< Kwan 28 >
1 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya,
Yahweh said this to Moses/me:
2 “Mi jo-Israel chikni kiwachonegi kama: ‘Kelnauru chiwo mitimonago misengini miwangʼo pep mondo obed chiemba madum tik mangʼwe ngʼar e kinde mowinjore.’
“Tell this to the Israeli people: Bring to me the offerings that will be burned [on the altar]. When they are burned, the smell will be very pleasing to me. And tell them that they must bring them at the proper/right time.
3 Wachnegi niya, ‘Misengini miwangʼo ne Jehova Nyasaye e magi: nyirombe ariyo ma jo-higa achiel maonge songa, kaka chiwo mapile mowangʼ odiechiengʼ kodiechiengʼ.
Tell them that what they must bring to me each day are two male lambs that are one-year-old. They must have no defects. They must be completely burned [on the altar].
4 Chiw nyarombo achiel gokinyi to machielo godhiambo,
They should bring one in the morning and the other early in the evening.
5 kaachiel gi chiwo mar cham moromo gorogoro achiel gi nus mar mogo mayom moruw gi mo mobi e olemb zeituni moromo lita achiel.
They must also bring an offering of grain, consisting of two quarts/liters of finely-ground flour, mixed with a quart of [olive] oil.
6 Ma e chiwo mapile mowangʼ mopwodhi e Got Sinai kaka gima dungʼ tik mangʼwe ngʼar mamoro Jehova Nyasaye, en misango miwangʼo pep mochiwne Jehova Nyasaye.
That is the offering that they must bring every day. They started to bring those offerings [while you were] at Sinai Mountain. When those offerings are burned [on the altar], the smell will be very pleasing to me.
7 Nyarombo ka nyarombo nokel gi misango miolo piny maromo divai lita achiel. Nyaka uol divaino ei kama ler mar lemo ne Jehova Nyasaye.
When they burn each lamb, they must also pour on the sacred altar one quart/liter of wine.
8 Chiw nyarombo mar ariyo godhiambo, kaachiel gi chiwo mar cham machalo kamano kod misango miolo piny ma iloso gokinyi. Ma en chiwo miwangʼo pep, misango madungʼ tik mangʼwe ngʼar mamoro Jehova Nyasaye.
In the evening, when they offer the second lamb, they must also bring the same offerings of grain and wine [as they burned in the morning]. When they are burned, the smell will also be very pleasing to me.”
9 “‘Chiengʼ Sabato, chiwuru misango mar nyiimbe ariyo maonge songa mahikgi achiel, kaachiel gi misango miolo piny kod chiwo mar cham maromo kilo abiriyo mar mogo mayom moru gi mo.
“On each (Sabbath/rest day), [you must bring] two male lambs that have no defects. Also bring a grain offering of four quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil and a wine offering of four quarts/liters of wine.
10 Ma en misango miwangʼo pep Sabato ka Sabato, komedi ewi chiwo mapile mar misango miwangʼo pep kod misango miolo piny.
Those are the offerings that are to be burned [on the altar] each (Sabbath/rest day). Those are in addition to the offerings of two lambs and wine that you must bring each day.”
11 “‘Odiechiengʼ mokwongo mar dwe ka dwe, chiwne Jehova Nyasaye misango miwangʼo pep mar nyirwedhi ariyo, im achiel kod nyiimbe abiriyo moromo higa achiel, duto maonge songa.
“On the first day of each month, you must bring to me an offering of two young bulls, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one-year-old. All of these must be without defects. They must all be burned [completely on the altar].
12 Rwath ka rwath nyaka chiw gi chiwo mar cham maromo kilo apar mar mogo mayom moru gi mo; im to chiw gi chiwo mar cham maromo kilo abiriyo mar mogo mayom moru gi mo;
Also bring with each bull an offering of six quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil. With each male sheep make an offering of four quarts of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil.
13 to nyaim ka nyaim, to chiw gi cham maromo kilo adek mar mogo mayom moru gi mo. Ma en misango miwangʼo pep, gima dungʼ tik mangʼwe ngʼar mamoro Jehova Nyasaye.
Also bring an offering of two quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil with each lamb. When all of these are burned [on the altar], the smell will be very pleasing to me.
14 Rwath ka rwath nyaka chiw gi misango miolo piny mar divai maromo lita angʼwen; im to chiw gi lita achiel mar divai; to nyaim ka nyaim, to chiw gi lita achiel mar divai. Ma en misango miwangʼo pep mar dwe ka dwe ma onego chiw e higa mangima sa moro amora ma dwe manyien opor.
With each bull, also bring two quarts/liters of wine. With each male sheep, bring (1-1/3 quarts/1.2 liters) of wine. With each lamb, bring one quart/liter of wine. These offerings must be brought on the first day of each month and burned completely [on the altar].
15 Nywok achiel chiwne Jehova Nyasaye kaka misango mar pwodhruok kimedo gi misango miwangʼo pep mapile pile kod misango miolo piny michiwego.
In addition to these offerings that you burn, you must bring to me one goat for an offering [to enable me to forgive you for the sins you have committed].”
16 “‘Nyaka utim Pasaka mar Jehova Nyasaye e odiechiengʼ mar apar gangʼwen mar dwe mokwongo.
“The Passover Festival must be celebrated to [honor] me [each year] on the fourteenth day of the first month [of each year].
17 E odiechiengʼ mar apar gabich mar dweno nyaka ulos sawo; kuom ndalo abiriyo chamuru makati motedi ma ok oketie thowi.
The Festival of Unleavened Bread will start on the next day. For the following seven days, the bread that you eat must be made without yeast.
18 Chiengʼ mokwongo mar jumano nyaka ubed gi chokruok mowal kendo kik uti tich moro amora mutiyo pile.
On the first day of that festival, you must gather together to worship me, and you must not do any work.
19 Chiwuru ne Jehova Nyasaye misango miwangʼo pep, misango mowangʼ mar nyirwedhi ariyo, im achiel kod nyiimbe abiriyo mahikgi achiel kendo maonge songa.
On that day, you must bring to me for an offering that will be completely burned [on the altar] two young bulls, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one-year-old. They must all have no defects.
20 Rwath ka rwath nyaka chiw gi chiwo mar cham mar mogo mayom maromo kilo adek gi nus moru gi mo; im to ichiw gi mogo mayom maromo kilo ariyo moru gi mo;
With each of these bulls, bring a grain offering of grain, consisting of six quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil. With the male sheep, bring an offering of grain consisting of four quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil.
21 to nyiimbe abiriyogo, to ichiw gi mogo mayom maromo kilo achiel moru gi mo.
With each of the seven lambs, bring an offering of two quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil.
22 Umed nyanywok achiel mar chiwo mar pwodhruok e richo.
Also bring one goat for a sacrifice to cause you to be forgiven for your sin.
23 Chiwuru magi kumedo ewi misango miwangʼo pep mapile pile gokinyi.
Bring these offerings in addition to the offerings that you bring each morning.
24 Kamano bende kelnauru chiwo mitimogo misengini miwangʼo pile pile kuom ndalo abiriyo mondo chiemba odungʼ tik mangʼwe ngʼar ni Jehova Nyasaye; kendo nyaka ulose kumedo gi misango miwangʼo pep mapile pile kod misango miolo piny.
The smell of the grain that is burned [on the altar] each day for seven days will be very pleasing to me. Bring the grain in addition to the animals and the wine that you burn [on the altar].
25 E odiechiengʼ mar abiriyo losuru chokruok mowal kendo kik uti tich moro amora mutiyo pile.
On the seventh day of that festival, you must [again] gather together to worship me, and you must not do any work.”
26 “‘E odiechiengʼ mokwongo mar keyo mokwongo, kinde ma uchiwoe misango mar cham manyien ne Jehova Nyasaye e Sawo mar Jumbe, losuru chokruok maler kendo kik uti tijeu mapile.
“On the day of the Harvest Festival, when you bring to me the first grain that you have harvested, you must gather together to worship me. Do not do any work on that day.
27 Chiwuru misango miwangʼo pep mag nyirwedhi ariyo, im achiel gi nyirombe abiriyo mahikgi en achiel kaka gima dungʼ tik mangʼwe ngʼar mamoro Jehova Nyasaye.
Bring to me two young bulls, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one-year-old. When they are completely burned [on the altar], the smell will be very pleasing to me.
28 Rwath ka rwath nyaka chiw gi chiwo mar cham maromo kilo apar mar mogo mayom moru gi mo; im to uchiw gi kilo abiriyo;
Also bring a grain offering of nice flour mixed with [olive] oil. For each bull, bring six quarts/liters, and with each male sheep, bring four quarts/liters,
29 to imbe abiriyogo moro ka moro to chiw gi kilo adek.
and with each of the lambs bring two quarts/liters.
30 Ewi mago meduru nywok achiel kaka chiwo mar pwodhruok e richo.
Also sacrifice one male goat to cause you to be forgiven for your sins.
31 Chiwuru magi kaachiel gi misango miolo piny, kumedo gi misango miwangʼo pep mapile pile kod chiwo mar cham. Neuru ni jamnigo onge songa.
Bring these offerings and the offering of wine in addition to the animals and grain that you burn [on the altar] each day. [And remember that] the animals that you sacrifice must have no defects.”