< Wuok 7 >

1 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Ne, aseketi kaka Nyasaye ni Farao, kendo Harun owadu biro bedoni janabi.
Then the Lord saide to Moses, Behold, I haue made thee Pharaohs God, and Aaron thy brother shall be thy Prophet.
2 Nyaka iwach gik moko duto ma achiki, kendo Harun owadu nonyis Farao mondo owe jo-Israel owuog e pinye.
Thou shalt speake all that I commanded thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speake vnto Pharaoh, that he suffer the children of Israel to go out of his land.
3 Abiro keto chuny Farao bedo matek, ma kata obedo ni abiro nwoyo honni kod ranyisi e piny Misri,
But I will harden Pharaohs heart, and multiplie my miracles and my wonders in the lande of Egypt.
4 to Farao ok nowinju. Omiyo anasand jo-Misri gi masiche madongo kakumogi malich mi anagol joga ma jo-Israel e piny Misri.
And Pharaoh shall not hearken vnto you, that I may lay mine hand vpon Egypt, and bring out myne armies, euen my people, the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, by great iudgements.
5 Kendo jo-Misri nongʼe ni an Jehova Nyasaye e kinde ma anakumgi ka agolo jo-Israel kuomgi.”
Then the Egyptians shall knowe that I am the Lord, when I stretch foorth mine hand vpon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
6 Musa kod Harun notimo mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nochikogi.
So Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them, euen so did they.
7 E kinde mane giwuoyo gi Farao, Musa ne ja-higni piero aboro to Harun to ne ja-higni piero aboro gadek.
(Nowe Moses was foure score yeere olde, and Aaron foure score and three, when they spake vnto Pharaoh)
8 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa kod Harun niya,
And the Lord had spoken vnto Moses and Aaron, saying,
9 “Ka Farao onyisou ni mondo utim hono moro, to in Musa nyis Harun ni, ‘Kaw ludhi kendo dire piny e nyim Farao,’ kendo obiro lokore thuol.”
If Pharaoh speake vnto you, saying, Shewe a miracle for you, then thou shalt say vnto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shalbe turned into a serpent.
10 Kuom mano, Musa kod Harun ne odhi ir Farao mi gitimo mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nochikogi. Harun nodiro ludhe piny e nyim Farao kod jodonge mi nolokore thuol.
Then went Moses and Aaron vnto Pharaoh, and did euen as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron cast forth his rod before Pharaoh and before his seruants, and it was turned into a serpent.
11 Farao noluongo jorieko kod ajuoke mag Misri mine gitimo gik machal gi mane Harun otimo ka gitiyo gi teko mag yedhegi mopondo.
Then Pharaoh called also for the wise men and sorcerers: and those charmers also of Egypt did in like maner with their enchantmens,
12 Ngʼato ka ngʼato kuomgi nodiro ludhe piny kendo nolokore thuol. To ludh Harun nomwonyo ludhegigo.
For they cast downe euery man his rod, and they were turned into serpents: but Aarons rodde deuoured their rods.
13 To kata kamano, chuny Farao ne odoko matek kendo ne ok onyal winjogi mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye ne osewacho.
So Pharaohs heart was hardened, and hee hearkened not to them, as the Lord had saide.
14 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Chuny Farao pod tek, odagi weyo joga mondo odhi.
The Lord then saide vnto Moses, Pharaohs heart is obstinate, hee refuseth to let the people goe.
15 Dhi ir Farao gokinyi ka odhi e aora. Rite e bath aora Nael mondo irom kode, bende kaw luth mane olokore thuol cha e lweti.
Goe vnto Pharaoh in the morning, (loe, he will come forth vnto the water) and thou shalt stand and meete him by the riuers brinke, and the rod, which was turned into a serpent, shalt thou take in thine hand.
16 Eka inyise ni, ‘Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasach jo-Hibrania, oseora mondo anyisi niya: We joga odhi, mondo gilama e thim. To nyaka chop koroni pok iwinjo.
And thou shalt say vnto him, The Lord God of the Ebrewes hath sent me vnto thee, saying, Let my people goe, that they may serue mee in the wildernesse: and beholde, hitherto thou wouldest not heare.
17 Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: Ranyisini biro miyo ingʼe ni an Jehova Nyasaye: Abiro chwado pi aora Nael gi luth mantie e lwetani kendo pigno biro lokore remo.
Thus saith the Lord, In this shalt thou know that I am the Lord: behold, I wil smite with the rodde that is in mine hand vpon the water that is in the riuer, and it shalbe turned to blood.
18 Rech manie aora Nael biro tho, kendo aora biro dungʼ, jo-Misri ok nomodh pigno.’”
And the fish that is in the riuer shall dye, and the riuer shall stinke, and it shall grieue the Egyptians to drinke of the water of the riuer.
19 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Nyis Harun ni, ‘Kaw ludhi mondo irie badi ewi pige mag Misri, ma gin aore matindo kod madongo, yewni kod kuonde duto mag kano pi, kendo gibiro lokore remo.’ Remo biro bedo kamoro amora e piny Misri nyaka ei agulni molos gi kite.”
The Lord then spake to Moses, Say vnto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand ouer the waters of Egypt, ouer their streames, ouer their riuers, and ouer their pondes, and ouer all pooles of their waters, and they shalbe blood, and there shalbe blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and of stone.
20 Musa kod Harun notimo mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nochikogi. Notingʼo ludhe e nyim Farao kod jodonge duto mi ochwado aora Nael kendo pige duto nolokore remo.
So Moses and Aaron did euen as the Lord commanded: and hee lift vp the rodde, and smote the water that was in the riuer in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his seruants: and all the water that was in the riuer, was turned into blood.
21 Rech manie aora Nael notho, kendo aora nodungʼ marach ma jo-Misri ne ok nyal modho pige. Remo ne nitie kamoro amora e piny Misri.
And the fish that was in the ryuer dyed, and the riuer stanke: so that the Egyptians could not drinke of the water of the riuer: and there was blood throughout all the lande of Egypt.
22 To ajuoke mag Misri notimo mana gik machal kamano gi tijegi mag ajuoke mi chuny Farao nomedo doko matek; ne ok onyal winjo wach Musa kod Harun mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nosewacho.
And the enchanters of Egypt did likewise with their sorceries: and the heart of Phraoh was hardened: so that he did not hearken vnto them, as the Lord had sayde.
23 To kata kamano nodok e kare mar dak, kendo ne ok odewo wechegi.
Then Pharaoh returned, and went againe into his house, neither did this yet enter into his heart.
24 Jo-Misri duto nokunyo bath aora Nael mondo giyud pi modho, nikech ne ok ginyal modho pi aorano.
All the Egyptians then digged rounde about the riuer for waters to drinke: for they could not drinke of the water of the riuer.
25 Ndalo abiriyo norumo bangʼ ka Jehova Nyasaye nosechwado aora Nael.
And this continued fully seuen dayes after the Lord had smitten the riuer.

< Wuok 7 >