< Ezekiel 33 >

1 Wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona kama:
Yahweh gave me another message. He said,
2 “Wuod dhano, wuo gi jothuru kendo iwachnegi ni, ‘Ka akelo lweny e piny moro, kendo ka jopinyno oyiero achiel kuom jogi mi okete kaka jarito margi,
“You human, speak to your fellow Israelis and say this to them: ‘When I bring an enemy army [MTY] to attack a country, and the people of that country choose one of their men and appoint him to be a watchman,
3 kendo ka oneno jolweny ka biro mondo oked kodu, bangʼe to ogoyo turumbete mondo ji oikre,
if he sees the enemy army [MTY] coming to attack his country, and he blows a trumpet to warn the people,
4 to ka dipo ni ngʼato owinjo dwond tungʼ, to ok odewo siemno, mi ligangla obiro monege, to rembe nobed e wiye owuon.
if anyone hears the trumpet and does not heed the warning, and as a result he is killed by the sword [of one of his enemies], he will be responsible for his own death [MTY].
5 Nikech ne owinjo dwond tungʼ to ok odewo, rembe nobed e wiye owuon. To ka dine owinj siem, to dine oreso ngimane.
If he had heeded the warning, he would have (have saved his life/still be alive). But because he heard the sound of the trumpet and did not heed that warning, his death will be his own fault.
6 To ka jaritono oneno ka wasigu biro, to ok ogoyo tungʼ mondo ji oikre, mi wasigugo obiro monego ngʼato achiel kuomgi, to ngʼatno notho nikech richone, to anaket rembe ewi jaritono.’
But if the watchman sees the enemy army [MTY] coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people, and one of his people is killed by an enemy sword, that person will die because of his sin, but I will consider that the watchman is responsible for that man’s death.’
7 “Wuod dhano, aseketi jarito mar dhood Israel, omiyo winj wachna kendo imigi siem moa kuoma.
So, you human, I have appointed you to be a watchman for the Israeli people [MTY]. So always listen to what I say and warn the people for me.
8 Ka awacho ne ngʼama timbene richo ni, ‘Yaye ngʼama rach, ibiro tho ma ok itony,’ to itamori wuoyo kode mondo igole e yorene maricho, to ngʼat ma timbene richono biro tho nikech richone, to anaket rembe e wiyi.
When I say to some wicked person, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die [because of your sins,’ you must tell him that]. If you do not speak to that person to warn him that he should turn away from his sins, that wicked person will die because of his sins, but I will say that you are responsible for his death [MTY].
9 To ka isiemo ngʼat ma timbene richo mondo owe yorenego, to ok otimo kamano, to obiro tho nikech richone, to in to inires ngimani.
But if you warn that wicked person that he should turn away from his sins, and he does not do that, he will die because of his sins, but you will have saved your life.
10 “Wuod dhano, wach ne dhood Israel ni, ‘Ma e gima uwacho: “Kethowa gi richowa pek turowa kendo ni dendwa dhi adhiya. Koro ere kaka dwabed mangima.”’
You human, say to the Israeli people, ‘This is what you all are saying: “[The guilt that we have for] disobeying God’s laws and sinning is like a heavy weight on us, and it is hurting us, and we are slowly dying. So what can we do to continue to remain alive?”’
11 Wachnegi ni, ‘Akwongʼora gi nyinga awuon an Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto ni ok amor ka ngʼat ma timbene richo otho, to amor ka gilokore giweyo yoregi maricho mondo gibed mangima. Lokreuru! Lokreuru uwe yoreu maricho! Udwaro tho nangʼo, yaye dhood Israel?’
Say to them, ‘Yahweh the Lord says, “As surely as I am alive, I am not happy when wicked people die; I would prefer that they turn away from their wicked behavior and continue to live. So repent! Turn away from your evil behavior! You Israeli people, do you really want to die [RHQ]?”’
12 “Emomiyo, wuod dhano, wachne jothuru ni, ‘Tim makare mar ngʼat makare ok bi rese ka odagi winjo wach, kendo ketho mar ngʼat ma timbene richo ok bi miyo opodhi ka olokore oweyogi. Ka ngʼat makare otimo richo to timbene makare mosetimogo ok nyal miyo obed mangima.’
Therefore, you human, say to your fellow Israelis, ‘If righteous people start to disobey me, their being righteous previously will not save them [from being punished]. And if wicked people turn away from their wicked behavior, they will not die because of the sins that they committed [previously]. And if righteous people start to sin, they will not be allowed to remain alive because of their formerly being righteous.’
13 Ka anyiso ngʼat makare ni kuom adier obiro bedo mangima, kaeto ngʼatno ogeno timne makareno kendo otimo richo, to gik mosetimo mabeyogo duto ok nopar. Enotho nikech gima rach mosetimo.
If I tell righteous people that they will surely remain alive, but then they trust/think that because they have been righteous previously, they can start to do evil [and not be punished], I will not think about the righteous things that they did previously; they will die because of the evil things that they are doing.
14 Kendo ka awachone ngʼama timbene richo ni, ‘Ibiro tho ma ok itony,’ to ka olokore oweyo richone motimo gima adier kendo makare,
And if I say to some wicked person, ‘You will surely die [because of your sins],’ that person may turn away from his sinful behavior and do what is just and right [DOU].
15 ka odwoko gige ji mane omako kuom gik mane ohologi, gi gik mane okwalo kendo koluwo buche machiwo ngima, kendo oweyo timo richo, to enobed mangima adier kendo ok enotho.
For example, he may return what he took from another person to guarantee [that that person would pay back what he owes], or he may return things that he has stolen, and he may obey the laws that will enable [those who obey them] to remain alive, and he will not continue to do evil things. If that happens, he will surely remain alive; he will not die [because of the sins that he committed previously].
16 Onge richo moro amora mosetimo ma nopar mi kwan e wiye. Osetimo gima adier kendo makare, obiro bedo mangima adier.
I will not think about the sins that he has committed; he will surely remain alive.
17 “Makmana jothuru pod wacho ni, ‘Yore mag Ruoth Nyasaye ok nikare!’ To chutho yoregi ema onge adiera.
Your fellow Israelis say, ‘What Yahweh does is not fair.’ But it is your behavior that is not fair.
18 Ka ngʼat makare olokore oweyo timbene mabeyo motimo richo, to obiro tho nikech timneno.
If a righteous person turns away from doing what is righteous and starts to do what is evil, [it is fair that] he die because of his sins.
19 Kendo ka ngʼat ma timbene richo olokore oweyo timbene maricho motimo gima adiera kendo makare to obiro bedo mangima kuom timo kamano.
And if a wicked person turns away from his wicked behavior and does what is right and fair [DOU], [it is fair] for him to remain alive because of doing that.
20 Makmana pod uwacho, yaye dhood Israel, ni, ‘Yore Ruoth Nyasaye ok nikare!’ To abiro ngʼado bura ni ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomu kaluwore gi yorene owuon.”
But you Israeli people still say, ‘What Yahweh does is not fair.’ But I will judge each of you for what you do.”
21 Chiengʼ mar abich mar dwe mar apar, e higa mar apar gariyo, ngʼat moro mane oyudo otony koa Jerusalem nobiro ira kendo owacho niya, “Dala maduongʼ osepodho!”
Almost twelve years [after we had been taken to Babylonia], on the fifth day of the tenth month [of that year], a man who had escaped from Jerusalem came to me [in Babylon] and said, “Jerusalem has been captured!”
22 To kochopo godhiambo ma bangʼe kinyne ngʼatno ne biroe ira, bad Jehova Nyasaye ne ni kuoma, kendo ne oyawo dhoga ka ngʼatno ne pok ochopo ira gokinyi. Omiyo dhoga ne oyawore kendo koro ne ok alingʼ mak awuoyo.
The evening before that man arrived, Yahweh took control [MTY] of me, and when that man arrived, Yahweh enabled me to speak again; I was no longer forced to be silent.
23 Eka wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirana kama:
Then Yahweh gave a message to me. He said,
24 “Wuod dhano, joma odak e dala momukore e piny Israel wacho ni, ‘Ibrahim ne en mana ngʼat achiel kende, to kata kamano nokawo piny. To wan wangʼeny, omiyo koro osemiwa pinyni kaka girkeni.’
“You human, the people who are living in the ruins in Israel are saying, ‘Abraham was only one person, but Yahweh [promised him that he and his descendants] would possess this land. But we are many; so surely this land has been given to us [by Yahweh] to continue to possess.’
25 Kuom mano wach nigi ni, ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Nikech uchamo ringʼo motimo remo kendo ugeno kuom nyisecheu muloso kendo uchwero remo, bende dukaw piny adier?
So send a message to them. Say, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: You eat meat that still has the animal’s blood in it. You still worship idols. And you still murder others [MTY]. So, (should this land belong to you?/this land should certainly not belong to you!) [RHQ]
26 Ugeno kuom ligangla maru, utimo gik mamono, kendo ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomu ketho chi nyawadgi. Bende dukaw piny adier ka uchalo kamano?’
You rely on using your swords [to obtain things that you want]. You do many detestable things. Each of you has sex with other men’s wives. So (why should you continue to possess the land of Israel?/you should not continue to possess this land!) [RHQ]’
27 “Wachnegi kama: ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Akwongʼora gi nyinga awuon ni joma odongʼ e dala mosemuki biro tho e lweny, to joma ni oko e gwengʼ abiro chiwo ni le mag bungu mondo onegi. Joma oringo opondo kuonde mochiel motegno kod rogo biro tho kod tuoche malandore ma ok rum.
Send this message to them: ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: As surely as I am alive, those who are left in the ruins [in Jerusalem] will also be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and those who are living in the countryside will be killed by wild animals, and those who are living in forts and caves will die from a plague.
28 Abiro miyo pinyno lokore gunda, kendo tekre mosungorego biro rumo, kendo gode mag Israel nobed moyugno maonge ngʼama nyalo wuothe mi ngʼadi.
I will cause your country to become a desolate wasteland. You will no longer be proud of being a strong country. The mountains of Israel will become very desolate, with the result that no one will walk across them.
29 Eka giningʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye, ka aseloko pinyno gunda nikech gik mamono duto magisetimo.’
Then, when I have caused your country to become a desolate wasteland because of all the detestable things that you have done, you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].’
30 “To in, wuod dhano, jothuru ochokore wuoyo kuomi ka gichokore e tok ohinga kendo ka gin e dhoutegi, ka moro ka moro kuomgi wacho ne wadgi ni, ‘Bi mondo uwinjie wach moa kuom Jehova Nyasaye.’
As for you, you human, your fellow Israelis [here in Babylon] are talking about you along the city walls and at the doors of their houses. They are saying to each other, ‘Come and listen to the message that has come from Yahweh!’
31 Joga biro iri, kaka gihero timo, kendo gibet e nyimi mondo giwinj wecheni, to ok gitim gik miwachonegi. Gihulo gi dhogi kaka gin joma ochiwore ne Nyasaye, to chunygi to owuor ne gik mimayo ji.
My people come to you as they often have done, and they sit in front of you to listen to what you say. But they do not do what you tell them that they must do. With their mouths they say that they love me, but in their inner beings they are eager to acquire things by doing what is unjust.
32 Chutho, ichalonegi mana ngʼama wero wende hera gi dwol mamit kendo mongʼeyo goyo thum maber, nikech giwinjo wecheni to ok gitimgi.
To them, you are only a man who sings love songs with a beautiful voice, and you play a musical instrument well. They hear what you say, but they do not do what you tell them to do.
33 “Ka magi duto notimre kendo gibiro timore mak orem, eka giningʼe ni janabi moro kara ne ni e diergi.”
The terrible things that I have said will happen to them will surely happen. And then they will know that a prophet has been among them, [and that you are that prophet].”

< Ezekiel 33 >