< Zaburi 70 >
1 Kuom jatend wer. Kwayo mar Daudi. Ret piyo mondo iresa, yaye Nyasaye; bi piyo mondo ikonya, yaye Jehova Nyasaye.
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David, for remembrance.” Make haste, O God! to deliver me, O LORD! come speedily to mine aid!
2 Mad joma dwaro ngimana yud wichkuot kendo pachgi lal; mad ji duto ma gombona hinyruok dog kuma giaye ka giyudo achaya.
May they all be confounded, and covered with shame, Who seek to take my life! May they be driven back with disgrace Who desire to do me injury!
3 Mad joma wachona niya, “Haa! Haa!” Dog kuma giaye ka wichkuot omakogi.
May they be turned back with shame Who cry out to me, “Aha! aha!”
4 To mad ji duto madwari bed moil kendo mamor kuomi; mad joma ohero warruok mari osik kawacho niya, “Jehova Nyasaye mondo oyud duongʼ!”
But let all who seek thee be glad and rejoice in thee! Let them that love thy protection ever say, “May God be praised!”
5 Adhier kendo achando; bi ira piyo, yaye Nyasaye. In e konyruokna kendo jaresna; kik ideki, yaye Jehova Nyasaye.
But I am poor and needy; O God! hasten to mine aid! Thou art my help and my deliverer, O LORD! make no delay!