< Zaburi 71 >

1 Kuomi ema aseponde, yaye Jehova Nyasaye; kik iwe ayud wichkuot.
By David, [a Psalm sung by] the sons of Jonadab, and the first that were taken captive. O Lord, I have hoped in you: let me never be put to shame.
2 Konya kendo gola e chandruok, nikech timni makare; winja kendo iresa.
In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me: incline your ear to me, and save me.
3 Bedna lwanda mar pondo, ma anyalo ringo adhiye seche duto; gol chik mondo iresa, nimar in e lwandana kendo ohingana.
Be to me a protecting God, and a strong hold to save me: for you are my fortress and my refuge.
4 Resa e lwet joma timbegi richo, yaye Nyasacha, gola kuom richo gi joma kwiny momaka matek.
Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the sinner, from the hand of the transgressor and unjust man.
5 Nimar in ema isebedo genona, yaye Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, in ema isebedo kimiya chir nyaka ae tin-na.
For you are my support, O Lord; O Lord, [you are] my hope from my youth.
6 Asebedo ka ayiengora kuomi nyaka ne nywola; in ema ne igola ei minwa. Abiro apaki nyaka chiengʼ.
On you have I been stayed from the womb: from the belly of my mother you are my protector: of you is my praise continually.
7 Alokora gima bwogo ji mangʼeny to kata kamano in e kar pondo mara motegno.
I am become as it were a wonder to many: but you are [my] strong helper.
8 Dhoga opongʼ gi pakni, kendo asiko ahulo duongʼni maler odiechiengʼ duto.
Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may hymn your glory, [and] your majesty all the day.
9 Kik ijog koda ka koro ati; kik ijwangʼa ka tekra orumo.
Cast me not off at the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails.
10 Nimar wasika wuoyo marach kuoma; jogo marita mondo onega loso wach kaachiel.
For mine enemies have spoken against me; and they that lay wait for my soul have taken counsel together,
11 Giwacho niya, “Nyasaye oseweye; laweuru mondo umake, nikech onge ngʼama biro rese.”
saying, God has forsaken him: persecute you and take him; for there is none to deliver [him].
12 Kik ibed mabor koda, yaye Nyasaye; bi piyo mondo ikonya, yaye Nyasacha.
O God, go not far from me, O my God, draw near to my help.
13 Mad joma donjona lal nono ka wigi okuot; mad joma dwaro hinya, obed gi achaya kod wichkuot koni gi koni.
Let those that plot against my soul be ashamed and utterly fail: let those that seek my hurt be clothed with shame and dishonor.
14 Anto abiro siko ka an gi geno; abiro paki kendo abiro medo paki.
But I will hope continually, and will praise you more and more.
15 Dhoga biro hulo timni makare, kod warruokni odiechiengʼ duto, kata obedo ni gingʼeny mohinga ngʼeyo.
My mouth shall declare your righteousness openly, [and] your salvation all the day; for I am not acquainted with the affairs [of men].
16 Abiro biro mondo anyis ji timbeni madongo, yaye Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto; abiro nyiso ji timni makare, timni makare in kendi.
I will go on in the might of the Lord: O Lord, I will make mention of your righteousness only.
17 Isepuonja nyaka aa e nyathi, yaye Nyasaye, kendo nyaka kawuono pod ahulo timbe miwuoro.
O God, you have taught me from my youth, and until now will I declare your wonders;
18 Kata ka ochopo kinde ma ati kendo wiya oselokore lwar, to kik iweya, yaye Nyasaye, nyaka ahul tekoni ni tienge mabiro, kendo ahul timbeni madongo ni tienge duto mabiro.
even until I am old and advanced in years. O God, forsake me not; until I shall have declared your arm to all the generation that is to come:
19 Timni makare ochopo nyaka ei kor polo, yaye Nyasaye, in misetimo gik madongo. En ngʼa ma dipim kodi, yaye Nyasaye?
even your power and your righteousness, O God, up to the highest [heavens, even] the mighty works which you has done: O God, who is like to you?
20 Kata obedo ni isemiyo aneno chandruok mathoth kendo malit, to pod ibiro miyo abed mangima kendo. Ibiro gola e bur matut mi achak abed gi duongʼ.
What afflictions many and sore have you showed me! yet you did turn and quicken me, and brought me again from the depths of the earth.
21 Ibiro miyo duongʼ ma an-go medore kendo ibiro chako ihoya kendo.
You did multiply your righteousness, and did turn and comfort me, and brought me again out of the depths of the earth.
22 Abiro paki gi nyatiti nikech adiera mari, yaye Nyasaye; abiro weroni wend pak gi orutu, yaye Nyasaye Maler mar Israel.
I will also therefore give thanks to you, O God, [because of] your truth, on an instrument of psalmody: I will sing psalms to you on the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
23 Abiro kok gi mor ka aweroni wend pak, nikech an ngʼat misewaro.
My lips shall rejoice when I sing to you; and my soul, which you have redeemed.
24 Dhoga biro nyiso ji kuom timbeni makare odiechiengʼ duto, nimar joma ne dwaro hinya oseneno wichkuot kendo osengʼengʼ.
Moreover also my tongue shall dwell all the day upon your righteousness; when they shall be ashamed and confounded that seek my hurt.

< Zaburi 71 >