< Fweny 4 >

1 Bangʼe ne angʼicho mi aneno dhoot moyaw e polo. To dwol machalo gi turumbete mane asewinjo mokwongo kawuoyo koda cha nowachona niya, “Bi malo ka mondo anyisi gik mabiro timore bangʼ wechegi.”
After these things, I saw, and lo! a door set open in heaven; and, the first voice which I heard as of a trumpet, speaking with me, saying—Come up hither! and I will point out to thee the things which must needs come to pass. After these things,
2 Roho nopongʼa mana gisano mi aneno kom duongʼ e polo ka ngʼato obetie.
straightway, I came to be in Spirit, and lo! a throne, stood in heaven, and, upon the throne, [was] one sitting;
3 Ngʼat mane obetie komno ne kite nenore ka kite ma nengogi tek miluongo ni jaspa gi sardus. Kit lihudu mar koth man-gi kido machalo emerald ne olworo kom duongʼno.
and, he that was sitting, [was] like in appearance to a jasper stone and a sardius, and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, like in appearance unto an emerald,
4 Kom duongʼno ne olwor gi kombe moko piero ariyo gangʼwen ma jodongo piero ariyo gangʼwen obedoe. Ne girwakore gi lewni marochere to e wigi negirwake osimbe mag dhahabu.
And, round about the throne, were four and twenty thrones; and, upon the thrones, four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and, upon their heads, [were] crowns of gold.
5 Polo ne mil kendo mor kariadore koa e kom duongʼno, E nyim kom duongʼno ne nitie teyni abiriyo maliel. Magi e roho abiriyo mag Nyasaye.
And, out of the throne, are coming forth lightnings, and voices, and thunderings; and [there are] seven torches of fire, burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;
6 Bende e nyim kom duongʼno ne nitie gimoro manenore ka nam machalo gi kio mar rangʼi, to orieny ka pi. E dier komno tir gi alworane ne nitie gik moko angʼwen mangima man-gi wenge mangʼeny yo ka nyimgi kod yo ka tokgi.
and, before the throne, [is] as a glassy sea, like unto crystal. And, in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, [are] four living creatures full of eyes, before and behind;
7 Gima ngima mokwongo ne chalo gi sibuor, mar ariyo ne chalo gi nyarwath, mar adek ne lela wangʼe chalo gi mar dhano, to mar angʼwen ne chalo gi ongo mafuyo.
and, the first living creature, [is] like unto a lion, and, the second living creature, like unto a calf, and, the third living creature, hath the face as of a man, and, the fourth living creature, [is] like unto an eagle flying;
8 Moro ka moro kuom gik mangimago ne nigi bwombe auchiel kendo ne gin gi wenge mathoth molworo dendgi nyaka e bwo bwombegi. Odiechiengʼ gi otieno duto negisiko kagiwacho niya,
and, the four living creatures, each one of them, have severally six wings, round about and within, full of eyes; and they, cease, not, day and night, saying—Holy! holy! holy! Lord, God, the Almighty, —Who was, and Who is, and Who is coming.
9 E seche duto ka gik mangimago nedwoko erokamano ka gipako kendo puoyo Jal mane obedo e kom duongʼ kendo mangima nyaka chiengʼ; (aiōn g165)
And, whensoever the living creatures shall give glory, and honour, and thanksgiving, unto him that sitteth upon the throne, unto him that liveth unto the ages of ages, (aiōn g165)
10 to jodongo piero ariyo gangʼwen-go ne podho e nyim ngʼat mobet e kom duongʼ ka gilamo Jal Mantie nyaka chiengʼ. Negibolo osimbegi e nyim kom duongʼ kagiwacho niya: (aiōn g165)
the four and twenty elders will fall down before him that sitteth upon the throne, and do homage unto him that liveth unto the ages of ages, —and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying— (aiōn g165)
11 “Yaye Ruodhwa kendo Nyasachwa, iwinjori yudo duongʼ gi pak kod teko, nimar nichweyo gik moko duto, kendo kuom dwaroni ne ochwegi, kendo gibedo mangima.”
Worthy, art thou, O Lord, and our God, to receive the glory, and the honour, and the power: because thou didst create all things, and, by reason of thy will, they were, and were created.

< Fweny 4 >