< Mattheüs 1 >

1 Geschiedboek van Jesus Christus, zoon van David, zoon van Abraham.
The booke of the generation of Jesus Christ the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.
2 Abraham won Isaäk. Isaäk won Jakob. Jakob won Juda en zijn broeders.
Abraham begate Isaac. And Isaac begate Iacob. And Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren.
3 Juda won Fares en Zara bij Tamar. Fares won Esron. Esron won Aram.
And Iudas begate Phares, and Zara of Thamar. And Phares begate Esrom. And Esrom begate Aram.
4 Aram won Amminadab. Amminadab won Naässon. Naässon won Salmon.
And Aram begate Aminadab. And Aminadab begate Naasson. And Naasson begat Salmon.
5 Salmon won Boöz bij Rachab. Boöz won Obed bij Rut. Obed won Jesse. Jesse won koning David.
And Salmon begate Booz of Rachab. And Booz begat Obed of Ruth. and Obed begat Iesse.
6 David won Sálomon bij de vrouw van Urias.
And Iesse begate Dauid the King. And Dauid the King begate Salomon of her that was the wife of Vrias.
7 Sálomon won Róboam. Róboam won Abias. Abias won Asaf.
And Salomon begate Roboam. And Roboam begate Abia. And Abia begate Asa.
8 Asaf won Jósafat. Jósafat won Joram. Joram won Ozias.
And Asa begate Iosaphat. And Iosaphat begate Ioram. And Ioram begate Hozias.
9 Ozias won Jóatam. Jóatam won Achaz. Achaz won Ezekias.
And Hozias begat Ioatham. And Ioatham begate Achaz. And Achaz begate Ezekias.
10 Ezekias won Manasses. Manasses won Amon. Amon won Josias.
And Ezekias begate Manasses. And Manasses begate Amon. And Amon begate Iosias.
11 Josias won Jekonias en zijn broeders omstreeks de tijd der wegvoering naar Babylon.
And Iosias begate Iakim. And Iakim begate Iechonias and his brethren about the time they were caried away to Babylon.
12 En na de wegvoering naar Babylon won Jekonias Salátiël. Salátiël won Zoróbabel.
And after they were caried away into Babylon, Iechonias begate Salathiel. And Salathiel begate Zorobabel.
13 Zoróbabel won Abióed. Abióed won Eljakim, Eljakim won Azor.
And Zorobabel begate Abiud. And Abiud begate Eliacim. And Eliacim begate Azor.
14 Azor won Sadok. Sadok won Achim. Achim won Elióed.
And Azor begate Sadoc. And Sadoc begate Achim. And Achim begate Eliud.
15 Elióed won Eleazar. Eleazar won Matan. Matan won Jakob.
And Eliud begate Eleazar. And Eleazar begate Matthan. And Matthan begate Iacob.
16 Jakob won Josef, den man van Maria, uit wie Jesus geboren is, die Christus genoemd wordt.
And Iacob begat Ioseph ye husband of Mary, of whom was borne Jesus, that is called Christ.
17 Tezamen dus zijn er van Abraham tot David veertien geslachten, en van David tot de wegvoering naar Babylon veertien geslachten, en van de wegvoering naar Babylon tot den Christus veertien geslachten.
So all the generations from Abraham to Dauid, are fourtene generations. And from Dauid vntil they were caried away into Babylon, fourtene generations: and after they were caried away into Babylon vntill Christ, fourteene generations.
18 De geboorte van Jesus Christus geschiedde aldus. Toen Maria zijn moeder verloofd was met Josef, werd zij, voordat ze gingen samenwonen, in gezegende toestand bevonden van den Heiligen Geest.
Nowe the birth of Jesus Christ was thus, When as his mother Mary was betrothed to Ioseph, before they came together, shee was found with childe of the holy Ghost.
19 Daar Josef, haar man, een rechtvaardige was, en haar niet te schande wilde maken, besloot hij, in stilte van haar te scheiden.
Then Ioseph her husband being a iust man, and not willing to make her a publike example, was minded to put her away secretly.
20 Terwijl hij met die gedachte omging, zie, daar verscheen hem in een droom een engel des Heren, en sprak: Josef, zoon van David, vrees niet, Maria, uw vrouw, tot u te nemen; want wat in haar is geboren, is van den Heiligen Geest.
But whiles he thought these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame, saying, Ioseph, the sonne of Dauid, feare not to take Mary thy wife: for that which is conceiued in her, is of the holy Ghost.
21 Ze zal een zoon baren, en ge zult Hem Jesus noemen; want Hij zal zijn volk verlossen van hun zonden.
And she shall bring foorth a sonne, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes.
22 Dit alles is geschied, opdat vervuld zou worden wat de Heer gesproken heeft door den profeet, die zegt:
And al this was done that it might be fulfilled, which is spoken of the Lord by ye Prophet, saying,
23 "Zie, de maagd zal ontvangen, en een zoon baren; en men zal Hem Emmánuel noemen"; dat is vertaald: God met ons.
Behold, a virgine shalbe with childe, and shall beare a sonne, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, God with vs.
24 Toen Josef uit de slaap was ontwaakt, deed hij zoals de engel des Heren hem had bevolen; en hij nam zijn vrouw tot zich.
Then Ioseph, being raised from sleepe, did as the Angel of the Lord had inioyned him, and tooke his wife.
25 Maar hij bekende haar niet, totdat zij een zoon had gebaard; en hij noemde Hem Jesus.
But he knew her not, til she had broght forth her first borne sonne, and he called his name JESUS.

< Mattheüs 1 >