< Handelingen 10 >
1 Te Cesarea woonde een man, Cornélius geheten, een honderdman van de legerafdeling, die de Italiaanse werd genoemd.
[There was] a man [who lived] in Caesarea [city] whose name was Cornelius. He was an officer who commanded 100 men in a large group of [Roman] soldiers from Italy.
2 Hij was vroom en godvrezend met heel zijn gezin, gaf veel aalmoezen aan het volk en bad zonder ophouden tot God.
He always tried to do what would please God; he and his entire household [MTY] [were non-Jews who] habitually worshipped God. He sometimes gave money to help poor [Jewish] people, and he prayed to God regularly.
3 Zekere dag, tegen het negende uur, zag hij duidelijk in een visioen een engel Gods bij zich binnentreden, die tot hem sprak: Cornélius!
[One day] at about three o’clock in the afternoon [Cornelius saw] a vision. He clearly saw an angel whom God [had sent]. The angel came into [his room] and said to him, “Cornelius!”
4 Hij staarde hem angstig aan, en zeide: Wat is er, Heer? Hij sprak tot hem: Uw gebeden en aalmoezen zijn opgestegen, en worden voor Gods aanschijn herdacht.
Cornelius stared at the angel and became terrified. Then he asked [fearfully], “Sir, what do you [(sg)] want?” The angel answered him, “You [(sg)] have pleased God because you have been praying [regularly to him] and you often give money to [help] poor people. [Those things have been] like a sacrifice [to God].
5 Zend nu een paar mannen naar Joppe, om zekeren Simon te ontbieden, die ook Petrus wordt genoemd.
So, now command some men to go to Joppa and [tell them to] bring back a man named Simon whose other name is Peter.
6 Hij woont bij een leerlooier Simon in, wiens huis aan zee is gelegen.
He is staying with a man, [also] named Simon, who makes leather. His house is near the ocean.”
7 Zodra de engel, die tot hem sprak, zich had verwijderd, ontbood hij twee van zijn dienaars en een vroom soldaat uit zijn oppassers;
When the angel who spoke to Cornelius had gone, Cornelius summoned two of his household servants and a soldier who served him, one who also worshipped God.
8 hij legde hun alles uit, en zond hen naar Joppe.
He explained to them everything [that the angel had said. Then] he told them to go to Joppa [to ask Peter to come to Caesarea].
9 De volgende dag tegen het zesde uur, terwijl ze nog. onderweg waren, maar de stad reeds begonnen te naderen, ging Petrus naar het dakterras, om te bidden.
About noon the next day those [three men] were traveling [along the road] and were coming near [Joppa. As they were approaching Joppa], Peter went up on the [flat] housetop to pray.
10 Na enige tijd kreeg hij honger, en wilde wat eten. Terwijl men iets gereedmaakte, kwam hij in geestverrukking.
He became hungry and wanted something to eat. While someone was preparing the food, [Peter] saw [this] vision:
11 Hij zag de hemel geopend, en een soort zak als een groot laken, die aan de vier uiteinden werd neergelaten en op de aarde terechtkwam.
(He saw heaven open/He saw an opening in the sky) and something like a large sheet was being lowered [to the ground]. [It was tied at] its four corners [with ropes].
12 Daarin bevonden zich allerlei viervoetige en kruipende dieren der aarde en vogels uit de lucht.
Inside the sheet were all kinds of creatures. [These included animals and birds that the Mosaic laws forbade Jews to eat]. Some had four feet, others scurried across the ground, and others were wild birds.
13 En een stem klonk hem tegen: Sta op, Petrus, slacht en eet.
Then [he heard] God [SYN] say to him, “Peter, stand up, kill [and cook some of these] and eat [their meat]!”
14 Maar Petrus sprak: Onmogelijk, Heer; want nog nooit heb ik iets gegeten, wat bezoedeld is, of onrein.
But Peter replied, “Lord, surely you [(sg)] do not [really want me to do that]! I have never eaten any [meat] that [our Jewish law says] is unacceptable to God or [something that we(exc)] must not eat!”
15 Weer klonk tot hem een stem, nu voor de tweede maal: Wat God rein heeft verklaard, moogt gij niet bezoedeld noemen.
[Then Peter heard] [MTY] God talk to him a second time. He said, “[I am] God, [so] if I have made something acceptable [to eat], do not say that it is not acceptable [to eat]!”
16 Dit gebeurde tot driemaal toe; daarna werd plotseling de zak naar de hemel opgetrokken.
[This happened] three [times, so Peter knew that he had to think carefully about what it might mean]. Immediately [after God had said that the third time], ([the] sheet [with the animals and birds] was the pulled back into heaven/[someone] pulled the sheet [with the animals and birds] up into the sky again).
17 Terwijl Petrus zich afvroeg, wat het visioen, dat hij aanschouwd had, wel mocht betekenen, zie, daar stonden de mannen voor de deur, die door Cornélius waren gezonden, en die naar het huis van Simon vroegen.
While Peter was trying to understand what that vision meant, the men who had been sent by Cornelius {whom Cornelius had sent} [arrived in Joppa. They asked people how to get to] Simon’s house. [So they found his house] and were standing outside the gate.
18 Luid roepend vroegen ze, of Simon, die Petrus genoemd wordt, daar ook verblijf hield.
They called and were asking if a man named Simon, whose other name was Peter, was staying there.
19 Terwijl Petrus bleef nadenken over het visioen, sprak de Geest: Daar zijn drie mannen, die naar u vragen.
While Peter was still trying to understand [what] the vision [meant], [God’s] Spirit said to him, “Three men [are here who] want to see you.
20 Sta dus op, ga naar beneden, en trek zonder enig bedenken met hen mee; want Ik heb ze gezonden.
So get up and go downstairs and go with them! Do not think that you [(sg)] should not go with them [because of their being non-Jews], because I have sent them [here]!”
21 Petrus ging naar beneden, en sprak tot de mannen: Zie, ik ben degene, dien gij zoekt; wat is de reden van uw komst?
So Peter went down to the men and said to them, “[Greetings!] I am [the man] you are looking for. Why have you come?”
22 Ze zeiden: De honderdman Cornélius, een rechtvaardig en godvrezend man, in hoog aanzien bij heel het joodse volk, heeft van een heiligen engel een godsspraak ontvangen, om u in zijn huis te ontbieden, en te horen, wat ge hem hebt te zeggen.
One of them replied, “Cornelius, who is a [Roman] army officer, [sent us here]. He is a righteous man who worships God, and all of the Jewish people [HYP] [who know about him] say that he is a very good man. An angel (who was sent from God/whom God sent) said to him, ‘Tell some men to [go to Joppa to see Simon Peter and] bring him here, so that you [(sg)] can hear what he has to say.’”
23 Hierop verzocht hij hun, binnen te komen en zijn gasten te zijn. De volgende dag vertrok hij met hen, en ging op weg; ook enige broeders uit Joppe gingen met hen mee.
So Peter [said that he would go with them, and then he] invited them into [the house] and told them that they could stay [there that night]. Acts 10:23b-26 The next day Peter got ready and went with the men. Several of the believers from Joppa went with him.
24 De dag daarna kwam hij te Cesarea aan. Cornélius verwachtte hem, en had zijn bloedverwanten en beste vrienden bij zich genodigd.
The day after that, they arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was waiting for them. He had also invited his relatives and close friends [to come to his house, so they were there, too].
25 Zodra Petrus aankwam, ging Cornélius hem tegemoet, wierp zich ter aarde, en knielde aan zijn voeten neer.
When Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and bowed low in front of him to worship him.
26 Maar Petrus beurde hem op, en sprak: Sta op; ook ik ben maar een mens.
But Peter [grasped Cornelius by the hand and] lifted him to his feet. He said, “Stand up! [Do not revere/worship me] I myself am only human, [like you]!”
27 Met hem sprekende ging hij naar binnen, en vond er velen bijeen.
While he was talking to Cornelius, Peter [and the others] entered [a large room inside the house]. Peter saw that many people had gathered together [there].
28 En hij zeide tot hen: Gij weet, dat het een jood niet geoorloofd is, omgang te hebben met een heiden, of hem aan huis te bezoeken; maar God heeft me doen weten, dat geen enkel mens besmet of onrein mag worden genoemd.
Then Peter said to them, “You all know that any [of us] Jews think we are disobeying [our Jewish] laws if we [(exc)] associate with a non-Jewish person or [if we even] visit him. However, God has shown me [in a vision] that I should not say about anyone that God will not accept him.
29 Daarom ben ik gekomen, toen ik ontboden werd, zonder enig bezwaar te maken. Ik vraag dus alleen naar de reden, waarom gij mij hebt ontboden.
So when you sent [some men] to ask me to come [here], I came [right away. I] did not say that I could not go [with non-Jewish people. So, please tell me], why have you asked me to come [here]?”
30 Cornélius antwoordde; Juist vier dagen geleden, tegen het negende uur, was ik thuis in gebed; en zie, daar stond voor mij een man, in helderwit gewaad.
Cornelius replied, “About this time four days ago I was praying [to God] in my house, [as I regularly do] at three o’clock in the afternoon. Suddenly a man whose clothes [shone] brightly stood in front of me,
31 Hij sprak: Cornélius, uw gebed is verhoord, en uw aalmoezen zijn voor Gods aanschijn herdacht.
and said, ‘Cornelius, when you [(sg)] have prayed, you have been heard by God {God has heard [when] you [(sg)] have prayed [to him]}. He has also noticed that you have [often] given money to [help] poor people, [and he is pleased with that].
32 Zend dus iemand naar Joppe, om Simon te ontbieden, die ook Petrus wordt genoemd; hij verblijft in het huis van den leerlooier Simon, dat aan zee is gelegen.
So now, send [messengers to go] to Joppa, [in order] to ask Simon whose other name is Peter to come [here]. He is staying near the ocean in a house that belongs to [another] man named Simon, who makes leather. [When Simon Peter comes, he will tell you a message from God].’
33 Toen heb ik u dadelijk ontboden; en ge hebt goed gedaan, met over te komen. Nu zijn wij allen voor Gods aanschijn bijeen, om alles te vernemen, wat u door den Heer is bevolen.
So I immediately sent [some men who asked] you [(sg) to come here], and I [certainly] thank you for coming. Now we [(exc)] all are gathered [here, knowing that] God is with us, in order to hear all the things that the Lord [God] has commanded you [to say. So please speak to us].”
34 Toen opende Petrus de mond, en sprak Nu zie ik waarachtig, dat er bij God geen aanzien van personen bestaat;
So Peter began to speak [MTY] to them. He said, “[Now] I understand that it is true that God does not favor only certain groups [of people].
35 maar dat al wie Hem vreest en gerechtigheid doet, Hem welgevallig is, tot welk volk hij ook hoort.
Instead, from every group of people he accepts [everyone who] honors him and who does what pleases him.
36 Dit is het woord, dat Hij aan de kinderen Israëls heeft verkondigd. toen Hij de blijde boodschap bracht van vrede door Jesus Christus: Hij is de Heer van àllen.
[You know] the message that God sent to [us] Israelis. [He] proclaimed [to us the good news that he] would cause [people] to have peace [with him] because of what Jesus Christ [has done]. This [Jesus is Lord not only over us Israelis. He] is [also the] Lord [who rules] over all [people].
37 Gij weet, wat er na het doopsel, dat Johannes gepreekt heeft, van Galilea af door heel Judea is gebeurd.
You know what [he] did throughout the land of Judea, beginning in Galilee. He began [to do those things] after John had been proclaiming [to people that they should turn away from their sinful behavior before] he baptized them.
38 Hoe God Jesus van Názaret met den Heiligen Geest en met kracht heeft gezalfd hoe Hij weldoende rondging en allen genas, die door den duivel werden beheerst, omdat God met Hem was.
You know that God gave [MTY] his Holy Spirit to Jesus, [the Man] from Nazareth [town], and gave him the power [to do miracles. You also know] how Jesus went to many places, always doing good deeds and healing [people. Specifically], he was continually healing all the people whom the devil was causing to suffer. [Jesus was able to do those things] because God was always helping him.”
39 En wij, wij zijn getuigen van alles wat Hij gedaan heeft in het land van de Joden en in Jerusalem. Hem hebben ze aan het kruis geslagen, en gedood;
“We [apostles] tell people about all the things that [we saw Jesus] do in Jerusalem and in the [rest of] Israel. [The leaders in Jerusalem] had him killed by being nailed to a cross.
40 maar God heeft Hem de derde dag opgewekt en Hem laten verschijnen:
However, God caused him to become alive again on the third day [after he had died]. God [also] enabled [some of us(exc)] to see him [so that we would know that he was alive again].
41 niet aan heel het volk, maar aan de getuigen, door God voorbeschikt: aan ons, die met Hem gegeten hebben en gedronken na zijn verrijzenis uit de doden.
God [did] not [let] all the [Jewish] people see him. Instead, he had chosen us [apostles] beforehand to see [Jesus after he became alive again], and to tell others [about him]. We [apostles are the people] who ate meals with him (after he had become alive [again]/after he had risen from the dead).
42 En ons heeft Hij de opdracht gegeven, aan het volk te prediken en te getuigen, dat Hij door God is aangesteld als Rechter van levenden en doden.
God commanded us to preach to the people and tell them that Jesus is the one whom he has appointed to judge [everyone some day. He will judge all] those who will [still] be living and all those who will have died [by that time].
43 Van Hem getuigen al de profeten, dat ieder. die in Hem gelooft, vergiffenis van zonden verkrijgt door zijn Naam.
All of the prophets [who wrote about the Messiah long ago] told [people] about him. [They wrote] that if people believe in the Messiah [MTY], God would forgive [them for] their sins, because of what [the Messiah would do] for them.”
44 Nog was Petrus aan het woord, toen de Heilige Geest op allen neerdaalde, die naar de toespraak stonden te luisteren.
While Peter was still speaking those words, suddenly the Holy Spirit (came down on/began to control) all [those non-Jewish people] who were listening to the message.
45 De gelovigen uit de besnijdenis die met Petrus waren meegekomen, stonden verbaasd. dat de gave van den Heiligen Geest ook over de heidenen was uitgestort;
The Jewish believers who had come with Peter [from Joppa] were amazed that [God] had generously given the Holy Spirit to the non-Jewish people, too.
46 want ze hoorden hen in talen spreken, en God verheerlijken. Toen hernam Petrus:
[The Jewish believers knew that God had done that] because they were hearing those people speaking languages [MTY] [that they had not learned] and telling how great God is.
47 Zou iemand het water kunnen weigeren, en deze mensen niet dopen, die toch den Heiligen Geest hebben ontvangen, juist zoals wij?
Then Peter said [to the other Jewish believers who were there], “[God] has given them the Holy Spirit just like [he gave him] to us [Jewish believers], so (surely all of you would agree that [we(exc)] should baptize these people!/would any of you forbid that these people should be baptized?) [RHQ]”
48 En hij beval, hen te dopen in de naam van Jesus Christus Toen verzochten ze hem, enkele dagen te blijven.
Then Peter told those [non-Jewish] people that they should be baptized [to show that they had believed] [MTY] in the [Lord] Jesus Christ. [So they baptized all of them. After they were baptized], they requested that Peter stay [with them] several days. [So Peter and the other Jewish believers did that].