< Jongʼad Bura 16 >
1 Chiengʼ moro achiel Samson nodhi Gaza, kama nonenoe nyako moro ma jachode mi odhi mondo oterre kode.
And Samson goes to Gaza, and sees a woman there, a harlot, and goes in to her;
2 Nonyis jo-Gaza niya, “Samson nitiere kae!” Omiyo negilworo kanyo kendo gibuto ka girite otieno duto e dhoranga dala maduongʼ. Ne ok gisudo otienono, kagiwacho niya, “Kochopo kogwen to wabiro nege.”
[it is told] to the Gazathites, saying, “Samson has come in here”; and they go around and lay wait for him all the night at the gate of the city, and keep themselves silent all the night, saying, “Until the morning light—then we have slain him.”
3 To Samson nonindo kanyo nyaka dier otieno. Eka no-aa malo kendo nomako ranga dalano kaachiel gi sirnine ariyo mopudhogi kod gik moko duto. Notingʼogi e goke mi oterogi ewi got momanyore gi Hebron.
And Samson lies down until the middle of the night, and rises in the middle of the night, and lays hold on the doors of the gate of the city, and on the two side-posts, and removes them with the bar, and puts [them] on his shoulders, and takes them up to the top of the hill, which [is] on the front of Hebron.
4 Bangʼ mano, nomako osiep hera gi nyako ma nyinge Delila e Holo mar Sorek.
And it comes to pass afterward that he loves a woman in the Valley of Sorek, and her name [is] Delilah,
5 Jotend jo-Filistia nodhi ir Delila mi owachone niya, “Tem ane ka inyalo hoye mondo onyisi kuma tekone ae kendo ingʼe kaka wanyalo loye mondo mi watweye kendo sande. Wabiro miyi fedha ma pekne romo kilo apar gadek ngʼato ka ngʼato.”
and the princes of the Philistines come up to her, and say to her, “Entice him, and see wherein his great power [is], and wherein we are able for him—and we have bound him to afflict him, and each one of us gives eleven hundred pieces of silver to you.”
6 Omiyo Delila nowachone Samson niya, “Nyisa ane kuma tekoni ae kendo kaka inyalo maki mi tweyi.”
And Delilah says to Samson, “Please declare to me wherein your great power [is], and with what you are bound, to afflict you.”
7 Samson nodwoke niya, “Ka ngʼato otweya gi tonde abiriyo manyien mapok otiyo, to abiro bedo manyap machal gi ngʼato angʼata.”
And Samson says to her, “If they bind me with seven green cords which have not been dried, then I have been weak, and have been as one of mankind.”
8 Eka jotelo mag jo-Filistia nokelone Delila tonde abiriyo manyien mapok otiyo, eka notweye gi tondego.
And the princes of the Philistines bring up to her seven green cords which have not been dried, and she binds him with them.
9 Kane osepando jomoko ei ot kanyo, noluonge kowacho niya, “Samson, jo-Filistia osebiro monji!” To ne ochodo tondego e yo mayot mana kaka tol chot kokete machiegni gi mach. Omiyo kuma tekone ae ne ok ofweny.
And the ambush is abiding with her in an inner chamber, and she says to him, “Philistines [are] on you, Samson!” And he breaks the cords as a thread of tow is broken in its touching fire, and his power has not been known.
10 Eka Delila nowachone Samson niya, “Isekawa ngʼama ofuwo; ne iwuonda. Bi mondo koro inyisa kaka inyalo tweyi.”
And Delilah says to Samson, “Behold, you have played on me, and speak lies to me; now, please declare to me with what you are bound.”
11 Nowachone niya, “Ka ngʼato otweya moridore gi tonde manyien mapok otiyo, to abiro bedo manyap machal gi ngʼato angʼata.”
And he says to her, “If they certainly bind me with thick bands, new ones, by which work has not been done, then I have been weak, and have been as one of mankind.”
12 Omiyo Delila nokawo tonde manyien mi otweyego. Kane osepando jomoko ei ot kanyo, noluonge kowacho niya, “Samson, jo-Filistia osebiro monji!” To nochodo tondego mana ka gima gin usi.
And Delilah takes thick bands, new ones, and binds him with them, and says to him, “Philistines [are] on you, Samson!” And the ambush is abiding in an inner chamber, and he breaks them from off his arms as a thread.
13 Eka Delila nowachone Samson niya, “Nyaka sani, isebedo ka ikawa ka ngʼama ofuwo kendo isewuonda. Nyisa kaka inyalo tweyi.” Nodwoko niya, “Ka ikado yie wiya gi usi mar chwecho kendo miride gi pino, to anabed manyap machal gi ngʼato angʼata.” Omiyo kane onindo Delila nokado yie wiye nyadibiriyo, kotwangʼe matek gi usi mar chwecho
And Delilah says to Samson, “Until now you have played on me, and speak lies to me; declare to me with what you are bound.” And he says to her, “If you weave the seven locks of my head with the web.”
14 kendo oride motegno gi pino. Noluonge kendo niya, “Samson, jo-Filistia osebiro monji.” Nochiewo oa e nindo mi opudho pino oko kod usi mar chwecho.
And she fixes [it] with the pin and says to him, “Philistines [are] on you, Samson!” And he awakens out of his sleep, and pulls out the pin of the loom, and with the web.
15 Bangʼe nowachone niya, “Ere kaka inyalo wacho ni ihera to ok inyal nyisa kuma tekoni ae? Ma koro en mar adek ma iseketa ka ngʼama ofuwo kendo pod ok inyisa kuma tekoni ae.”
And she says to him, “How do you say, I have loved you, and your heart is not with me? These three times you have played on me, and have not declared to me wherein your great power [is].”
16 Noromo Samson gi wachni pile ka pile manomiyo koro odwaro mana dere.
And it comes to pass, because she distressed him with her words all the days, and urges him, and his soul is grieved to death,
17 Omiyo nohulone gik moko duto kowachone niya, “Onge wembe mosekadho e wiya nikech asebedo ja-Nazir ma Nyasaye nowalo nyaka aa nywolna. Ka yie wiya oliel, to tekra biro rumo, kendo abiro bedo manyap machal gi ngʼato angʼata.”
that he declares all his heart to her, and says to her, “A razor has not gone up on my head, for I [am] a Nazarite to God from the womb of my mother; if I have been shaven, then my power has turned aside from me, and I have been weak, and have been as all of mankind.”
18 Ka Delila noneno nine osenyise gik moko duto, nooro wach ne jotend jo-Filistia niya, “Dwoguru dichiel; osenyisa gik moko duto.” Omiyo jotend jo-Filistia noduogo gi chudo e lwetgi.
And Delilah sees that he has declared all his heart to her, and she sends and calls for the princes of the Philistines, saying, “Come up this time, for he has declared all his heart to me”; and the princes of the Philistines have come up to her, and bring up the money in their hand.
19 Delila nohoyo Samson mi nonindo koteno wiye kuome, eka noluongo ngʼato mondo obi oliel yie wiye mane osekad nyadibiriyo. Bangʼ mano tekre norumo.
And she makes him sleep on her knees, and calls for a man, and shaves the seven locks of his head, and begins to afflict him, and his power turns aside from off him;
20 Eka noluonge niya, “Samson, jo-Filistia osebiro mondo omonji!” Kane ochiewo to ne owacho e chunye niya, “Abiro wuok kaka pile mondo abed thuolo.” To ne ok ongʼeyo ni Jehova Nyasaye noseweye.
and she says, “Philistines [are] on you, Samson!” And he awakens out of his sleep and says, “I go out as time by time, and shake free”; but he has not known that YHWH has turned aside from off him.
21 Bangʼe jo-Filistia nomake, mi gilodho wengene oko kendo ne gitere nyaka Gaza. Eka ne gitweye gi nyoroche mag mula, mi gikete jarego e od twech.
And the Philistines seize him, and pick out his eyes, and bring him down to Gaza, and bind him with two bronze chains; and he is grinding in the prison-house.
22 To bangʼe yie wiye nochako twi mos mos.
And the hair of his head begins to shoot up when he has been shaven,
23 Koro jotend jo-Filistia nochokore mondo gitim misango maduongʼ ne Dagon ma nyasachgi, negitimo nyasi kagiwacho niya, “Nyasachwa osechiwo Samson ma jasikwa e lwetwa.”
and the princes of the Philistines have been gathered together to sacrifice a great sacrifice to their god Dagon, and to rejoice; and they say, “Our god has given our enemy Samson into our hand.”
24 Ka ji nonene, negipako nyasachgi, kagiwacho niya, “Nyasachwa osechiwo jasikwa e lwetwa, ngʼatno mane oketho pinywa mi omiyo onegwa mangʼeny.”
And the people see him, and praise their god, for they said, “Our god has given into our hand our enemy, and he who is laying waste to our land, and who multiplied our wounded.”
25 E seche mane gin-gi ilo mathothno, negigoyo koko niya, “Keluru Samson mondo omielnwa.” Omiyo negigolo Samson oko mar od twech, mi omielnegi. Kane oyudo gichunge e kind sirni,
And it comes to pass, when their heart [is] glad, that they say, “Call for Samson, and he entertains for us”; and they call for Samson out of the prison-house, and he entertains their faces, and they cause him to stand between the pillars.
26 Samson nowachone jatich mane omako lwete niya, “Keta ane kama anyalo muloe sirni mosiro hekaluni, mondo omi ayiengra kuomgi.”
And Samson says to the young man who is keeping hold on his hand, “Let me also feel the pillars on which the house is established, and I lean on them.”
27 Koro hekalu nopongʼ gi chwo kod mon; jotend jo-Filistia duto ne ni kanyo, kendo ne nitie chwo gi mon alufu adek mane ni ewi tado ka ngʼiyo Samson kamiel.
And the house has been full of the men and the women, and all the princes of the Philistines [are] there, and about three thousand men and women [are] on the roof, who are watching Samson entertain.
28 Eka Samson noywak ne Jehova Nyasaye niya, “Yaye Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, para! Yaye Nyasaye, duogna teko mana dichiel kende mondo achulgo kuor kuom jo-Filistia-gi kuom toko wengena ariyo oko.”
And Samson calls to YHWH and says, “Lord YHWH, please remember me and please strengthen me only this time, O God; and I am avenged—vengeance at once—because of my two eyes, on the Philistines.”
29 Eka Samson nomako sirni ariyo mane ni e chuny hekalu mane osiro hekalu. Kosirogi moro ka moro, ka lwedo korachwich osiro achiel to lwedo koracham e machielo,
And Samson turns aside [to] the two middle pillars, on which the house is established, and on which it is supported, [to] one with his right hand and one with his left;
30 Samson nowacho niya, “Mad iyie atho gi jo-Filistia-gi!” Eka nodhiro sirnigo gi tekone duto, kendo hekalu norwombore piny kuom jotelo kod ji duto mane ni e iye. Omiyo nonego ji mangʼeny sa ma notho moloyo kane ongima.
and Samson says, “Let me die with the Philistines,” and he inclines himself powerfully, and the house falls on the princes, and on all the people who [are] in it, and the dead whom he has put to death in his death are more than those whom he put to death in his life.
31 Eka owetene kod joka wuon mare duto nodhi mondo okawe. Negikele ma gi hike e kind Zora gi Eshtaol e liend Manoa wuon mare. Notelo ne Israel kuom higni piero ariyo.
And his brothers come down, and all the house of his father, and lift him up, and bring him up, and bury him between Zorah and Eshtaol, in the burying-place of his father Manoah; and he has judged Israel [for] twenty years.