< Chakruok 50 >

1 Josef nogore kuom wuon-gi kendo noywak kuome monyodhe.
And Joseph fell upon his father's face, and wept on him, and kissed him.
2 Eka Josef nochiko jotichne ma jothieth mondo olos ringre wuon-gi, Israel gi yath. Kuom mano jothiethgo noloso ringre Jakobo.
And Joseph commanded his servants the embalmers to embalm his father; and the embalmers embalmed Israel.
3 Notieko ndalo piero angʼwen nikech mano e kaka kitundu molos gi yath idwaro mondo otieki. Jo-Misri noywage kuom ndalo piero abiriyo.
And they fulfilled forty days for him, for so are the days of embalming numbered; and Egypt mourned for him seventy days.
4 Ka ndalo mag ywak noserumo, Josef nowuoyo gi jood Farao niya, “Ka unyalo timona ngʼwono, to nyisnauru Farao niya,
And when the days of mourning were past, Joseph spoke to the princes of Pharao, saying, If I have found favour in your sight, speak concerning me in the ears of Pharao, saying,
5 ‘Kane wuora chiegni tho, nomiyo asingorane ni abiro yike e bur mane okunyo e piny Kanaan. Kuom mano yie adhi aike eka abiro duogo.’”
My father adjured me, saying, In the sepulchre which I dug for myself in the land of Chanaan, there you shall bury me; now then I will go up and bury my father, and return again.
6 Farao nowachone niya, “Dhiyo mondo iyik wuonu mana kaka nomiyo isingorine.”
And Pharao said to Joseph, Go up, bury your father, as he constrained you to swear.
7 Kuom mano Josef nodhi moyiko wuon mare. Jotich Farao duto nodhi kode, ma gin jok midewo mane tiyo e dalane kendo e piny Misri duto,
So Joseph went up to bury his father; and all the servants of Pharao went up with him, and the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt.
8 kaachiel gi joode gi jood owetene kod jood wuon-gi. Nyithindo kod jamni gi dhok kende ema ne owe Goshen.
And all the household of Joseph, and his brethren, and all the house of his father, and his kindred; and they left behind the sheep and the oxen in the land of Gesem.
9 Joriemb geche gi Farese bende nodhi kode. Ne en gi oganda maduongʼ.
And there went up with him also chariots and horsemen; and there was a very great company.
10 Kane gichopo kar dino cham man Atad, machiegni gi Jordan, negiywago wuon-gi matek kendo malit ahinya; kendo Josef nokawo ndalo abiriyo koywago wuon-gi.
And they came to the threshing floor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan; and they bewailed him with a great and very sore lamentation; and he made a mourning for his father seven days.
11 Kane jo-Kanaan modak kuno oneno ywak man kar dino cham man Atad, negiwacho niya, “Jo-Misri nigi kuyo mar ywak.” Mano ema omiyo iluongo loka Jordan kono ni Abel Mizraim.
And the inhabitants of the land of Chanaan saw the mourning at the floor of Atad, and said, This is a great mourning to the Egyptians; therefore he called its name, The mourning of Egypt, which is beyond Jordan.
12 Kuom mano yawuot Jakobo notimo mana kaka nochikogi:
And thus his sons did to him.
13 Negitingʼo ringre nyaka Kanaan kendo giike e rogo man e puodho man Makpela, machiegni gi Mamre, mane Ibrahim ongʼiewo kaka kar yiko kaachiel gi puodhono koa kuom Efron ja-Hiti.
So his sons carried him up into the land of Chanaan, and buried him in the double cave, which cave Abraam bought for possession of a burying place, of Ephrom the Chettite, before Mambre.
14 Bangʼ yiko wuon-gi, Josef nodok Misri kaachiel gi owetene kod ji mamoko mane odhi kode yiko wuon-gi.
And Joseph returned to Egypt, he and his brethren, and those that had gone up with him to bury his father.
15 Kane owete Josef oneno ni wuon-gi osetho, negiwacho niya, “Mit ka Josef iye nowangʼ kodwa, mi ochulnwa kuor kuom richo duto mane watimone?”
And when the brethren of Joseph saw that their father was dead, they said, [Let us take heed], lest at any time Joseph remember evil against us, and recompense to us all the evils which we have done against him.
16 Kuom mano negioro wach ne Josef kagiwacho niya, “Kane pok wuonu otho noweyonwa wach niya,
And they came to Joseph, and said, Your father adjured [us] before his death, saying,
17 ‘Akwayi mondo iwene owetegi richogi kod gima mono mane gitimoni.’ Kuom mano yie iwenwa timbewa duto ma wasetimoni nikech wan jotich Nyasach wuonu.” To kane Josef owinjo wechego, pi wangʼe noton.
Thus say you to Joseph, Forgive them their injustice and their sin, forasmuch as they have done you evil; and now pardon the injustice of the servants of the God of your father. And Joseph wept while they spoke to him.
18 Eka owetene nobiro ire kendo ogoyo chongegi piny e nyime: Negiwachone niya, “Wan wasumbinigi.”
And they came to him and said, We, these [persons], are your servants.
19 To Josef nowachonegi niya, “Kik ubed maluor. An dakaw kar Nyasaye?
And Joseph said to them, Fear not, for I am God's.
20 Un ne udwaro mondo utimna marach, to Nyasaye nodwaro mondo obed gima ber; mondo oresgo ngima ji mangʼeny, makoro ngima mana nikech wachno.
You took counsel against me for evil, but God took counsel for me for good, that [the matter] might be as [it is] today, and much people might be fed.
21 Omiyo koro kik uluor. Abiro ritou kaachiel gi nyithindu.” Kamano nokweyo chunygi kendo owuoyo kodgi gi muolo.
And he said to them, Fear not, I will maintain you, and your families: and he comforted them, and spoke kindly to them.
22 Josef nodak Misri, kaachiel gi jood wuon-gi. Nodak higni mia achiel kod apar.
And Joseph lived in Egypt, he and his brethren, and all the family of his father; and Joseph lived a hundred and ten years.
23 Kendo noneno nyikwa Efraim nyaka tiengʼ mar adek. Bende noneno nyithind Makir wuod Manase kinywolo mokwanogi ka nyithinde.
And Joseph saw the children of Ephraim to the third generation; and the sons of Machir the son of Manasse were borne on the sides of Joseph.
24 Eka Josef nowacho ne owetene niya, “Koro achiegni tho. To Nyasaye biro resou kendo golou e pinyni mi oteru e piny mane osingore ka okwongʼore ne Ibrahim, Isaka kod Jakobo.”
And Joseph spoke to his brethren, saying, I die, and God will surely visit you, and will bring you out of this land to the land concerning which God sware to our fathers, Abraam, Isaac, and Jacob.
25 Kendo Josef nomiyo yawuot Israel okwongʼore kendo owachonegi niya, “Nyasaye biro resou, kendo nyaka une ni ukawo chokena ka udhigo.”
And Joseph adjured the sons of Israel, saying, At the visitation with which God shall visit you, then you shall carry up my bones hence with you.
26 Kamano Josef notho ka en ja-higni mia achiel kod apar. Kendo bangʼ kane gisewiro ringre gi yath, negikete e sanduku e piny Misri kuno.
And Joseph died, aged an hundred and ten years; and they prepared his corpse, and put him in a coffin in Egypt.

< Chakruok 50 >