< Ayub 7 >

1 “Donge dhano nigi tich matek e piny? Donge ndalone chalo gi ndalo mag ngʼat mondiki kuom kinde machwok?
not army: duty to/for human (upon *Q(k)*) land: country/planet and like/as day hired day his
2 Mana kaka misumba ma gombo ni seche mag odhiambo ochop piyo, kata ka ngʼama ondiki marito chudo mare gi geno,
like/as servant/slave to long for shadow and like/as hired to await work his
3 e kaka an bende osemiya dweche maonge ohala kod otieno mopongʼ gi chandruok.
so to inherit to/for me month vanity: vain and night trouble to count to/for me
4 Ka adhi nindo to piny ok runa piyo kendo aparora ni abiro aa malo sa adi? Piny budhona kapok oru, kendo apuodora koni gi koni nyaka okinyi.
if to lie down: lay down and to say how to arise: rise and to measure evening and to satisfy tossing till twilight
5 Denda kute gi adhonde opongʼo, pien denda mbala omako kendo chwer tutu.
to clothe flesh my worm (and clod *Q(K)*) dust skin my to harden and to flow
6 “Ndalo mar ngimana dhiyo mapiyo moloyo masind jachwe usi, kendo orumo piyo maonge geno.
day my to lighten from shuttle and to end: finish in/on/with end hope
7 Yaye Nyasaye, parie kaka ngimana en mana muya nono; wengena ok nochak one mor kendo.
to remember for spirit: breath life my not to return: again eye my to/for to see: see good
8 Wenge makoro nena sani ok nochak onena kendo, gibiro dwara to ok gininena.
not to see me eye sight eye your in/on/with me and nothing I
9 Mana kaka bor polo rumo mi lal nono, e kaka ngʼat miyiko e liel ok duogi. (Sheol h7585)
to end: expend cloud and to go: went so to go down hell: Sheol not to ascend: rise (Sheol h7585)
10 Ok nodwogi e ode kendo; kar dakne ok nongʼeye kendo.
not to return: return still to/for house: home his and not to recognize him still place his
11 “Emomiyo ok anyal lingʼ; abiro wacho lit manie chunya, abiro nyiso pek ma an-go e chunya nikech mirima ma an-go.
also I not to withhold lip my to speak: speak in/on/with distress spirit my to muse in/on/with bitter soul my
12 An nam, koso an ondiek nam momiyo ogona agengʼa kama?
sea I if serpent: monster for to set: make upon me custody
13 Ka aparo ni kitandana biro hoya kendo ni piendena mayom biro dwoko chandruokna chien,
for to say to be sorry: comfort me bed my to lift: forgive in/on/with complaint my bed my
14 to eka pod ibwoga gi lek magalagala kendo imiya luoro gi fweny mayoreyore,
and to to be dismayed me in/on/with dream and from vision to terrify me
15 momiyo koro daher mondo adera kendo atho, moloyo bedo gi ringruok ma an-goni.
and to choose strangling soul: myself my death from bone my
16 Achayo ngimana; ok agomb kata medo bedo mangima. Weya mos; ndalo mag ngimana onge gi tiende.
to reject not to/for forever: enduring to live to cease from me for vanity day my
17 “Yaye Nyasaye, dhano to en angʼo momiyo ikawe ka gima lich kendo isiko ipare ndalo duto,
what? human for to magnify him and for to set: make to(wards) him heart your
18 koso angʼo momiyo isiko inone okinyi kokinyi kendo iteme sa ka sa?
and to reckon: visit him to/for morning to/for moment to test him
19 Yaye Nyasaye, bende diweye ngʼiya, kata kuom thuolo matin kende?
like/as what? not to gaze from me not to slacken me till to swallow up I spittle my
20 Yaye jarang ji-ni, kata bed ni asetimo richo, to en angʼo ma asetimoni? Angʼo momiyo an ema inena? Koso dibed ni asebedoni tingʼ mapek mohingi?
to sin what? to work to/for you to watch [the] man to/for what? to set: make me to/for target to/for you and to be upon me to/for burden
21 Angʼo momiyo idagi ngʼwonona kuom ketho maga kendo itamori wena richoga? Nikech koro abiro tho machiegni; ibiro manya, to ok enonwangʼa.”
and what? not to lift: forgive transgression my and to pass: bring [obj] iniquity: crime my for now to/for dust to lie down: be dead and to seek me and nothing I

< Ayub 7 >