< Jeremia 41 >
1 Zo kwam Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, zoon van Elisjama, die van koninklijke bloede was en tot de koninklijke aanvoerders had behoord, in de zevende maand met tien mannen naar Gedaljáhoe, den zoon van Achikam, die zich te Mispa bevond. En terwijl ze daar in Mispa tezamen aan tafel zaten,
And it was - in the month seventh he came Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah [the] son of Elishama one of [the] offspring of royalty and [the] chiefs of the king and ten men [who were] with him to Gedaliah [the] son of Ahikam Mizpah towards and they were eating there food together at Mizpah.
2 sprongen Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, en de tien mannen, die hem vergezelden, overeind, en staken Gedaljáhoe, den zoon van Achikam, zoon van Sjafan, aan het zwaard. Zo vermoordde Jisjmaël den landvoogd van den koning van Babel.
And he arose Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah and [the] ten the men - who they were with him and they struck down Gedaliah [the] son of Ahikam [the] son of Shaphan with the sword and he killed him whom he had appointed [the] king of Babylon over the land.
3 Bovendien doodde hij al de Judeërs, die bij Gedaljáhoe te Mispa waren, en de Chaldeeuwse soldaten, die zich eveneens daar bevonden.
And all the Jews who they were with him with Gedaliah at Mizpah and the Chaldeans who they were found there [the] men of war he struck down Ishmael.
4 Daags na de moord op Gedaljáhoe, en toen niemand er nog iets van wist,
And it was on the day second of killing Gedaliah and anyone not he knew.
5 kwamen er tachtig mannen uit Sikem, Sjilo en Samaria aan, die zich de baard hadden afgeschoren, de kleren gescheurd en verwondingen toegebracht; ze droegen offergaven en wierook met zich mee, om ze naar de tempel van Jahweh te brengen.
And they came men from Shechem from Shiloh and from Samaria eighty man shaven of beard and torn of clothes and having cut themselves and an offering and frankincense in hand their to bring [the] house of Yahweh.
6 Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, ging ze al wenend uit Mispa tegemoet, en toen hij bij hen was, zeide hij hun:
And he went out Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah to meet them from Mizpah going continually and weeping and it was when met them and he said to them come to Gedaliah [the] son of Ahikam.
7 Komt even bij Gedaljáhoe aan, den zoon van Achikam! Maar nauwelijks waren ze in de stad gekomen, of Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, met de mannen die bij hem waren, slachtten ze af, en wierpen ze in de put.
And it was when came they into [the] middle of the city and he slaughtered them Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah into [the] middle of the cistern he and the men who [were] with him.
8 Maar tien van die mannen riepen Jisjmaël toe: Dood ons niet; want wij hebben in het veld geheime voorraden van koren, gerst, olie en honing. Daarom liet hij ze ongemoeid, en vermoordde ze niet met de anderen.
And ten men they were found among them and they said to Ishmael may not you kill us for there is [belonging] to us treasures in the field wheat and barley and oil and honey and he refrained and not he killed them in among relatives their.
9 De put, waarin Jisjmaël al de lijken van de mannen liet werpen, die hij vermoord had, was de grote put, die koning Asa had laten graven bij zijn strijd tegen Basja, den koning van Israël; die vulde Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanjáhoe, met de lijken.
And the cistern where he threw there Ishmael - all [the] corpses of the men whom he had struck down by [the] hand of Gedaliah it [was [the] one] which he had made the king Asa because of Baasha [the] king of Israel it he filled Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah [those] slain.
10 Daarna voerde Jisjmaël heel de rest der bevolking van Mispa weg, met de dochters van den koning en al het volk dat zich in Mispa had gevestigd, en die Neboe-Zaradan, het hoofd van de lijfwacht, aan Gedaljáhoe, den zoon van Achikam, had toevertrouwd; hij trok op, om naar de Ammonieten over te lopen.
And he took captive - Ishmael all [the] rest of the people which [was] in Mizpah [the] daughters of the king and all the people who remained at Mizpah whom he had appointed Nebuzaradan [the] chief of [the] bodyguards with Gedaliah [the] son of Ahikam and he took captive them Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah and he went to pass over to [the] people of Ammon.
11 Toen Jochanan, de zoon van Karéach, en al de legeroversten die bij hem waren, hoorden wat al onheil Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, had gesticht,
And he heard Johanan [the] son of Kareah and all [the] commanders of the armies who [were] with him all the evil which he had done Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah.
12 riepen ze al hun mannen bijeen, en rukten uit, om tegen Jisjmaël, den zoon van Netanja, te gaan vechten. Ze stieten op hem bij de grote vijver van Gibon.
And they took all the men and they went to do battle with Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah and they found him to water great which [is] in Gibeon.
13 Al het volk, dat bij Jisjmaël was, verheugde zich, toen ze Jochanan, den zoon van Karéach, zagen met al de legeroversten, die bij hem waren;
And it was when saw all the people which [was] with Ishmael Johanan [the] son of Kareah and all [the] commanders of the armies who [were] with him and they were glad.
14 en al het volk, dat Jisjmaël uit Mispa had weggevoerd, liep over en voegde zich weer bij Jochanan, den zoon van Karéach.
And they turned round all the people which he had taken captive Ishmael from Mizpah and they turned back and they went to Johanan [the] son of Kareah.
15 Jisjmaël zelf, de zoon van Netanja, wist met acht mannen Jochanan te ontsnappen, en week naar de Ammonieten uit.
And Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah he escaped with eight men from before Johanan and he went to [the] people of Ammon.
16 Nu verzamelde Jochanan, de zoon van Karéach, met al de legeroversten die bij hem waren, de hele rest der bevolking, die Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, uit Mispa had weggevoerd, nadat hij Gedalja, den zoon van Achikam, had vermoord, maar die Jochanan uit Gibon had teruggebracht: mannen en weerbare lieden, vrouwen, kinderen en eunuchen.
And he took Johanan [the] son of Kareah and all [the] commanders of the armies who [were] with him all [the] rest of the people which he had brought back from with Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah from Mizpah after he had struck down Gedaliah [the] son of Ahikam men [the] men of war and women and little one[s] and court-officials whom he had brought back from Gibeon.
17 Ze trokken weg, en maakten eerst halt in Geroet-Kimham bij Betlehem, om voor de Chaldeën naar Egypte te vluchten.
And they went and they remained at Geruth (Kimham *Q(K)*) which [is] beside Beth-lehem to go to go Egypt.
18 Want ze waren bang voor hen, omdat Jisjmaël, de zoon van Netanja, Gedaljáhoe, den zoon van Achikam, had vermoord, dien de koning van Babel tot landvoogd had aangesteld.
From before the Chaldeans for they were afraid of them for he had struck down Ishmael [the] son of Nethaniah Gedaliah [the] son of Ahikam whom he had appointed [the] king of Babylon over the land.