< Tim Jo-Lawi 22 >
1 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Nyis Harun gi yawuote ni nyaka giritre ahinya ka gitiyo gi mich maler ma nyithind Israel kelona mar chiwo, nono to dipo ka gichayo nyinga. An e Jehova Nyasaye.
Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and let them take heed concerning the holy things of the children of Israel, so they shall not profane my holy name in any of the things which they consecrate to me: I [am] the Lord.
3 Wachnegi ni: Ka ngʼato moro mogak osudo machiegni kod kama jo-Israel chiwoe chiwo maler ni Jehova Nyasaye, to nangʼad kare oko kendo ok nobed gimoro e nyima. Mano en chik manyaka uriti chakre sani kod tiengʼ mabiro. An e Jehova Nyasaye.
Say to them, Every man throughout your generations, whoever of all your seed shall approach to the holy things, whatever the children of Israel shall consecrate to the Lord, while his uncleanness is upon him, that soul shall be cut off from me: I [am] the Lord your God.
4 Koth Harun moro amora matuo mar dhoho nogore kuome kata man-gi tuo machwer, ok onego cham chiemo mowal mochiwne Jehova Nyasaye kapok opwodhe. Enobed ngʼama ogak ka omulo gima orere kuom ngʼama otho kata orere kuom ngʼama kothe mar dichwo owuok,
And the man of the seed of Aaron the priest, if he should have leprosy or issue of the reins, shall not eat of the holy things, until he be cleansed; and he that touches any uncleanness of a dead body, or the man whose seed of copulation shall have gone out from him,
5 kata ka omulo gimoro mamol manyalo miyo obed mogak, kata ngʼato angʼata mamiyo obedo mogak, bedni ogak manade.
or whoever shall touch any unclean reptile, which will defile him, or [who shall touch] a man, whereby he shall defile him according to all his uncleanness:
6 Ngʼato angʼata momulo gik mogakgo nobed mogak nyaka chiengʼ podhi. Ok onego ocham chiemo mowal moro amora motimgo misango nyaka chop olwokre.
whatever soul shall touch them shall be unclean until evening; he shall not eat of the holy things, unless he bathe his body in water,
7 Bangʼ podho chiengʼ, ngʼatno nobed maler, kendo bangʼ mano oyiene mondo ocham chiwogo nikech en chiembe.
and the sun go down, and then he shall be clean; and then shall he eat of all the holy things, for they are his bread.
8 Ok oyiene mondo ocham chiayo moro amora motho kende, kata ma ondiek onego, nikech timo kamano biro miyo obedo mogak. An e Jehova Nyasaye.
He shall not eat that which dies of itself, or is taken of beasts, so that he should be polluted by them: I [am] the Lord.
9 “‘Jodolo to nyaka rit chikena mondo kik gibed joketho mi githo kuom richono. An e Jehova Nyasaye mapwodhogi.
And they shall keep my ordinances, that they do not bear iniquity because of them, and die because of them, if they shall profane them: I [am] the Lord God that sanctifies them.
10 “‘Ngʼato angʼata ma ok oaye oganda jadolo kik cham chiwo maler, kata bedni en wendo molimo jadolo, kata obed jatich jadolo ma ondiko kaka jotich.
And no stranger shall eat the holy things: one that sojourns with a priest, or a hireling, shall not eat the holy things.
11 To ka jadolo ongʼiewo jatich kod pesa to oyiene chiemo kaachiel gi wasumbini monywol e dalane.
But if a priest should have a soul purchased for money, he shall eat of his bread; and they that are born in his house, they also shall eat of his bread.
12 Ka ngʼat ma ok jadolo okendo nyar jadolo, nyakoni ok oyiene mondo ocham mich moyiedhi mogol kuom chiwo maler.
And if the daughter of a priest should marry a stranger, she shall not eat of the offerings of the sanctuary.
13 To ka nyar jadolo chwore otho, kata ka owere gi chwore kapok onywol mi odok dalagi mondo odag kanyo ka nyako mapok okendi, to oyiene chamo chiemb wuon mare. Makmana ni ngʼat ma ok jadolo, to kik cham chiemono.
And if the daughter of priest should be a widow, or put away, and have no seed, she shall return to her father's house, as in her youth: she shall eat of her father's bread, but no stranger shall eat of it.
14 “‘Ngʼato angʼata manyalo ponono kochamo chiemo mowal kokia ni en gima ochiw ni Jehova Nyasaye, to nyaka ochul jadolo ka omedo gi achiel kuom abich mar nengo mar gima ochamo cha.
And the man who shall ignorantly eat holy things, shall add the fifth part to it, and give the holy thing to the priest.
15 Jodolo nyaka tangʼ mondo kik giketh chiwo maler ma jo-Israel osewalo ni Jehova Nyasaye,
And they shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel, which they offer to the Lord.
16 ka gichiwo thuolo ni joma gingʼeyo ni ok jodolo chamo chiemo mowalgo, nikech mano miyo jogo bedo joketho kendo gidonjo e kum mowinjore gi chudo. An Jehova Nyasaye mapwodhogi.’”
So should they bring upon themselves the iniquity of trespass in their eating their holy things: for I [am] the Lord that sanctifies them.
17 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ni Musa niya,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
18 “Nyis Harun gi yawuote kod jo-Israel duto kiwachonegi ni: ‘Ka ngʼato moro amora kuomu, bed ni en ja-Israel kata jadak manie dieru okelo misango miwangʼo pep ni Jehova Nyasaye, bedni en mar chopo singo kata chiwo mar hera,
Speak to Aaron and his sons, and to all the congregation of Israel, and you shall say to them, Any man of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that abide among them in Israel, who shall offer his gifts according to all their confession and according to all their choice, whatever they may bring to the Lord for whole burnt offerings—
19 to nyaka ichiw chiayo maonge songa, obedni en rwath, kata diel kata rombo, eka Jehova Nyasaye noyiego.
your free will offerings [shall] be males without blemish of the herds, or of the sheep, or of the goats.
20 Kik uchiw chiayo man-gi songa nikech Jehova Nyasaye ok bi yie kode.
They shall not bring to the Lord anything that has a blemish in it, for it shall not be acceptable for you.
21 Ka ngʼato okelone Jehova Nyasaye misango mar lalruok mar dhiangʼ kata rombo mondo ochopgo singruokne, kata obed ni en chiwo mar hera, to nyaka obed chiayo maler maonge songa eka Jehova Nyasaye noyie kode.
And whatever man shall offer a peace-offering to the Lord, discharging a vow, or in the way of free will offering, or an offering in your feasts, of the herds or of the sheep, it shall be without blemish for acceptance: there shall be no blemish in it.
22 Kik ichiwne Jehova Nyasaye chiayo ma muofu, ma rangʼol kata man-gi songa, kata man-gi kalanga, kata motimo aluny kata man-gi adhola machwer. Chiayo makamagi kik ket ewi kendo mar misango mondo obed misango miwangʼo pep gi mach ni Jehova Nyasaye.
One that is blind, or broken, or has its tongue cut out, or is troubled with warts, or has a malignant ulcer, or tetters, they shall not offer these to the Lord; neither shall you offer any of them for a burnt offering on the altar of the Lord.
23 To kuom chiwo mar hera unyalo chiwo rwath kata rombo man-gi songa, to chiwogi ok noyiego kuom timo misango mar singruok.
And a calf or a sheep with the ears cut off, or that has lost its tail, you shall kill them for yourself; but they shall not be accepted for your vow.
24 Kik ichiwne Jehova Nyasaye chiayo mopwodi kata moroo. Kik utim tim maka ma e pinyu,
That which has broken testicles, or is crushed or gelt or mutilated, —you shall not offer them to the Lord, neither shall you sacrifice them upon your land.
25 kendo kik uyie kawo chiayo machal kamano kuom jadak manie pinyu mondo uchiwe ni Nyasachu ka chiembe. Jehova Nyasaye ok bi yie kodgi nikech gin-gi songa kendo gingʼol.’”
Neither shall you offer the gifts of your God of all these things by the hand of a stranger, because there is corruption in them, a blemish in them: these shall not be accepted for you.
26 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ni Musa niya,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
27 “Ka onywol nyarombo, nyaroya kata nyadiel, to kik upoge gi min mare nyaka bangʼ ndalo abiriyo. Kochiwe ne Jehova Nyasaye bangʼ ndalo aboro kaka misango miwangʼo gi mach to Jehova Nyasaye noyie kode.
As for a calf, or a sheep, or a goat, whenever it is born, then shall it be seven days under its mother; and on the eighth day and after they shall be accepted for sacrifices, a burnt offering to the Lord.
28 Kik uneg dhiangʼ gi nyathine, kata rombo gi nyathine odiechiengʼ achiel.
And a bullock and a ewe, it and its young, you shall not kill in one day.
29 “Ka uchiwo misango mar goyo erokamano ni Jehova Nyasaye, to chiweuru kaka chik dwaro eka Jehova Nyasaye noyie kodu.
And if you should offer a sacrifice, a vow of rejoicing to the Lord, you shall offer it so as to be accepted for you.
30 Nyaka chame duto maonge modongʼ mana godiechiengno. An e Jehova Nyasaye.
In that same day it shall be eaten; you shall not leave of the flesh till the morrow: I am the Lord.
31 “Rituru chikena kendo uluwgi maber. An e Jehova Nyasaye.
And you shall keep my commandments and do them.
32 Kik udwany nyinga maler. An kenda ema jo-Israel nyaka miya luor kaka ngʼama ler. An e Jehova Nyasaye mapwodhogi,
And you shall not profane the name of the Holy One, and I will be sanctified in the midst of the children of Israel. I [am] the Lord that sanctifies you,
33 kendo manogolou e piny Misri mondo abed Nyasachu. An e Jehova Nyasaye.”
who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I [am] the Lord.