blijft in der eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
[Those who give willingly and cheerfully will be rewarded like the man about whom] it is written {[about whom] (someone/the Psalmist) wrote} in the Scriptures, He generously [helps others], [he gives to those] who are poor. [God will remember] the good things that he did, [and reward him with] good things forever. (aiōn )
De God en Vader van onzen Heere Jezus Christus, Die geprezen is in der eeuwigheid, weet, dat ik niet lieg. (aiōn )
God, who is the Father of our [(inc)] Lord Jesus, and who is the one [whom we should] praise forever, knows that I am not lying [about this]. (aiōn )
Die Zichzelven gegeven heeft voor onze zonden, opdat Hij ons trekken zou uit deze tegenwoordige boze wereld, naar den wil van onzen God en Vader; (aiōn )
Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] in order that [he might remove the guilt for] our sins. He did that in order that he might enable us to not [do the evil things that people who do not know him] do. [He did this] because God, who is our Father, wanted it. (aiōn )
Denwelken zij de heerlijkheid in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
[I pray that people will] praise God forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
Want die in zijn eigen vlees zaait, zal uit het vlees verderfenis maaien; maar die in den Geest zaait, zal uit den Geest het eeuwige leven maaien. (aiōnios )
[God] will punish eternally those who do what their self-directed natures urge them to do. But those who please [God’s] Spirit will live forever [with God] because of what [God’s] Spirit does for them. (aiōnios )
Verre boven alle overheid, en macht, en kracht, en heerschappij, en allen naam, die genaamd wordt, niet alleen in deze wereld, maar ook in de toekomende; (aiōn )
[There], Christ is the supreme ruler over every powerful spirit of every level of authority. His rank is much higher than any powerful spirit can receive, not only now, but forever. (aiōn )
In welke gij eertijds gewandeld hebt, naar de eeuw dezer wereld, naar den overste van de macht der lucht, van den geest, die nu werkt in de kinderen der ongehoorzaamheid; (aiōn )
You were acting in the same [evil] way as those who oppose Christ [MTY] act. That is, you were behaving in the [evil] ways [that Satan wanted you to behave]. He rules over evil spiritual beings that no person can see [MTY]. He is the spirit who now powerfully controls the people who disobey God. (aiōn )
Opdat Hij zou betonen in de toekomende eeuwen den uitnemenden rijkdom Zijner genade, door de goedertierenheid over ons in Christus Jezus. (aiōn )
in order that he might show to everyone at all times in the future that he has acted toward us in an extremely kind way because of what Christ Jesus [did for us]. (aiōn )
En allen te verlichten, dat zij mogen verstaan, welke de gemeenschap der verborgenheid zij, die van alle eeuwen verborgen is geweest in God, Welke alle dingen geschapen heeft door Jezus Christus; (aiōn )
and to enable everyone to understand clearly how God accomplished what he planned. God, who created everything, [has now revealed] this message, which he never revealed to anyone before. (aiōn )
Naar het eeuwig voornemen, dat Hij gemaakt heeft in Christus Jezus, onzen Heere; (aiōn )
That is what God had always planned, and it is what he accomplished by what our Lord Jesus [has done]. (aiōn )
Hem, zeg ik, zij de heerlijkheid in de Gemeente, door Christus Jezus, in alle geslachten, tot alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
Because of our relationship with Christ Jesus, may all (believers/those who belong to him) praise him forever. (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn )
Want wij hebben den strijd niet tegen vlees en bloed, maar tegen de overheden, tegen de machten, tegen de geweldhebbers der wereld, der duisternis dezer eeuw, tegen de geestelijke boosheden in de lucht. (aiōn )
You must do this because the fighting that we [believers] do is not only against human beings [SYN]. Instead, we are also fighting against evil spirits who rule and have authority over all that is evil [MET] in the world. And we are fighting against evil spirits who are in heavenly places (OR, everywhere). (aiōn )
Onzen God nu en Vader zij de heerlijkheid in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
[So], praise God our Father forever and ever! Amen! (aiōn )
Namelijk de verborgenheid, die verborgen is geweest van alle eeuwen en van alle geslachten, maar nu geopenbaard is aan Zijn heiligen; (aiōn )
[We did not know this message previously; that is, God] concealed it from [the people who lived in all] the previous ages, but he has now revealed it to his people. (aiōn )
Dewelken zullen tot straf lijden het eeuwig verderf, van het aangezicht des Heeren, en van de heerlijkheid Zijner sterkte, (aiōnios )
[Our Lord Jesus] will forbid them from ever coming near to him and near to the glory which he has [because he is so] powerful (OR, the glory that is manifested by his power). He will cause those people to suffer forever. (aiōnios )
En onze Heere Jezus Christus Zelf, en onze God en Vader, Die ons heeft liefgehad, en gegeven heeft een eeuwige vertroosting en goede hoop in genade, (aiōnios )
Our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God, our Father, loves us and encourages us and causes us to confidently expect [to receive] the eternal things that [he has promised to give to us] as a result of [Christ] acting kindly toward us in a way we did not deserve. (aiōnios )
Maar daarom is mij barmhartigheid geschied, opdat Jezus Christus in mij, die de voornaamste ben, al Zijn lankmoedigheid zou betonen, tot een voorbeeld dergenen, die in Hem geloven zullen ten eeuwigen leven. (aiōnios )
Yet Christ Jesus acted mercifully to me in order that he might demonstrate [to people that he is perfectly patient with them]. He did that by his being patient with me, one who has sinned worse than everyone else. He wanted what he did for me (to be an example/to demonstrate his patience) to people who would [later] believe in him, and as a result would live forever. (aiōnios )
Den Koning nu der eeuwen, den onverderfelijken, den onzienlijken, den alleen wijzen God, zij eer en heerlijkheid in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
I desire that people will honor and praise the only [true] God forever! Even though no one can see him, he is the King who rules for all time, who will never die! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn )
Strijd den goeden strijd des geloofs, grijp naar het eeuwige leven, tot hetwelk gij ook geroepen zijt, en de goede belijdenis beleden hebt voor vele getuigen. (aiōnios )
Try earnestly and with all your energy/strength [MET] to live in accordance with what you believe. [Continue to do your tasks well in order that] you will know for sure that you will live eternally. Remember that [God] chose you to [live with him], and that when many elders were listening you said strongly ([what you believe/that you trust in Christ]). (aiōnios )
Die alleen onsterfelijkheid heeft, en een ontoegankelijk licht bewoont; Denwelken geen mens gezien heeft, noch zien kan; Welken zij eer en eeuwige kracht. Amen. (aiōnios )
He is the only one who will never die, [and he lives in heaven surrounded by] light [that is so bright that] no one can approach it! He is the one whom no person has ever seen and whom no person is able to see! My desire is that all people will honor him and that he [will rule] powerfully [MTY] forever! (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōnios )
Beveel den rijken in deze tegenwoordige wereld, dat zij niet hoogmoedig zijn, noch hun hoop stellen op de ongestadigheid des rijkdoms, maar op den levenden God, Die ons alle dingen rijkelijk verleent, om te genieten; (aiōn )
Tell [the believers] who are rich here in this present world that they should not be proud, and that they should not trust in their many [possessions], because they cannot be certain [how long they will have them]. Teach them that instead of [trusting in their wealth, they should trust] in God. He is the one who generously gives us everything we have in order that we may enjoy it. (aiōn )
Die ons heeft zalig gemaakt, en geroepen met een heilige roeping; niet naar onze werken, maar naar Zijn eigen voornemen en genade, die ons gegeven is in Christus Jezus, voor de tijden der eeuwen; (aiōnios )
[God] saved us and chose us to conduct our lives in a pure way. It was not our doing good deeds/actions [that caused him to do this for us—something] that we did not deserve. Instead, before (time began/he created the world) he purposed/planned to [be kind to us] as a result of what Christ Jesus [would do for us]. (aiōnios )
Daarom verdraag ik alles om de uitverkorenen, opdat ook zij de zaligheid zouden verkrijgen, die in Christus Jezus is, met eeuwige heerlijkheid. (aiōnios )
Therefore I [willingly] endure all [that I am suffering] for the sake of those [whom God has] chosen. [I do this] in order that Christ Jesus will save them, too, and that they will be forever with [him in the] glorious [place where he is]. (aiōnios )
Want Demas heeft mij verlaten, hebbende de tegenwoordige wereld liefgekregen, en is naar Thessalonica gereisd; Krescens naar Galatie, Titus naar Dalmatie. (aiōn )
[I say that] because Demas has left me. He wanted very much [the good things that he might enjoy] [MTY] in this world [right now], and so he went to Thessalonica [city]. Crescens [went to serve the Lord] in Galatia [province], and Titus went to Dalmatia [district]. (aiōn )
En de Heere zal mij verlossen van alle boos werk, en bewaren tot Zijn hemels Koninkrijk; Denwelken zij de heerlijkheid in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
[Therefore, I am sure that] the Lord will rescue me from everything that is truly evil and will bring me safely to heaven, where he rules. Praise him forever! (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn )
In de hoop des eeuwigen levens, welke God, Die niet liegen kan, beloofd heeft, voor de tijden der eeuwen, maar geopenbaard heeft te Zijner tijd; (aiōnios )
[As a result of my doing these things, his people] confidently expect that God will cause them to live forever. God, who never lies, promised before he created the world that [his people] would live forever. (aiōnios )
En onderwijst ons, dat wij, de goddeloosheid en de wereldse begeerlijkheden verzakende, matig en rechtvaardig, en godzalig leven zouden in deze tegenwoordige wereld; (aiōn )
God teaches/tells us [PRS] how to stop doing what he dislikes, and to stop desiring the things that (ungodly people/people who habitually do things that do not please God) desire [MTY]. He wants us to control our behavior and to do what is right and to do what pleases him while we live in this present age/time. (aiōn )
Opdat wij, gerechtvaardigd zijnde door Zijn genade, erfgenamen zouden worden naar de hope des eeuwigen levens. (aiōnios )
He wanted to erase the record of our sins even though we did not deserve that, and he wanted us to receive all that [God desires] to give us. [These are the things that we] confidently expect to receive when we live [with him] eternally. (aiōnios )
Want veellicht is hij daarom voor een kleinen tijd van u gescheiden geweest, opdat gij hem eeuwig zoudt weder hebben. (aiōnios )
Perhaps the reason that [God permitted] Onesimus to be separated from {to leave} you for a little while was that [he would believe in Christ, and as a result] you would have him (back/with you) forever! (aiōnios )
heeft in deze laatste dagen tot ons gesproken door den Zoon; Welken Hij gesteld heeft tot een Erfgenaam van alles, door Welken Hij ook de wereld gemaakt heeft; (aiōn )
But now when this final age [is beginning], God has communicated to us [just once] by means of what (his Son/the man who was also God) [said and did. God] appointed him in order that he would possess everything [that truly belongs to God. God also appointed] him in order that he would create the universe. (aiōn )
Maar tot den Zoon zegt Hij: Uw troon, o God, is in alle eeuwigheid; de schepter Uws koninkrijks is een rechte schepter. (aiōn )
But on the other hand, [in the Scriptures it is written that God said] this to his Son: You [(sg)] who are [also] God will rule forever [MTY], and you will reign righteously over your kingdom [MTY]. (aiōn )
Gelijk Hij ook in een andere plaats zegt: Gij zijt Priester in der eeuwigheid, naar de ordening van Melchizedek. (aiōn )
And he also said [to Christ what the Psalmist wrote] in another Scripture passage, You are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn )
En geheiligd zijnde, is Hij allen, die Hem gehoorzaam zijn, een oorzaak der eeuwige zaligheid geworden; (aiōnios )
By becoming (all [that] God intended him to be/perfect), [he has now] become fully qualified [to be our Supreme Priest. As a result, he is the one who saves] eternally all who obey him. (aiōnios )
Van de leer der dopen, en van de oplegging der handen, en van de opstanding der doden, en van het eeuwig oordeel. (aiōnios )
[I am referring to the teaching about what] various [Jewish and Christian] rituals for purifying people [signify. I am referring to the teaching about how elders enable people to receive spiritual gifts by] laying hands [on them] [MTY]. [I am referring to the teaching that God will] ([cause] those who have died to live again/raise people from the dead). And [I am referring to the teaching that God] will judge [some people and punish them] eternally. (aiōnios )
En gesmaakt hebben het goede woord Gods, en de krachten der toekomende eeuw, (aiōn )
They have experienced that God’s message is good. And by what they have experienced [now], they know how [God will work] powerfully in the future. If those people reject [the message about Christ], it will not be possible for anyone to persuade them to turn away from their sinful behavior again! (aiōn )
Daar de Voorloper voor ons is ingegaan, namelijk Jezus, naar de ordening van Melchizedek, een Hogepriester geworden zijnde in der eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
Jesus went [into God’s presence] ahead of us [(inc)] to [help] us when he became a Supreme Priest eternally in the way that Melchizedek was a Supreme Priest. (aiōn )
Want Hij getuigt: Gij zijt Priester in der eeuwigheid naar de ordening van Melchizedek. (aiōn )
[We know this] since [God] confirmed it in [the Scripture passage in which he said to his Son], You [(sg)] are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn )
Maar Deze met eedzwering, door Dien, Die tot Hem gezegd heeft: De Heere heeft gezworen, en het zal Hem niet berouwen: Gij zijt Priester in der eeuwigheid naar de ordening van Melchizedek). (aiōn )
However, when he [appointed Christ to be a priest], it was by these words that [the Psalmist wrote in Scripture]: The Lord has solemnly declared [to the Messiah], —and he will not change his mind— “You will be a priest forever!” (aiōn )
Maar Deze, omdat Hij in der eeuwigheid blijft, heeft een onvergankelijk Priesterschap. (aiōn )
But because [Jesus] lives eternally, he will continue to be a Supreme Priest forever. (aiōn )
Want de wet stelt tot hogepriesters mensen, die zwakheid hebben; maar het woord der eedzwering, die na de wet is gevolgd, stelt den Zoon, Die in der eeuwigheid geheiligd is. (aiōn )
[We need a Supreme Priest like] him, because in the laws [that God gave Moses] [PRS] the ones who would be appointed to be priests would be men who tended [to sin easily]. But [God] solemnly [declared] [PRS] after [he had given] his laws [to Moses] that [he would appoint] (his Son/the man who is also God) [to be a Supreme Priest. Now] ([his Son/the man who is also God]) has forever become all that God intends him to be. (aiōn )
Noch door het bloed der bokken en kalveren, maar door Zijn eigen bloed, eenmaal ingegaan in het heiligdom, een eeuwige verlossing teweeggebracht hebbende. (aiōnios )
[When a Supreme Priest goes into the inner room in the tent each year, he takes] goats’ blood and calves’ blood [to offer as a sacrifice]. But Christ did not [do that. It was as though] he went into that very holy place only once, taking his own blood with him. By doing that, he eternally redeemed us. (aiōnios )
Hoeveel te meer zal het bloed van Christus, Die door den eeuwigen Geest Zichzelven Gode onstraffelijk opgeofferd heeft, uw geweten reinigen van dode werken, om den levende God te dienen? (aiōnios )
[So, because we know what] Christ [accomplished when] his blood flowed [when he died for us] [PRS, MTY], we will be very certain that we are not guilty [of having] done those things [that those who are spiritually] dead do. [As a result], we can serve God, who is all-powerful. [The priests always offer to God animals] with no defects. Similarly, when Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] to God, he was sinless [MET]. He did that as a result of [God’s] eternal Spirit [helping him]. (aiōnios )
En daarom is Hij de Middelaar des nieuwen testaments, opdat, de dood daartussen gekomen zijnde, tot verzoening der overtredingen, die onder het eerste testament waren, degenen, die geroepen zijn, de beloftenis der eeuwige erve ontvangen zouden. (aiōnios )
[By] dying [for us], [Christ] ([redeemed/] free from the penalty for their sins) even those who disobeyed the [conditions of] (OR, [during the time of]) the first covenant. So, [because] no [one could be made perfect by obeying the old covenant], now Christ establishes [between God and people] a new covenant. He does that in order that those whom God has chosen may eternally have [the blessings that God] has promised them. (aiōnios )
(Anders had Hij dikwijls moeten lijden van de grondlegging der wereld af) maar nu is Hij eenmaal in de voleinding der eeuwen geopenbaard, om de zonde te niet te doen, door Zijnzelfs offerande. (aiōn )
[If that were so], he would have needed to suffer [and shed his blood] repeatedly since [the time when God] created the world. But instead, in this final age, [Christ] has appeared once in order that by sacrificing himself he could cause [that people] no longer will be [punished for their] sins. (aiōn )
Door het geloof verstaan wij, dat de wereld door het woord Gods is toebereid, alzo dat de dingen, die men ziet, niet geworden zijn uit dingen, die gezien worden. (aiōn )
It is because we trust in God that we understand that he formed the universe by commanding [it to exist]. The result is that the things that we see were not made from things that already existed. (aiōn )
Jezus Christus is gisteren en heden dezelfde en in der eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
Jesus Christ [is] the same now as he was previously, and he will be the same forever. (aiōn )
De God nu des vredes, Die den grote Herder der schapen, door het bloed des eeuwigen testaments, uit de doden heeft wedergebracht, namelijk onze Heere Jezus Christus, (aiōnios )
Jesus [provides for us], [protects us, and guides us as] a great shepherd does for his sheep [MET]. And God, who gives us [inner] peace, brought our Lord Jesus back to life. By doing that, God ratified his eternal covenant with us by the blood [that flowed from Jesus when he died on the] cross. (aiōnios )
Die volmake u in alle goed werk, opdat gij Zijn wil moogt doen; werkende in u, hetgeen voor Hem welbehagelijk is, door Jezus Christus; Denwelken zij de heerlijkheid in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
So I pray that God will equip you with everything good [that you need in order] that you may do the things that he desires. May he accomplish in our lives whatever he considers pleasing as a result of Jesus Christ [equipping us]. May Jesus Christ be praised forever. (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn )
De tong is ook een vuur, een wereld der ongerechtigheid; alzo is de tong onder onze leden gesteld, welke het gehele lichaam besmet, en ontsteekt het rad onzer geboorte, en wordt ontstoken van de hel. (Geenna )
[Just like a fire damages a forest] [MET], when we say things that are evil, [we harm many people]. What we say [MTY] reveals that we are very evil. What we say contaminates/defiles everything that we think and do [PRS, MET]. [Just like a flame of fire easily] causes [the whole surrounding area] [MET] to burn, what we say [MTY] can cause [others] to want to do evil. It is the devil himself [MTY] who causes us to say evil things. (Geenna )
Gij, die wedergeboren zijt, niet uit vergankelijk, maar uit onvergankelijk zaad, door het levende en eeuwig blijvende Woord van God. (aiōn )
[I ask you to do this, because you now have] a new life [MET]. It was not [by means of] something that will perish that you received this new life. Instead, it was [by means of] something that will last forever; that is, by believing the life-giving and enduring message of God. (aiōn )
Maar het Woord des Heeren blijft in der eeuwigheid; en dit is het Woord, dat onder u verkondigd is. (aiōn )
but God’s message endures/lasts forever. This message [that endures/lasts] is the message [about Christ] that was proclaimed to you. (aiōn )
Indien iemand spreekt, die spreke als de woorden Gods; indien iemand dient, die diene als uit kracht, die God verleent; opdat God in allen geprezen worde door Jezus Christus, Welken toekomt de heerlijkheid en de kracht, in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
Those who speak [to the congregation] should do that as though they are speaking the [very] words of God. Those who do kind things to others should do it with the strength that God gives them, in order that God may be honored by all this {that all this may honor God} as Jesus Christ [enables us to do it. I pray that we will] praise [God] (OR, [Jesus]) and allow him [to rule over us] forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
De God nu aller genade, Die ons geroepen heeft tot Zijn eeuwige heerlijkheid in Christus Jezus, nadat wij een weinig tijds zullen geleden hebben, Dezelve volmake, bevestige, versterke, en fondere ulieden. (aiōnios )
God is the one who kindly helps us in every [situation], and [he is the one] who chose us to share his eternal glory/greatness [in heaven] because of our relationship with Christ. [And] after you have suffered for a while [because of things that people do to harm you], he will remove your spiritual defects/imperfections, he will strengthen you [spiritually] [DOU], and he will support you [emotionally]. (aiōnios )
Hem zij de heerlijkheid en de kracht in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
[I pray/desire that] he will [rule] powerfully forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn )
Want alzo zal u rijkelijk toegevoegd worden de ingang in het eeuwig Koninkrijk van onzen Heere en Zaligmaker, Jezus Christus. (aiōnios )
and [God] will very wholeheartedly welcome you into the place where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will rule [his people] forever. (aiōnios )
Want indien God de engelen, die gezondigd hebben, niet gespaard heeft, maar, die in de hel geworpen hebbende, overgegeven heeft aan de ketenen der duisternis, om tot het oordeel bewaard te worden; (Tartaroō )
God destroyed [LIT] the angels who sinned. He threw them into the worst place in hell and imprisoned them [there] in darkness in order to keep them there until he judges [and punishes them]. (Tartaroō )
Maar wast op in de genade en kennis van onzen Heere en Zaligmaker Jezus Christus. Hem zij de heerlijkheid, beide nu en in de dag der eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
[Instead, live in such a manner that you] experience more and more our Savior Jesus Christ being kind [to you], and that you get to know him [better and better]. 2 Peter 3:18b [I pray/desire that Jesus Christ] will be honored both now and forever! (aiōn )
(Want het Leven is geopenbaard, en wij hebben het gezien, en wij getuigen, en verkondigen ulieden dat eeuwige Leven, Hetwelk bij den Vader was, en ons is geopenbaard.) (aiōnios )
Because he came here [to the earth] and we have seen him, we proclaim to you clearly that the one whom we have seen is the [one who] has always lived. He was [previously] with his Father in heaven, but he came to live among us. (aiōnios )
En de wereld gaat voorbij, en haar begeerlijkheid; maar die den wil van God doet, blijft in der eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
The [godless people in] the world [MTY], along with what they desire, will disappear, but those who do what God wants [them to do] will live forever! You know that it is now the final period of this age when there are liars who deny that Jesus is God’s Chosen One. But you have the power of God’s Spirit and you know what is true and what is false. So continue to live according to the true message that you heard when you began to believe in Christ, in order that you may continue to live united both to God’s Son and to the Father. (aiōn )
En dit is de belofte, die Hij ons beloofd heeft, namelijk het eeuwige leven. (aiōnios )
And what God told us is that [he will cause us] to live forever! (aiōnios )
Een iegelijk, die zijn broeder haat, is een doodslager; en gij weet, dat geen doodslager het eeuwige leven heeft in zich blijvende. (aiōnios )
Those who hate [any of] their fellow believers, [God considers] [MET] them [to be] murderers. And you know that no murderer has eternal life. (aiōnios )
En dit is de getuigenis, namelijk dat ons God het eeuwige leven gegeven heeft; en ditzelve leven is in Zijn Zoon. (aiōnios )
This is what [God] says [to us]: “I have given you eternal life!” We will live forever if we have a close relationship with his Son. (aiōnios )
Deze dingen heb ik u geschreven, die gelooft in den Naam des Zoons van God; opdat gij weet, dat gij het eeuwige leven hebt, en opdat gij gelooft in den Naam des Zoons van God. (aiōnios )
I have written this [letter] to you who believe that Jesus is [MTY] (God’s Son/the one who is also God) in order that you may know that you have eternal life. (aiōnios )
Doch wij weten, dat de Zoon van God gekomen is, en heeft ons het verstand gegeven, dat wij den Waarachtige kennen; en wij zijn in den Waarachtige, namelijk in Zijn Zoon Jezus Christus. Deze is de waarachtige God, en het eeuwige Leven. (aiōnios )
We also know that (God’s Son/the one who is also God) has come [to us], and [we know] that he has enabled us to know God, the one who is really/truly God. So now we have a close relationship with [God because] we belong to Jesus Christ, the one who is the (Son of/man who is also) God. Jesus Christ is truly God, and [he is the one who enables us to have] eternal life. (aiōnios )
Om der waarheid wil, die in ons blijft, en met ons zal zijn in der eeuwigheid: (aiōn )
All of us [believe God’s] true message. It is in our ([inner beings/hearts]) and we will continue [to believe it] forever! (aiōn )
En de engelen, die hun beginsel niet bewaard hebben, maar hun eigen woonstede verlaten hebben, heeft Hij tot het oordeel des groten dags met eeuwige banden onder de duisternis bewaard. (aïdios )
And there were [many] angels to [whom God assigned/gave positions of authority in heaven]. But many did not continue to rule with authority [in those positions]. Instead, they abandoned the place that [God] gave them to live [in heaven]. So God has put those angels in chains forever in the darkness [in hell. They will stay there] until the great day when [God] will judge [and punish] them. (aïdios , questioned)
Gelijk Sodoma en Gomorra, en de steden rondom dezelve, die op gelijke wijze als deze gehoereerd hebben, en ander vlees zijn nagegaan, tot een voorbeeld voorgesteld zijn, dragende de straf des eeuwigen vuurs. (aiōnios )
Similarly, the people who lived [MTY] in Sodom and Gomorrah [cities] and the nearby cities committed sexual immorality. They sought all kinds of sexual relations that differ [from what God permits. So God destroyed their cities. What happened to those people and those angels] shows that [God will] punish [people, such as the ones who teach false doctrine], in the eternal fire [of hell]. (aiōnios , questioned)
Wilde baren der zee, hun eigen schande opschuimende; dwalende sterren, denwelken de donkerheid der duisternis in der eeuwigheid bewaard wordt. (aiōn )
They are [restless] [MET], [like] the pounding waves of the ocean. [Just like] waves [produce foul-smelling] foam on the shore, [those teachers of false doctrine do] shameful [MTY] [deeds. We cannot depend/rely on them to show us how to conduct our lives] [MET], [just like we cannot depend/rely on] (meteors/falling stars) [to show us the way when we travel]. [God] has reserved intense darkness for them forever [in hell]. (aiōn , questioned)
Bewaart uzelven in de liefde Gods, verwachtende de barmhartigheid van onzen Heere Jezus Christus ten eeuwigen leven. (aiōnios )
Keep conducting your lives in [a way that is appropriate for those whom] God loves. Keep constantly expecting that our Lord Jesus Christ will [act] mercifully toward you. Keep expecting that until [the time when we begin] living eternally [with him]. (aiōnios )
Den alleen wijzen God, onzen Zaligmaker, zij heerlijkheid en majesteit, kracht en macht, beide nu en in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
He is the only true God. He has saved us as a result of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for us]. God was glorious and great and mighty and he [ruled] with great authority before time began. [He is still like that], and [he will remain like that] forever! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn )
En Die ons gemaakt heeft tot koningen en priesters Gode en Zijn Vader; Hem, zeg ik, zij de heerlijkheid en de kracht in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
He is [the one who] has caused us to become people whose lives God rules, and he has made us to be priests [who serve] God his Father. [As a result of this, we acknowledge that] Jesus Christ is eternally divine and eternally powerful. (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn )
En Die leef, en Ik ben dood geweest; en zie, Ik ben levend in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. En Ik heb de sleutels der hel en des doods. (aiōn , Hadēs )
I am the living one. Although I died, I am alive again and will live forever! I have [the power to cause people] to die, and I have authority over the place where all the dead people [are]. (aiōn , Hadēs )
En wanneer de dieren heerlijkheid, en eer, en dankzegging gaven Hem, Die op den troon zat, Die in alle eeuwigheid leeft; (aiōn )
The living [creatures praise], honor [DOU], and thank the one who sits on the throne, the one who lives forever. (aiōn )
Zo vielen de vier en twintig ouderlingen voor Hem, Die op den troon zat, en aanbaden Hem, Die leeft in alle eeuwigheid, en wierpen hun kronen voor den troon, zeggende: (aiōn )
Whenever they do that, the 24 elders (prostrate themselves/kneel down) before the one who sits on the throne, and they worship him, the one who lives forever. They lay their crowns in front of the throne and sing: (aiōn )
En alle schepsel, dat in den hemel is, en op de aarde, en onder de aarde, en die in de zee zijn, en alles, wat in dezelve is, hoorde ik zeggen: Hem, Die op den troon zit, en het Lam, zij de dankzegging, en de eer, en de heerlijkheid, en de kracht in alle eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
I also heard every creature that is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the ocean, every creature in all those places, saying (OR, singing): “We must forever praise and honor the one who sits on the throne and the one who is like a lamb, May they reign with complete power forever!” (aiōn )
En ik zag, en ziet, een vaal paard, en die daarop zat, zijn naam was de dood; en de hel volgde hem na. En hun werd macht gegeven om te doden tot het vierde deel der aarde, met zwaard, en met honger, en met den dood, en door de wilde beesten der aarde. (Hadēs )
This time I saw a pale horse [come out]. The one who sat on it is named ‘[The one who causes] death [PRS]’, and [the one that is named ‘The place where dead people go’] accompanied him. [God] gave them authority over one quarter of the people on earth to incite them to kill each other with weapons [SYN], and also authority to kill them (by [causing them to] starve, by [their causing them to become] sick from epidemics, and by [their causing them to be attacked by] wild animals. (Hadēs )
Zeggende: Amen. De lof, en de heerlijkheid, en de wijsheid, en de dankzegging, en de eer, en de kracht, en de sterkte zij onzen God in alle eeuwigheid. Amen. (aiōn )
They said, “May it be so! [We(exc)] praise, thank, and honor [you], our [(exc)] God, forever! [We(exc) acknowledge] that you are completely wise, the powerful one, who is forever able to accomplish everything he wants to. (May everyone acknowlege that it is so!/Amen!)” (aiōn )
En de vijfde engel heeft gebazuind, en ik zag een ster, gevallen uit den hemel op de aarde, en haar werd gegeven de sleutel van den put des afgronds. (Abyssos )
The fifth angel blew his trumpet. Then I saw [an evil angel. He was like] a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. He was given {[Someone] gave him} the key to the shaft [that descended] ([to] the underworld/[to] the deep dark pit). (Abyssos )
En zij heeft den put des afgronds geopend; en er is rook opgegaan uit den put, als rook eens groten ovens; en de zon en de lucht is verduisterd geworden van den rook des puts. (Abyssos )
When he opened that shaft, smoke arose from it like smoke from a huge burning furnace. The smoke prevented [anyone from seeing] the sky and the light of the sun. (Abyssos )
En zij hadden over zich tot een koning den engel des afgronds; zijn naam was in het Hebreeuws Abaddon, en in de Griekse taal had hij den naam Apollyon. (Abyssos )
The king who ruled over them was the angel of the underworld. His name in the Hebrew language is Abaddon. In the Greek language it is Apollyon. [Both of] those names [mean ‘Destroyer’]. (Abyssos )
En hij zwoer bij Dien, Die leeft in alle eeuwigheid, Die den hemel geschapen heeft en hetgeen daarin is, en de aarde en hetgeen daarin is, en de zee en hetgeen daarin is, dat er geen tijd meer zal zijn; (aiōn )
and he asked the one who lives forever, the one who created heaven and everything that is in it, [who created] the earth and everything that is in it, and [who created] the ocean and everything that is in it, to affirm that what he said was true. [He said that he] would surely no longer delay [what he had planned to do]. (aiōn )
En als zij hun getuigenis zullen geeindigd hebben, zal het beest, dat uit den afgrond opkomt, hun krijg aandoen, en het zal hen overwinnen, en zal hen doden. (Abyssos )
When they have finished proclaiming [to people the message from God], the beast that comes up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit) will attack them, overcome them, and kill them. (Abyssos )
En de zevende engel heeft gebazuind, en er geschiedden grote stemmen in den hemel, zeggende: De koninkrijken der wereld zijn geworden onzes Heeren en van Zijn Christus, en Hij zal als Koning heersen in alle eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
Then the seventh angel blew [his trumpet]. Angels in heaven shouted loudly, “Our Lord [God] and the Messiah [whom he has appointed] can now govern [everyone in] [MTY] the world, and they will continue to rule people forever!” (aiōn )
En ik zag een anderen engel, vliegende in het midden des hemels, en hij had het eeuwige Evangelie, om te verkondigen dengenen, die op de aarde wonen, en aan alle natie, en geslacht, en taal, en volk; (aiōnios )
I saw another angel that was flying between the sky and heaven. He was bringing [God’s] eternal good message [to earth], in order that he might proclaim it to people who live on the earth. He will proclaim it to every nation, [to every] tribe, [to speakers of every] language [MTY], and [to every] people-[group]. (aiōnios )
En de rook van hun pijniging gaat op in alle eeuwigheid, en zij hebben geen rust dag en nacht, die het beest aanbidden en zijn beeld, en zo iemand het merkteken zijns naams ontvangt. (aiōn )
The smoke [from the fire] that torments them will rise forever. [They will] be tormented {[God will] torment them} continually, day and night. [That is what will happen to] the people who worship the beast and its image and who allow its name to be marked on them {allow [its agent] to mark them with its name}.” (aiōn )
En een van de vier dieren gaf den zeven engelen zeven gouden fiolen, vol van den toorn Gods, Die in alle eeuwigheid leeft. (aiōn )
One of the four living [creatures] gave [each of] the seven angels a golden bowl, filled with [wine/liquid. That wine/liquid symbolized] that God, who lives forever, would severely punish [rebellious people]. (aiōn )
Het beest, dat gij gezien hebt, was en is niet; en het zal opkomen uit den afgrond, en ten verderve gaan; en die op de aarde wonen, zullen verwonderd zijn (welker namen niet zijn geschreven in het boek des levens van de grondlegging der wereld), ziende het beest, dat was en niet is, hoewel het is. (Abyssos )
The beast that you saw [lived] previously. Eventually God will destroy him, but now he is dead. He is [about to] come up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit). [When] the beast who had previously lived, and who then had died, reappears, the people who live on the earth will be amazed. [They are people whose] names were not in the book in which are written the names of people [who will] have eternal life. [The angels have been writing those names in a list] (from the beginning of the world/from the time when the world began). (Abyssos )
En zij zeiden ten tweeden maal: Halleluja! En haar rook gaat op in alle eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
[The crowd] shouted a second time saying: (Hallelujah!/Praise God!) The smoke of the fire that is burning the cities will rise forever! (aiōn )
En het beest werd gegrepen, en met hetzelve de valse profeet, die de tekenen in de tegenwoordigheid van hetzelve gedaan had, door welke hij verleid had, die het merkteken van het beest ontvangen hadden, en die deszelfs beeld aanbaden. Deze twee zijn levend geworpen in den poel des vuurs, die met sulfer brandt. (Limnē Pyr )
The beast and the false prophet were captured {[He] captured the beast and the false prophet}. The false prophet is the one who had performed miracles in the beast’s presence. By doing that he had deceived the people who had accepted the beast’s mark [on their foreheads] and who worshipped its image. The beast and the false prophet were thrown {[He] threw the beast and the one who falsely said that he spoke messages that came directly from God} alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. (Limnē Pyr )
En ik zag een engel afkomen uit den hemel, hebbende den sleutel des afgronds, en een grote keten in zijn hand; (Abyssos )
I saw an angel coming down from heaven. He had the key to the deep dark pit, and he was carrying a large chain in his hand. (Abyssos )
En wierp hem in den afgrond, en sloot hem daarin, en verzegelde dien boven hem, opdat hij de volken niet meer verleiden zou, totdat de duizend jaren zouden geeindigd zijn. En daarna moet hij een kleinen tijd ontbonden worden. (Abyssos )
The angel threw him into the deep dark pit. He shut [the door of the pit], locked it, and sealed it [to prevent anyone from opening it]. He did that in order that Satan might no longer deceive [the people of the] nations [MTY], until those 1,000 years are ended. After that [time], Satan must be released {[God/God’s angel] must release Satan} for a short time [in order that he can do what God has planned]. (Abyssos )
En de duivel, die hen verleidde, werd geworpen in den poel des vuurs en sulfers, alwaar het beest en de valse profeet zijn; en zij zullen gepijnigd worden dag en nacht in alle eeuwigheid. (aiōn , Limnē Pyr )
The devil, who had deceived those people, will be thrown {[God’s angel] will throw the devil, who had deceived those people} into the lake of burning sulfur. [This is the same lake] into which both the beast and the false prophet had been [thrown] {[he] had [thrown] both the beast and the false prophet}. [As a result], they will continually suffer severely forever. (aiōn , Limnē Pyr )
En de zee gaf de doden, die in haar waren; en de dood en de hel gaven de doden, die in hen waren; en zij werden geoordeeld, een iegelijk naar hun werken. (Hadēs )
[The people whose bodies were buried in the] sea [became alive again in order to stand before God’s throne]. Everyone who had been buried on the land (OR, Every person who was waiting in the place where dead people stay) [became alive again, in order to stand before the throne]. [God] judged each one of them according to what each one had done. (Hadēs )
En de dood en de hel werden geworpen in den poel des vuurs; dit is de tweede dood. (Hadēs , Limnē Pyr )
All the unbelievers [PRS, MTY] —those who had been in the place where they waited after they died— [were thrown into the burning lake]. The burning lake is [the place in which people] die the second time. (Hadēs , Limnē Pyr )
En zo iemand niet gevonden werd geschreven in het boek des levens, die werd geworpen in den poel des vuurs. (Limnē Pyr )
The people whose [names] [MTY] are not in the book, the one [where God] has written [the names of people who] have [eternal] life, [were also thrown] {([God/God’s angel]) threw them also} [into the lake] of fire. (Limnē Pyr )
Maar den vreesachtigen, en ongelovigen, en gruwelijken, en doodslagers, en hoereerders, en tovenaars, en afgodendienaars, en al den leugenaars, is hun deel in den poel, die daar brandt van vuur en sulfer; hetwelk is de tweede dood. (Limnē Pyr )
But those who are cowardly, those who do not believe [in me], those [who do] detestable things, those who are murderers, those who sin sexually, those who commit sorcery, those who worship idols, and every liar, will [all suffer] in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. [Anyone who suffers in that lake] will be dying the second time.” (Limnē Pyr )
En aldaar zal geen nacht zijn, en zij zullen geen kaars noch licht der zon van node hebben; want de Heere God verlicht hen; en zij zullen als koningen heersen in alle eeuwigheid. (aiōn )
There will never again be night. [God’s servants] will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, because the Lord God will shine his light upon them. And they will rule forever. (aiōn )
Looft Hem met hel klinkende cimbalen; looft Hem met cimbalen van vreugdegeluid! ()
Dezen zijn waterloze fonteinen, wolken van een draaiwind gedreven, denwelken de donkerheid der duisternis in der eeuwigheid bewaard wordt. ()