< Jo-Rumi 16 >

1 Apwoyonu nyaminwa Fibi, ma en jatich e kanisa man Kenkrea.
I Commende vnto you Phebe our sister, which is a seruaunt of the Church of Cenchrea:
2 Akwayou mondo urwake kuom Ruoth, kaka onego tim ni jomaler, kendo mondo umiye gimoro amora ma dodwar kuomu, nimar osebedo kokonyo ji mangʼeny, nyaka an bende.
That ye receiue her in the Lord, as it becommeth Saintes, and that ye assist her in whatsoeuer businesse she needeth of your ayde: for she hath giuen hospitalitie vnto many, and to me also.
3 Mosnauru Priskila gi Akula, ma jotich koda kaachiel e Kristo Yesu.
Greete Priscilla, and Aquila my fellowe helpers in Christ Iesus,
4 Negiketo ngimagi e chandruok nikech an. Ok an kenda, to kanise duto mag joma ok jo-Yahudi, bende pako timgino.
(Which haue for my life laide downe their owne necke. Vnto whom not I onely giue thankes, but also all the Churches of the Gentiles.)
5 Kanisa machokore e odgi bende mosnauru. Mosnauru Epaineto, osiepna mageno, ma en ema nokwongo bedo ja-Kristo e piny Asia.
Likewise greete the Church that is in their house. Salute my beloued Epenetus, which is the first fruites of Achaia in Christ.
6 Mosnauru Maria, mosebedo katiyonwa matek ahinya e dieru.
Greete Marie which bestowed much labour on vs.
7 Androniko kod Junias, ma wedena, kendo mane ni koda e od twech, bende mosnauru. Ji ariyogi gin joma oluor e kind Joote, kendo ne gikwongona yie kuom Kristo.
Salute Andronicus and Iunia my cousins and fellowe prisoners, which are notable among the Apostles, and were in Christ before me.
8 Mosnauru Ampliato ma jaherana kuom Ruoth.
Greete Amplias my beloued in the Lord.
9 Urbano, ma en jatich Kristo wadwa, kod Stakus ma osiepna mageno bende mosnauru.
Salute Vrbanus our fellow helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloued.
10 Mosnauru Apele, ngʼat mosetem moyud ni ja-Kristo mar adier. Jood Aristobulo bende mosnauru.
Salute Apelles approoued in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus friendes.
11 Mosnauru watna ma Herodion. Mosnauru jood Narkiso, mohero Ruoth.
Salute Herodion my kinsman. Greete them which are of the friendes of Narcissus which are in the Lord.
12 Mosnauru Turfena gi Turfosa, ma gin mon matiyo matek ni Ruoth. Mosnauru osiepna Persi ma en dhako mosetiyo matek ni Ruoth.
Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, which women labour in the Lord. Salute the beloued Persis, which woman hath laboured much in the Lord.
13 Mosnauru Rufus, ngʼat ma Ruoth oyiero kod min-gi mosebedona kaka minwa an bende.
Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.
14 Mosnauru bende Asunkrito, Filgona, Hermes, Patroba, Hermas, kod Jowete duto man kodgi.
Greete Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Mercurius, and the brethren which are with them.
15 Mosnauru Filologo gi Julia gi Nerea kod nyamin mare; gi Olumpa kod jomaler duto man kodgi.
Salute Philologus and Iulias, Nereas, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the Saintes which are with them.
16 Mosreuru, uduto ngʼato gi ngʼato, gi yogruok maler. Kanise duto mag Kristo omosou.
Salute one another with an holy kisse. The Churches of Christ salute you.
17 Owetena, asiemou mondo ungʼi maber joma kelo pogruok, kendo keto chwanyruok e yoreu ma ok oluwore gi puonj museyudo. Wereuru kodgi.
Now I beseech you brethren, marke them diligently which cause diuision and offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye haue learned, and auoide them.
18 Nimar joma kamago ok ti ne Kristo Ruodhwa, to gitiyo mana ne igi giwegi. Giwuoyo gi weche mayom ka giolo ji mondo giwuond chunje joma pachgi thany thany.
For they that are such, serue not the Lord Iesus Christ, but their owne bellies, and with faire speach and flattering deceiue the heartes of the simple.
19 Ji duto osewinjo kaka uwinjo wach kendo mano omiyo chunya opongʼ gi mor kuomu, to adwaro mondo ubed mariek korka timo gima ber, kendo ubed maonge wach korka timo gima rach.
For your obedience is come abroade among all: I am glad therefore of you: but yet I woulde haue you wise vnto that which is good, and simple concerning euill.
20 Nyasach kwe biro miyo unyon Satan gi tiendu. Ngʼwono mar Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo obed kodu.
The God of peace shall treade Satan vnder your feete shortly. The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you.
21 Timotheo, mwatiyogo kaachiel okowonu mos; Lukio gi Jason kod Sosipatro ma wedena bende jomosou.
Timotheus my helper, and Lucius, and Iason, and Sosipater my kinsemen, salute you.
22 An Tertio, ma jandiko mar baruwani, bende amosou kuom Ruoth.
I Tertius, which wrote out this Epistle, salute you in the Lord.
23 Gayo, moserwaka e ode, kaachiel gi kanisa duto, omosou. Erasto, jakeno maduongʼ mar dalani, kod owadwa Kwarto bende ooronu mos. [
Gains mine hoste, and of the whole Church saluteth you. Erastus the steward of the citie saluteth you, and Quartus a brother.
24 Mad ngʼwono mar Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo obed kodu un duto. Amin.]
The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
25 Duongʼ obed ni Nyasaye manyalo miyo uchung motegno kaluwore gi Injili mara kod wach ma alando kuom Yesu Kristo kendo kaluwore gi fweny mar gik mosepandi kuom higni mangʼeny mosekalo, (aiōnios g166)
To him nowe that is of power to establish you according to my Gospel, and preaching of Iesus Christ, by the reuelation of the mysterie, which was kept secrete since the worlde began: (aiōnios g166)
26 to koro oseelgi kendo osemi ji ongʼeyogi kaluwore gi ndiko mag jonabi, mana kaka Nyasaye mochwere nochiko, mondo joma ok jo-Yahudi duto oyie kuome kendo owinje. (aiōnios g166)
(But nowe is opened, and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophetes, at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith) (aiōnios g166)
27 Duongʼ obed ni Nyasaye kuom Yesu Kristo nyaka chiengʼ nimar en kende ema oriek! Amin. (aiōn g165)
To God, I say, only wise, be praise through Iesus Christ for euer. Amen. ‘Written to the Romans from Corinthus, and sent by Phebe, seruaunt of the Church which is at Cenchrea.’ (aiōn g165)

< Jo-Rumi 16 >