< Nahum 3 >

1 Mano kaka nobed malit ne dala mopongʼ gi remo, dala mopongʼ gi miriambo, dala mopongʼ gi gige mecho, kendo dala mopongʼ gi gik moyaki mosiko ka chando ji!
O bloody citie, it is all full of lyes, and robberie: the pray departeth not:
2 Nochwade gi del malit, ka tiende geche magoyo koko, ka tiend farese maringo mamor matek, kendo ka geche maringo mag farese makakni ka mach!
The noyse of a whippe, and the noyse of the mouing of the wheeles, and the beating of the horses, and the leaping of the charets.
3 Oganda lweny omonjogi, gi ligengni mamil, kendo gi tonge mag lweny mamil! Joma ohinyore e lweny ngʼeny, kendo ringre joma otho ochok mangʼeny, ringre joma othogo okadho akwana, kendo joma ringo chwanyore kuom ringre joma othogo.
The horseman lifteth vp both the bright sword, and the glittering speare, and a multitude is slaine, and the dead bodyes are many: there is none ende of their corpses: they stumble vpon their corpses,
4 Magi duto timore nikech gombo mandhaga mar ochot, maywayo ji ire, en e chot ma jo-nyakalondo dhi ire, en ema ne oketo ogendini misumbinine kuom timbene mag chode kendo oywayo ji kuome gi timbene mag jwok.
Because of the multitude of the fornications of the harlot that is beautifull, and is a mistresse of witchcraft, and selleth the people thorow her whoredome, and the nations thorowe her witchcrafts.
5 Jehova Nyasaye Maratego wacho niya, “An gi sigu kodu. Abiro elo lepu maum wengeu. Abiro nyiso ogendini duto dugu, kendo pinjeruodhi biro neno wichkuot maru.
Beholde, I come vpon thee, saith the Lord of hostes, and will discouer thy skirtes vpon thy face, and will shewe the nations thy filthines, and the kingdomes thy shame.
6 Abiro bayi gi gik modwanyore kendo mochido, ka an kod chuny marach kodi, kendo abiro keti gima ji jaro.
And I will cast filth vpon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gasing stocke.
7 Ji duto ma oneni biro ringi kawacho ni, ‘Nineve osepodho ere ngʼama noywage?’ Ere kama danwangʼie ngʼama nyalo hoyi?”
And it shall come to passe, that al they that looke vpon thee, shall flee from thee, and say, Nineueh is destroyed, who will haue pitie vpon her? where shall I seeke comforters for thee?
8 Iparo ni iber moloyo Thebes mane oger e tiend aora mar Nael, ka olwore gi pi? Aorano ema ne otene kaka ohinga molwore, pige to ne obedone ohinga motegno.
Art thou better then No, which was ful of people? that lay in the riuers, and had the waters round about it? whose ditche was the sea, and her wall was from the sea?
9 Jo-Kush gi Jo-Misri e kama nonwangʼie teko ma ok rum; jo-Put gi jo-Libya ne gin pinje kuom moko mane konye.
Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and there was none ende: Put and Lubim were her helpers.
10 To kata kamano ne otere e twech, piny ma ok mare ma obedo misumba jomoko. Nyithinde ne ongʼad migepe matindo tindo e dho yore mag dalane. Ne ogo ombulu kuom jotende ma ruodhi, kendo joge madongo duto ne otwe gi nyororo.
Yet was she caried awaye, and went into captiuitie: her young children also were dashed in pieces at the head of all the streetes: and they cast lottes for her noble men, and al her myghtie men were bound in chaines.
11 In bende ibiro mer, ibiro pondo, kendo ibiro kwayo kar dak kuom jowasiki.
Also thou shalt bee drunken: thou shalt hide thy selfe, and shalt seeke helpe because of the enemie.
12 Miechu mochiel motegno duto nochal mana gi yiende mag ngʼowu, machiego olemo mokwongo; ka oyieng-gi to olembgi lwar e dho jochiemo.
All thy strong cities shall be like figtrees with the first ripe figs: for if they be shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater.
13 Ne jolweny magi; gin mana mon lilo! Dhorangeye mag dalani oyaw malich ni wasiki; mach osewangʼogi.
Beholde, thy people within thee are women: the gates of thy land shalbe opened vnto thine enemies, and ye fire shall deuoure thy barres.
14 Kanuru pi ka kinde mar agengʼa pok ochopo, meduru keto ohinga obed motegno! Nywasuru lowo kendo chweyeuru motegno, mondo matafarego ugergo kuonde momukore mag ohinga obed motegno!
Drawe thee waters for the siege: fortifie thy strong holdes: go into the clay, and temper the morter: make strong bricke.
15 Mach biro wangʼou kanyo, ligangla biro ngʼadou matindo tindo, mitieku mana ka dede mar bonyo momonjo piny. Medreuru ameda mana ka dede, medreuru ka det bonyo!
There shall ye fire deuoure thee: the sword shall cut thee off: it shall eate thee vp like the locustes, though thou bee multiplied like the locustes, and multiplyed like the grashopper.
16 Usemedo jolok ohala magu, makoro githoth moloyo sulwe ma e polo, kendo kaka det bonyo chamo piny, e kaka giweyo piny duk bangʼe to gihuyo ma gia.
Thou hast multiplied thy marchantes aboue the starres of heauen: the locust spoileth and flyeth away.
17 Joritou chalo det bonyo, jotendu to chalo gi det bonyo mochokore mathoth kabiro, kendo piyo e kor ot ka piny ngʼich, to ka chiengʼ owuok to gihuyo gidhi kuma mabor maonge ngʼama ongʼeyo.
Thy princes are as the grashoppers, and thy captaines as the great grashoppers which remaine in the hedges in the colde day: but when the sunne ariseth, they flee away and their place is not knowen where they are.
18 Yaye ruodh jo-Asuria, jotendu nindo otero; ruodhi mau onindo piny mondo giywe. Jogi to okere ewi gode maonge ngʼama nyalo chokogi.
Thy shepheardes doe sleepe, O King of Asshur: thy strong men lie downe: thy people is scattered vpon the mountaines, and no man gathereth them.
19 Onge gima nyalo chango adhondeni, ihinyori marach. Ji duto mowinjo wach man kuomi pamo lwetgi kuom podho mari, nimar ere ngʼama pok oneno sand ma ok rum mane isandogo ji?
There is no healing of thy wounde: thy plague is grieuous: all that heare the brute of thee, shall clap the handes ouer thee: for vpon whome hath not thy malice passed continually?

< Nahum 3 >