< Tim Jo-Lawi 2 >
1 Ka ngʼato okelone Jehova Nyasaye chiwo mar cham, to nyaka obed mogo mayom. Onego ool mo kuom mogono kendo ochwo ubani kuome,
When anyone brings a grain offering to Yahweh, his offering must be fine flour, and he will pour oil on it and put incense on it.
2 eka otere ne yawuot Harun ma jodolo. Jadolo nokaw mogo mayom moru gi sanja achiel kaachiel gi ubani duto kendo nowangʼe kaka pok mar rapar ewi kendo mar misango, ma en misango miwangʼo pep, madum tik mangʼwe ngʼar ne ma Jehova Nyasaye.
He is to take the offering to Aaron's sons the priests, and there the priest will take out a handful of the fine flour with the oil and the incense on it. Then the priest will burn the offering on the altar as a representative offering. It will produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh; it will be an offering made to him by fire.
3 Cham mar misango mane odongʼ koro nobedi mar Harun gi yawuote, ma en gima ler moloyo kuom misengini mag Jehova Nyasaye miwangʼo gi mach.
Whatever is left of the grain offering will belong to Aaron and his sons. It is very holy to Yahweh from the offerings to Yahweh made by fire.
4 Ka ikelo chiwo mar cham motedie kendo, nyaka obed kek molosi gi mogo mayom ma ok oketie thowi modwal gi mo kata chapat mowir gi mo.
When you offer a grain offering without yeast that is baked in an oven, it must be soft bread of fine flour mixed with oil, or hard bread without yeast, which is spread with oil.
5 To ka chiwo mari mar cham en gima otedi e tawo, to enobedi mogo mayom ma ok oketie thowi, kendo moru gi mo.
If your grain offering is baked with a flat iron pan, it must be of fine flour without yeast that is mixed with oil.
6 Poge matindo tindo, ol mo kuome, nikech en misango mar cham.
You are to divide it into pieces and pour oil on it. This is a grain offering.
7 To ka chiwo mari mar cham en gima otedi e tawo, inilose gi mogo mayom kod mo.
If your grain offering is cooked in a pan, it must be made with fine flour and oil.
8 Kel misango mar cham molos gi gigi ne Jehova Nyasaye, kele ne jadolo, mabiro chiwe e kendo mar misango.
You must bring the grain offering made from these things to Yahweh, and it will be presented to the priest, who will bring it to the altar.
9 Enopog moko kaka pok mar rapar kendo chiw moko e kendo mar misango kaka misango miwangʼo pep madum tik mangʼwe ngʼar ne Jehova Nyasaye.
Then the priest will take some from the grain offering as a representative offering, and he will burn it on the altar. It will be an offering made by fire, and it will produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh.
10 To gima nodongʼ kuom chiwo mari mar cham nobed mar Harun gi yawuote, en gima ler moloyo nikech ogole kuom misango miwangʼo gi mach ne Jehova Nyasaye.
What is left of the grain offering will belong to Aaron and his sons. It is very holy to Yahweh from the offerings to Yahweh made by fire.
11 Misengini duto mag cham ma uchiwo ni Jehova Nyasaye nyaka bed ma ok oketie thowi, nimar misango ma uwangʼo gi mach ni Jehova Nyasaye kik ketie mor kich kata thowi.
No grain offering that you offer to Yahweh is to be made with yeast, for you must burn no leaven, nor any honey, as an offering made by fire to Yahweh.
12 To gigo unyalo chiwo ni Jehova Nyasaye kaka misango mar cham mokwongo, makmana kik uwangʼ-gi e kendo mar misango kaka iwangʼo misango madum tik mangʼwe ngʼar.
You will offer them to Yahweh as an offering of firstfruits, but they will not be used to produce a sweet aroma on the altar.
13 To chiwo duto mag cham mondo ituonie chumbi. Kik iwe mak ituone chumbi e misengini magi duto mag mogo kaka nisingori ni Nyasachi; mano emomiyo chumbi nyaka tuonie misengini duto mutimo.
You must season each of your grain offerings with salt. You must never allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be missing from your grain offering. With all your offerings you must offer salt.
14 Ka ukelone Jehova Nyasaye misango mar cham kod cham mokwongo nyak, to nyaka uchiw wiye cham manyien mobul e mach kendo moyoki.
If you offer a grain offering of firstfruits to Yahweh, offer fresh grain that is roasted with fire and then crushed into meal.
15 Keturu mo gi ubani nikech en misango mar cham.
Then you must put oil and incense on it. This is a grain offering.
16 Jadolo nokaw cham moko mondo oru gi mo kendo enowangʼ-gi kaachiel gi ubani kaka rapar, nikech en misango miwangʼo ni Jehova Nyasaye gi mach.
Then the priest will burn part of the crushed grain and oil and incense as a representative offering. This is an offering made by fire to Yahweh.