< Wer Mamit 8 >

1 Ka dine ibedna owadwa mahie, mane wadhodhogo thuno achiel, to dine anyodhi, kapo ni ayudi oko, kendo onge ngʼama dine ochaya.
Oh that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! When I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, and none would despise me.
2 Dine amako badi, mi akeli nyaka e od minwa kama ne opuonjae. Dine amiyi divai moketie yedhe madungʼ tik mamit mondo imadhi; kendo dine amiyi olemo mongʼinore makwar.
I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, that thou mightest instruct me; I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine, of the juice of my pomegranate.
3 Bade ma koracham oteno wiya, to bade ma korachwich okwaka.
His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.
4 Un nyi Jerusalem, asiemou ni kik utug hera kata chiewe ka sa ne pok oromo.
'I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem: Why should ye awaken, or stir up love, until it please?'
5 Mano to ngʼa mabiro koa e piny motimo ongoro koyiengore kuom jaherane? Nyako Ne achiewe e bwo yadh olemo mayom; kanyo ema ne minu omake ichni, kendo kanyo ema ngʼat mane muoch okayo nonywolie.
Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple-tree I awakened thee; there thy mother was in travail with thee; there was she in travail and brought thee forth.
6 Para e chunyi kinde duto, kendo wiyi kik wil koda; nikech hera nigi teko mana ka tho, kendo nyiego ma hera nigo tut mana ka bur tho. Herano liel ka mach mabebni, kendo mana ka ligek mach maduongʼ. (Sheol h7585)
Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave; the flashes thereof are flashes of fire, a very flame of the LORD. (Sheol h7585)
7 Pige mathoth ok nyal nego hera; kendo kata aore maringo ok nyal ywere. Ka dipo ni ngʼato dichiw mwandu duto mag ode mondo oyud hera, to mano dibed fuwo maduongʼ.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, he would utterly be contemned.
8 Wan gi nyaminwa moro matin, kendo thundene pok obedo madongo. Angʼo mwanyalo timone nyaminwa chiengʼ ma wuowi obiro dware?
We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts; what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?
9 Ka dine bed ni en ohinga, to dine wagero osuch fedha kuome. To ka dine obed ni en dhoot, to dine walore gi thigo mar bap sida.
If she be a wall, we will build upon her a turret of silver; and if she be a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar.
10 An to an ohinga, kendo thundena ochungʼ, ka ohinga moger motingʼore gi malo. Kuom mano, asebedone wangʼ monenogo, kendo asemiyo obedo gi kwe.
I am a wall, and my breasts like the towers thereof; then was I in his eyes as one that found peace.
11 Solomon ne nigi puoth mzabibu kama iluongo ni Baal Hamon; kendo ne oketo puotheno e lwet jopur. Moro ka moro kuomgi nonego chul Solomon kilo, apar gachiel gi nus mar fedha kuom olembene.
Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-hamon; he gave over the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof brought in a thousand pieces of silver.
12 An to an gi puotha awuon mar mzabibu; to in Solomon in to bed abeda gi kilo apar gachiel, gi nusgo miyudo kuom jopur, to un jopur un bende beduru abeda gi kilo, ariyo gi nusgo moyudo kuom poku.
My vineyard, which is mine, is before me; thou, O Solomon, shalt have the thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred.
13 In midak e puothe mzabibu kaachiel gi osiepeni mabudhi, yie awinjie dwondi gie puodho kuno!
Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken for thy voice: 'Cause me to hear it.'
14 Bi wadhi, jaherana, kendo chal gi mwanda kata le, mamoko manie thim mochungʼ ewi gode mopongʼ gi yedhe madungʼ tik mangʼwe ngʼar.
Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a gazelle or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.

< Wer Mamit 8 >