< Isaya 9 >
1 Kata kamano, joma ne nigi chandruok ok nochak obed gikuyo kendo. E ndalo mosekadho Nyasaye nomiyo piny Zebulun gi piny Naftali odoko pinje michayo, to e ndalo mabiro Jehova Nyasaye notingʼ malo Galili mar ogendini man yo nam modak e tiend aora Jordan:
For [there will be] no gloom on her who [is] distressed as at the former time. The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, So the latter has honored the way of the sea, Beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.
2 Joma wuotho e mudho oseneno ler maduongʼ; jogo modak e piny man-gi mudho mandiwa, ler oserienynegi.
The people who are walking in darkness Have seen a great light, Dwellers in a land of death-shade, Light has shone on them.
3 Isemiyo piny oyarore kendo isemedo morgi, mi gibedo gi ilo e nyimi mana kaka oganda bedo gi mor e ndalo keyo, kendo mana kaka ji bedo gi mor ka gipogo gik ma oyaki.
You have multiplied the nation, You have made its joy great, They have rejoiced before You as the joy in harvest, As [men] rejoice in their apportioning spoil.
4 Mana kaka e kinde mane olo jo-Midian e lweny, iseturo jok mane turogi, kaachiel gi lodi mane gitingʼo e gokni, ma gin ludh ngʼama sandogi.
Because the yoke of its burden, And the staff of its shoulder, the rod of its exactor, You have broken as [in] the day of Midian.
5 Wuoch duto mag lweny kaachiel gi lewni motimo remo mag jolweny, ibiro ter e mach, ginibedi ramoki mar mach.
For every battle of a warrior [is] with rushing, and raiment rolled in blood, And it has been for burning—fuel of fire.
6 Nimar osenywolnwa nyathi, adier osemiwa wuowi, kendo loch nobedi e lwete. Noluong nyinge ni Jabura Mahono, Nyasaye Maratego, Wuoro Manyaka Chiengʼ kendo Ruodh Kwe.
For a Child has been born to us, A Son has been given to us, And the dominion is on His shoulder, And He calls His Name Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.
7 Lochne gi kwe mare nobed maonge giko. Enobed e kom loch mar Daudi kendo e pinyruodhe, bende enogure motegno ka orite gi adiera kod tim makare, chakre kawuono nyaka chiengʼ. Jehova Nyasaye Maratego notim ma kuom tekone owuon.
Of the increase of [His] dominion, And of peace, there is no end, On the throne of David, and on His kingdom, To establish it, and to support it, In judgment and in righteousness, From now on, even for all time, The zeal of YHWH of Hosts does this.
8 Jehova Nyasaye oseoro wach ni okecho gi joka Jakobo, kendo wachno osechopo ne jo-Israel.
The Lord has sent a word into Jacob, And it has fallen in Israel.
9 Ji duto biro winjo wachno jo-Efraim kod joma odak Samaria duto, ma wuoyo gi sunga kod wangʼ teko kawacho niya,
And the people have known—all of it, Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria, In pride and in greatness of heart, saying,
10 “Ute mag matafare osepodho, to wabiro gedo kendo kod kite mopa, bende kata obedo ni yiend ngʼowu osetongʼ to wabiro pidho yiend sida kargi.”
“Bricks have fallen, and we build hewn work, Sycamores have been cut down, and we renew cedars.”
11 To Jehova Nyasaye biro miyo wasik Rezin teko mondo oked kodgi, adier obiro thuwogi kod wasigu.
And YHWH sets the adversaries of Rezin on high above him, And he joins his enemies together,
12 Jo-Aram mane oa yo wuok chiengʼ kod jo-Filistia mane oa yo podho chiengʼ; osetieko jo-Israel pep. Kata ka magi duto osetimore, to mirimbe pod ok orumo kuomgi kendo pod odhi nyime mana gikumogi.
Aram from before, and Philistia from behind, And they devour Israel with the whole mouth. With all this His anger has not turned back, And His hand is still stretched out.
13 Kata obedo ni osekumogi kamano to ji pok odwogo ire bende pok gimanyo wangʼ Jehova Nyasaye Maratego.
And the people has not turned back to Him who is striking it, And they have not sought YHWH of Hosts.
14 Omiyo Jehova Nyasaye biro ngʼado joma ogen kod ji ajia mag Israel, othith kod odundu e odiechiengʼ achiel;
And YHWH cuts off head and tail from Israel, Branch and reed—the same day.
15 jodongo kod joma ogen e wich jo-Israel, to jonabi mapuonjo miriambo e iwe.
Elderly and accepted of faces—he [is] the head, And prophet teaching falsehood—he [is] the tail.
16 Jotend ogandani osemiyo gilal kendo joma otelnegi bende oserwenyo.
And the eulogists of this people are causing to err, And its eulogized ones are consumed.
17 Kuom mano Ruoth Nyasaye ok nobed mamor gi jomatindo bende ok nokech nyithi kiye kod mon ma chwogi otho, nikech ji duto opongʼ gi richo kendo timo timbe mamono bende dhogi opongʼ gi weche mochido. To Kata ka magi duto osetimore to mirimbe ok orumo kuomgi kendo pod odhi nyime mana gikumogi.
Therefore, the Lord does not rejoice over its young men, And He does not pity its orphans and its widows, For everyone [is] profane, and an evildoer, And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this His anger has not turned back, And His hand is still stretched out.
18 Adier timbe mamono chalo gi mach maliel; ma wangʼo pedo kod kuthe, kendo omiyo bungu modinore wangʼ mi dhuol iro maduongʼ mochomo malo.
For wickedness has burned as a fire, It devours brier and thorn, And it kindles in thickets of the forest, And they lift themselves up, an exaltation of smoke!
19 Mirimb Jehova Nyasaye Maratego biro wangʼo piny, kendo ji ema nobed ramoki mar mach, kendo onge ngʼat mano ngʼwon-ne nyawadgi.
In the wrath of YHWH of Hosts The land has been consumed, And the people is as fuel of fire; A man has no pity on his brother,
20 E bathe korachwich gibiro mecho to pod gidenyo adenya; to e bathe koracham gibiro chiemo to ok giniyiengʼ. Ngʼato ka ngʼato nocham mana ringre nyathine owuon.
And cuts down on the right, and has been hungry, And he devours on the left, And they have not been satisfied, They each devour the flesh of his own arm.
21 Manase biro chamo Efraim kendo Efraim nocham Manase; giduto ginibed wasik Juda. Kata ka magi duto osetimore, to mirimbe pod ok orumo kuomgi kendo pod odhi nyime mana gikumogi.
Manasseh—Ephraim, and Ephraim—Manasseh, Together they [are] against Judah, With all this His anger has not turned back. And His hand is still stretched out!