< Mathayo 21 >
1 Ka koro ne gichiegni chopo Jerusalem, bangʼ chopo Bethfage manie Got Zeituni, Yesu nooro jopuonjrene ariyo,
AND when he drew nigh to Urishlem, and had come to Beth-phage, at the mount of Olives, Jeshu sent two of his disciples,
2 kowachonegi niya, “Dhiuru e dala man nyimu cha kendo udhi yudo mapiyo kanyna moro motwe kuno ka nyathine ni bute kanyo; gonygiuru mondo ukelnagi.
and said to them, Go to this village which is over against you, and you shall at once find an ass tied, and her colt with her; loose and bring (them) to me.
3 Ka ngʼato owachonu gimoro amora to unyise ni Ruoth dwarogi, kendo gikanyono obiro miyougi mondo ukelnagi.”
And if any one say ought to you, say to him that it is requested for our Lord, and immediately he will send them hither.
4 Mano notimore mondo ochop gima nowachi gi dho janabi kama:
But all this was done that there should be fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet, who said,
5 “Nyisuru nyar Sayun niya, ‘Nee, Ruodhi biro iri, obiro komuol, kendo koidho kanyna; koidho kanyna matin, adier en mana nyathi punda.’”
Tell you the daughter of Tsheum, Behold, thy king cometh to thee, lowly, and riding on an ass, and on a colt the foal of an ass.
6 Jopuonjre nodhi motimo kaka Yesu nochikogi.
Then the disciples went, and did as Jeshu had commanded them;
7 Negikelone kanyna gi nyathi kanyna, kendo negiketo lepgi e ngʼegi, mi Yesu nobet kuomgi.
and brought the ass and the colt, and laid upon the colt their clothes, and Jeshu rode upon him.
8 Oganda maduongʼ nopedho kodegi e yo, to jomoko to nongʼado bede yiende, kendo gin bende negi pedhogi e yo.
And many of the crowds spread their vestments in the way; and others cut down branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way.
9 Oganda mane otelo nyime kod mago mane odongʼ chien nekok ni, “Hosana ne Wuod Daudi!” “Ogwedh ngʼat mabiro e nying Jehova Nyasaye!” “Hosana manie polo malo!”
But the throngs who went before him, and came after him, cried out and said, Ushana to the son of David! blessed be He who cometh in the name of the Lord! Ushana in the heights!
10 Kane Yesu odonjo Jerusalem to dala duto ne iye osakni kendo ji nopenjore kendgi niya, “Ma to ngʼa?”
And when he had entered Urishlem, the whole city was commoved, and said, Who is this?
11 To oganda nodwokogi niya, “Ma en Yesu, janabi moa Nazareth, e piny Galili.”
But the multitude answered, This is Jeshu, the prophet who is from Natsrath of Galila.
12 Yesu nodonjo ei hekalu mi noriembo oko joma ne ngʼiewo kendo uso gik moko kanyo. Noloko mesni mag jowil pesa ataro kod kombe mag joma ne uso akuche, kendo
And Jeshu went into the temple of Aloha, and cast out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of those who sold doves;
13 nowachonegi niya, “Ondiki ni, ‘Oda noluongi ni od lamo,’to un to uloke ‘kar chokruok mar jomecho.’”
and said to them, It is written, that my house shall the house of prayer be called, but ye have made it a den of thieves.
14 Muofni gi rongʼonde nobiro ire e hekalu kendo nochangogi.
And there came to him in the temple the blind and the lame, and he healed them.
15 To ka jodolo madongo gi jopuonj chik noneno gik miwuoro mane otimo, kendo ka nyithindo kok ei hekalu niya, “Hosana ne Wuod Daudi,” chunygi nokethore.
But when the chief priests and Pharishee saw the wondrous things which he did, and the children who were crying in the temple, and saying, Ushana to the son of David, they were displeased with them,
16 Negipenje niya, “Bende iwinjo gima nyithindogi wacho?” Yesu nodwokogi niya, “Ee, awinjo. Kare pok usomo kama wacho ni, “‘Ne isechano mondo nyithindo kod nyithindo mayom omiyi pak’?”
saying to him, Hearest thou what these say? Jeshu saith to them, Yes: have ye not read, that from the mouth of children and of babes thou hast prepared praise?
17 Omiyo noweyogi, mowuok odhi e dala maduongʼ mar Bethania, kuma ne oninde otienono.
AND he abandoned them, and went forth without the city to Bethania, and lodged there.
18 Kinyne kogwen kane oyudo en e yo odok Jerusalem, kech ne kaye.
But in the early morn, as he returned to the city, he hungered:
19 Ka noneno yiend ngʼowu moro e bath yo, nobaro kochomo yien-no, to ne ok oyudo gimoro amora kuome, makmana ite. Eka nowachone niya, “Kik ichak inyag olemo kendo!” Gikanyono yien-no noner. (aiōn )
and he saw a certain fig-tree in the way, and came to it, but found nothing thereon but leaves only; and he said, Let there be no fruit upon thee again for ever. And immediately that fig-tree withered. (aiōn )
20 Kane jopuonjre oneno gima notimoreno, ne giwuoro, ka gipenjore niya, “Ere kaka yadh ngʼowuni ne oner mapiyo kamano?”
And the disciples saw, and were astonished, saying, How in a moment is the fig-tree withered!
21 To Yesu nodwokogi niya, “Awachonu adier ni ka un gi yie ma uonge gi kiawa, to ok unyal mana timo gima ne otim ne ngʼowuni, to unyalo bende wacho ne godni ni, ‘Dhiyo mondo inyumri e nam,’ kendo notimre kamano.
Jeshu answered and said to them, Amen I say to you, that if faith were in you, and you did not hesitate, you should not only do (as) to this fig-tree, but also were you to say to this mountain, Be thou lifted up and fall into the sea, it should be done.
22 Ka uyie to unuyud gimoro amora mukwayo kulamo.”
And whatsoever you shall ask in prayer and shall believe, you shall obtain.
23 Yesu nodonjo e laru mar hekalu, kendo kane oyudo opuonjo, jodolo madongo gi jodong oganda nobiro ire. Negipenje niya, “Itimo gigi gi teko mane, koso ngʼa momiyi teko ma in-goni?”
And when Jeshu came to the temple, the chief priests and elders of the people approached him, while he taught, saying to him, By what authority doest thou these things, and who gave thee this authority?
24 Yesu nodwokogi niya, “Abiro penjou penjo achiel. Ka udwoka, to abiro nyisou teko ma atimogo gigi.
Jeshu answered and said to them, I will also ask you one word; and if you will tell me, I will also tell you by what authority I do these (things).
25 Uparo ni batiso mar Johana noa kanye. Noa e polo, koso noa kuom dhano?” Negiwuoyo kuom wachni e kindgi giwegi kendo giwacho niya, “Ka wawacho ni, ‘Noa e polo,’ to obiro penjowa ni, ‘ka en kamano to angʼo momiyo nutamoru yie kuome?’
The baptism of Juchanon, whence is it, from heaven or from men? But they thought within themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven, he saith to us, Why did ye not believe him?
26 To ka wawacho ni, ‘Noa kuom dhano,’ to waluoro ji nimar giduto gikawo ni Johana ne en janabi.”
And if we shall say, From men, we fear from the crowd; for all have regarded Juchanon as a prophet.
27 Omiyo negidwoko Yesu niya, “Ok wangʼeyo.” Eka nowachonegi niya, “An bende ok abi nyisou kuma agole teko ma atimogo gigi.
And they answered, saying to him, We know not: Jeshu saith to them, Also I tell not you by what authority I do these (things).
28 “Uparo nade? Ne nitie ngʼato moro mane nigi yawuowi ariyo. Nodhi ir mokwongo mowachone ni, ‘Kawuono dhi iti e puoth mzabibu.’
BUT how doth appear to you? a certain man had two sons; and he came to the elder, and said to him, My son, go to-day work in the vinery.
29 “To nodwoko ni, ‘Ok abi dhi.’ Kata kamano bangʼe achien noloko pache mi odhi.
But he answered and said, I am not willing: yet afterwards he relented, and went.
30 “Eka wuon-gino nodhi ir wuowi machielo monyise gima nonyiso wuowi mokwongo. To en nodwoko ni, ‘Abiro dhi, jaduongʼ, to ne ok odhi.’”
He came to the other, and said likewise. He answered and said, I (will), my lord; yet went not.
31 Yesu nopenjogi niya, “Kuom yawuowi ariyogi, mane manotimo gima wuon-gi ne dwaro?” Negidwoke niya, “Wuowi mokwongo.” Yesu nowachonegi niya, “Awachonu adier ni josol osuru gi jochode kuongonu donjo e pinyruodh Nyasaye.
Which of these two did the will of his father? They say to him, The elder. Jeshu saith to them, Amen I tell you, the tribute-takers and harlots go before you into the kingdom of Aloha.
32 Nimar Johana nobiro iru mondo onyisu yor tim makare, to ne ok uyie kuome, kata obedo ni josol osuru gi jochode to noyie kuome. Kendo kata bangʼ neno mano, pod ne udagi lokoru mondo uyie kuome.
For Juchanon came to you in the way of righteousness; and you believed him not. But the tribute-takers and harlots believed him: but you neither when you saw (him, nor) afterwards, repented, that you might believe him.
33 “Winjuru ngero machielo. Ne nitie wuon puodho moro mane opidho mzabibu e puothe. Nochiele gi ohinga, mi okunyo bugo mibiyoe olemo mochiek e iye, kendo ogero ne osuch ngʼicho. Eka ne oketo puothe mar mzabibuno e lwet jopur moko, bangʼe nowuok odhi e wuoth moro mabor.
Hear another comparison: A certain man was a house-lord; and he planted a vinery, and surrounded it with an hedge, and dug a wine-press in it, and built in it a tower, and had it taken by labourers, and journeyed.
34 Kane kinde keyo koro chiegni, nooro jotichne ir jorit puothego mondo oomne olembe mowuok e puothe.
And when the time of fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might send him of the fruits of his vinery.
35 “To jopur puodhogo nomako jotichnego mi ogoyo achiel, to machielo ginego to mar adek gichielo gi kite.
And the husband-men took his servants, and beat some, and stoned some, and killed others.
36 Eka nochako ooro jotich mamoko irgi; jotich mangʼeny moloyo mago mane ooro mokwongo, kendo gin bende negitimonegi machalre.
And again he sent other servants more than the first, and they acted towards them likewise:
37 Mogik tik ne ooro negi wuode, koparo ni, ‘Wuoda to gibiro miyo luor.’
last, he sent to them his son, saying, Now will they be ashamed from my son.
38 “To ka jopur puodhogo noneno wuod wuon puodho, negiwacho e kindgi giwegi ni, ‘Ma e jacham girkeni. Biuru mondo wanege mondo girkeni odongʼnwa.’
But the husbandmen, when they saw the son, said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and take the inheritance.
39 Omiyo negimake mi gidire oko mar puoth mzabibu kendo neginege.
And they seized and cast him without the vinery, and killed him.
40 “Koro, uparo ni ka wuon puoth mzabibu obiro to angʼo mobiro timo ne jopur puothego?”
When the lord of the vinery, therefore, cometh, what will he do to these husbandmen?
41 Negidwoke niya, “Obiro nego joma achachgo gi nek marach bangʼe oketo puothe mar mzabibuno e lwet jopur mamoko, manyalo miye olembege, ka kinde keyo ogik.”
They say to him, Most miserably will he destroy them, and the vinery will he cause to be held by other labourers, (even) such as will give him the fruits in their seasons.
42 Yesu nowachonegi niya, “Donge usesomo Ndiko mawacho niya, “‘Kidi mane jogedo odagi osedoko kidi motegno moriwo kor ot, Jehova Nyasaye ema osetimo mano, kendo en gima iwuoro ka waneno?’
Jeshu saith to them, Have you not read in the scripture, that the stone which the builders rejected, this is become the head of the corner? By the Lord was this done, and it is wondrous in our eyes.
43 “Emomiyo anyisou ni pinyruodh Nyasaye ibiro gol kuomu kendo mi oganda machielo ma biro nyago olemo mare.
On this account I tell you, that the kingdom of Aloha is taken from you, and shall be given to a people who will yield fruits.
44 Ngʼato angʼata mopodho kuom kidino notur matindo tindo, to ngʼatno ma kidino ogore kuome noregre ka buru.”
And whosoever shall fall upon this stone shall be broken; but every one upon whom it shall fall, it will scatter (him).
45 Ka jodolo madongo gi jo-Farisai nowinjo ngeche mag Yesu, negingʼeyo ni gin ema nowuoyo kuomgi.
And when the chief priests and Pharishee heard his comparisons, they knew that concerning themselves he had spoken.
46 Negichako manyo yo mane ginyalo makego, to negiluoro oganda, nikech ji nokawe ni en janabi.
And they sought to apprehend him, but feared the people, because as a prophet they regarded him.