< Isaya 46 >
1 Bel kod Nebo ma nyisechegi miywayo gi farese opodho piny. Nyisechegi mosebedo kitingʼo atingʼa osekelo chandruok ma giolo joma otingʼogi.
Bel is bowed down, Nebo sinketh, their idols are [delivered] unto the beasts, and unto the cattle; those which were once carried by you are now laden up a burden to the weary beasts.
2 Gipodho piny giduto; ma ok ginyal kelo resruok ne joma lamogi, ka gin giwegi otergi e twech.
They are sunk, they are bowed down together; they could not deliver the burden, but they themselves are gone into captivity.
3 Winjuru wachna, yaye od Jakobo, un jo-Israel duto modongʼ, un duto ma aseyiero nyaka aa chakruok kendo ma aserito nyaka aa e nywolu.
Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, who are borne [by me] from their birth, who are carried from the womb;
4 Kata ka udoko moti ma wiu otimo lwar, to pod An mana en, An ema abiro tingʼou mi aresu.
And even unto old age I am the same; and even unto the time of hoary hairs will I bear: l have done it, and I will carry [you]; even I will bear, and deliver you.
5 To en ngʼa ma unyalo pimago kata ma unyalo kwano ni rom koda? Koso ere ngʼama dichal koda ma dwapimrego?
To whom will ye liken and assimilate me, and compare me, that we may be like?
6 Jomoko olo dhahabu piny koa ei okepegi kendo pimo fedha e ratil; bangʼe gichulo jatheth, mondo olesnegigo nyasaye, kendo gikulore piny mi gilame.
[There are those] that lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh silver in the balance; that hire a melter, that he may make of it a god; they [then] bend the knee, yea, they bow themselves down;
7 Gitingʼe malo ma gikete e gokgi; eka gikete e kare monego obedie kendo kanyo ema osikoe. Kama oketeno ok onyal chorore. Kata bed ni ngʼato nyalo ywagorene to ok onyal dwoko; bende ok onyal rese e chandruokne.
They carry him, upon the shoulder they bear him, and set up him in his spot, and he remaineth standing, from his place he doth not move: yea, though one should cry unto him, he cannot answer, out of his trouble he cannot help him.
8 Paruru wachni, keturu e pachu kendo pareuru e chunyu un joma ongʼanyo.
Remember this, and take courage: take it again to heart, O ye transgressors.
9 Paruru gik mosekadho, gigo mane otimore chon, An e Nyasaye kendo onge moro machielo, bende An e Nyasaye kendo onge moro machalo koda.
Remember the former things of olden times; for I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is nothing like me.
10 Anyiso giko mar gimoro mana e kinde mochakore, bende asebedo kahulo gik mapok otimore. Awacho ni: Gima awacho nyaka timre kendo abiro timo gimoro amora mahero.
Declaring from the beginning the end, and from the earliest days the things that have not yet been done, saying, My counsel shall stand firm, and all my pleasure will I do:
11 Koa yo wuok chiengʼ nakel winyo mager, koa e piny mabor anakel ngʼato machopo dwarona. Gima asewacho nyaka chop kare, gima asechano ema abiro timo.
Calling from the east the eagle, from a far-off country the man of my counsel; yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also execute it.
12 Winjauru, un joma chunygi tek kendo mabor gi adiera.
Hearken unto me, ye stout of heart, that are far from righteousness:
13 Akelo adiera mara machiegni, ok en mabor; kendo warruokna ok nodeki. Abiro kelo resruok ni Sayun, kendo duongʼna nobed Israel.
I have brought near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will grant unto Zion salvation, unto Israel my glory.