< Tim Jo-Lawi 21 >
1 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Wuo kod jodolo ma yawuot Harun, kendo iwachnegi ni: ‘Kik jadolo tim gimoro ne ringre jadhodgi moro amora motho ma dimi obed mogak,
And the Lord said unto Moses, Speak unto the priests the sons of Aaron, and say unto them, None [of them] shall defile himself on the dead, among his people;
2 makmana kaponi ngʼat ma othoni en watne manie ot kaka min kata wuon kata wuode kata nyare kata owadgi,
But on his kin, that is near unto him, [that is, ] on his mother, and on his father, and on his son, and on his daughter, and on his brother,
3 kata nyamin-gi manie lwete mapok okendi. Nyamin-gi mapok okendino kende ema nyalo miyo obed mogak.
And on his sister that is a virgin, that is nigh unto him, who hath had no husband: on her may he defile himself.
4 Kik obed mogak kuom mulo ringre joma otho ma gin wedene kuom kend.
The chief man among his people shall not defile himself, to be profaned thereby.
5 “‘Jodolo ok oyienegi mondo giliel wigi, kata tito yie tikgi bende kik gisar dendgi.
They shall not make any baldness upon their head, and the corner of their beard shall they not shave off, and in their flesh shall they not make any incision.
6 Nyaka gibed jomaler e nyim Nyasachgi, kendo kik gicha nying Nyasachgi. Nikech gin ema gichiwo misengini miwangʼo e mach ni Jehova Nyasaye, ma en chiemb Nyasachgi, omiyo nyaka gibed maler.
Holy shall they be unto their God, and they shall not profane the name of their God; for the fire-offerings of the Lord, the bread of their God, do they offer, they shall therefore be holy.
7 “‘Jodolo ok oyienegi kendo nyako mochot kata nyako mosewere gi chwore, nikech jodolo nyaka bed maler e nyim Nyasachgi.
A woman that is a harlot, or one profaned, shall they not take; and a woman put away from her husband shall they not take; for holy is he unto his God.
8 Kwan-giuru kaka jomaler, nikech gin ema gichiwo chiemo ni Nyasachu. Kawgiuru kaka jomaler nikech an Jehova Nyasaye aler; an mamiyo ubedo maler.
And thou shalt sanctify him; for the bread of thy God doth he offer: holy shall he be unto thee; for I the Lord, who sanctify you, am holy.
9 “‘Ka nyar jadolo olokore ochot, to nyakoni okuodo wi wuon-gi, omiyo nyaka wangʼe gi mach.
And if the daughter of any priest profane herself by committing incest, her father doth she profane: with fire shall she be burnt.
10 “‘Jadolo maduongʼ e kind owetene, kendo moseol mor pwodhruok e wiye, kendo owal mondo orwak lep dolo, kik owe wiye obed mogar, kata kik orwak law moyiech.
And the priest that is highest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil hath been poured, and who hath been consecrated to put on the garments, shall not let the hair of his head grow long, and his garments shall he not rend;
11 Jadolono ok oyiene donjo e ot ma ngʼato othoe. Kik obed mogak kata bedni ngʼatno en wuon mare kata min mare,
Neither shall he go in to any dead body; even on his father, and on his mother shall he not defile himself.
12 kata kik owuogi koa kama ler mar lemo mar Nyasache, kata miyo kanyo bedo mogak, nikech en ngʼama owal kendo owir gi mor pwodhruok mar Nyasache. An e Jehova Nyasaye.
And out of the sanctuary shall he not go, that he may not profane the sanctuary of his God; for the crown of the anointing oil of his God is upon him: I am the Lord.
13 “‘Nyako mokendo nyaka bed nyako ngili.
And he shall take a wife in her virgin state.
14 Kik okend dhako ma chwore otho, kata dhako mowere gi chwore, kata dhako mochot, makmana nyako ngili,
A widow, and a divorced woman, and one profaned, [and] a harlot, these shall he not take; but a virgin of his own people shall he take for wife;
15 mondo omi kik onywol nyithindo mogak e kind ogandane. An e Jehova Nyasaye mamiyo obedo maler.’”
So that he may not profane his seed among his people; for I, the Lord, do sanctify him.
16 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya,
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
17 “Nyis Harun ni: ‘Kuom tiengeu duto, onge ngʼama ongʼol ma oyiene mondo ochiw chiemo ni Nyasache.
Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever of thy seed in their generations it be on whom there is any blemish, shall not approach to offer the bread of his God.
18 Ngʼato angʼata man-gi songa kik sud machiegni gi Nyasaye, obed ni en muofu kata rangʼol, kata ma dende kamoro otimo mbala,
For whatsoever man it be on whom there is a blemish, shall not approach: a blind, or a lame man, or one that hath a flattened nose, or a man one of whose limbs is too long,
19 kata ka tiende kata bade ongʼol,
Or a man who hath a broken foot, or a broken hand,
20 kata ka en rakuom kata othwogo, kata ka en rachiero, kata ka wangʼe chwero pi, kata ka en gi adhola monyaa kata ka en bwoch.
Or a crookbacked, or a dwarf, or one that hath a blemish in his eye, or the itch, or the scurvy, or the testicles broken.
21 Nyakwar Harun moro amora man-gi songa kik sud machiegni mar timo ne Jehova Nyasaye misango miwangʼo. Nikech en gi songa ok onego osud machiegni mondo ochiw chiemo ne Nyasache.
Every man on whom there is a blemish, of the seed of Aaron the priest, shall not come nigh to offer the fire-offerings of the Lord: there is a blemish on him; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.
22 Onyalo chamo chiemb Nyasache, bedni ogol chiemono kuom gik maler kata kuom gik maler moloyo;
The brewed of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy things he may eat.
23 to nikech ngʼol mare ok onego osud machiegni gi Pasia kata gi kendo mar misango, nikech dipo ka omiyo kara maler mar lemo obedo mogak nimar en gi songa. An e Jehova Nyasaye mapwodhogi.’”
Only unto the vail, and unto the altar shall he not come nigh, because there is a blemish on him; that he profane not my holy things; for I the Lord do sanctify them.
24 Kuom mano Musa nonyiso Harun gi yawuote kod jo-Israel duto wachno.
And Moses spoke thus unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of Israel.