< Mathayo 13 >

1 Odiechiengʼno Yesu nowuok e ot mi nobet e dho nam.
And on that day Jesus went out of the house, and sat by the side of the sea.
2 Nikech oganda maduongʼ nochokore molwore, nodonjo ei yie mi obetie, ka ji duto to ochungʼ oko e dho nam.
And great multitudes assembled around him; so that he embarked and seated himself in a ship, and all the multitude stood on the shore of the sea.
3 Eka nonyisogi gik mangʼeny e yor ngeche, kowacho niya, “Japur moro nodhi chwoyo kodhi.
An he discoursed with them much, by similitudes. And he said, Behold, a sower went forth to sow.
4 Kane oyudo ochwoyo kodhi, kodhi moko nolwar e dir yo, kendo winy nobiro mochamogi duto.
And as he sowed, some seed fell upon the side of a path: and a bird came and devoured it.
5 Kodhi moko nolwar kuonde motimo lwendni, ma lowo operoree, mine gitwi piyo piyo nikech lowo ne thany thany.
And other seed fell upon a rock, so that it had not much soil: and it sprung up forthwith, because there was no depth of earth.
6 To ka chiengʼ nowuok, chamgo nowangʼ kendo nikech ne gionge tiendegi, ne gitwo.
But when the sun was up it wilted. And, because it lacked root, it dried up.
7 Kodhi moko nolwar e kind kudho, to kudhogo nodongo, mine githungʼo chamgo.
And other seed fell among thorns: and the thorns shot up, and choked it.
8 To kodhi moko to nolwar e lowo maber, mine gitwi kendo gichiego cham; moloyo kaka nochwoyo, moko nyadi mia, moko nyadi piero auchiel kata nyadi piero adek.
And other seed fell on good ground; and bore fruits, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.
9 Ngʼat man-gi ite mar winjo wach mondo owinji.”
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
10 Jopuonjrene nobiro ire mopenje niya, “Angʼo momiyo iwuoyo gi ji gi ngeche?”
And his disciples came and said to him, Why discoursest thou to them in similitudes?
11 Nodwokogi niya, “Un osemiu rieko mar ngʼeyo tiend gik mopondo mag pinyruodh polo, to gin ok osemigi.
And he answered, and said to them: Because, to you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
12 Ngʼat man-go nomedne mi nobed gi gik mogundho; to ngʼat ma ongego kata mano ma en-go nomaye.
For to him that hath, shall be given; and he shall abound: but from him that hath not, even what he hath shall be taken from him.
13 Gimomiyo awuoyo kamano kodgi gi ngeche en ni mondo: “Kik ginee kata obedo ni gineno; kik gingʼe tiend wach kata obedo ni giwinjo.
For this cause I discourse to them in similitudes, because they see and do not see, and they hear and do not hear, nor understand.
14 Kuomgi ema wach mokor mar Isaya chopo kare kowacho niya, “‘Ubiro siko kuwinjo weche miwacho to wach ok nodonjnu ngangʼ; Ubiro siko kungʼicho to ok unune gimoro.
And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, who said: By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and by seeing ye see, and shall not know:
15 Nikech chuny jogi osedinore; gisedino itgi, kendo gisemiyo wengegi. Nono to dipo ka wengegi oneno, kendo itgi owinjo wach; mi chunygi ofwenyo tiend weche, kendo gidwog ira mi achang-gi.’
For the heart of this people hath grown fat, and with their ears they have heard heavily, and their eyes they have closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and should hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should turn; and I should heal them.
16 Un to ogwedh wengeu nikech gineno, itu bende nikech giwinjo wach.
But happy are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.
17 Nimar awachonu adier ni jonabi gi joma kare mangʼeny nogombo neno gik muneno, to ne ok ginene, kendo winjo gik muwinjogi, to ne ok giwinjo.
For verily I say to you, That many prophets and righteous men longed to see what ye see, and did not see it; and to hear what ye hear, and did not hear it.
18 “Koro winjuru tiend ngero mar jakomo,
But hear ye the similitude of the seed.
19 Ka ngʼato owinjo wach mar pinyruoth to ok owinjo tiende, ngʼat marach biro kendo yudho gima okom e chunye mi dhigo. Mano e kodhi mane ochwoyo e dir yo.
Every one that heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, the evil one cometh and snatcheth away the seed sowed in his heart: this is what was sowed by the side of the path.
20 To kodhi mane ochwo kuonde motimo lwanda ochungʼ kar ngʼama winjo wach kendo rwake sano gi mor.
And that which was sowed on the rock, is he that heareth the word, and at once receiveth it with joy.
21 To nikech oonge gi tiendene, obet kuom kinde machwok kende. Ka chandruok gi sand obiro nikech Wach Nyasaye, to opodho piyo piyo nono.
Yet hath he no root in him, but is of short duration, and when there is trouble or persecution on account of the word, he soon stumbleth.
22 Kodhi mane olwar e kind kudho to ochungʼ kar ngʼat mawinjo wach, to parruok kuom ngima mar pinyni gi wuond ma mwandu kelo thungʼo wachno kendo mone nyak. (aiōn g165)
And that which was sowed among thorns, is he that heareth the word; and care for this world and the deceptiveness of riches, choke the word; and he is without fruits. (aiōn g165)
23 To kodhi mane olwar e lowo maber ochungʼ kar ngʼat mawinjo wach kendo make, mi ochieg cham mangʼeny mohingo kodhi mane okomgo nyadi mia, nyadi piero auchiel kata nyadi piero adek.”
But that which was sowed on good ground, is he that heareth my word, and understandeth. and beareth fruits, and yieldeth, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.
24 Yesu nogoyonegi ngero machielo kama: “Pinyruodh polo chalo gi ngʼat mane okomo kodhi maber e puothe.
Another similitude he proposed to them, and said: The kingdom of heaven is like to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
25 To kane oyudo ji duto nindo, jasike nobiro mopidho buya e dier ngano, bangʼe to odhi.
And while people were asleep, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.
26 Ka ngano nodongo moiko wiyegi to buya bende nochako limbo.
And when the plant shot up and bore fruits, then appeared also the tares.
27 “Jotij wuon puodho nobiro ire mowachone ni, ‘Jaduongʼ, donge ne ikomo kodhi mabeyo lilo e puothi? Ka kamano to buya to oa kure?’
And the servants of the householder came, and said to him, Our lord, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? From whence are the tares in it.
28 “Nodwoko ni, ‘Jasigu ema notimo ma.’ “Jotich nopenje ni, ‘Diher mondo wadhi wapudhgi oko?’
And he said to them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said to him, Is it thy pleasure that we go and gather them out?
29 “To nodwoko ni, ‘Ooyo, kik utim kamano nikech seche ma upudho buyago unyalo pudho ngano bende kaachiel kodgi.
And he said to them, No, lest, while ye gather out the tares, ye also eradicate the wheat with them.
30 Wegiuru gitwi kaachiel giduto nyaka chiengʼ keyo. Ka kindeno ochopo to ananyis jokeyo mondo okuong ochok buya kendo otwegi pidhe pidhe mondo owangʼ-gi; eka bangʼe gichok ngano kendo gikel gikan e decha.’”
Let them both grow together until the harvest; and at the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers, Gather out first the tares, and bind them in bundles to be burned; but the wheat gather ye into my granary.
31 Nogoyonegi ngero machielo kama: “Pinyruodh polo chalo gi koth karadali ma ngʼato nokawo mopidho e puothe.
Another similitude proposed he to them, and said: The kingdom of heaven is like to a kernel of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field.
32 Kata obedo ni en e kodhi matinie mogik kuom kotheu duto, to ka odongo to odoko yiend puodho maduongʼ moloyo yiende mag puodho duto, kendo winy mafuyo e kor polo biro kendo piyo e bedene.”
And this is the least of all seeds; but when it is grown, it is greater than all the herbs, and becometh a tree, so that a bird of heaven may come and nestle in its branches.
33 Nochako ogoyonegi ngero machielo niya, “Pinyruodh polo chalo gi thowi mane dhako moro okawo kendo oruwo ei mogo mangʼeny mi bangʼe okuodo mogono.”
Another similitude spake he to them, The kingdom of heaven is like the leaven, which a woman took and buried in three measures of meal, until the whole fermented.
34 Yesu nowacho gigi duto ne oganda gi ngeche; ne ok owachonegi gimoro amora ma ok okonyore gi ngero.
All these things Jesus discoursed to the multitude in similitudes; and without similitudes he did not discourse with them.
35 Mano nochopo gima ne owach gidho janabi niya, “Abiro yawo dhoga mondo awuo gi ngeche, abiro hulo gik mosebedo kopondo nyaka aa chakruok piny.”
That so might be fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet, who said: I will open my mouth in similitudes; I will utter things concealed from before the foundation of the world.
36 Eka noweyo oganda mi odonjo e ot. Jopuonjrene nobiro ire kawacho niya, “Nyiswae tiend ngech buya manie puodho.”
Then Jesus sent away the multitudes, and went into the house. And his disciples came to him, and said: Explain to us the similitude of the tares and the field.
37 Nodwokogi niya, “Ngʼat mane okomo kodhi mabeyo en Wuod Dhano.
And he answered, and said to them: He that soweth the good seed, is the Son of God.
38 Puodho en piny, to kodhi maber ochungʼ kar yawuot pinyruoth. Buya gin yawuot ngʼat marach,
And the field is the world. And the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked One.
39 to jasigu ma komogi en Jachien. Keyo en giko piny, to jokeyo gin malaike. (aiōn g165)
The enemy that sowed them, is Satan. The harvest is the end of the world: and the reapers are the angels. (aiōn g165)
40 “Mana kaka ipudho buya kendo iwangʼo e mach, e kaka biro bedo chiengʼ giko piny. (aiōn g165)
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so will it be in the end of the world. (aiōn g165)
41 Wuod Dhano biro oro malaikane, kendo gibiro golo gimoro amora manie pinyruodhe makelo richo kod ji duto matimo gik maricho.
The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all the stumbling blocks, and all the doers of evil;
42 Gibiro witogi e mach makakni, kama ywagruok gi mwodo lak nobedie.
and will cast them into a furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Eka joma kare norieny kaka wangʼ chiengʼ ei pinyruoth mar Wuon-gi. Ngʼat man-gi ite to mondo owinji.
Then will the righteous shine as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
44 “Pinyruodh polo chalo gi mwandu mopandi e puodho, ma ngʼat moro nonwangʼo kendo nopando, eka noa kanyo kopongʼ gi mor kendo nodhi mouso gige duto mane en-go modwogo ongʼiewogo puodhono.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that is hid in a field; which when a man findeth, he concealeth it, and, from his joy, he goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
45 “Bende pinyruodh polo chalo gi ja-ohala mamanyo kite ma nengogi tek mondo owar.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchantman, who sought after rich pearls:
46 Kane oyudo achiel moro ma nengone tek ahinya to noa modhi kendo nouso gige mane en-go duto mongʼiewego.
and when he found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
47 “Bende pinyruodh polo chalo gi gogo mane ochiki e nam momako kit rech duto mopogore opogore.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a sweep net, which was cast into the sea, and collected fishes of every kind.
48 Kane osepongʼ to joywecho noywaye nyaka e dho nam. Eka negibedo piny mi gichoko rech mabeyo duto giketo ei okepni, to maricho to giwito.
And when it was full, they drew it to the shores of the sea; and they sat down and culled over: and the good they put into vessels, and the bad they cast away.
49 Kamano e kaka nobedi chiengʼ giko piny. Malaike nobi kendo nopog joma timbegi richo gi joma kare, (aiōn g165)
So will it be in the end of the world. The angels will go forth, and will sever the wicked from among the just; (aiōn g165)
50 kendo nowitgi ei mach makakni, kama ywagruok gi mwodo lak nobedie.”
and will cast them into a furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
51 Yesu nopenjogi niya, “Bende usewinjo tiend gigi duto?” Ne giyiene niya, “Ee.”
Jesus said to them: Have ye understood all these things? They say to him: Yes, our Lord.
52 Nowachonegi niya, “Kuom mano japuonj chik moro ka moro mosetiegi kuom wach pinyruodh polo chalo gi wuon ot magolo kuom gik mokano e deche, mwandu machon gi manyien.”
He said to them: Therefore every Scribe who is instructed for the kingdom of heaven, is like a man who is master of a house, who bringeth forth from his treasures things new and old.
53 Kane Yesu osetieko goyo ngechegi, nowuok kanyo odhi nyime.
And it was so, that when Jesus had ended these similitudes, he departed thence.
54 Kane ochopo dalagi, nochako puonjo ji e sinagokegi, kendo negihum nono, ka gipenjore niya, “Rieko gi teko mar timo honni ma ngʼatni nigogi oyudo kanye?
And he entered into his own city. And he taught them in their synagogues, in such manner that they wondered, and said: Whence hath he this wisdom and these works of power?
55 Donge ngʼatni en wuod fundi bao-cha? Donge min-gi nyinge Maria, koso owetene donge gin Jakobo gi Josef gi Simon kod Judas?
Is not this man the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas?
56 Donge nyiminene duto ni kodwa ka? To koro ngʼatni ogolo gigi duto kanye?”
And all his sisters, are they not with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
57 Kamano negichwanyore nikech en. To Yesu nowachonegi niya, “Janabi onge gi duongʼ mana e dalagi kendo gi ode owuon.”
And they were stumbled at him. But Jesus said to them: There is no prophet who is little, except in his own city and in his own house.
58 Omiyo ne ok otimo honni mangʼeny kanyo nikech ne gionge gi yie.
And he did not perform there many works of power, because of their unbelief.

< Mathayo 13 >