< Ezekiel 46 >

1 “‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Rangach mar laru maiye mochomo yo wuok chiengʼ nyaka sik kolor kuom ndalo auchiel mitiye, to chiengʼ Sabato kod chiengʼ Dwe Mowuok Manyien nyaka yawe.
“This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘The gate of the inner court that faces east must be kept shut during the six days of work, but on the Sabbath day and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.
2 Ruoth marito piny nyaka wuog e laru oko midhiyo e ot maduongʼ manie dhorangach ma yo wuok chiengʼ mi ochungʼ e bath sirni mag dhorangajno. E kindeno jodolo notimne misengini miwangʼo pep kod mag lalruok. Nyaka olam Nyasaye kochungʼ e bath siro mar rangach eka owuog odhi oko, to rangach nyaka sik koyaw nyaka piny imre.
The prince is to enter from the outside through the portico of the gateway and stand by the gatepost, while the priests sacrifice his burnt offerings and peace offerings. He is to bow in worship at the threshold of the gate and then depart, but the gate must not be shut until evening.
3 Ndalo mag Sabato kod Dwe Mowuok Manyien, jopinyno nyaka lem e nyim Jehova Nyasaye gie dhorangach midonjogo.
On the Sabbaths and New Moons the people of the land are also to bow in worship before the LORD at the entrance to that gateway.
4 Misango miwangʼo pep ma ruodh piny okelo ni Jehova Nyasaye chiengʼ Sabato nyaka bed nyirombe auchiel kod im achiel maonge songa kargi ariyogo.
The burnt offering that the prince presents to the LORD on the Sabbath day shall be six unblemished male lambs and an unblemished ram.
5 Chiwo mar cham michiwo kaachiel gi im nyaka rom debe achiel, to chiwo mar cham michiwo kaachiel gi nyirombe to ngʼato nyalo chiwo kaka osengʼado e chunye, kaachiel gi kube achiel mar mo kuom debe ka debe.
The grain offering with the ram shall be one ephah, and the grain offering with the lambs shall be as much as he is able, along with a hin of oil per ephah.
6 E odiechiengʼ mar Dwe Mowuok Manyien, nyaka ochiw nyarwath gi nyirombe auchiel kod im, maonge songa kargi duto.
On the day of the New Moon he shall offer a young, unblemished bull, six lambs, and a ram without blemish.
7 Nyaka ochiw chiwo mar cham debe achiel kaachiel gi rwath michiwego, kod debe achiel machielo gi im, to kuom nyarombo ka nyarombo onyalo kelo cham mangʼeny kaka en owuon ema ohero. Kuom debe ka debe mar cham, to onyalo kelo mo zeituni moromo lita angʼwen.
He is to provide a grain offering of an ephah with the bull, an ephah with the ram, and as much as he is able with the lambs, along with a hin of oil per ephah.
8 Ka ruodh piny donjo to nyaka odonji gie agola mar rangach, kendo kowuok to nyaka owuog koluwo kanyono.
When the prince enters, he shall go in through the portico of the gateway, and he shall go out the same way.
9 “‘Ka jopinyno obiro e nyim Jehova Nyasaye e kinde mag sewni moyier, ngʼato angʼata modonjo koluwo rangach man yo nyandwat mondo olem nyaka wuog koluwo rangach man yo milambo; to ngʼato angʼata modonjo gi rangach ma yo milambo nyaka wuogi gi rangach ma yo nyandwat. Ok oyiene ngʼato angʼata dok koluwo rangach mane odonjogo, to ngʼato ka ngʼato nyaka wuog oko koluwo rangach mangʼiyore gi mano mane odonjogo.
When the people of the land come before the LORD at the appointed feasts, whoever enters by the north gate to worship must go out by the south gate, and whoever enters by the south gate must go out by the north gate. No one is to return through the gate by which he entered, but each must go out by the opposite gate.
10 Ruodh pinyno nyaka tim kaka ji duto mamoko timo; nyaka odonji ka gidonjo kendo owuogi kagiwuok.
When the people enter, the prince shall go in with them, and when they leave, he shall leave.
11 “‘E sawo ka sawo kod nyasi ka nyasi moyiedhi, chiwo mar cham nyaka bed debe achiel gi rwath, debe achiel gi im, to kuom nyirombe, ngʼato nyalo chiwo kaka osengʼado e chunye, kaachiel gi kube achiel mar mo kuom debe ka debe.
At the festivals and appointed feasts, the grain offering shall be an ephah with a bull, an ephah with a ram, and as much as one is able to give with the lambs, along with a hin of oil per ephah.
12 “‘Ka ruodh pinyno kelo chiwo mar hera ni Jehova Nyasaye, obed misango miwangʼo pep kata chiwo mar lalruok, to nyaka yawne rangach mochomo yo wuok chiengʼ. Enochiw misangone miwangʼo pepno kata chiwo mage mag lalruok mana kaka ojatimo chiengʼ Sabato. Eka enowuog odhi oko, kendo kosewuok odhi oko, to nolor rangach.
When the prince makes a freewill offering to the LORD, whether a burnt offering or a peace offering, the gate facing east must be opened for him. He is to offer his burnt offering or peace offering just as he does on the Sabbath day. Then he shall go out, and the gate must be closed after he goes out.
13 “‘Pile ka pile nyaka uchiw ni Jehova Nyasaye nyaim ma hike achiel maonge songa kaka misango miwangʼo pep; nyaka uchiwe okinyi kokinyi.
And you shall provide an unblemished year-old lamb as a daily burnt offering to the LORD; you are to offer it every morning.
14 Bende nyaka uchiw chiwo mag cham kaachiel kode okinyi kokinyi, maromo achiel ewi auchiel mar debe kod mo maromo achiel kuom adek mar okebe, mar dwalo mogo. Chik mar chiwo mar chamni ne Jehova Nyasaye en chik mochwere.
You are also to provide with it every morning a grain offering of a sixth of an ephah with a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour—a grain offering to the LORD. This is a permanent statute.
15 Kamano e kaka nyarombo gi chiwo mar cham kod mo ibiro chiwo okinyi kokinyi seche duto michiwoe misango miwangʼo pep.
Thus they shall provide the lamb, the grain offering, and the oil every morning as a regular burnt offering.’
16 “‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Ka ruodh pinyno ogolo mich moro kuom girkeni mare momiyo achiel kuom yawuote, to michno nobed girkeni mar nyikwaye bende, kaka girkeni margi.
This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘If the prince gives a gift to any of his sons as an inheritance, it will belong to his descendants. It will become their property by inheritance.
17 To ka dipo ni ochiwo mich kuom girkeni mare ne achiel kuom jotichne, to jatichneno nyalo rite nyaka chop higa mar weye thuolo; bangʼ mano michno nyaka dwoki ni ruodh pinyno. Girkeni mar ruodh pinyno en mar yawuote kende; en pokgi.
But if he gives a gift from his inheritance to one of his servants, it will belong to that servant until the year of freedom; then it will revert to the prince. His inheritance belongs only to his sons; it shall be theirs.
18 Ruodh pinyno ok oyiene kawo girkeni moro amora mar ji, komayogi mwandugi. Ruodhno nyaka pog yawuote maa mwandune owuon kaka girkeni mondo omi kik ngʼata moro amora opogi gi mwandune.’”
The prince must not take any of the inheritance of the people by evicting them from their property. He is to provide an inheritance for his sons from his own property, so that none of My people will be displaced from his property.’”
19 Eka ngʼatno nokela kakalo koda kar donjo man e dir rangach midonjogo e ute maler mowal mochomo nyandwat, mane gin mag jodolo, kendo nonyisa kamoro mane nitie yo ka tungʼ mogik mare.
Then the man brought me through the entrance at the side of the gate into the holy chambers facing north, which belonged to the priests, and he showed me a place there at the far western end
20 Nowachona niya, “Ka e kama jodolo biro chiwoe misango mar pwodhruok e ketho gi misango mar golo richo kendo ma gibiro tedoe chiwo mar cham, mondo ogengʼ-gi kik gibi e laru ma oko mi gimi ji dok mogak.”
and said to me, “This is the place where the priests shall boil the guilt offering and the sin offering, and where they shall bake the grain offering, so that they do not bring them into the outer court and transmit holiness to the people.”
21 Bangʼe ne okela nyaka e laru ma oko kendo notelona kolworo koda kondene angʼwen, mi naneno ei kona ka kona laru machielo.
Then he brought me into the outer court and led me around to its four corners, and I saw a separate court in each of its corners.
22 Ei konde angʼwen mag laru ma oko ne nitie laru ma oko mopondo, ma borgi noromo fut piero auchiel, to lachgi oromo fut piero angʼwen gabich. Laru ka laru mane ni e ii konde angʼwen-go ne romre.
In the four corners of the outer court there were enclosed courts, each forty cubits long and thirty cubits wide. Each of the four corner areas had the same dimensions.
23 Gie ii moro ka moro mar laru angʼwen-go ne nitie ndiri mar kidi, ma bwoye piny ne ogerie kuonde mikudhe mach e alwora duto.
Around the inside of each of the four courts was a row of masonry with ovens built at the base of the walls on all sides.
24 Nowachona niya, “Magi e kuonde tedo ma joma tiyo e hekalu biro tedoe misengini mag ji.”
And he said to me, “These are the kitchens where those who minister at the temple will cook the sacrifices offered by the people.”

< Ezekiel 46 >