< Handelingen 5 >

1 Toch was er ook een zeker man, Ananias genaamd, die in overleg met Safira, zijn vrouw, een landgoed verkocht,
But there was one of [the believers] whose name was Ananias, and whose wife’s name was Sapphira. He [also] sold some land.
2 maar die met medeweten van zijn vrouw iets van de opbrengst achterhield, er enkel een gedeelte van meebracht, en het voor de voeten der apostelen legde.
He kept for himself some of the money [he had received for the land], and his wife knew that he had done that. Then he brought the rest of the money and presented it to the apostles [MTY].
3 Toen sprak Petrus: Ananias, waarom heeft satan beslag gelegd op heel uw hart, dat ge den Heiligen Geest bedriegt en van de opbrengst van het landgoed iets achterhoudt?
Then Peter said, “Ananias, you [(sg)] let Satan completely control you [MTY] so that you [(sg) tried to] deceive the Holy Spirit [and us(exc)]. (That was [terrible!/Why did you do such a terrible thing]?) [RHQ] [You] have kept for yourself some of the money you [(sg)] received for [selling] the land, [pretending that you(sg) were giving us all of it].
4 Was het niet uw eigendom, vóór het verkocht werd; en bleef ook de verkoopprijs niet te uwer beschikking? Hoe komt het, dat ge deze daad in uw hart hebt beraamd? Ge hebt geen mensen belogen, maar God.
Before you [(sg)] sold that land, you truly owned [RHQ] it. And after you sold it, you could [RHQ] certainly still have used the money any way you wanted [to]. So why did you [(sg) ever] think [RHQ] about doing this [wicked] thing? You were not [merely trying to] deceive us! No, [you tried to deceive] God [himself!]!”
5 Toen Ananias deze woorden vernam, zakte hij ineen, en gaf de geest. Grote vrees beving allen, die het vernamen.
When Ananias heard that, [immediately] he fell down dead. So all [who were there] who heard [about Ananias’ death] became terrified [PRS].
6 En de jongsten kwamen hem afleggen, droegen hem weg, en begroeven hem.
Some young men came in, wrapped his [body in a sheet], and carried it out [and] buried it.
7 Drie uur later ongeveer kwam ook zijn vrouw binnen, die van het gebeurde niets wist.
About three hours later, his wife came in, [but] she did not know what had happened.
8 Petrus zeide tot haar: Zeg mij; hebt gij voor zo en zoveel het landgoed verkocht? Ze zei: Ja, voor zóveel.
[As] Peter [showed her the money] that [Ananias had brought], he asked her, “Tell me, is this the amount [of money you two received for] the land you sold?” She said, “Yes, that’s [what we(exc) received].”
9 Toen sprak Petrus tot haar: Wat; hebt gij dan samengespannen, den Geest des Heren te tarten Zie, de voeten van hen, die uw man hebben begraven, staan aan de deur, om ook u uit te dragen.
So Peter said to her, “[You both did a terrible thing!] You two agreed [RHQ] to try to determine if you could do that without the Spirit of the Lord [God] revealing [to anyone that you two tried to deceive them!] Listen! [Do you(sg) hear the] footsteps [SYN] of the men who buried your husband? They are right outside this door, and they will carry your [corpse] out [to bury it, too]!”
10 Onmiddellijk zakte ze voor zijn voeten ineen, en gaf de geest. De jonge mannen vonden haar dood bij hun terugkomst; ze droegen haar weg en begroeven haar bij haar man.
Immediately Sapphira fell down dead at Peter’s feet. Then the young men came in. When they saw that she was dead, they carried her [body] out and buried it beside her husband’s [body].
11 En grote vrees beving heel de gemeente en allen, die het vernamen.
So all the believers [in Jerusalem] became greatly frightened [PRS] [because of what God had done to Ananias and Sapphira. And] all [the others] who heard [people tell about] those things also [became greatly frightened].
12 Intussen geschiedden er door de handen der apostelen veel tekenen en wonderen onder het volk. Allen bleven eendrachtig samenkomen in de zuilengang van Sálomon
[God was enabling] the apostles to do many amazing miracles among the people. All the believers were meeting together regularly [in the temple courtyard] at [the place called] Solomon’s Porch.
13 en niemand van de anderen durfde hen lastig vallen; integendeel, het volk sprak slechts met lof over hen.
All of the other people [who had not yet believed in Jesus] were afraid to associate with the believers, [because they knew that if they did anything evil, God would punish them, as well as revealing it to the believers]. However, those people continued to greatly respect the believers.
14 Steeds meer sloten er zich bij hen aan, die in den Heer geloofden; hele groepen van mannen en vrouwen.
Many more men and women started believing in the Lord [Jesus], and they joined the [group of] believers.
15 Zo kwam het, dat men zelfs de zieken op straat droeg, en op rustbanken en bedden legde: opdat, als Petrus voorbijging, zijn schaduw tenminste op een van hen zou vallen.
[The apostles were doing amazing miracles], so [people] were bringing those who were sick into the streets, and laying them on stretchers and mats, in order that [when] Peter came by [he would touch them, or] at least his shadow might fall upon some of them [and heal them].
16 Zelfs uit de steden rondom Jerusalem stroomde het volk bijeen; ze brachten de zieken mee en hen, die door onreine geesten werden gekweld; en allen werden genezen.
Crowds of people were also coming [to the apostles] from the towns near Jerusalem. They were bringing their sick [relatives/friends] and those who were being tormented/troubled by evil spirits {whom evil spirits were tormenting/troubling}, and [God] healed all of them.
17 Maar nu greep de hogepriester in met heel zijn aanhang, die de sekte der sadduceën vormde; ze waren jaloers, door en door.
Then the high priest and all who were with him, who were members of the [local] Sadducee [sect in Jerusalem], became very jealous [of the apostles, because many people were accepting the apostles’ message].
18 Ze sloegen de hand aan de apostelen, en wierpen ze in de openbare gevangenis.
So they commanded the Temple guards to seize the apostles and put them in the public jail.
19 Maar een engel des Heren opende ‘s nachts de deuren der gevangenis, bracht hen naar buiten, en sprak:
[The guards did that], but during the night an angel from the Lord [God] opened the jail doors and brought the apostles outside! [The guards were not aware of what the angel had done].
20 Gaat heen, treedt op in de tempel, en verkondigt aan het volk al de woorden van deze levensleer.
Then the angel said [to the apostles], “Go to the Temple [courtyard], stand there, and tell the people all about [how God can give them eternal] life!”
21 Ze gehoorzaamden, en gingen tegen de morgen naar de tempel, en gaven er onderricht. Intussen had de hogepriester met zijn partijgenoten de Hoge Raad bijeen geroepen met heel de senaat der Israëlieten, en liet men ze uit de kerker halen.
So having heard this, about dawn they entered the Temple [courtyard] and began to teach the people again [about Jesus]. Acts 5:21b-24 Meanwhile, the high priest and those who were with him summoned the other Jewish Council members. Altogether they made up the entire Council of Israel. [After they all gathered together], they sent [guards] to the jail to bring in the apostles.
22 Maar toen de dienaars daar kwamen, vonden ze hen niet in de kerker; ze keerden dus terug, om verslag uit te brengen,
But when the guards arrived at the jail, they discovered that the apostles were not there. So they returned to the Council, and [one of] them reported,
23 en zeiden: We vonden de kerker met zorg gesloten, en de wachters voor de deur; maar na opening vonden we niemand daarbinnen.
“We [(exc)] saw that the jail [doors] were very securely locked, and the guards were standing at the doors. But when we opened [the doors and went in to get those men], none [of them was] inside [the jail]!”
24 Toen de hoofdman der tempelwacht en de opperpriesters dit hoorden, vroegen ze zich verlegen af, wat dat betekenen moest.
When the captain of the temple guards and the chief priests heard that, they became greatly perplexed, [wondering] what might result from all this.
25 Daar kwam iemand hun melden: Zie, de mannen, die gij in de gevangenis hebt geworpen, staan in de tempel, en onderrichten het volk.
Then someone came [from the Temple courtyard] and [excitedly] reported to them, “Listen [to this! Right now] the men whom you put in jail are standing in the Temple [courtyard] and they are teaching the people [about Jesus]!”
26 Nu ging de hoofdman met de dienaars hen halen, maar zonder geweld te gebruiken; want ze waren bang, dat ze door het volk zouden worden gestenigd.
So the captain [of the Temple guards] went [to the Temple courtyard] with the officers, and they brought the apostles [back to the Council room. But they] did not treat them roughly, because they were afraid that the people would [kill them by] throwing stones at them [if they hurt the apostles].
27 Ze leidden hen weg, en brachten ze voor de Hoge Raad. De hogepriester ondervroeg hen,
After [the captain and his officers] had brought [the apostles to the Council room], they commanded them to stand in front of the Council members, and the high priest questioned them.
28 en sprak: We hebben u ten strengste verboden, in die Naam te onderrichten; en zie, gij hebt heel Jerusalem vervuld met uw leer, en wilt ons het bloed van dien mens ten laste leggen.
He said to them [accusingly], “We [(exc)] strongly commanded you not to teach people about that man [MTY] [Jesus] But [you have disobeyed us, and] you have taught people all over Jerusalem [about him]! Furthermore, you are trying to make it seem that we [(exc)] are the ones who are guilty [MTY] for that man’s death!”
29 Maar Petrus en de apostelen gaven ten antwoord: Men moet meer gehoorzaam zijn aan God, dan aan mensen.
But Peter, [speaking for himself] and the other apostles, replied, “We [(exc)] have to obey [what] God [commands us to do], not what [you] people [tell us to do]!
30 De God onzer vaderen heeft Jesus opgewekt, dien gij aan het kruis hebt geslagen, en gedood.
God considers that you are the ones who killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross! But God, whom our ancestors [worshipped], (caused Jesus to become alive again after he died/raised Jesus from the dead).
31 Hem heeft God verheven aan zijn rechterhand als Leidsman en Verlosser, om aan Israël bekering te schenken en vergiffenis van zonden.
God has greatly honored Jesus. [He has taken him up to heaven! He has authorized him] to be the one who will save us and to rule [over our lives! God did this] so that he might enable [us] Israelites [MTY] to turn away from [our] sinful behavior and [that he might] forgive [us for our sins].
32 En van deze dingen zijn wij de getuigen, maar ook de Heilige Geest, dien God heeft gegeven aan allen, die Hem gehoorzamen.
We [(exc)] tell people about these things [that we know happened to Jesus], and the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to [us] who obey him, is also confirming [that these things are true].”
33 Toen ze dit hoorden, werden ze woedend, en wilden hen doden.
When the Council members heard those words, they became very angry [with the apostles], and they wanted to kill them.
34 Maar nu stond er in de vergadering een farizeër op, Gamáliël genaamd, een leraar der Wet, die door het hele volk werd vereerd; hij beval, de mannen even naar buiten te brengen.
But [there was a Council member] named Gamaliel. He was a Pharisee, and one who taught people the [Jewish] laws, and all the [Jewish] people respected him. He stood up in the Council and told [guards] to take the apostles out [of the room] for a short time.
35 Toen sprak hij tot hen: Mannen van Israël, bedenkt goed, wat gij met deze mensen gaat doen.
[After the guards had taken the apostles out], he said to the other Council members, “Fellow Israelites, you need to think carefully about what you are about to do to these men, [and I will tell you why].
36 Enige tijd geleden stond Teudas op, en gaf zich voor heel iets bijzonders uit; en ongeveer vierhonderd mannen sloten zich bij hem aan. Hij werd gedood, en al zijn aanhangers werden verstrooid en verdwenen.
Some years ago [a man named] Theudas rebelled [against the Roman government]. He told people that he was an important person, and about 400 men joined [him. But he was killed] {[soldiers] killed him} and all those who had been accompanying him were scattered. [So they] were not able to do anything [that they had planned].
37 Na hem, in de dagen der volkstelling stond Judas de Galileër op, en sleepte een grote menigte mee; ook hij vond de dood, en al zijn aanhangers werden verstrooid.
After that, during the time when they were (writing down names of the people/taking the census) [in order to tax people, a man named] Judas from Galilee [province] rebelled [against the Roman government]. He persuaded some people to accompany him. But [soldiers] killed him, too, and all those who had accompanied him went off in different directions.
38 En daarom zeg ik u thans: Bemoeit u niet met deze lieden, en laat hen begaan. Want als dit plan of dit werk van mensen stamt, zal het mislukken.
So now I say [this] to you: Do not harm these men! Release them! I say this because if [this is just something] that humans have planned, they will not be able to do it. They will fail, [like Theudas and Judas did]
39 Maar komt het van God, dan kunt gij het niet tegenhouden, of gij komt in verzet tegen God.
But, if God [has commanded them to do it], you will not be able to prevent them [from doing it, because] you will find out that you are opposing God!” The other members of the Council accepted what Gamaliel said.
40 Men stemde hem toe. Ze riepen de apostelen binnen, lieten hen geselen, en verboden hun, in de naam van Jesus te spreken; toen liet men ze gaan.
They told the [temple guards to bring the apostles and flog them. So the guards] brought them [into the Council room] and flogged them. Then the Council members commanded them not to speak to people about [MTY] Jesus, and they released the apostles.
41 Ze gingen heen uit de Hoge Raad, verheugd, dat ze waardig waren bevonden, versmading te lijden voor de Naam.
So the apostles left the Council. They were rejoicing, because [they knew God] had honored them [by letting people] disgrace them because they were followers [MTY] of Jesus.
42 En ze hielden niet op, iedere dag opnieuw in de tempel en in de huizen te leren, en de blijde boodschap te preken, dat Jesus de Christus is.
And every day [the apostles went to] the temple [area] and to various [people’s] houses, [and] they continued [LIT] teaching [people] and telling [them] that Jesus is the Messiah.

< Handelingen 5 >