< Jongʼad Bura 20 >

1 Eka jo-Israel duto chakre Dan nyaka Bersheba, kaachiel gi joma oa e piny jo-Gilead nowuok kaka oganda achiel ma gichokore Mizpa e nyim Jehova Nyasaye.
Then all the children of Israel went out and gathered together as one man from Dan to Bersabee, with the land of Galaad, to the Lord in Maspha:
2 Jotend dhout Israel duto nokawo keregi e chokruok mar jo-Nyasaye, jolweny alufu mia angʼwen man-gi ligangla.
And all the chiefs of the people, and all the tribes of Israel met together in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen fit for war.
3 Jo-Benjamin nowinjo ni jo-Israel nosedhi nyaka Mizpa. Eka jo-Israel nowacho niya, “Nyiswane kaka gima lichni notimore.”
(Nor were the children of Benjamin ignorant that the children of Israel were come up to Maspha.) And the Levite the husband of the woman that was killed, being asked, how so great a wickedness had been committed,
4 Omiyo ja-Lawino, ma chwor dhako mane onegi, nowacho niya, “Ne adhi Gibea man Benjamin kaachiel gi chiega mondo wabuor kanyo.
Answered: I came into Gabaa of Benjamin with my wife, and there I lodged:
5 E otienono chwo ma Gibea noluwo bangʼa ma gilworo ot, ka gin giparo mar nega. Negiterore gi chiega githuon, mi otho.
And behold the men of that city in the night beset the house wherein I was, intending to kill me, and abused my wife with an incredible fury of lust, so that at last she died.
6 Bangʼe ne akawo ringre chiegano, mi apogee matindo tindo kendo aoro lembe ne dhoudi duto mag Israel kaka girkeni, nikech jogi notimo tim machachni kendo mar anjawo e piny Israel.
And I took her and cut her in pieces, and sent the, parts into all the borders of your possession: because there never was so heinous a crime, and so great an abomination committed in Israel.
7 Koro, un jo-Israel duto, wuouru kendo ungʼad bura e wachni.”
You are all here, O children of Israel, determine what you ought to do.
8 Ji duto nochungʼ mowuoyo gi dwol achiel niya, “Onge ngʼato kuomwa ka mabiro dhi dala. Ooyo, onge kata ngʼato achiel kuomwa madok e ode.
And all the people standing, answered as by the voice of one man: We will not return to our tents, neither shall any one of us go into his own house:
9 To koro ma e gima wabiro timo ne Gibea: Wabiro kedo kodgi kaka ombulu owacho.
But this we will do in common against Gabaa:
10 Wabiro kawo chwo apar kuom chwo mia achiel moa e dhout Israel, kendo chwo mia achiel kuom ji alufu achiel, kendo alufu achiel kuom ji alufu apar, mondo ochiwre ne konyo jolweny. Bangʼ, ka jolweny osechopo Gibea man Benjamin, ginyalo kedo kodgi kaluwore gi tim marach mane gisetimone Israel.”
We will take ten men of a hundred out of all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred out of a thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, to bring victuals for the army, that we might fight against Gabaa of Benjamin, and render to it for its wickedness, what it deserveth.
11 Omiyo jo-Israel nochokore kanyakla ma giriwore gibedo gimoro achiel ka gikedo gi dala maduongʼno.
And all Israel were gathered together against the city, as one man, with one mind, and one counsel:
12 Dhout Israel nooro ji e dhout Benjamin duto, kawacho niya, “Mano en tim marach manade mosetim e dieruni?
And they sent messengers to all the tribe of Benjamin to say to them: Why hath so great an abomination been found among you?
13 Koro chiwuru jo-Gibea ma timbegi monogo mondo mi waneg-gi kendo mondo wapwodh richoni e kind Israel.” To jo-Benjamin ne ok owinjo jowetegi ma jo-Israel.
Deliver up the men of Gabaa, that have committed this heinous crime, that they may die, and the evil may be taken away out of Israel. But they would not hearken to the proposition of their brethren the children of Israel:
14 Ne giwuok e miechgi kanyakla nyaka Gibea mondo giked gi jo-Israel.
But out of all the cities which were of their lot, they gathered themselves together into Gabaa, to aid them, and to fight against the whole people of Israel.
15 Gisano sano jo-Benjamin nochoko joma nigi ligangla alufu piero ariyo gauchiel koa e miechgi, koriw gi joma oyier mia abiriyo modak Gibea.
And there were found of Benjamin five and twenty thousand men that drew the sword, besides the inhabitants of Gabaa,
16 To kuom jolwenygo duto mane oyier ne nitie ji mia abiriyo ma rochembe manyalo bayo orujre, ma moro ka moro ne nyalo bayo orujre ma goo yier wich ma ok obayo.
Who were seven hundred most valiant men, fighting with the left hand as well as with the right: and slinging stones so sure that they could hit even a hair, and not miss by the stone’s going on either side.
17 Jo-Israel, ka iweyo jo-Benjamin oko, ne nitiere gi jo-ligangla alufu mia angʼwen, giduto ne gin jokedo.
Of the men of Israel also, beside the children of Benjamin, were found four hundred thousand that drew swords, and were prepared to fight.
18 Jo-Israel nodhi nyaka Bethel kendo gimanyo wangʼ Nyasaye. Negiwacho niya, “En dhoot mane kuomwa mabiro dhi mokwongo mondo oked gi jo-Benjamin?” Jehova Nyasaye nodwoko niya, “Jo-Juda biro dhi mokwongo.”
And they arose and came to the house of God, that is, to Silo: and they consulted God, and said: Who shall be in our army the first to go to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the Lord answered them: Let Juda be your leader.
19 Kinyne jo-Israel nowuok kendo ne gibworo but Gibea.
And forthwith the children of Israel rising in the morning, camped by Gabaa:
20 Jo-Israel nowuok mondo oked gi jo-Benjamin kendo negiriedo jolwenjgi mag kedo gi jo-Benjamin e piny Gibea.
And going out from thence to fight against Benjamin, began to assault the city.
21 Jo-Benjamin nowuok Gibea kendo neginego jo-Israel alufu piero ariyo gariyo e paw kedo odiechiengno.
And the children of Benjamin coming out of Gabaa, slew of the children of Israel that day two and twenty thousand men.
22 To jo-Israel nojiwore kendgi giwegi kendo negichako giriedo jolwenjgi kaka negisetimo chiengʼ mokwongo.
Again Israel trusting in their strength and their number, set their army in array in the same place, where they had fought before:
23 Jo-Israel nodok moywak e nyim Jehova Nyasaye nyaka odhiambo, kendo negimanyo wangʼ Jehova Nyasaye. Negiwacho niya, “Bende wanyalo dhi kendo mondo waked gi jo-Benjamin, owetewa?” Jehova Nyasaye nodwoko niya, “Dhi uked kodgi.”
Yet so that they first went up and wept before the Lord until night: and consulted him, and said: Shall I go out any more to fight against the children of Benjamin my brethren, or not? And he answered them: Go up against them, and join battle.
24 Eka jo-Israel nosudo machiegni gi jo-Benjamin e odiechiengʼ mar ariyo.
And when the children of Israel went out the next day to fight against the children of Benjamin,
25 E kindeno, ka jo-Benjamin noa Gibea mondo oked kodgi, negichako ginego kendo jo-Israel alufu apar gaboro, ma duto ne nigi ligangla.
The children of Benjamin sallied forth out of the gates of Gabaa: and meeting them made so great a slaughter of them, as to kill eighteen thousand men that drew the sword.
26 Eka jo-Israel duto nodok Bethel, kendo negibet piny kanyo ka giywak e nyim Jehova Nyasaye. Ne giriyo kech ka gilemo chakre okinyi nyaka odhiambo kendo negichiwo misengini miwangʼo pep kod misengini mar lalruok ne Jehova Nyasaye.
Wherefore all the children of Israel came to the house of God, and sat and wept before the Lord: and they fasted that day till the evening, and offered to him holocausts, and victims of peace offerings,
27 Kendo jo-Israel nodwaro wangʼ Jehova Nyasaye. (E ndalogo Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Nyasaye ne ni kanyo,
And inquired of him concerning their state. At that time the ark of the covenant of the Lord was there,
28 ka Finehas wuod Eliazar, ma wuod Harun, ne jadolo mare.) Negipenjo niya, “Bende wanyalo kedo gi Benjamin ma owadwa, koso kik watim kamano?” Jehova Nyasaye nodwokogi niya, “Dhiuru kinyne anachiwgi e lwetu.”
And Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron was over the house. So they consulted the Lord and said: Shall we go out any more to fight against the children of Benjamin our brethren, or shall we cease? And the Lord said to them: Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hands.
29 Eka jo-Israel nopondo machiegni gi Gibea.
And the children of Israel set ambushes round about the city of Gabaa:
30 Negidhi mondo giked gi jo-Benjamin chiengʼ mar adek kendo negiriedo jolwenjgi Gibea mana kaka negisetimo mokwongo.
And they drew up their army against Benjamin the third time, as they had done the first and second.
31 Kane jo-Benjamin nowuok mondo orom kodgi negiywayogi mabor gi dala maduongʼ. Negichako nego jo-Israel mana kaka negisetimo mokwongo, omiyo ji piero adek notho e pap kod e yore; ma achiel dhi Bethel, machielo to dhi Gibea.
And the children of Benjamin boldly issued out of the city, and seeing their enemies flee, pursued them a long way, so as to wound and kill some of them, as they had done the first and second day, whilst they fled by two highways, whereof one goeth up to Bethel, and the other to Gabaa, and they slew about thirty men:
32 Kane jo-Benjamin ne pod wacho niya, “Walogi kaka pile,” to jo-Israel ne wacho niya, “Wadoguru chien mondo wagolgi e dala maduongʼ ka wachiko kodgi wangʼ yore.”
For they thought to cut them off, as they did before. But they artfully feigning a flight, designed to draw them away from the city, and by their seeming to flee to bring them to the highways aforesaid.
33 Jo-Israel duto nowuok kuonde mane gipondoe moriedo jolwenjgi Baal Tamar, kendo jo-Israelgo nochako kedo koa yo podho chiengʼ mar Gibea.
Then all the children of Israel rising up out of the places where they were, set their army in battle array, in the place which is called Baalthamar. The ambushes also which were about the city, began by little and little to come forth,
34 Eka jo-Israel alufu apar man-gi lony kuom lweny nomonjo Gibea gi e yo ka nyimgi. Lwenygi ne tek ma jo-Benjamin ne ok ofwenyo ni masira biro tiekogi.
And to march from the west side of the city. And other ten thousand men chosen out of all Israel attacked the inhabitants of the city. And the battle grew hot against the children of Benjamin: and they understood not that present death threatened them on every side.
35 Jehova Nyasaye noloyo jo-Benjamin e nyim Israel kendo odiechiengno jo-Israel nonego jo-Benjamin alufu piero gabich gi mia achiel man-gi ligangla.
And the Lord defeated them before the children of Israel, and they slew of them in that day five and twenty thousand, and one hundred, all fighting men and that drew the sword.
36 Omiyo jo-Benjamin nongʼeyo ni oloogi. Jo-Israel ne ringo e nyim jo-Benjamin mondo oywagi, nikech negingʼeyo ni jolwenjgi mane opondo but Gibea biro konyogi.
But the children of Benjamin when they saw themselves to be too weak, began to flee. Which the children of Israel seeing, gave them place to flee, that they might come to the ambushes that were prepared, which they had set near the city.
37 Jogo mane osebedo kopondo nodonjo Gibea apoya nono, ka gikere koni gi koni ma ginego ji duto mane ni e dala maduongʼno gi ligangla.
And they that were in ambush arose on a sudden out of their coverts, and whilst Benjamin turned their backs to the slayers, went into the city, and smote it with the edge of the sword.
38 Jo-Israel ne osewinjore gi joma nopondo ni ka gineno iro madhwolore e dalano,
Now the children of Israel had given a sign to them, whom they had laid in ambushes, that after they had taken the city, they should make a fire: that by the smoke rising on high, they might shew that the city was taken.
39 to gingʼe ni jo-Israel osechako lweny. Jo-Benjamin nosechako nego jo-Israel (madirom piero adek), kendo negiwacho niya, “Waseloyogi mana kaka ne waloyogi e lweny mokwongo.”
And when the children of Israel saw this in the battle (for the children of Benjamin thought they fled and pursued them vigorously, killing thirty men of their army)
40 To ka iro nochako dhwolore malo koa e dala maduongʼ, jo-Benjamin nolokore moneno ka iro madhwolore e dalano ochomo polo.
And perceived as it were a pillar of smoke rise up from the city; and Benjamin looking back, saw that the city was taken, and that the flames ascended on high:
41 Eka jo-Israel nopor kuomgi, kendo luoro nomako jo-Benjamin matek, nikech negifwenyo ni masira osechopo kuomgi.
They that before had made as if they fled, turning their faces stood bravely against them; which the children of Benjamin seeing, turned their backs,
42 Omiyo negiringo gia e nyim jo-Israel ka gichiko yo thim, to ne ok ginyal tony ne lweny. Kendo jo-Israel mane oa e mier nonegogi kanyo.
And began to go towards the way of the desert, the enemy pursuing them thither also. And they that fired the city came also out to meet them.
43 Negilworo jo-Benjamin, ka gilawogi mi gimakogi e alwora duto man yo wuok chiengʼ mar Gibea.
And so it was, that they were slain on both sides by the enemies, and there was no rest of their men dying. They fell and were beaten down on the east side of the city Gabaa.
44 Jo-Benjamin duto mane otho odiechiengno ne gin jolweny marahuma alufu apar gaboro.
And they that were slain in the same place were eighteen thousand men, all most valiant soldiers.
45 Joma notony noringo kochomo lwanda Rimon, to jo-Israel nonego ji alufu abich kuomgi e yo. Negidhi nyime ka giluwo bangʼ jo-Benjamin nyaka Gidom ma ginego ji alufu ariyo mamoko.
And when they that remained of Benjamin saw this, they fled into the wilderness and made towards the rock that is called Remmon. In that flight, also as they were straggling and going different ways, they slew of them five thousand men. And as they went farther, they still pursued them, and slew also other two thousand.
46 Jo-Benjamin duto mane oneg odiechiengno ne gin jolweny marahuma alufu piero ariyo gabich.
And so it came to pass, that all that were slain of Benjamin in divers places, were five and twenty thousand fighting men, most valiant for war.
47 To ji mia auchiel noringo mi gidhi e thim nyaka e lwanda mar Rimon, kama negidakie kuom dweche angʼwen.
And there remained of all the number of Benjamin only six hundred men that were able to escape, and flee to the wilderness: and they abode in the rock Remmon four months.
48 Jo-Israel noduogo chien momonjo jo-Benjamin mane odongʼ, mi ginegogi duto kaachiel gi jamni kod gimoro amora mane giyudo. Mier duto mane gineno e nyimgi ne giwangʼo.
But the children of Israel returning, put all the remains of the city to the sword, both men and beasts, and all the cities and villages of Benjamin were consumed with devouring flames.

< Jongʼad Bura 20 >