< Luka 22 >
1 Koro Sawo mar makati ma ok oketie thowi, miluongo ni Pasaka, ne chiegni,
Now the festival of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was drawing near.
2 to jodolo madongo gi jopuonj chik ne manyo yo moro malingʼ-lingʼ ma ditiek-go Yesu, nikech negiluoro oganda.
The high priest and the Scribes continually sought means to put him to death.
3 Eka Satan nodonjo kuom Judas, miluongo ni Iskariot, achiel kuom ji apar gariyo.
Satan however, entered into Judas (the man called Iscariot), who was one of the twelve.
4 To Judas nodhi ir jodolo madongo kod jotend jorit hekalu kendo noloso kodgi kaka onyalo ndhogo Yesu.
And he went out and conferred with the chief priests and commanders
5 Negimor kendo ne giyie miye pesa.
They were delighted, and agreed to give him money.
6 Ne oyie, kendo nochako manyo kinde maber mar keto Yesu e lwetgi ka oganda onge.
He consented to this, and looked for an opportunity to betray him, when the people were not present.
7 Eka nochopo chiengʼ Makati ma ok oketie Thowi, ma nyarombo mar Pasaka onego negie.
Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the paschal lamb must be sacrificed.
8 Yesu nooro Petro gi Johana, kowacho niya, “Dhiuru mondo ulosnwa Pasaka mondo wabi wacham.”
So Jesus went to Peter and Johnsaying, "Go and prepare for us the Passover, that we may eat it."
9 Negipenje niya, “Idwaro mondo wadhi walose kanye?”
"Where shall we get it ready?" they asked.
10 Nodwoko niya, “Ka udonjo e dala maduongʼ, ngʼato moro motingʼo dapi norom kodu. Luweuru nyaka ot modhiye,
He answered. "No sooner will you have entered the city than you will meet a man carrying a water-jug. Follow him into the house were he is going.
11 to uwach ne wuon ot ni, ‘Japuonj penjo kama: Ere od welo monego achamie Sap Pasaka kod jopuonjrena?’
"And to the good man of the house say, ‘The teacher asks you, "Where is the room in which I can eat the Passover with my disciples?"‘
12 Obiro nyisou ot malach molos malo, moseiki. Kanyo ema ulosie ikruok duto.”
"Then he will show you a large upper room furnished. There make your preparations."
13 Negidhi kendo negiyudo gik moko mana kaka Yesu nosewachonegi. Omiyo negiiko Sap Pasaka.
So they went and found everything as he had told them, they prepared the Passover.
14 Kane sa ochopo, Yesu kod jootene nobet kachiemo.
And when the hour was come he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him,
15 To nowachonegi niya, “Asedwaro ahinya mondo acham Sap Pasakani kodu kapok osanda.
and he said to them. "With desire have I longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
16 Nimar awachonu, ok anachame kendo ngangʼ, nyaka chop time e pinyruodh Nyasaye.”
For I tell you that I certainly will not eat again until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God."
17 Bangʼ kosekawo kikombe, nogoyo erokamano kendo wacho niya, “Kawuru ma kendo upogru uwegi.
Then he had received a cup and given thanks, he said,
18 Nimar awachonu, ok anamadh olemb mzabibu kendo nyaka chop pinyruoth Nyasaye.”
"Take this, and divide it among yourselves; for I tell you that I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God is come."
19 Kendo nokawo makati kendo bangʼ goyo erokamano nongʼinge momiyogi kowacho niya, “Ma e ringra mochiw nikech un, timuru ma ka uparago.”
And he took a loaf, and after giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying. "This is my body, which is given for you; this do in remembrance of me.’
20 Kamano bende, bangʼ chiemo nokawo kikombe mi owacho niya, “Kikombeni en singruok manyien motim gi remba, mochwer nikech un.
He gave them a cup in like manner, after supper saying. "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, poured out for your sake.
21 To lwet ngʼat ma biro ndhoga chiemo koda.
"But behold, the hand of my betrayer is at the table with me!
22 Wuod Dhano biro dhi mana kaka ne osechiki, to ngʼat mandhoge none malit.”
"The Son of man indeed goes on his way, as it has been determined; but woe to that man by who he is betrayed."
23 To negichako penjoree gin giwegi ni en ngʼatno kuomgi manyalo biro timo ma.
And they began to question among themselves which of them it could be who was going to do such a thing.
24 Bende mbaka, nowuok e kindgi ni en ngʼa kuomgi mikwano ni duongʼ moloyo.
And there arose also a dispute among them as to which of them could be considered the greatest,
25 Yesu nowachonegi niya, “Ruodhi mag joma ok jo-Yahudi rito jogegi gi angʼenge kendo jotendgi madongo luongore giwegi ni johawi.
and he said to them. "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have who have authority over them are called Benefactors.
26 To un ok onego ubed machal kodgi. Kar bedo kamano, to ngʼat maduongʼ moloyo e dieru onego obed kaka jal matinie moloyo, to ngʼat motelo obed machal gi ngʼatno matiyo.
"But you shall not be so. But he who is greater among you let him become like the younger; and he who is leader like him who serves.
27 Nimar en ngʼatno maduongʼ, ngʼatno mobedo e mesa koso ngʼatno machiwo chiemo? Ok en ngʼatno manie mesa koso? An to anie dieru kaka ngʼatno matiyo.
"For which is greater, he who sits at table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at table? But I am in your midst as one who serves.
28 Un e jogo mosesiko kochungo koda e masichena.
"You, however, are those who have stood by me in my trials.
29 Achiwonu pinyruoth, mana kaka Wuora bende nomiya moro,
"And I promise you a kingdom, even as my Father has promised me a kingdom;
30 mondo mi uchiem kendo umethi e mesana e pinyruodha kendo ubedi e kombe mag loch, kungʼado bura ne ogendini apar gariyo mag Israel.
"so that you shall eat and drink in my kingdom, and you shall sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
31 “Simon, Simon, Satan osekwayo thuolo mondo opiedhi kaka ngano mipiedho.
"Simon, Simon," said the Lord, "behold, Satan has asked to have you all that he might sift you like wheat.
32 To aselamoni, Simon, ni yieni kik lal. To ka iselokori ma idwogo, ijiw joweteni.”
"But I made supplication for you that your own faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned again, must strengthen your brothers."
33 To nodwoke niya, “Ruoth, aikora dhiyo kodi e od twech kendo e tho.”
"Lord," Simon said to him, "I am ready to go with you, both to prison and to death."
34 Yesu nodwoko niya, “Awachoni, Petro, kapok thuon gweno okok kawuono, ibiro kweda nyadidek ni ok ingʼeya.”
"I tell you, Peter," he answered. "the cock will not crow this day until you will three times deny that you know me."
35 Eka Yesu nopenjogi niya, “Kane aorou maonge ofuku mar pesa, kata sanduku kod wuoche, ne uchando gimoro koso?” Negidwoko niya, “Onge.”
Moreover, he said to them, "When I sent you out without purse or wallet or sandals, did you lack anything?" They answered him, "We lacked nothing.’
36 Nowachonegi niya, “To koroni ka uonge gi ofuku mar pesa kaweuru, kendo sanduku bende, to ka uonge ligangla olok lawe pesa mondo ingʼiewgo ligangla.
Then he said to them. "But now let him who has a purse take it, and he who has a wallet, let him the do the same. And he who has no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one.
37 Osendiki ni: ‘Ne okwane kod joketho’; kendo awachonu ni wachni nyaka timrena. Ee, gino mondik kuoma koro chiegni timore.”
"For I say to you that this word of Scripture must find it’s fulfilment in me. "And he was numbered among the transgressors, For that which concerns me has its accomplishment."
38 Jopuonjre nowacho niya, “Ne, Ruoth, ligengni ariyo eri ni ka.” Nodwoko niya, “Mano oromo.”
"Master" they said, "here are two swords!" "That is enough," he answered.
39 Yesu nowuok modhiyo e Got Zeituni kaka notimo pile, kendo jopuonjrene noluwe.
Then he went out, and began to go to the Mount of Olives, as was his wont; and his disciples followed him.
40 Kane ochopo kanyo, nowachonegi niya, “Lamuru mondo kik udonj e tem.”
But he arrived at the place he said to them, "Pray that you enter not into temptation."
41 Noweyogi modhiyo mochwalore mabor madirom diro kidi, mine ogoyo chonge piny kendo nolamo niya,
But he himself withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, kneeling down he prayed repeatedly, saying.
42 “Wuora, ka iyie, to gol kikombeni oa kuoma, to ok dwarona, to mari ema otimre.”
"Father, if thou art willing, take away this cup from me; but thy will, not mine, be done!"
43 Malaika noa e polo nofwenyorene kendo nomiye teko.
(And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him.
44 To kaka ne en gi chuny malit kochandore, nolemo matek ahinya, kendo luya ne chotne kandongʼ piny mana ka remo.
(And being in agony he kept praying more earnestly; and his sweat became as if it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.)
45 Kane oa e lamo mi odok ir jopuonjre, noyudogi ka ginindo, ka giol kendo ka gin gikuyo.
When he arose from his prayers, and came to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,
46 Nopenjogi niya, “Angʼo momiyo unindo? Auru malo kendo ulam mondo kik udonj e tem.”
and said to them. "Why are you asleep? Get up, and pray that you enter not into temptation."
47 Kane pod owuoyo, oganda nobiro, to ngʼatno mane iluongo ni Judas, achiel kuom ji apar gariyo, notelonegi, nosudo ir Yesu mondo onyodhe,
While he was still speaking there came a crowd, and he who was called Judas, one of the Twelve, was leading them. He came near to Jesus in order to kiss him,
48 to Yesu nopenje niya, “Judas, indhogo Wuod Dhano gi nyoth?”
but Jesus said to him, "Judas, you are betraying the Son of man with a kiss?"
49 Kane jolup Yesu noneno gima ne dhi timore, negiwacho niya, “Ruoth, owinjore waked gi ligengniwa koso?”
Those who were around him, when they saw what was about to happen, said to him, "Lord, shall we strike with our swords?"
50 To achiel kuomgi notongʼo jatij jadolo maduongʼ mi ochodo ite ma korachwich oko.
Then one of them did strike a blow at the high priest’s slave, and cut off his right ear.
51 To Yesu nodwoko niya. “Ok kamano ngangʼ!” Eka nomulo it ngʼatno kendo nochange.
"Permit me to do this at least," said Jesus, as he touched his ear and healed him.
52 Eka Yesu nowachone jodolo madongo, jotelo mag jorit hekalu, kod jodongo, mane obiro ire, niya, “An jatend koko mar jo-jendeke, momiyo ubiro ira gi ligengni kod arunge?
Then Jesus said to the corps of priests and captains of the temple and elders who had come out to arrest him. "Have ye come for me with swords and clubs to arrest me like a robber?
53 Pile ka pile an kodu e laru mag hekalu, to ne ok umaka. To mani en sau, sa ma mudho olocho.”
"When daily I was with you in the temple you did not stretch out your hands to take me; but this is your hour and the power of darkness."
54 Kane gimake, negidhiyo kode ka gitere ei od jadolo maduongʼ. Petro noluwogi gichien.
So they seized him and led him away, and took him to the house of the high priest; while Peter was following him a long way off.
55 To kane gisemoko mach e chuny laru kendo gisebedo piny kaachiel, Petro nobedo kodgi.
And when they had lighted a fire in the center of the court, and had sat down together, Peter was taking his seat among them.
56 Jatich ma nyako nonene kobedo kanyo kama mach lielie. Nodhi machiegni kode morange matut kendo nowacho niya, “Ngʼatni ne ni kode.”
But a certain maid servant saw him taking his seat near the fire and, with a sharp glance at him, she said, "This fellow was with him, too!"
57 To nokwerogo, kowacho niya, “Dhako, ok angʼeye!”
But he denied it, saying, "Woman, I know nothing about him."
58 Achien bangʼe matin, ngʼat moro nonene kendo nowacho niya, “In bende in achiel kuomgi.” Petro nodwoko niya, “Omera, ok an.”
A little later a man saw him, and said, "You too are one of them" But Peter declared, "Man, I am not."
59 Achien bangʼe madirom sa achiel, ngʼat machielo nojiwo kowacho matek niya, “Adier chutho jali ne ni kode, nimar en ja-Galili.”
But an hour afterwards another man kept insisting, saying. "Really, this fellow was with him. Why, he is a Galilean."
60 Petro nodwoko niya, “Omera, ok angʼeyo gima iwuoyo kuome!” Mana kaka nowuoyono, thuon gweno nokok.
"Man," said Peter, "I do not know what you mean." And immediately, while he was still speaking, the cock crew.
61 Ruoth nolokore kendo nongʼiyo Petro tir. Eka Petro noparo wach mane oyudo Ruoth osewachone niya, “Kapok thuon gweno okok tinendeni, to wangʼ inikweda nyadidek.”
Then the Lord turned and looked at Peter, and Peter recollected the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, "This very day, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times."
62 To nowuok odhiyo oko kendo noywak malit.
And Peter went outside and wept with bitter crying.
63 Jogo mane rito Yesu nochako jare kendo goye.
Meanwhile the men who were holding Jesus in custody kept mocking and striking him.
64 Negitweyo wangʼe kendo negiwachone githuon niya, “Hul ane! En ngʼa mogoyi?”
They would blindfold him and ask him. "Prophesy! Tell who struck you!"
65 To negisiko mana ka giyanye ayanya.
And they said many other insulting things against him.
66 Ka piny noru gokinyi, bura mar jodong oganda kaachiel gi jodolo madongo gi jopuonj chik, nochokore kaachiel, kendo Yesu nokel irgi.
When it became the day the elders if the people met with the high priests and the Scribes and had brought before the Sanhedrin, saying.
67 Negiwacho niya, “Nyiswa ka in e Kristo.” Yesu nodwoko niya, “Ka awachonu, to ok ubi yie gima awachonuno,
"Are you the Christ? Tell us!" "If I tell you," he answered, "you will not believe;
68 to ka apenjou, bende ok ubi dwoko.
"And if I ask you, you will not answer.
69 To chakre kawuono kadhiyo nyime, Wuod Dhano biro bet e bat korachwich mar Nyasaye Maratego.”
"But from henceforth the Son of man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God."
70 Giduto negipenjo niya, “Kara in e Wuod Nyasaye?” Nodwoko niya, “Un kare kuwacho ni An e en!”
Then they all said, "Are you then the Son of God."
71 Eka negiwacho niya, “Angʼo momiyo pod wadwaro joneno moko kendo? Wasewinjo mano koa e dhoge owuon.”
"What need we of further evidence? for we ourselves have heard it from his own lips."