< Chakruok 18 >

1 Jehova Nyasaye nofwenyore ne Ibrahim machiegni kod yiende madongo mag Mamre kane obet e dho hembe kar odiechiengʼ tir.
And the LORde apeared vnto him in the okegrove of Mamre as he sat in his tent doze in the heate of the daye.
2 Ibrahim notingʼo wangʼe malo kendo noneno ji adek machwo kochungʼ bute. Kane onenogi, noringo matek koa e dho hema mondo oromnegi kendo nopodho piny auma e nyimgi.
And he lyfte vp his eyes and looked: ad lo thre men stode not farr from hym. And whe he sawe them he ran agenst them from the tent dore and fell to the grounde
3 Nowacho niya, “Ruodha ka ayudo ngʼwono e wangʼi, to kik ikadh jatichni.
and sayde: LORde yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght goo not by thi seruaunte.
4 Rituru mondo okel pi matin, mondo uluokgo tiendu eka uywe e tiend yien-ni.
Let a litle water be fett and wash youre fete and rest youre selves vnder the tree:
5 We ayudnue chiemo moro matin mondo ucham omednu teko eka udhi nyime gi wuodhu mosekelou ir misumbauni.” Negidwoke niya, “Mano ber, tim kamano.”
And I will fett a morsell of breed to comforte youre hartes wythall. And tha goo youre wayes for even therfore ar ye come to youre servaunte. And they answered: Do even so as thou hast sayde.
6 Omiyo Ibrahim noreto kadhi ir Sara ei hema mowachone niya, “Kaw mogo mayom gorogoro adek, idwale kendo itedgo makati piyo piyo.”
And Abraha went a pace in to his tent vnto Sara ad sayde: make redy att once thre peckes of fyne meale kneade it and make cakes.
7 Eka noringo odhi e dipo kendo noyiero nyarwath mopugno kendo nomiyo jatich molose piyo.
And Abraham ran vnto his beastes and fett a calfe that was tendre and good and gaue it vnto a yonge man which made it redy attonce.
8 Eka Ibrahim nokawo mo gi chak mar adila kod ring nyarwath mane osetedi maber mi oketogi e nyimgi. Kane gichiemo, Ibrahim nochungʼ butgi e tiend yath.
And he toke butter and mylcke and the calfe which he had prepared and sett it before them and stode hymselfe by them vnder the tree: and they ate.
9 Negipenjo Ibrahim niya, “Ere Sara chiegi?” Ibrahim nodwokogi niya, “En ei hema.”
And they sayde vnto him: Where is Sara thy wife? And he sayde: in the tent.
10 Eka achiel kuomgi nowacho niya, “Adier anaduog iri e kinde maka ma higa mabiro kendo Sara chiegi biro nywolo nyathi ma wuowi.” To kara Sara ne winjo wachno kobet e dho hema e ngʼe welogo.
And he sayde: I will come agayne vnto the as soone as the frute can lyue. And loo: Sara thy wife shall haue a sonne. That herde Sara out of the tent doore which was behind his backe.
11 Ibrahim kod Sara nosebedo moti kendo hikgi noniangʼ kendo ndalo Sara mag nywol nosekadho.
Abraham and Sara were both olde and well stryken in age and it ceased to be with Sara after the maner as it is wyth wyves.
12 Omiyo Sara nohum kanyiero gie chunye niya, “Bende ma ditimre adier ka an kod ruodha wasedoko joma oti ka ma?”
And Sara laughed in hir selfe saynge: Now I am waxed olde shall I geue my selfe to lust and my lorde olde also?
13 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nopenjo Ibrahim niya, “Angʼo momiyo Sara nonyiero kawacho ni, ‘Bende danywol nyathi kaka asetini?’
Than sayd the LORde vnto Abraha: wherfore doth Sara laughe saynge: shal I of a suertie bere a childe now when I am olde?
14 Bende nitie gimoro amora matek ne Jehova Nyasaye? Abiro duogo iri e kinde mowinjore e higa mabiro kendo Sara biro nywolo nyathi ma wuowi.”
is the thinge to harde for the LORde to do? In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the as soone as the frute can haue lyfe And Sara shall haue a sonne.
15 Omiyo Sara noluor mokwer niya, “Ne ok anyiero.” To kata kamano Jehova Nyasaye nowachone niya, “En adier ni ninyiero.”
Than Sara denyed it saynge: I laughed not for she was afrayde. But he sayde: yes thou laughtest.
16 Kane jogo owuok mondo odhi, Ibrahim nowuok kodgi ka kowogi ka gichomo Sodom.
Than the men stode vp from thence ad loked towarde Sodome. And Abraham went with them to brynge them on the waye.
17 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho niya, “Bende dapand ne Ibrahim gima adwaro timo?
And the LORde sayde: Can I hyde from Abraham that thinge which I am aboute to do
18 Adieri Ibrahim biro bedo oganda maduongʼ kendo maratego, kendo ogendini duto manie piny nogwedhi nikech en.
seynge that Abraham shall be a great ad a myghtie people and all the nations of the erth shalbe blessed in him?
19 Nimar aseyiere mondo ochik nyithinde kod nyikwaye mondo oluw yore Jehova Nyasaye ka gitimo timbe mabeyo kendo makare. Kamano Jehova Nyasaye biro timo ne Ibrahim gik moko duto mane osingone.”
For I knowe him that he will commaunde his childern and his housholde after him yt they kepe the waye of the LORde to do after righte and conscyence that the LORde may brynge vppon Abraham that he hath promysed him.
20 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho niya, “Ywak mi ywaknego Sodom gi Gomora duongʼ kendo richogi ngʼeny,
And the LORde sayde? The crie of Sodome and Gomorra is great and there synne is excedynge grevous.
21 kuom mano abiro dhi mondo ane ka gik magisetimo richo kaka ywak osechopo ira, eka abiro ngʼeyo adiera.”
I will go downe and see whether they haue done all to gedder acordynge to that crye which is come vnto me or not that I may knowe.
22 Jogo nowuok kendo negiluwo yo madhi Sodom, to Jehova Nyasaye nodongʼ kochungʼ e nyim Ibrahim.
And the me departed thece and went to Sodomeward. But Abraham stode yet before ye LORde
23 Eka Ibrahim nosudo machiegni kode kendo openjo niya, “Bende ditiek joma kare machal gi joma timbegi richo?
and drewe nere and saydeWylt thou destroy the rightwes with the wyked?
24 Kaponi nitie ji piero abich maonge ketho e dalano? Dikethe koso diweye nikech ngima ji makare piero abichgo?
Yf there be. l. rightwes within the cyte wilt thou destroy it and not spare the place for the sake of. l. rightwes that are therin?
25 Ok dineg joma onge ketho machal gi joma oketho, adier ok inyal timo kamano nikech kaponi itimo kamano to joma onge ketho diyud kum mana maromre gi joma nigi ketho. To mano ok nyalre nikech jangʼad bura nyaka ngʼad bura kare?”
That be farre from the that thou shuldest do after thys maner to sley the rightwes with the weked ad that the rightwes shulde be as the weked: that befarre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all ye worlde do acordynge to righte?
26 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho niya, “Ka ayudo ji piero abich maonge ketho e dala mar Sodom, to abiro reso dalano nikech joma onge kethogo.”
And the LORde sayde: Yf I fynde in Sodome. l. rightwes within the cyte I will spare all the place for their sakes.
27 Eka Ibrahim nowacho kendo niya, “Kaka koro asebedo gichir ma awuoyo gi Ruoth Nyasaye, kata obedo ni ok an gimoro to makmana lowo kod buru.
And Abraham answered and sayde: beholde I haue taken vppon me to speake vnto ye LORde ad yet am but dust ad asshes.
28 To ka dipo ni kwan joma onge ketho oromo mana ji piero angʼwen gabich, dikech dalano nikech ji abich kende?” Jehova Nyasaye nodwoke niya, “Kayudo ji piero angʼwen gabich kanyo, to ok nakethe.”
What though there lacke. v. of. l. rightwes wylt thou destroy all the cyte for lacke of. v? And he sayde: Yf I fynde there. xl. and. v. I will not destroy them.
29 Ibrahim nomedo wuoyo kode kendo niya, “To ka dipo ni ji piero angʼwen kende ema oyudore kanyo?” Ruoth Nyasaye nodwoke niya, “Kayudo ji piero angʼwen kanyo, to ok nakethe.”
And he spake vnto him yet agayne and sayde: what yf there be. xl. foude there: And he sayde: I wyll not do it for forties sake.
30 Eka Ibrahim nomedo wachone niya, “Kik isin koda, to weya aweya awuo. To ka dipo ni ji piero adek ema oyudi e dalano?” Jehova Nyasaye nodwoke niya, “Ok nakethi ka ayudo ji piero adek maonge ketho kanyo.”
And he sayde: O let not my LORde be angrye that I speake. What yf there be foude. xxx. there? And he sayde: I will not do it yf I finde. xxx. there.
31 Ibrahim nowacho niya, “Kaka koro asebedo gi chir ma wuoyo gi Ruoth Nyasaye, angʼoma ditim ka ji piero ariyo ema oyudore e dalano?” Jehova Nyasaye nodwoke niya, “Nikech ji piero ariyo maonge ketho ok anakethe.”
And be sayde: Oh se I haue begonne to speake vnto my LORde what yf there be. xx. founde there? And he sayde: I will not distroy the for tweties sake.
32 Eka Ibrahim nowacho niya, “Mad Jehova Nyasaye kik sin koda, to oyie awach wach achiel mogik. Ka dipo ni ji apar kende ema oyudi e dalano?” Ruoth Nyasaye nodwoke niya, “Nikech ji apar maonge ketho ok natiek dalano.”
And he sayde: O let not my LORde be angrye that I speake yet but eue once more only. What yf ten be founde there? And he sayde: I will not destroy the for. x. sake.
33 Kane Jehova Nyasaye osetieko wuoyo kod Ibrahim, nowuok kendo Ibrahim nodok dala.
And the LORde wet his waye as soone as he had lefte comenynge with Abraha. And Abraham returned vnto his place

< Chakruok 18 >