< Zaburi 45 >
1 Kuom jatend wer. Gi dwol mar “Ondanyo.” Maskil mar yawuot Kora. Wend Arus. Chunya bedo mamor gi wer mamit e kinde mawero Zaburi maga ne Ruoth; kendo lewa chalo kalamb jandiko mongʼith.
To him that excelleth on Shoshannim a song of love to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah. Mine heart will vtter forth a good matter: I wil intreat in my workes of the King: my tongue is as the pen of a swift writer.
2 In ema iber moloyo chwo mamoko kendo dhogi owir gi ngʼwono, nikech Nyasaye osegwedhi nyaka chiengʼ.
Thou art fayrer then the children of men: grace is powred in thy lips, because God hath blessed thee for euer.
3 Twe liganglani e bathi, yaye ngʼat maratego; rwakri gi ler kod duongʼ.
Gird thy sword vpon thy thigh, O most mightie, to wit, thy worship and thy glory,
4 E duongʼni nyisri ayanga kaka jalocho mochungʼ ni adiera gi muolo kod tim makare; lweti ma korachwich mondo onyis timbeni miwuoro.
And prosper with thy glory: ride vpon the worde of trueth and of meekenes and of righteousnes: so thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.
5 Aserni mabitho mondo ochwo chunje mag wasik ruoth; ogendini mondo opodh piny e bwoyi.
Thine arrowes are sharpe to pearce the heart of the Kings enemies: therefore the people shall fall vnder thee.
6 Lochni nosik nyaka chiengʼ, yaye Nyasaye; kendo tim makare ema nobed kaka ludh loch e pinyruodhi.
Thy throne, O God, is for euer and euer: the scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of righteousnesse.
7 Ihero tim makare to imon gi timbe maricho; emomiyo Nyasaye, ma Nyasachi, osetingʼi malo moyombo jowadu nikech osewiri gi mo mamiyi mor.
Thou louest righteousnes, and hatest wickednesse, because God, euen thy God hath anoynted thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes.
8 Lepi maboyo duto dungʼ tik mane-mane gi poda kod kasia; moa e ute ruodhi molichi gi lak liech. Wende mindito gi gig wer miyi mor.
All thy garments smelll of myrrhe and aloes, and cassia, when thou commest out of the yuorie palaces, where they haue made thee glad.
9 Nyi ruodhi ni e kanyakla mag mondi moluor; mikach ruoth ni e bathi korachwich korwakore gi dhahabu mogol Ofir.
Kings daugthers were among thine honorable wiues: vpon thy right hand did stand the Queene in a vesture of golde of Ophir.
10 Winji nyara, bed mos, kendo chik iti: Gol pachi kuom jou kaachiel gi jood wuonu monywoli.
Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine eare: forget also thine owne people and thy fathers house.
11 Berni otoyo ruoth; miye duongʼ, nikech en ruodhi.
So shall the King haue pleasure in thy beautie: for he is thy Lord, and reuerence thou him.
12 Nyar Turo biro biro gi mich, joma nigi mwandu biro dwaro kony kuomi.
And the daughter of Tyrus with the rich of the people shall doe homage before thy face with presents.
13 Duongʼ olworo ruoth madhako koni gi koni e kar dakne; law abola mare oton-oton gi dhahabu.
The Kings daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of broydred golde.
14 Omake itere ne ruoth gi law mochwe gi usi; nyiri masilili man kode luwo bangʼe kendo ikelonegi.
She shalbe brought vnto the King in raiment of needle worke: the virgins that follow after her, and her companions shall be brought vnto thee.
15 Irwakogi e ot gi ilo kod mor maduongʼ; gidonjo e dala ruoth.
With ioy and gladnes shall they be brought, and shall enter into the Kings palace.
16 Yawuoti biro kawo kar wuonegi; ibiro ketogi ruodhi e piny duto koni gi koni.
In steade of thy fathers shall thy children be: thou shalt make them princes through all the earth.
17 Abiro miyo ji pari e tienge duto nyaka chiengʼ; kuom mano ogendini biro paki mochwere manyaka chiengʼ.
I will make thy Name to be remembred through all generations: therefore shall the people giue thanks vnto thee world without ende.