< Kwan 33 >

1 Ma e chenro mar wuodh jo-Israel e kinde mane gia Misri kopog-gi e migepe mopogore opogore kendo kotelnegi gi Musa kod Harun.
These are the mansions of the children of Israel, who went out of Egypt by their troops under the conduct of Moses and Aaron,
2 Kaluwore gi chik mar Jehova Nyasaye, Musa nondiko nonro maber mar migepe mag wuodhgi. Ma e kaka ne giwuotho e migawo ka migawo:
Which Moses wrote down according to the places of their encamping, which they changed by the commandment of the Lord.
3 Jo-Israel nochako wuoth koa Rameses e odiechiengʼ mar apar gabich mar dwe mokwongo, ma en odiechiengʼ mokwongo bangʼ Pasaka. Negiwuok ayanga ka jo-Misri nenogi to ne ok gidewo,
Now the children of Israel departed from Ramesses the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month, the day after the phase, with a mighty hand, in the eight of all the Egyptians,
4 nikech jo-Misri noyudo yiko nyithindgi makayo mane Jehova Nyasaye onego ka ngʼadogo bura ne nyisechegi.
Who were burying their firstborn, whom the Lord had slain (upon their gods also he had executed vengeance, )
5 Jo-Israel nowuok Rameses kendo negibuoro Sukoth.
And they camped in Soccoth.
6 Negiwuok Sukoth mi gibworo Etham, mantiere e bath thim.
And from Soccoth they came into Etham, which is in the uttermost borders of the wilderness.
7 Negiwuok Etham, mi gidok chien Pi Hahiroth, man yo wuok chiengʼ mar Baal Zefon, mi gibworo but Migdol.
Departing from thence they came over against Phihahiroth, which looketh towards Beelsephon, and they camped before Magdalum.
8 Negiwuok Pi Hahiroth mi gingʼado nam nyaka e thim, kendo kane gisewuotho kuom ndalo adek e Thim mar Etham, negibuoro Mara.
And departing from Phihahiroth, they passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness: and having marched three days through the desert of Etham, they camped in Mara.
9 Negiwuok Mara mi gidhi Elim, kuma ne nitie sokni apar gariyo kod yiend othidhe piero abiriyo, kendo negibuoro kanyo.
And departing from Mara, they came into Elim, where there were twelve fountains of waters, and seventy palm trees: and there they camped.
10 Negiwuok Elim mi gibworo but Nam Makwar.
But departing from thence also, they pitched their tents by the Red Sea. And departing from the Red Sea,
11 Negiwuok Nam Makwar mi gibworo e Thim mar Sin.
They camped in the desert of Sin.
12 Negiwuok e Thim mar Sin mi gibworo Dofka.
And they removed from thence, and came to Daphca.
13 Negiwuok Dofka mi gibworo Alush.
And departing from Daphca, they camped in Alus.
14 Negiwuok Alush mi gibworo Refidim, kama ne onge pi ma ji ne nyalo modho.
And departing from Alus, they pitched their tents in Raphidim, where the people wanted water to drink.
15 Negiwuok Refidim mi gibworo e Thim mar Sinai.
And departing from Raphidim, they camped in the desert of Sinai.
16 Negiwuok e Thim mar Sinai mi gibworo Kibroth Hatava.
But departing also from the desert of Sinai, they came to the graves of lust.
17 Negiwuok Kibroth Hatava mi gibworo Hazeroth.
And departing from the graves of lust, they camped in Haseroth.
18 Negiwuok Hazeroth mi gibworo Rithma.
And from Haseroth they came to Rethma.
19 Negiwuok Rithma mi gibworo Rimon Perez.
And departing from Rethma, they camped in Remmomphares.
20 Negiwuok Rimon Perez mi gibworo Libna.
And they departed from thence and came to Lebna.
21 Negiwuok Libna mi gibworo Risa.
Removing from Lebna they camped in Ressa.
22 Negiwuok Risa mi gibworo Kehelatha.
And departing from Ressa, they came to Ceelatha.
23 Negiwuok Kehelatha mi gibworo e Got Shefa.
And they removed from thence and camped in the mountain Sepher.
24 Negiwuok Got Shefa mi gibworo Harada.
Departing from the mountain Sepher, they came to Arada.
25 Negiwuok Harada mi gibworo Makheloth.
From thence they went and camped in Maceloth.
26 Negiwuok Makheloth mi gibworo Tahath.
And departing from Maceloth, they came to Thahath.
27 Negiwuok Tahath mi gibworo Tera.
Removing from Thahath they camped in Thare.
28 Negiwuok Tera mi gibworo Mithka.
And they departed from thence, and pitched their tents in Methca.
29 Negiwuok Mithka mi gibworo Hashmona.
And removing from Methca, they camped in Hesmona.
30 Negiwuok Hashmona mi gibworo Moseroth.
And departing from Hesmona, they came to Moseroth.
31 Negiwuok Moseroth mi gibworo Bene Jaakan.
And removing from Moseroth, they camped in Benejaacan.
32 Negiwuok Bene Jaakan mi gibworo Hor Hagidgad.
And departing from Benejaacan, they came to mount Gadgad.
33 Negiwuok Hor Hagidgad mi gibworo Jotbatha.
From thence they went and camped in Jetebatha.
34 Negiwuok Jotbatha mi gibworo Abrona.
And from Jetebatha they came to Hebrona.
35 Negiwuok Abrona mi gibworo Ezion Geber.
And departing from Hebrona, they camped in Asiongaber.
36 Negiwuok Ezion Geber mi gibworo Kadesh, mantiere e Thim mar Zin.
They removed from thence and came into the desert of Sin, which is Cades.
37 Negiwuok Kadesh mi gibworo e Got Hor, mantiere e tongʼ mar Edom.
And departing from Cades, they camped in mount Her, in the uttermost borders of the land of Edom.
38 Kaluwore gi chik mar Jehova Nyasaye, Harun jadolo nodhi e Got Hor, kama nothoe odiechiengʼ mokwongo mar dwe mar abich, e higa mar piero angʼwen bangʼ wuok jo-Israel e piny Misri.
And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the commandment of the Lord: and there he died in the fortieth year of the coming forth of the children of Israel out of Egypt, the fifth month, the first day of the month,
39 Harun ne ja-higni mia achiel gi piero ariyo gadek eka ne otho e Got Hor.
When he was a hundred and twenty-three years old.
40 Ruoth Arad ma ja-Kanaan, mane odak Negev mar Kanaan, nowinjo ni jo-Israel biro.
And king Arad the Chanaanite, who dwelt towards the south, heard that the children of Israel were come to the land of Chanaan.
41 Kane giwuok e Got Hor negibuoro Zalmona.
And they departed from mount Her, and camped in Salmona.
42 Negiwuok Zalmona mi gibworo Punon.
From whence they removed and came to Phunon.
43 Negiwuok Punon mi gibworo Oboth.
And departing from Phunon, they camped in Oboth.
44 Negiwuok Oboth mi gibworo Iye Abarim, mantiere e tongʼ piny Moab.
And from Oboth they came to Ijeabarim, which is in the borders of the Moabites.
45 Negiwuok Iye Abarim mi gibworo Dibon Gad.
And departing from Ijeabarim they pitched their tents in Dibongab.
46 Negiwuok Dibon Gad mi gibworo Almon Diblathaim.
From thence they went and camped in Helmondeblathaim.
47 Negiwuok Almon Diblathaim mi gibworo e gode mag Abarim, man but Nebo.
And departing from Helmondeblathaim, they came to the mountains of Abarim over against Nabo.
48 Bangʼ kane giwuok e gode mag Abarim negibuoro e pewe mag Moab mokiewo gi Jordan momanyore gi Jeriko.
And departing from the mountains of Abarim, they passed to the plains of Moab, by the Jordan, over against Jericho.
49 Negibuoro e pewe mag Moab mokiewo gi Jordan chakre Beth Jeshimoth nyaka Abel Shitim.
And there they camped from Bethsi moth even to Ablesatim in the plains of the Moabites,
50 Jehova Nyasaye nowuoyo gi Musa e pewe mag Moab momanyore gi Jeriko mokiewo gi Jordan kowachone niya,
Where the Lord said to Moses:
51 “Wuo gi jo-Israel kendo iwachnegi kama: Ka ungʼado Jordan mi udonjo Kanaan,
Command the children of Israel, and say to them: When you shall have passed over the Jordan, entering into the land of Chanaan,
52 to uriemb ji duto modak e pinyno. Kethuru gigegi duto mopa milamo bende uwit kido duto milamo ma giloso, kendo umuki kuondegi magiloso motingʼore gi malo mar lemo.
Destroy all the inhabitants of that land: beat down their pillars, and break in pieces their statues, and waste all their high places,
53 Kawuru pinyno mi udagie, nimar asemiyougo mondo obed maru.
Cleansing the land, and dwelling in it. For I have given it you for a possession.
54 Poguru pinyno e kugoyo ombulu e kindu, kaluwore gi dhoutu. Dhoot maduongʼ opog lowo maduongʼ, to dhoot matin opog lowo matin. Gimoro amora mopogne dhoutu gombulu nobed margi. Pog-gi kaluwore gi dhout kweregi.
And you shall divide it among you by lot. To the more you shall give a larger part, and to the fewer a lesser. To every one as the lot shall fall, so shall the inheritance be given. The possession shall be divided by the tribes and the families.
55 “‘To ka ok uriembo joma odak e pinyno, to joma uweyo modongʼ biro bedonu ka cha bondo e wangʼu kendo ka kudho machwoyo dendu koni gi koni. Ginimiu chandruok e piny ma ubiro dakieno.
But if you will not kill the inhabitants of the land: they that remain, shall be unto you as nails in your eyes, and spears in your sides, and they shall be your adversaries in the land of your habitation.
56 Bangʼ mano anatimnu gima ne achano mondo atimnegi.’”
And whatsoever I had thought to do to them, I will do to you.

< Kwan 33 >