< Nehemia 7 >
1 Bangʼ ka ohinga ne oseger kendo ne aserwako dhoudi kuonde mowinjore, ne ayiero jorit dhorangeye gi jower kod jo-Lawi.
And it came to pass, when the wall was built, and I had set up the doors, and the porters and the singers and the Levites were appointed,
2 Jerusalem ne irito gi owadwa, Hanani kaachiel gi Hanania ma jatend kama ochiel motegno, nikech ne en ja-ratiro kendo noluoro Nyasaye moloyo joma moko.
that I gave charge to Ananias my brother, and Ananias the ruler of the palace, over Jerusalem: for he was a true man, and one that feared God beyond many.
3 Ne awachonegi niya, “Dhorangeye ma Jerusalem ok yaw nyaka chiengʼ bed makech. Ka jorit rangach pod tiyo, to nyisgi gilor dhoudi kendo uchieg-gi gi lodi. Bende yieruru joma odak Jerusalem kaka jorit, jomoko uket machiegni gi kuondegi mag rito, to mamoko ubed machiegni gi utegi.”
And I said to them, The gates of Jerusalem shall not be opened till sunrise; and while they are still watching, let the doors be shut, and bolted; and set watches of them that dwell in Jerusalem, [every] man at his post, and [every] man over against his house.
4 Koro dala maduongʼ ne lach kendo iye ne nigi thuolo, to ne nitiere ji manok e iye, kendo udi bende ne pod ok pok ochak ger.
Now the city [was] wide and large; and the people [were] few in it, and the houses were not built.
5 Omiyo Nyasacha noketo wachno e chunya mondo achok joka ruoth, jotelo, to gi oganda duto mondo ndik nying-gi dala ka dala. Ne ayudo kitabu mondikie nying joma nokwongo duogo. Ma e gima ne ayudo kondiki kanyo:
And God put [it] into my heart, and I gathered the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, into companies: and I found a register of the company that came up first, and I found written in it as follows:
6 Kuom jo-Juda mane Nebukadneza ruodh Babulon otero e twech, magi joma noduogo Jerusalem gi Juda, ka ngʼato ka ngʼato dok e dalagi.
Now these [are] the children of the country, that came up from captivity, of the number which Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon carried away, and they returned to Jerusalem and to Juda, [every] man to his city;
7 Jotendgi ne gin Zerubabel, Jeshua, Nehemia, Azaria, Ramia, Nahamani, Modekai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, kod Baana. Kar kwan mar nying jo-Israel machwo e magi:
with Zorobabel, and Jesus, and Neemia, Azaria, and Reelma, Naemani, Mardochaeus, Balsan, Maspharath, Esdra, Boguia, Inaum, Baana, Masphar, men of the people of Israel.
8 Nyikwa Parosh, ji alufu ariyo mia achiel gi piero abiriyo gariyo,
The children of Phoros, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two.
9 nyikwa Shefatia, ji mia adek gi piero abiriyo gariyo,
The children of Saphatia, three hundred and seventy-two.
10 nyikwa Ara, ji mia auchiel gi piero abich gariyo,
The children of Era, six hundred and fifty-two.
11 nyikwa Pahath-Moab (mowuok e dhood Jeshua gi Joab), ji alufu ariyo mia aboro gi apar gaboro,
The children of Phaath Moab, with the children of Jesus and Joab, two thousand six hundred and eighteen.
12 nyikwa Elam, ji alufu achiel mia ariyo gi piero abich gangʼwen,
The children of Aelam, a thousand two hundred and fifty-four.
13 nyikwa Zatu, ji mia aboro gi piero angʼwen gabich,
The children of Zathuia, eight hundred and forty-five.
14 nyikwa Zakai, ji mia abiriyo gi piero auchiel,
The children of Zacchu, seven hundred and sixty.
15 nyikwa Binui, ji mia auchiel gi piero angʼwen gaboro,
The children of Banui, six hundred and forty-eight.
16 nyikwa Bebai, ji mia auchiel gi piero ariyo gaboro
The children of Bebi, six hundred and twenty-eight.
17 nyikwa Azgad, ji alufu ariyo mia adek gi piero ariyo gariyo,
The children of Asgad, two thousand three hundred and twenty-two.
18 nyikwa Adonikam, ji mia auchiel gi piero auchiel gabiriyo,
The children of Adonicam, six hundred and sixty-seven.
19 nyikwa Bigvai, ji alufu ariyo gi piero auchiel gabiriyo,
The children of Bagoi, two thousand and sixty-seven.
20 nyikwa Adin, ji mia auchiel gi piero abich gabich,
The children of Edin, six hundred and fifty-five.
21 nyikwa Ater (kowuok e dhood Hezekia) ji piero ochiko gaboro,
The children of Ater, [the son] of Ezekias, ninety-eight.
22 joka Hashum, ji mia adek gi piero ariyo gaboro,
The children of Esam, three hundred and twenty-eight.
23 joka Bezai, ji mia adek gi piero ariyo gangʼwen,
The children of Besei, three hundred and twenty-four.
24 joka Harif, ji mia achiel gi apar gariyo,
The children of Ariph, a hundred and twelve: the children of Asen, two hundred and twenty-three.
25 joka Gibeon, ji piero ochiko gabich,
The children of Gabaon, ninety-five.
26 jo-Bethlehem kod Netofa, ji mia achiel gi piero aboro gaboro,
The children of Baethalem, a hundred and twenty-three: the children of Atopha, fifty-six.
27 joka Anathoth, ji mia achiel gi piero ariyo gaboro,
The children of Anathoth, a hundred and twenty-eight.
28 nyikwa Beth Azmaveth, ji piero angʼwen gariyo
The men of Bethasmoth, forty-two.
29 nyikwa Kiriath Jearim, Kefira kod Beeroth, ji mia abiriyo gi piero angʼwen gadek
The men of Cariatharim, Caphira, and Beroth, seven hundred and forty-three.
30 nyikwa Rama kod Geba, ji mia auchiel gi piero ariyo gachiel,
The men of Arama and Gabaa, six hundred and twenty.
31 nyikwa Mikmash, ji mia achiel gi piero ariyo gariyo,
The men of Machemas, a hundred and twenty-two.
32 nyikwa Bethel kod Ai, ji mia achiel gi piero ariyo gadek,
The men of Baethel and Ai, a hundred and twenty-three.
33 nyikwa Nebo moko, ji piero abich gariyo,
The men of Nabia, a hundred an fifty-two.
34 nyikwa Elam moko, ji alufu achiel mia ariyo gi piero abich gangʼwen,
The men of Elamaar, one thousand two hundred and fifty-two.
35 nyikwa Harim, ji mia adek gi piero ariyo,
The children of Eram, three hundred and twenty.
36 nyikwa Jeriko, ji mia adek gi piero angʼwen gabich,
The children of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five.
37 nyikwa Lod, Hadid kod Ono, ji mia abiriyo gi piero ariyo gachiel,
The children of Lodadid and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-one.
38 nyikwa Sena, ji alufu adek mia ochiko gi piero adek.
The children of Sanana, three thousand nine hundred and thirty.
39 Jodolo ne gin: Nyikwa Jedaya (mowuok e dhood Jeshua), ji mia ochiko gi piero abiriyo gadek,
The priests; the sons of Jodae, [pertaining] to the house of Jesus, nine hundred and seventy-three.
40 nyikwa Imer, ji alufu achiel gi piero abich gariyo,
The children of Emmer, one thousand and fifty-two.
41 nyikwa Pashur, ji alufu achiel mia ariyo gi piero angʼwen gabiriyo,
The children of Phaseur, one thousand two hundred and forty-seven.
42 nyikwa Harim, ji alufu achiel gi apar gabiriyo.
The children of Eram, a thousand and seventeen.
43 Jo-Lawi ne gin: nyikwa Jeshua (mowuok e dhood Kadmiel kokalo kuom Hodavia), ji piero abiriyo gangʼwen.
The Levites; the children of Jesus the son of Cadmiel, with the children of Uduia, seventy-four.
44 Jower ne gin: nyikwa Asaf, ji mia achiel gi piero angʼwen gaboro.
The singers; the children of Asaph, a hundred and forty-eight.
45 Jorit rangach ne gin: nyikwa joka Shalum, Ater, Talmon, Akub, Hatita kod Shobai, ji mia achiel gi piero adek gaboro.
The porters; the children of Salum, the children of Ater, the children of Telmon, the children of Acub, the children of Atita, the children of Sabi, a hundred and thirty-eight.
46 Jotij hekalu ne gin: nyikwa Ziha, Hasufa, Tabaoth,
The Nathinim; the children of Sea, the children of Aspha, the children of Tabaoth,
the children of Kiras, the children of Asuia, the children of Phadon,
48 Lebana, Hagaba, Shalmai,
the children of Labana, the children of Agaba, the children of Selmei,
the children of Anan, the children of Gadel, the children of Gaar,
the children of Raaia, the children of Rasson, the children of Necoda,
the children of Gezam, the children of Ozi, the children of Phese,
52 Besai, Meunim, Nefusim,
the children of Besi, the children of Meinon, the children of Nephosasi,
53 Bakbuk, Hakufa, Harhur,
the children of Bacbuc, the children of Achipha, the children of Arur,
54 Bazluth, Mehida, Harsha,
the children of Basaloth, the children of Mida, the children of Adasan,
the children of Barcue, the children of Sisarath, the children of Thema,
the children of Nisia, the children of Atipha.
57 Nyikwa jotij Solomon ne gin: nyikwa Sotai, Sofereth, Perida,
The children of the servants of Solomon; the children of Sutei, the children of Sapharat, the children of Pherida,
the children of Jelel, the children of Dorcon, the children of Gadael,
59 Shefatia, Hatil, Pokereth-Hazebaim kod Amon.
the children of Saphatia, the children of Ettel, the children of Phacarath, the children of Sabaim, the children of Emim.
60 Jotij hekalu kod nyikwa jotij Solomon ji mia adek gi piero ochiko gariyo.
All the Nathinim, and children of the servants of Solomon, [were] three hundred and ninety-two.
61 Magi e joma nobiro koa e mier mag Tel Mela, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Adon kod Imer, to ne ok ginyal nyiso malongʼo ni anywolagi ne gin nyikwa Israel.
And these went up from Thelmeleth, Thelaresa, Charub, Eron, Jemer: but they could not declare the houses of their families, or their seed, whether they were of Israel.
62 Nyikwa Delaya, Tobia kod Nekoda, noromo ji mia auchiel gi piero angʼwen gariyo.
The children of Dalaia, the children of Tobia, the children of Necoda, six hundred and forty-two.
63 Mago mane oa kuom jodolo ne gin: nyikwa Hobaya, Hakoz kod Barzilai (ngʼatno mane okendo nyar Barzilai ma ja-Gilead to kendo ne iluonge gi nyingno).
And of the priests; the children of Ebia, the children of Acos, the children of Berzelli, for they took wives of the daughters of Berzelli the Galaadite, and they were called by their name.
64 Jogi nomanyo nonro mar anywolagi to ne ok ginyal yudogi, omiyo nowegi oko mar joka jodolo kaka joma ochido.
These sought the pedigree of their company, and it was not found, and they were removed [as polluted] from the priesthood.
65 Emomiyo, jatelo maduongʼ nomiyogi chik mondo kik gicham chiemo moro amora mopwodhi manyaka jadolo bedie ma puonjogi gi Urim kod Thumim.
And the Athersastha said, that they should not eat of the most holy things, until a priest should stand up to give light.
66 Jogi duto noromo ji alufu piero angʼwen gariyo mia adek gi piero auchiel,
And all the congregation was about forty-two thousand three hundred and sixty,
67 kiweyo jotijegi machwo kod mamon mane gin ji alufu abiriyo mia adek gi piero adek gabiriyo; kendo ne gin gi jower machwo kod mamon maromo ji mia ariyo gi piero angʼwen gabich.
besides their men-servants and their maid-servants: these were seven thousand three hundred and thirty seven: and the singing-men and singing-women, two hundred and forty-five.
68 Ne nitiere farese mia abiriyo gi piero adek gauchiel kod kanyna mia ariyo gi piero angʼwen gabich
69 ngamia mia angʼwen gi piero adek gabich kod punde alufu auchiel mia abiriyo gi piero ariyo.
Two thousand seven hundred asses.
70 Jotend mier moko nochiwore tiyo tijno. Jatelo nochiwo e od keno dhahabu moromo kilo aboro gi nus, bakunde piero abich kod lep jodolo maromo mia abich gi piero adek mag jodolo.
And part of the heads of families gave into the treasury to Neemias for the work a thousand pieces of gold, fifty bowls, and thirty priests' [garments].
71 Jotelo mamoko mag dhoudi notero dhahabu maromo kilo mia achiel gi piero abiriyo e od keno ne tijno kod fedha moromo kilo alufu achiel gi nus.
And [some] of the heads of families gave into the treasuries of the work, twenty thousand pieces of gold, and two thousand three hundred pounds of silver.
72 Gigo duto mane ochiw gi jogo modongʼne romo kilo mia achiel gi piero abiriyo mar dhahabu, kilo alufu achiel gi robo mar fedha kod lep jodolo maromo piero auchiel gabiriyo.
And the rest of the people gave twenty thousand pieces of gold, and two thousand two hundred pounds of silver, and sixty-seven priests' [garments].
73 Jodolo, jo-Lawi, jorit dhorangeye, jower kod jotij hekalu, kaachiel gi jomoko kod jo-Israel mamoko, nodak mana e miechgi. Kane dwe mar abiriyo ochopo kendo jo-Israel noyudo osedak e miechgi,
And the priests, and Levites, and porters, and singers, and [some] of the people, and the Nathinim, and all Israel, dwelt in their cities.