< Isaya 51 >

1 Winjauru, un mumanyo tim makare kendo udwaro Jehova Nyasaye: Ngʼi aneuru lwanda mane ogolue, ranganeuru kama ne okuny mogolue;
Heare me, ye that follow after righteousnes, and ye that seeke the Lord: looke vnto the rocke, whence ye are hewen, and to the hole of the pit, whence ye are digged.
2 paruru Ibrahim wuonu kod Sara mane onywolou. Ne en mana ngʼat achiel kende kane aluonge kendo nagwedhe mi aloke oganda maduongʼ.
Consider Abraham your father, and Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
3 Jehova Nyasaye biro hoyo chuny Sayun adier; kendo obiro bedo gi kech kuom kuondene mokethore; enolok kuondene motimo ongoro chal ka Eden, kendo kuondene modongʼ gunda chal ka puoth Jehova Nyasaye. Mor gi ilo kaachiel gi erokamano gi wer mamit noyud kuome.
Surely the Lord shall comfort Zion: he shall comfort all her desolations, and he shall make her desert like Eden, and her wildernes like the garden of the Lord: ioy and gladnesse shalbe founde therein: praise, and the voyce of singing.
4 Winjauru un joga, chikuru itu un ogandana: Abiro golo chik kendo bucha makare nobed ler ne ogendini.
Hearken ye vnto me, my people, and giue eare vnto me, O my people: for a Law shall proceede from me, and I will bring foorth my iudgement for the light of the people.
5 Adiera mara sudo machiegni piyo, warruokna chiegni, kendo abiro ngʼado bura makare ne ogendini. Joma odak e dho nembe biro ngʼiya ka gin gi geno ni abiro resogi gi tekona.
My righteousnes is neere: my saluation goeth foorth, and mine armes shall iudge the people: the yles shall waite for me, and shall trust vnto mine arme.
6 Tingʼ wangʼi malo ingʼi polo, bende rang piny gie polo, nikech polo nolal nono mana ka iro, to piny bende biro ti mana ka law kendo oganda modak e iye notho mana ka lwangʼni. To resruok makelo nosiki nyaka chiengʼ kendo adiera mara ok norum.
Lift vp your eyes to the heauens, and looke vpon the earth beneath: for the heauens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall waxe olde like a garment, and they that dwell therein, shall perish in like maner: but my saluation shall be for euer, and my righteousnesse shall not bee abolished.
7 Winjauru un joma ongʼeyo tim makare, un oganda mondiko chikena e chunyu: Kik uluor weche midiro mag dhano kata luoro ayany mag ji.
Hearken vnto me, ye that know righteousnesse, the people in whose heart is my Lawe. Feare ye not the reproche of men, neither be ye afraide of their rebukes.
8 Nimar olwenda biro chamogi duto ka law; kendo kudni nochamgi mana ka yie rombe. To adiera mara nosiki manyaka chiengʼ, kendo resruok makelo ok norum e kind tienge gi tienge.
For the mothe shall eate them vp like a garment, and the worme shall eate them like wool: but my righteousnesse shalbe for euer, and my saluation from generation to generation.
9 Aa malo, Aa malo! Jiw badi motegno, yaye Jehova Nyasaye; aa malo kendo ijiwri, mana kaka ne ijiwori chon e ndalo mokadho. Donge in ema nitieko ondiek nam miluongo ni Rahab, mingʼado matindo tindo?
Rise vp, rise vp, and put on strength, O arme of the Lord: rise vp as in the olde time in the generations of the worlde. Art not thou the same, that hath cutte Rahab, and wounded the dragon?
10 Donge in ema nomiyo nam oduono, ma gin pige mano chokore kuonde matut, kendo niloso yo e kind nam matut mondo joma ne ireso ongʼadi kadhi loka cha?
Art not thou the same, which hath dried the Sea, euen the waters of the great deepe, making the depth of the Sea a way for the redeemed to passe ouer?
11 Joma Jehova Nyasaye osereso nodwogi. Ginidonji e dala Sayun ka giwer; mor mochwere nobed kuomgi. Ginibed gi mor kod ilo, kendo kuyo gi parruok nolal nono kuomgi.
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall returne, and come with ioy vnto Zion, and euerlasting ioy shalbe vpon their head: they shall obtaine ioy, and gladnesse: and sorow and mourning shall flee away.
12 “An, kendo en An e Jal mahoyo chunyu. Angʼo momiyo uluoro yawuot dhano adhana matho, kendo maner mana ka lum,
I, euen I am he, that comfort you. Who art thou, that thou shouldest feare a mortall man, and the sonne of man, which shalbe made as grasse?
13 momiyo wiwu owil gi Jehova Nyasaye ma Jachwechu, Jal mane oyaro polo kendo oketo mise mar piny, momiyo udak gi kihondko pile, nikech kum muyudo kuom ngʼama sandou, kendo oikore mar tiekou. Jal masandouno, ere gima geroneno ditim?
And forgettest the Lord thy maker, that hath spred out the heauens, and layde the foundations of the earth? and hast feared continually all the day, because of the rage of the oppressour, which is readie to destroy? Where is now the rage of the oppressour?
14 Joma ni e twech ma luoro omako ibiro gony machiegni; ok ginitho e kuondegi mag twech kendo ok ginichand chiemo.
The captiue hasteneth to be loosed, and that hee should not die in the pitte, nor that his bread should faile.
15 Nimar an Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachi mamiyo Nam gingore mi apaka wuo, Jehova Nyasaye Maratego e nyinge.
And I am the Lord thy God that deuided the Sea, when his waues roared: the Lord of hostes is his Name.
16 Aseketo wechena e dhogi kendo aumi gi tipo mar lweta, an ema ne ayaro polo maketo kare, mi aketo mise mar piny kendo awachone jo-Sayun ni, ‘Un e joga.’”
And I haue put my wordes in thy mouth, and haue defended thee in the shadowe of mine hand, that I may plant the heauens, and lay the foundation of the earth, and say vnto Zion, Thou art my people.
17 Aa malo, Aa malo! Chiew, yaye Jerusalem, in misemetho e kikombe mar mirima mager, moa e lwet Jehova Nyasaye, kendo isemadho kikombe mamero ji milungʼo nyaka duro.
Awake, awake, and stande vp, O Ierusalem, which hast drunke at the hande of the Lord the cup of his wrath: thou hast drunken the dregges of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out.
18 Kuom yawuowi duto mane onywolo onge moro amora mane nyalo taye kata mane nyalo telone komako lwete.
There is none to guide her among all the sonnes, whome she hath brought foorth: there is none that taketh her by the hand of all the sonnes that she hath brought vp.
19 Masiche moluwore osemaki ma en kethruok kod tieki; kech kod ligangla, en ngʼa madihoyi kata duogo chunyi.
These two thinges are come vnto thee: who will lament thee? desolation and destruction and famine, and the sworde: by whome shall I comfort thee?
20 Yawuoti osepodho, giriere piny e yore mana ka mwanda mogengʼne ei obadho. Giyudo kum mager moa kuom Jehova Nyasaye kendo chwat mar Nyasache.
Thy sonnes haue fainted, and lye at the head of all the streetes as a wilde bull in a nette, and are full of the wrath of the Lord, and rebuke of thy God.
21 Kuom mano winj ma, in miseyudo masira midoko ngʼama omer to ok gi kongʼo.
Therefore heare nowe this, thou miserable and drunken, but not with wine.
22 Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachi Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, ma en Nyasachi machwako joge e bura wacho, Ne, asegolo oko e lweti kikombe mane miyo ithembo, bende ok inichak imethi e kikombe mar mirimba kendo.
Thus saith thy Lord God, euen God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Beholde, I haue taken out of thine hande the cuppe of trembling, euen the dregges of the cuppe of my wrath: thou shalt drinke it no more.
23 Anaket kikombe e lwet joma sandou mane wacho ni, “Nind piny mondo wawuoth kuomi. Kendo niloko die ngʼeyi ka yo miwuothoe.”
But I will put it into their hande that spoile thee: which haue said to thy soule, Bowe downe, that wee may goe ouer, and thou hast layde thy bodie as the grounde, and as the streete to them that went ouer.

< Isaya 51 >