< Chakruok 30 >
1 Kane Rael oneno nine ok nywolne Jakobo nyithindo, nyiego nomake gi nyamin mare. Kuom mano nowacho ne Jakobo niya, “Miya nyithindo, nono to abiro tho!”
And Rachel sees that she has not borne to Jacob, and Rachel is envious of her sister, and says to Jacob, “Give me sons, and if there is none—I die.”
2 Jakobo nokecho gi Rael kendo nowachone niya, “Iparo ni an e Nyasaye mosetami nywolo nyithindo?”
And Jacob’s anger burns against Rachel, and he says, “Am I in stead of God who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?”
3 Eka Rael nowacho ne Jakobo niya, “Eri amiyi Bilha ma jatichna ma nyako. Kawe ibed kode e achiel mondo mi onywolna nyithindo mondo omi kokadho kuome an bende abed gi joga.”
And she says, “Behold, my handmaid Bilhah, go in to her, and she bears on my knees, and I am built up, even I, from her”;
4 Omiyo nomiye Bilha jatichne obedo chiege. Jakobo nobedo kode achiel,
and she gives Bilhah her maidservant to him for a wife, and Jacob goes in to her;
5 mi Bilha nomako ich kendo nonywolone Jakobo wuowi.
and Bilhah conceives, and bears a son to Jacob,
6 Eka Rael nowacho niya, “Nyasaye osengʼadona bura; osewinjo kwayona mi omiya nyathi ma wuowi.” Omiyo nochake ni Dan.
and Rachel says, “God has decided for me, and has also listened to my voice, and gives a son to me”; therefore she has called his name Dan.
7 Bilha ma jatich Rael nochako omako ich kendo nonywolo ne Jakobo wuowi mar ariyo.
And Bilhah, Rachel’s maidservant, conceives again, and bears a second son to Jacob,
8 Eka Rael nowacho niya, “Asebedo gi chandruok maduongʼ gi nyamera, kendo koro aseloyo.” Omiyo nochako nyathini ni Naftali.
and Rachel says, “With wrestlings of God I have wrestled with my sister, indeed, I have prevailed”; and she calls his name Napthali.
9 Kane Lea ofwenyo ni ok onyal nywolo nyithindo kendo nokawo Zilpa jatichne ma nyako, nomiye Jakobo mondo okawe kaka chiege.
And Leah sees that she has ceased from bearing, and she takes Zilpah her maidservant, and gives her to Jacob for a wife;
10 Zilpa ma jatich Lea nonywolo ne Jakobo wuowi.
and Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant, bears a son to Jacob,
11 Eka Lea nowacho niya, “An jahawi.” Omiyo nochako nyathino ni Gad.
and Leah says, “A troop is coming”; and she calls his name Gad.
12 Zilpa jatich Lea nonywolo ne Jakobo wuowi mar ariyo.
And Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant, bears a second son to Jacob,
13 Eka Lea nowacho niya, “Amor manade! Mon biro luonga ni jahawi.” Omiyo nochake ni Asher.
and Leah says, “Because of my happiness, for daughters have pronounced me blessed”; and she calls his name Asher.
14 E ndalo kayo ngano, Reuben nodhi e puothe kendo noyudo olembe mag mandrake, mi nokelo ne Lea min mare. Rael nowacho ne Lea niya, “Kiyie to miya olemb mandrake ma wuodi Reuben okelonino.”
And Reuben goes in the days of wheat-harvest, and finds love-apples in the field, and brings them to his mother Leah, and Rachel says to Leah, “Please give to me of the love-apples of your son.”
15 To nowachone niya, “Iparo ni kawo chwora en gima tin koso? Kendo pod idwaroe mandrake mag wuoda bende?” Rael nodwoke niya, “Mano ber, to kimiya mandrake mar wuodi to Jakobo wangʼ nonindo e odi kawuono otieno.”
And she says to her, “Is your taking my husband a little thing, that you have also taken the love-apples of my son?” And Rachel says, “He therefore lies with you tonight, for your son’s love-apples.”
16 Kane Jakobo odwogo koa e puodho godhiambono, Lea nodhi moromone. Lea nowachone niya, “Nyaka ibed koda e achiel kawuono, nikech asechulo nengo mar nindoni e oda gi mandrake mar wuoda.” Kuom mano Jakobo nobedoe achiel gi Lea otienono.
And Jacob comes in from the field at evening; and Leah goes to meet him and says, “You come in to me, for [in] hiring I have hired you with my son’s love-apples”; and he lies with her during that night.
17 Nyasaye nowinjo Lea kendo Lea nomako ich mi onywolone Jakobo wuowi mar abich.
And God listens to Leah, and she conceives, and bears a son to Jacob, a fifth,
18 Eka Lea nowacho niya, “Nyasaye osemiya pokna nikech nachiwo jatichna ma nyako ne chwora, omiyo nochake ni Isakar.”
and Leah says, “God has given my hire, because I have given my maidservant to my husband”; and she calls his name Issachar.
19 Lea nochako omako ich kendo nonywolone Jakobo wuowi mar auchiel.
And Leah conceives again, and she bears a sixth son to Jacob,
20 Eka Lea nowacho niya, “Nyasaye osedhiala gi mich ma nyangafu. Koro chwora biro gena nikech asenywolone yawuowi auchiel.” Omiyo nachake ni Zebulun.
and Leah says, “God has endowed me—a good dowry; this time my husband dwells with me, for I have borne six sons to him”; and she calls his name Zebulun;
21 Bangʼ kinde moko nonywolo nyako kendo nochake ni Dina.
and afterward she has borne a daughter, and calls her name Dinah.
22 Eka Nyasaye noparo Rael, mi odwoko kwayone kendo ogwedhe gi nyathi.
And God remembers Rachel, and God listens to her, and opens her womb,
23 Rael nomako ich kendo nonywolo wuowi kendo nowacho niya, “Nyasaye osegolona wichkuot.”
and she conceives and bears a son, and says, “God has gathered up my reproach”;
24 Nochako wuodeno ni Josef kendo owacho niya, “Mad Jehova Nyasaye meda wuowi machielo.”
and she calls his name Joseph, saying, “YHWH is adding to me another son.”
25 Bangʼ ka Rael nosenywolo Josef, Jakobo nowacho ne Laban, “We adhi mondo adogi thurwa.
And it comes to pass, when Rachel has borne Joseph, that Jacob says to Laban, “Send me away, and I go to my place, and to my land;
26 Miya monda kod nyithinda ma asebedo ka atiyonigo kendo weya adhi. Ingʼeyo tichna ma asetiyonigo.”
give up my wives and my children, for whom I have served you, and I go; for you have known my service which I have served you.”
27 To Laban nowachone niya, “Kapo ni ayudo ngʼwono e wangʼi to yie imed dak koda ka. Asefwenyo ma lingʼ-lingʼ ni Jehova Nyasaye osegwedha nikech in.”
And Laban says to him, “Now if I have found grace in your eyes—I have observed diligently that YHWH blesses me for your sake.”
28 Laban nomedo wachone niya, “Nyisa pok monego amiyi kendo abiro chuligi.”
He also says, “Define your hire to me, and I give.”
29 Jakobo nowachone niya, “Ingʼeyo kaka asetiyoni kendo kaka aserito jambi.
And he says to him, “You have known that which I have served you [in], and that which your substance was with me;
30 Jamni matin mane in-go kapok abiro osemedore ahinya, kendo Jehova Nyasaye osegwedhi e gik moko duto ma asetimo. To koro anatine oda awuon karangʼo?”
for [it is] little which you have had at my appearance, and it breaks forth into a multitude, and YHWH blesses you at my coming; and now, when do I make, I also, for my own house?”
31 Laban nopenje, “Angʼo ma damiyi.” Jakobo nodwoke niya, “Kik imiya gimoro amora. To ka ihero to timna gimoro achiel, abiro dhi nyime gi kwayo kendo rito jambi.
And he says, “What do I give to you?” And Jacob says, “You do not give me anything; if you do this thing for me, I turn back; I have delight; I watch your flock;
32 Kawuono abiro wuotho ei jambi duto kendo abiro walo diek gi rombe ma kitgi rabok kod mago ma angʼech gi mago maratengʼ. Magi ema nobed chudo maga.
I pass through all your flock today to turn aside every speckled and spotted sheep from there, and every brown sheep among the lambs, and speckled and spotted among the goats—and it has been my hire;
33 Timna makare nobed janeno e ndalo mabiro kendo, e sa asaya ma ibiro rango pok ma isechula. Diel moro amora ma ok angʼech kata dibo kata nyarombo ma ok ratengʼ manoyud e kindgi nokwan ka gima okwal.”
and my righteousness has answered for me in the day to come, when it comes in for my hire before your face—everyone which is not speckled and spotted among [my] goats, and brown among [my] lambs—it is stolen with me.”
34 Laban nodwoke niya, “Ayie, obed kaka iwachono.”
And Laban says, “Behold, O that it were according to your word”;
35 Odiechiengʼno Laban nowalo nywogi duto ma kitgi rabok kod mago ma angʼech, gi diek mamon (ma dikiyo) kod nyirombe marotenge mine oketogi e lwet yawuote mondo oritgi.
and he turns aside during that day the striped and the spotted male goats, and all the speckled and the spotted female goats, everyone that [has] white in it, and every brown one among the lambs, and he gives into the hand of his sons,
36 Eka Laban noketo thuolo e kinde gi Jakobo madirom wuodh ndalo adek Jakobo to ne odongʼ kakwayo romb Laban mane odongʼ.
and sets a journey of three days between himself and Jacob; and Jacob is feeding the rest of the flock of Laban.
37 Kata kamano, Jakobo nokawo kete moko mag omburi, gi oyungu kod yiende makorgi poth mi nopoko kuonde moko e korgi mondo igi marachar onen.
And Jacob takes to himself a rod of fresh poplar and almond and plane-tree, and peels in them white peelings, making bare the white that [is] on the rods,
38 Eka noketo ketego ei karaya kama ne jamnigo modhoe, mondo omi ka jamnigo modho to gineno ketego ei pi. E kindego ema thuondi ne luwogie,
and sets up the rods which he has peeled in the gutters in the watering troughs (where the flock comes to drink), in front of the flock, that they may conceive in their coming to drink;
39 e nyim ketego. Kendo neginywolo nyithindo ma kitgi rabok kod mago ma angʼech gi mago maratengʼ.
and the flocks conceive at the rods, and the flock bears striped, speckled, and spotted ones.
40 Jakobo nopogo imbe mi oweyo mana mago ma kitgi rabok kod mago ma angʼech gi mago maratengʼ mondo oluw romb Laban. Mano e yo mane omedogo kwan jambe owuon bende ne ok oriwogi gi mek Laban.
And Jacob has parted the lambs, and he puts the face of the flock toward the striped, also all the brown in the flock of Laban, and he sets his own droves by themselves, and has not set them near Laban’s flock.
41 Sa asaya mane iluwo chiayo madhako, Jakobo ne keto ketego ei karaya mane gimodhoe mondo omi imbe oluwgi kanyo mi gimak ich,
And it has come to pass, whenever the strong ones of the flock conceive, that Jacob sets the rods before the eyes of the flock in the gutters, to cause them to conceive by the rods,
42 to jamni mayom yom ne ok oket ochungʼ e nyim ketego. Omiyo jamni mayom yom ne gin mag Laban to mago motegno ne gin mag Jakobo.
and when the flock is feeble, he does not set [them]; and the feeble ones have been Laban’s, and the strong ones Jacob’s.
43 Ma nomiyo mwandu Jakobo omedore piyo ahinya kendo nobedogi kweth mag jamni mangʼeny gi jotich mamon, machwo, kod ngamia gi punde.
And the man increases very exceedingly, and has many flocks, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and donkeys.