< Chakruok 47 >

1 Josef nodhi monyiso Farao niya, “Wuora kod owetene osebiro koa e piny Kanaan kod kwethgi kod dhogi kod gik moko duto ma gin-go kendo koro gidak e piny Goshen.”
And Ioseph wet and tolde Pharao and sayde: my father and my brethern their shepe and their beastes and all that they haue are come out of the lade of Canaan and are in the lande of Gosan.
2 Josef nokawo owetene abich kendo okelo e nyim Farao.
And Ioseph toke a parte of his brethern: euen fyue of them and presented them vnto Pharao.
3 Farao nopenjo owete Josef-go niya, “Utiyo angʼo?” Negidwoko Farao niya, “Jotichgi gin jokwath.”
And Pharao sayde vnto his brethern: what is youre occupation? And they sayde vnto Pharao: feaders of shepe are thi seruauntes both we ad also oure fathers.
4 Negimedo wachone niya, “Wasebiro mondo wadag e pinyni matin, nikech kech ger e piny Kanaan maonge kata mana lum ma jamb jotichni dikwae. Kuom mano, koro yie jotichgi odag e gwengʼ Goshen.”
They sayde moreouer vnto Pharao: for to sogcorne in the lande are we come for thy seruauntes haue no pasture for their shepe so sore is the fameshment in the lande of Canaan. Now therfore let thy seruauntes dwell in the lande of Gosan.
5 Farao nowacho ne Josef niya, “Wuonu kod oweteni osebiro iri,
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: thy father and thy brethren are come vnto the.
6 kendo piny Misri ni e lweti, ket wuonu kod oweteni odag kama berie moloyo. We gidag Goshen kendo ka ingʼeyo moko kuomgi man kod mich mar kwath ketgi mondo gibed jorit jamba.”
The londe of Egipte is open before the: In the best place of the lande make both thy father and thy brothren dwell: And even in the lond of Gosan let them dwell. Moreouer yf thou knowe any men of actiuyte amonge them make them ruelars ouer my catell.
7 Eka Josef nokelo Jakobo wuon mare kendo okete e nyim Farao. Ka Jakobo nosegwedho Farao,
And Ioseph brought in Iacob his father and sett him before Pharao And Iacob blessed Pharao.
8 Farao nopenje niya, “In ja-higni adi?”
And Pharao axed Iacob how old art thou?
9 Kendo Jakobo nodwoko Farao niya, “Higni ma asewuothogo e piny gin higni mia achiel kod piero adek. Gisebedo manok kendo matek kendo ok ginyal romo gi higni mane wuora odak godo e piny.”
And Iacob sayde vnto Pharao: the dayes of my pilgremage are an hundred and. xxx. yeres. Few and euell haue the dayes of my lyfe bene and haue not attayned vnto the yeres of the lyfe of my fathers in the dayes of their pilgremages.
10 Eka Jakobo nogwedho Farao kendo owuok modhi.
And Iacob blessed Pharao and went out from him.
11 Kuom mano Josef nomiyo wuon-gi kod owetene kuonde mabeyo e piny Misri e gwengʼ mar Rameses mana kaka Farao nochike.
And Ioseph prepared dwellinges for his father and his brethern and gaue them possessions in the londe of Egipte in the best of the londe: eue in the lande of Raemses as Pharao commaunded.
12 Bende Josef nomiyo wuon-gi kod owetene kod jood wuon-gi duto gi chiemo kaluwore gi kar romb nyithindgi.
And Ioseph made prouysion for his father his brethern and all his fathers housholde as yonge childern are fedd with bread.
13 Kata kamano, ne onge chiemo e piny duto nikech kech ne ger; piny Misri kaachiel gi piny Kanaan nobedo gi dhier malich.
There was no bread in all the londe for the derth was exceadige sore: so yt ye lode of Egipte and ye lode of Canaan were fameshyd by ye reason of ye derth.
14 Josef nochoko pesa duto mane yudore e piny Misri kod piny Kanaan kuom cham mane gingʼiewo kuome kendo noterogi e od keno mar Farao.
And Ioseph brought together all ye money yt was founde in yt lade of Egipte and of Canaan for ye corne which they boughte: and he layde vp the money in Pharaos housse.
15 Kane pesa jo-Misri kod jo-Kanaan orumo, jo-Misri duto nobiro ir Josef kendo owachone niya, “Miwa chiemo, dangʼ watho e nyimi nangʼo to pesawa orumo?”
When money fayled in the lade of Egipte and of Canaan all the Egiptians came vnto Ioseph and sayde: geue us sustenaunce: wherfore suffrest thou vs to dye before the for oure money is spent.
16 Eka Josef nowachonegi niya, “Nikech pesau oserumo, keluru jambu mondo uwilgo cham mabiro miyou.”
Then sayde Ioseph: brynge youre catell and I well geue yow for youre catell yf ye be without money.
17 Kuom mano negikelo jambgi ne Josef kendo nomiyogi chiemo kar farese, gi rombe gi diek gi dhok kod punde. Kendo e higano, nopidhogi gi chiemo kar jambgi duto.
And they brought their catell vnto Ioseph. And he gaue them bread for horses and shepe and oxen and asses: so he fed them with bread for all their catell that yere.
18 Kane higano orumo, negidok ire e higa moluwo mano mi giwachone niya, “Ruoth ok wanyal wuondoreni nikech pesawa oserumo kendo jambwa bende osedoko magi, koro onge gima wanyalo miyi makmana ringrewa kod lopewa.
When that yere was ended they came vnto him the nexte yere and sayde vnto him: we will not hydest from my lorde how that we haue nether money nor catell for my lorde: there is no moare left for my lorde but euen oure bodies and oure londes.
19 Angʼo momiyo diwatho kendo lopewa bende kethore to ineno? Ngʼiewa-wa wabed wasumbinini kaachiel gi puothewa kuom chiemo mondo mi wan kaachiel gi puothewa wabed mag Farao. Miwa kodhi mipidho mondo kik watho kendo puothewa kik kethre.”
Wherfore latest thou us dye before thyne eyes and the londe to goo to noughte? bye us and oure landes for bread: and let both vs and oure londes be bonde to Pharao. Geue vs seed that we may lyue and not dye and that the londe goo not to wast.
20 Kuom mano Josef nongʼiewo lope duto mag Misri ne Farao. Jo-Misri noloko puothegi duto pesa nikech kech ne duongʼ ahinya. Piny Misri duto nobedo mar Farao,
And Ioseph boughte all the lande of Egipte for Pharao. For the Egiptians solde euery man his londe because the derth was sore apo them: and so the londe be came Pharaos.
21 kendo Josef nodaro jo-Misri e miechgi koa koni nyaka komachielo.
And he appoynted the people vnto the cities from one syde of Egipte vnto the other:
22 To kata kamano ne ok ongʼiewo puothe jodolo nikech negiyudo pokgi mapile pile koa kuom Farao kendo ne gin gi chiemo moromogi kuom pok mane Farao miyogi. Mano ema omiyo jodolo ne ok ouso puothegi.
only the londe of the Prestes bought he not. For there was an ordinauce made by Pharao for ye preastes that they shulde eate that which was appoynted vnto them: which Pharao had geuen them wherfore they solde not their londes.
23 Josef nowacho ne jo-Misri-go niya, “Koro kaka asengʼiewou kawuononi ne Farao kaachiel gi puotheu, kodhi eri dhi ukom.
Then Ioseph sayde vnto the folke: beholde I haue boughte you this daye ad youre landes for Pharao. Take there seed and goo sowe the londe.
24 To e ndalo mag keyo, nyaka umi Farao achiel kuom abich. To angʼwen ewi abich modongʼ unyalo kano kaka kodhi kendo kaka chiembu gi nyithindu kod joodu duto.”
And of the encrease ye shall geue the fyfte parte vnto Pharao and. iiij. partes shalbe youre awne for seed to sowe the feld: and for you and them of youre housholdes and for youre childern to eate.
25 Negiwachone Josef niya, “Ruoth isekonyo ngimawa, omiyo ka ineno ni mano ber to wabiro bedo wasumb Farao.”
And they answered: Thou haste saued oure lyves Let vs fynde grace in the syghte of my lorde and let us be Pharaos servautes.
26 Kuom mano Josef nokete kaka chik e piny Misri nyaka chil kawuono, ni achiel kuom abich mar cham nyaka bed mar Farao. Puothe jodolo kende ema ne ok Farao okawo.
And Ioseph made it a lawe ouer the lade of Egipte vnto this daye: that men must geue Pharao the fyfte parte excepte the londe of the preastes only which was not bond vnto Pharao.
27 Jo-Israel nodak Misri e gwengʼ Goshen. Negiyudo mwandu mangʼeny kuno kendo ne ginyaa mi kwan-gi omedore ahinya.
And Israel dwelt in Egipte: euen in the countre of Gosan. And they had their possessions therein and they grewe and multiplyed exceadingly.
28 Jakobo nodak Misri kuom higni apar gabiriyo kendo ndalo hike duto noromo higni mia achiel gi piero angʼwen gabiriyo.
Moreouer Iacob lyued in the lande of Egipte. xvij. yeres so that the hole age of Iacob was an hundred and. xlvij. yere.
29 Kane kinde mar tho Israel ochopo machiegni, noluongo Josef wuode kendo owachone niya, “Ka itimona ngʼwono, to yie iket lweti e kind ema kendo ikwongʼrina ni nikecha kendo ibedna ja-adiera. Kik iika e piny Misri
When the tyme drewe nye that Israel must dye: he sent for his sonne Ioseph and sayde vnto him: Yf I haue founde grace in thy syghte put thy hande vnder my thye and deale mercifully ad truely with me that thou burie me not in Egipte:
30 to ka anindo maluwo kwerena, to gola Misri kendo idhi iyika kuma oikie kwerena.” Josef nodwoke ni, “Abiro timo kaka iwacho.”
but let me lye by my fathers and carie me out of Egipte and burie me in their buryall. And he answered: I will do as thou hast sayde.
31 Nowacho ne Josef niya, “Kwongʼrina.” Eka Josef nokwongʼorene, kendo Israel nolemo koyiengore e ludhe mar wuoth.
And he sayde: swere vnto me: ad he sware vnto him. And than Israel bowed him vnto the beddes head.

< Chakruok 47 >