< Jongʼad Bura 7 >

1 Gokinyi mangʼich, Jerub-Baal (mano en Gideon) kod joge duto nojot e soko mar Harod. Kambi jo-Midian ne nitiere yo nyandwat margi e holo man but got More.
And Jerobaal rose early, the same is Gedeon, and all the people with him, and encamped at the fountain of Arad; and the camp of Madiam was to the north of him, [reaching] from Gabaathamorai, in the valley.
2 Jehova Nyasaye nowachone Gideon niya, “In-gi ji mangʼeny ma ok anyal chiwo jo-Midian e lwetgi. Mondo kik jo-Israel sungrena ni tekogi ema oresogi,
And the Lord said to Gedeon, The people with you [are] many, so that I may not deliver Madiam into their hand, lest at any time Israel boast against me, saying, My hand has saved me.
3 go milome ne ji ni, ‘Ngʼato angʼata ma luoro omako ogom kendo oa e Got Gilead.’” Omiyo ji alufu piero ariyo gariyo noa, to ji alufu apar nodongʼ.
And now speak in the ears of the people, saying, Who [is] afraid and fearful? let him turn and depart from mount Galaad: and there returned of the people twenty-two thousand, and ten thousand were left.
4 To Jehova Nyasaye nodwoko Gideon niya, “Pod nitie ji mangʼeny ahinya. Kawgi itergi e pi, kendo abiro miyogi penj kuno. Ka awacho ni, ‘Ma biro dhi kodi,’ to obiro dhi; to ka awacho ni, ‘Ma ok bi dhi kodi,’ to ok obi dhi.”
And the Lord said to Gedeon, The people is yet numerous; bring them down to the water, and I will purge them there for you: and it shall come to pass that of whoever I shall say to you, This one shall go with you, [even] he shall go with you; and of whoever I shall say to you, This one shall not go with you, [even] he shall not go with you.
5 Omiyo Gideon noterogi e dho pi. Kanyo Jehova Nyasaye nowachone niya, “Pog jogo magado pi gi lewgi kaka guok kuom jogo magoyo chong-gi piny mondo omodhi.”
And he brought the people down to the water; and the Lord said to Gedeon, Whosoever shall lap of the water with his tongue as if a dog should lap, you shall set him apart, and [also] whoever shall bow down upon his knees to drink.
6 Ji mia adek nogado pi gi lwetgi. Jogo modongʼ nogoyo chonggi piny mondo gimodhi.
And the number of those that lapped with their hand to their mouth was three hundred men; and all the rest of the people bowed upon their knees to drink water.
7 Jehova Nyasaye nowachone Gideon niya, “Kuom ji mia adek mane ogado pi gi lwetgi, anaresu kendo achiw jo-Midian e lwetu. We ji mamoko odhi, ka moro ka moro dok dalane.”
And the Lord said to Gedeon, I will save you by the three hundred men that lapped, and I will give Madiam into your hand; and all the [rest of the] people shall go every one to his place.
8 Omiyo Gideon nooro jo-Israel mamoko e hembegi, to ji mia adek mane odongʼ-go nokawo chiemo kod turumbete mag joma nodok e miechgi. Kambi jo-Midian ne ni e holo gi mwalo.
And they took the provision of the people in their hand, and their horns; and he sent away every man of Israel each to his tent, and he strengthened the three hundred; and the army of Madiam were beneath him in the valley.
9 Otienono Jehova Nyasaye nowachone Gideon niya, “Aa malo, dhiyo imonj kambi, nikech adhi chiwe e lweti.
And it came to pass in that night that the Lord said to him, Arise, go down into the camp, for I have delivered it into your hand.
10 Kiluor mar monjogi, to dhi e kambi gi jatichni Pura
And if you are afraid to go down, go down you and your servant Phara into the camp.
11 kendo ichik iti iwinj gima giwacho. Bangʼe, inibed gi mijingʼo mar monjo kambino.” Omiyo en kod Pura jatichne negidhi machiegni gi kambi.
And you shall hear what they shall say, and afterwards your hands shall be strong, and you shall go down into the camp: and he went down and Phara his servant to the extremity of the [companies of] fifty, which were in the camp.
12 Jo-Midian, jo-Amalek kod jogo moa yo wuok chiengʼ nojot e holo mane oyugno ka kama bonyo ochokore. Ne gin gi ngamia mangʼeny mane ok nyal kwan mana ka kwoyo manie dho nam.
And Madiam and Amalec and all the children of the east [were] scattered in the valley, as the locust for multitude; and there was no number to their camels, but they were as the sand on the seashore for multitude.
13 Gideon nochopo mana ka ngʼat moro ne nyiso osiepene lek. Ngʼatno ne wachone osiepene niya, “Ne aleko ni makati molos gi mogo mar shairi molworore nobiro e kambi jo-Midian. Nogoyo hema gi teko ma hema olokore kendo olwar piny.”
And Gedeon came, and behold a man [was] relating to his neighbor a dream, and he said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream, and behold, a cake of barley bread rolling into the camp of Madiam, and it came as far as a tent, and struck it, and it fell, and it turned it up, and the tent fell.
14 Osiepne nodwoko niya, “Ma ok en wach moro machielo makmana ligangla mar Gideon wuod Joash, ma ja-Israel. Nyasaye osechiwo jo-Midian kod kambi duto e lwete.”
And his neighbor answered and said, This is none other than the sword of Gedeon, son of Joas, a man of Israel: God has delivered Madiam and all the host into his hand.
15 Ka Gideon nowinjo lekno kod kaka oloke, nopako Nyasaye. Nodok e kambi jo-Israel kendo owacho niya, “Chungʼuru malo! Jehova Nyasaye osechiwo jo-Midian e lwetu.”
And it came to pass when Gedeon heard the account of the dream and the interpretation of it, that he worshipped the Lord, and returned to the camp of Israel, and said, Rise, for the Lord has delivered the camp of Madiam into our hand.
16 Nopogo ji mia adekgo e migepe adek, komiyogi duto turumbete kod njagi maonge gimoro e iye e lwetgi, ka nitiere toch ei njagigo.
And he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and put horns in the hands of all, and empty pitchers, and torches in the pitchers:
17 Nowachonegi niya, Luwauru ka ungʼiyo kendo ka achopo but hema, to timuru mana kaka atimo.
and he said to them, You shall look at me, and so shall you do; and behold, I will go into the beginning of the host, and it shall come to pass [that] as I do, so shall you do.
18 Ka agoyo turumbete kaachiel jogo duto ma an-go, eka un joma uselworo kambi bende ugo turumbete ka ukok niya, “Wakedo ni Jehova Nyasaye kod Gideon.”
And I will sound with the horn, and all you with me shall sound with the horn round about the whole camp, and you shall say, For the Lord and Gedeon.
19 Gideon kod ji mia achiel mane ni kode nochopo e bath kambi chuny otieno, mana bangʼ kane gisewilo jorito. Negigoyo turumbetegi kendo gitoyo agulni mane ni e lwetegi.
And Gedeon and the hundred men that were with him came to the extremity of the army in the beginning of the middle watch; and they completely roused the guards, and sounded with the horns, and they broke the pitchers that were in their hands,
20 Kambi adekgi nogoyo turumbete kendo gitoyo njagi. Ka gimako toje gi lwetgi koracham kendo ka gitingʼo turumbete mane onego gi goo gi lwetgi korachwich, ne gikok niya, “Ligangla en mar Jehova Nyasaye kod Gideon!”
and the three companies sounded with the horns, and broke the pitchers, and held the torches in their left hands, and in their right hands their horns to sound with; and they cried out, A sword for the Lord and for Gedeon.
21 E sa ma ngʼato ka ngʼato nokawo kare ka gilworo kambi, jo-Midian duto noringo, kendo negiringo ka giywak.
And [every] man stood in his place round about the host; and all the host ran, and sounded [an alarm], and fled.
22 E sa ma turumbete mia adekgo nogoo, Jehova Nyasaye noketo ji duto mane ni e kambi ochako kedo e kindgi giwegi ka ginegore gi ligangla. Jolweny noringo odhi Beth Shitta kochiko Zerera mochopo nyaka e tongʼ mar Abel Mehola man but Tabath.
And they sounded with the three hundred horns; and the Lord set [every] man's sword in all the host against his neighbor.
23 Noluong jo-Israel moa Naftali, Asher kod Manase, kendo negilawo jo-Midian.
And the host fled as far as Bethseed Tagaragatha Abel-meula to Tabath; and the men of Israel from Nephthali, and from Aser, and from all Manasse, came to help, and followed after Madiam.
24 Gideon nooro joote e piny gode mag Efraim duto, kowacho, “Biuru uked kod jo-Midian kendo udhi nyimgi ma umak pige mag Jordan mochopo nyaka Beth Bara.” Omiyo jo-Efraim duto nowuok oko kendo negikawo pige mag Jordan mochopo Beth Bara.
And Gedeon sent messengers into all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down to meet Madiam, and take to yourselves the water as far as Baethera and Jordan: and every man of Ephraim cried out, and they took the water before hand to Baethera and Jordan.
25 Negimako bende jotelo ariyo mag jo-Midian, Oreb kod Zeb. Neginego Oreb e lwanda mar Oreb, kod Zeb e kar biyo divai mar Zeb. Negilawo jo-Midian kendo gikelo wiye Oreb kod Zeb ni Gideon, kama ne entie but aora Jordan.
And they took the princess of Madiam, even Oreb and Zeb; and they killed Oreb in Sur Oreb, and they killed Zeb in Jakephzeph; and they pursued Madiam, and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeb to Gedeon from beyond Jordan.

< Jongʼad Bura 7 >