< Habakuk 1 >
1 Ote mane omi janabi Habakuk.
The burden which the prophet Ambacum saw.
2 Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, abiro luongi nyaka karangʼo mondo ikonya to ok iwinji? Koso nyaka karangʼo maywakni kawacho, “Timbe maricho omedore!” To kata kamano ok ires ji?
How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and you will not listen? [how long] shall I cry out to you being injured, and you will not save?
3 En angʼo momiyo iweya mondo ane timbe maricho? Koso en angʼo momiyo idhil gi timbe maricho? Kethruok kod timbe maricho ochoma pile; lwenje mangʼeny nitie kendo sigu medore.
Therefore have you shown me troubles and griefs to look upon, misery and ungodliness? judgment is before me, and the judge receives a reward.
4 Kuom mano chik ok nyal tiyo, kendo adiera ok nenre. Joma richo olworo joma kare, kuom mano adiera ok nyal betie.
Therefore the law is frustrated, and judgment proceeds not effectually, for the ungodly [man] prevails over the just; therefore perverse judgment will proceed.
5 “Rang kendo inon ogendini mag piny mondo ibed gi bwok maduongʼ. Nimar abiro timo gimoro e ndalou ma ok ubi yiego, kata ka owachni.
Behold, you despisers, and look, and wonder marvelously, and vanish: for I work a work in your days, which you will in no wise believe, though a man declare [it to you].
6 Atingʼo jo-Babulon malo, en oganda maonge gi ngʼwono kendo mager, gin oganda mayweyo piny duto kendo gikawo kuonde dak ma ok mekgi.
Therefore, behold, I stir up the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, that walks upon the breadth of the earth, to inherit tabernacles not his own.
7 Gin joma ji oluoro kendo magoyo ji gi kihondko, giloso chikegi giwegi, kendo gichuno luor mag-gi giwegi.
He is terrible and famous; his judgment shall proceed of himself, and his dignity shall come out of himself.
8 Faresegi ringo mapiyo moloyo kwach, kendo giger moloyo guo sudhe e sa ma piny imoree. Faresegi mag lweny lengʼore ka gitingʼo wiyegi malo; joidh faresegi aa kuma bor. Gihuyo ka achuth madwaro kawo chiemo,
And his horses shall bound [more swiftly] than leopards, and [they are] fiercer than the wolves of Arabia: and his horsemen shall ride forth, and shall rush from far; and they shall fly as an eagle hasting to eat.
9 giduto gibiro monjou ne lweny. Jolwenjgi dhi nyime mana ka yamb piny motwo kendo gichoko joma otwe ka kwoyo.
Destruction shall come upon ungodly men, resisting with their adverse front, and he shall gather the captivity as the sand.
10 Ginyiero ruodhi kendo gijaro jotelo. Ginyiero mier mochiel gi ohinga motegno; gigero pidhe mag lowo ma giidhogo ohinga kendo gimako mier mochiel motegno.
And he shall be at his ease with kings, and princes are his toys, and he shall mock at every strong-hold, and shall cast a mound, and take possession of it.
11 Gikadho ka yamo, ka gidhi kamoro machielo. To kata kamano gin joketho, nikech gikwano tekregi giwegi ka nyasachgi.”
Then shall he change his spirit, and he shall pass through, and make an atonement, [saying], This strength [belongs] to my god.
12 Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, donge in ema nyaka nene? Yaye, Nyasacha, Nyasaye Maler, ok wanatho. Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, iseyierogi mondo gibednwa jongʼad bura. Yaye Nyasaye ma Lwanda, isewalogi mondo gikel kum.
[Are] not you from the beginning, O Lord God, my Holy One? and surely we shall not die. O Lord, you have established it for judgment, and he has formed me to chasten [with] his correction.
13 Wengeni ler ma ok nyal ngʼiyo richo, ok inyal bedo mamor gi gima rach. To en angʼo momiyo koro ibedo mamor gi jo-andhoga? Angʼo momiyo ilingʼ alingʼa ka jomaricho, tieko joma kare moloyogi?
[His] eye is too pure to behold evil [doings], and to look upon grievous afflictions: therefore do you look upon despisers? will you be silent when the ungodly swallows up the just?
14 Isemiyo dhano obedo machalo gi rech manie nam, mana kaka gik mochwe modak e nam maonge jatendgi.
And will you make men as the fishes of the sea, and as the reptiles which have no guide?
15 Jaricho ywayogi ka makogi gi olowu, kendo omakogi gi gogo, kochokogi gi obadho mochiko, kendo obedo mamor kuom lupo.
He has brought up destruction with a hook, and drawn one with a casting net, and caught another in his drags: therefore shall his heart rejoice and be glad.
16 Emomiyo, ochiwo misango kuom gogo mar lupo kendo owangʼo ubani ne obadho mar chiko rech, nikech gogo mare miyo odak e ngima maber kendo ochamo chiemo moyier maber.
Therefore will he sacrifice to his drag, and burn incense to his casting-net, because by them he has made his portion fat, and his meats choice.
17 Bende ber mondo odhi nyime kogolo gik momako e gogo mare, kotieko ogendini ka oonge ngʼwono?
Therefore will he cast his net, and will not spare to kill the nations continually.