< Tito 3 >

1 Par ne ji mondo ochiw luor ne jotelo. Nyisgi mondo giwinj chik kendo mondo gibed moikore ne timo gimoro amora maber,
Amoneste hem to be sugetis to prynces, and to poweris; to obeische to that that is seid, and to be redi to al good werk;
2 kik giketh nying ngʼato angʼata, gibed joma ohero kwe, kendo ma paro mar konyo jowetegi, ka ginyiso muolo madier ne ji duto.
to blasfeme no man, to be not ful of chiding, but temperat, schewynge al myldenesse to alle men.
3 Nikech wan bende chon ne wan joma ofuwo ma ok winj wach kendo wasumbini mag kit gombo gi mor mayoreyore mag ringruok. Ngimawa mapile nopongʼ gi ichlit gi nyiego; ka ji mon kodwa kendo wan bende onge winjruok e kindwa.
For we weren sum tyme vnwise, vnbileueful, errynge, and seruynge to desiris, and to dyuerse lustis, doynge in malice and enuye, worthi to be hatid, hatinge ech othere.
4 To kane ngʼwono kod hera mar Nyasaye ma Jawarwa ofwenyore to nowarowa.
But whanne the benygnyte and the manhed of oure sauyour God aperide,
5 Ne ok owarowa nikech tim moro makare mane wasetimo, to ne owarowa mana nikech ngʼwonone owuon. Nowarowa gi luok mane Roho Maler okelonwago ngima manyien kod nywol manyien.
not of werkis of riytwisnesse that we diden, but bi his merci he made vs saaf, bi waischyng of ayen bigetyng, and ayen newyng of the Hooli Goost,
6 Kuom Yesu Kristo ma Jawarwa Nyasaye noolonwa Roho mogundho,
whom he schedde into vs plenteuousli bi Jhesu Crist, oure saueour,
7 mondo ka oseketwa kare kuom ngʼwonone to wabed jocham mwandune, ka wan gi geno mar yudo ngima mochwere. (aiōnios g166)
that we iustified bi his grace, ben eiris by hope of euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
8 Wachni en wach madiera. Kendo adwaro ni ijiw wechegi mondo joma oseketo genogi kuom Nyasaye otangʼ mondo gichiwre mar timo gik mabeyo. Gigi gin gik malongʼo chuth, kendo kelo konyruok ne ji duto.
A trewe word is, and of these thingis Y wole that thou conferme othere, that thei that bileuen to God, be bisy to be aboue othere in good werkis. These thingis ben good, and profitable to men.
9 To pogri gi mbekni mofuwo gi sigendini mag anywola gi mino wach kod dhawo kuom weche mag chike, nikech gik ma kamago ok kel konyruok kendo gionge tich.
And eschewe thou foltische questiouns, and genologies, and stryues, and fiytyngis of the lawe; for tho ben vnprofitable and veyn.
10 Siem ngʼat makelo pogruok dichiel, to kisesiemo ngʼat makelo pogruok diriyo to pogri kode chuth.
Eschewe thou a man eretik, aftir oon and the secound correccioun;
11 Bed kingʼeyo gadiera ni ngʼama kamano en Jaricho ma pache okethore kendo en ngʼama ketho kongʼeyo.
witinge that he that is siche a maner man is subuertid, and trespassith, and is dampned bi his owne dom.
12 Bangʼe kaseoro Artemas kata Tukiko iri, to item matek mondo ibi ira piyo Nikopoli, nikech asechano mar bet kuno kinde chwiri.
Whanne Y sende to thee Arteman, or Titicus, hiy thou to `come to me to Nycopolis; for Y haue purposid to dwelle in wyntir there.
13 Tim matek mondo ikony Zena ngʼat molony e chik kod Apolo e wuodhgi, kendo ne ni giyudo gik moko duto magidwaro.
Bisili byfor sende Zenam, a wise man of lawe, and Apollo, that no thing faile to hem.
14 Jowa nyaka puonjre keto chunygi kuom timo gik mabeyo, mondo eka giyud gik ma gikonyorego e ngimagi mapile kendo kik gidagi e ngima ma ok kel konyruok.
Thei that ben of ouris, lerne to be gouernouris in good werkis, to necessarie vsis, that thei be not with out fruyt.
15 Ji duto man koda ooroni mos. Mosnwa joma oherowa kuom yie. Ngʼwono obed kodu uduto.
Alle men that ben with me greeten thee wel. Grete thou wel hem, that louen vs in feith. The grace of God be with you alle. Amen.

< Tito 3 >