< Ayub 30 >

1 “To sani koro gijara, kata obedo ni gin jomatindo ahinya kuoma, ma kata mana wuonegi ne ok anyal yienegi kata mana konyo guogi rito jamba.
“But now they mock me, men younger than I am, whose fathers I would have refused to entrust with my sheep dogs.
2 Ne gin joma tekregi oserumo kendo manyap ma ok nyal timona gimoro amora.
What use to me was the strength of their hands, since their vigor had left them?
3 Negineno malich nikech chan gi kech mane gin-go kendo ne gidangʼni koni gi koni gotieno e piny motwo, kendo e piny mokethore modongʼ gunda.
Gaunt from poverty and hunger, they gnawed the dry land, and the desolate wasteland by night.
4 Negibayo ei thim koni gi koni ka gimanyo chiemo, kendo tiende yien maonge ndhandhu ema nobed chiembgi.
They plucked mallow among the shrubs, and the roots of the broom tree were their food.
5 Ne iriembogi gi mahu mana ka gima gin jokwoge.
They were banished from among men, shouted down like thieves,
6 Nyaka ne gidag mana e aore modwono, kendo ei rogo mag lwendni.
so that they lived on the slopes of the wadis, among the rocks and in holes in the ground.
7 Ne giywak e bunge mana kondiegi kendo ne gilak ei bunge.
They cried out among the shrubs and huddled beneath the nettles.
8 Ne gin joma nono maonge nying, omiyo noriembgi gia e piny.
A senseless and nameless brood, they were driven off the land.
9 “To koro yawuotgi jara ka giwer, makoro aselokora ngero ma gigoyo e kindgi.
And now they mock me in song; I have become a byword among them.
10 Gisin koda kendo ok gidwara butgi; ok lich negi kata ka gingʼulo olawo e wangʼa.
They abhor me and keep far from me; they do not hesitate to spit in my face.
11 Sani koro gimwomore kuoma nikech Nyasaye osetieko tekrena kendo ogoya gi masira.
Because God has unstrung my bow and afflicted me, they have cast off restraint in my presence.
12 Jonjoregi monja gie batha korachwich; gichikona obadho, kendo gikunyona buche mondo apodhie.
The rabble arises at my right; they lay snares for my feet and build siege ramps against me.
13 Giketho yora, gidwaro tieka chuth. Giwacho ni, ‘Onge ngʼama nyalo konye.’
They tear up my path; they profit from my destruction, with no one to restrain them.
14 Gidonjo kuoma ka pi madonjo e hotogoro maduongʼ kata ka joma muomo ohinga kama ogore piny.
They advance as through a wide breach; through the ruins they keep rolling in.
15 Masiche oola; mi duongʼna osekadho ka yamo, kendo kwe ma an-go osekadho ka boche polo.
Terrors are turned loose against me; they drive away my dignity as by the wind, and my prosperity has passed like a cloud.
16 “Sani koro ngimana rumo mos mos; kendo chandruok omaka.
And now my soul is poured out within me; days of affliction grip me.
17 Kochopo otieno to chokena muodore amuoda, kendo rem ma an-go ok miya yweyo.
Night pierces my bones, and my gnawing pains never rest.
18 Nyasaye ngʼwana gi ngʼuta kuom chandruok mangʼeny ma asebedogo kendo tuo noketho denda, machalo mana gi nanga morido ngʼuta matek.
With great force He grasps my garment; He seizes me by the collar of my tunic.
19 Ne owita nyaka ei chwodho, mi alokora buru.
He throws me into the mud, and I have become like dust and ashes.
20 “Aywagorani, yaye Nyasaye, to itamori dwoko; achungʼ e nyimi to ingʼiya angʼiya.
I cry out to You for help, but You do not answer; when I stand up, You merely look at me.
21 Ilokona kiti kendo ibedo mager koda; isanda gi badi maratego.
You have ruthlessly turned on me; You oppose me with Your strong hand.
22 Iyudha kendo iliera e kor yamo, irunda ewi apaka.
You snatch me up into the wind and drive me before it; You toss me about in the storm.
23 Angʼeyo ni ibiro tera nyaka e tho, nyaka kama ochan ne joma ngima duto.
Yes, I know that You will bring me down to death, to the place appointed for all the living.
24 “Ongʼere ni ngʼama osehinyore ok nyal monj kendo, to oywak mana ni mondo okonye e chandruokne.
Yet no one stretches out his hand to a ruined man when he cries for help in his distress.
25 Donge aseywago joma ni e chandruok? Donge chunya bedo malit kaparo jodhier?
Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has my soul not grieved for the needy?
26 Ne ageno yudo mor kod ler; to rach kod mudho ema nobirona.
But when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, darkness fell.
27 Iya nyawni ma ok rum; kendo ndalo mag chandruok ema ochoma.
I am churning within and cannot rest; days of affliction confront me.
28 Pien denda lokore maratengʼ to ok nikech chiengʼ marieny matek; achungʼ e dier chokruok, kendo aywak mondo okonya.
I go about blackened, but not by the sun. I stand up in the assembly and cry for help.
29 Achalo ngʼama nonywol kaachiel gi ondiegi, bende achalo osiep tula.
I have become a brother of jackals, a companion of ostriches.
30 Pien denda olokore ratengʼ kendo opokore; kendo wich bar oowo denda ka mach.
My skin grows black and peels, and my bones burn with fever.
31 Thuma mar nyatiti olokore gir kuyo, kendo asili mara olokore gir dengo.
My harp is tuned to mourning and my flute to the sound of weeping.

< Ayub 30 >