< Wuok 25 >

1 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya,
Then the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 “Nyis jo-Israel mondo okelna chiwo. Inichokna chiwogo moro amora kuom ji duto moyie golo kuom herogi.
Speake vnto the children of Israel, that they receiue an offring for me: of euery man, whose heart giueth it freely, ye shall take the offring for me.
3 “Chiwo manyaka ikaw kuomgi e magi: “dhahabu, fedha kod mula;
And this is the offring which ye shall take of them, golde, and siluer, and brasse,
4 law marambulu, maralik, marakwaro, law mayom, kod law mar yie diek,
And blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine linnen, and goates heare,
5 piende rombe molok gi range makwar, piende monyongʼ mayom mag le mag nembe; yiend siala,
And rammes skinnes coloured red, and the skinnes of badgers, and the wood Shittim,
6 mor zeituni miolo e taya mondo okel ler, gik milosogo mor pwodhruok kod ubani mangʼwe ngʼar,
Oyle for the light, spices for anoynting oyle, and for the perfume of sweete sauour,
7 gi oniks kod kite moko miketo kuom law mayom mar dolo miluongo ni efod kod law akor.
Onix stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brest plate.
8 “Bangʼ mano gigerna kama ler mar lemo kendo anadag kodgi.
Also they shall make me a Sanctuarie, that I may dwell among them.
9 Ger Hemb Romoni gi gigene duto machalre mana gi kido ma abiro nyisi.
According to all that I shewe thee, euen so shall ye make the forme of the Tabernacle, and the facion of all the instruments thereof.
10 “Ketgi gilos sanduku maber molos gi yiend siala ma borne romo fut angʼwen gi nus to lachne romo fut achiel gi nus kendo borne madhi malo romo fut achiel gi nus.
They shall make also an Arke of Shittim wood, two cubites and an halfe long, and a cubite and an halfe broade, and a cubite and an halfe hie.
11 Bawe gi dhahabu maler oko gi iye kendo nochwene ndiga mar dhahabu mothedhi molwore.
And thou shalt ouerlay it with pure golde: within and without shalt thou ouerlay it, and shalt make vpon it a crowne of golde rounde about.
12 Thedhne ratege angʼwen molworore mag dhahabu machalo gi bangli kendo twegi e tiendene angʼwen-go, ka ratege ariyo bedo e bathe konchiel to ariyo mamoko e bathe komachielo.
And thou shalt cast foure rings of golde for it, and put them in the foure corners thereof: that is, two rings shalbe on the one side of it, and two rings on the other side thereof.
13 Bangʼ mano los ludhe mag yiend siala kendo ibawgi gi dhahabu.
And thou shalt make barres of Shittim wood, and couer them with golde.
14 Rwak ludhego ei ratege mantie e bethe Sandug Muma mondo otingʼego.
Then thou shalt put the barres in the rings by the sides of the Arke, to beare the Arke with them.
15 Ludhego nyaka siki ei rategego mag sanduku; ok owinjore golgi.
The barres shalbe in the rings of the Arke: they shall not be taken away from it.
16 Eka iket ei Sandug Muma kite mopa mag chike ma abiro miyi.
So thou shalt put in the Arke the Testimonie which I shall giue thee.
17 “Losne raum mar pwodhruok gi dhahabu maler ma borne romo fut angʼwen gi nus kendo lachne romo fut achiel gi nus.
Also thou shalt make a Mercie seate of pure golde, two cubites and an halfe long, and a cubite and an halfe broade.
18 Kendo e giko mar raumno los kido mar malaika ariyo miluongo ni kerubi gi dhahabu mothedhi.
And thou shalt make two Cherubims of golde: of worke beaten out with the hammer shalt thou make the at ye two endes of the Merciseate.
19 Los kido mar malaika mar kerubi achiel e giko raumno kendo malaika mar ariyo e giko komachielo; bende los kido mar malaika mar kerubigo e gimoro achiel gi raumno, e giko raumgo.
And the one Cherub shalt thou make at the one ende, and the other Cherub at the other ende: of the matter of the Mercieseate shall ye make the Cherubims, on the two endes thereof.
20 Kido mar malaika mar kerubigo noyaro bwombegi kochomo malo mondo giumgo raumno. Kerubigo nochungʼ momanyore ka ngʼiyore gi wi raumno.
And the Cherubims shall stretche their winges on hie, couering the Mercie seate with their winges, and their faces one to another: to the Mercie seate warde shall the faces of the Cherubims be.
21 Ket raumno ewi Sandug Muma, bangʼe iket kite mopa ariyo mar chike ma abiro miyi.
And thou shalt put the Mercieseate aboue vpon the Arke, and in the Arke thou shalt put the Testimonie, which I will giue thee,
22 Ewi raum kanyo e kind kerubi ariyo manie wi Sandug Muma, ema abiro romoe kodi kendo kanyo ema namiyie chikena mondo iterne jo-Israel.
And there I will declare my selfe vnto thee, and from aboue ye Mercieseate betweene ye two Cherubims, which are vpon ye Arke of ye Testimonie, I wil tel thee al things which I wil giue thee in comandement vnto ye children of Israel.
23 “Los mesa mar yiend siala ma borne romo fut adek to lachne romo fut achiel gi nus kendo borne madhi malo romo fut ariyo gi robo.
Thou shalt also make a Table of Shittim wood, of two cubites long, and one cubite broade, and a cubite and an halfe hie:
24 Bawe gi dhahabu maler kendo lwor bethene gi dhahabu.
And thou shalt couer it with pure gold, and make thereto a crowne of golde round about.
25 Bende chwe bathe ma lachne romo gi pat lwedo achiel kendo ichwe dir batheno gi dhahabu.
Thou shalt also make vnto it a border of foure fingers roud about and thou shalt make a golden crowne round about the border thereof.
26 Los ratege molworore angʼwen mag dhahabu ne mesano kendo twegi e konde angʼwen mag mesa kama tiende angʼwen-go nitie.
After, thou shalt make for it foure ringes of golde, and shalt put the rings in the foure corners that are in the foure feete thereof:
27 Ratege molwororego nobed machiegni gi bethe mesano mondo omak ludhego mitiyogo kuom tingʼo mesa.
Ouer against the border shall the rings be for places for barres, to beare the Table.
28 Los ludhego gi yiend siala kendo bawgi gi dhahabu kendo iti kodgi kuom tingʼo mesa.
And thou shalt make the barres of Shittim wood, and shalt ouerlay them with golde, that the Table may be borne with them.
29 Kendo los sende, bakunde kaachiel gi agulnine kod tewnine mitiyogo kitimogo misengini miolo piny, to gigo duto nyaka losi gi dhahabu maler.
Thou shalt make also dishes for it, and incense cuppes for it, and couerings for it, and goblets, wherewith it shall be couered, euen of fine golde shalt thou make them.
30 Ket Makati miketo e nyima pile ewi mesano ndalo duto.
And thou shalt set vpon the Table shewe bread before me continually.
31 “Los rachungi mar taya gi dhahabu maler kendo ithedh tiende gi kore gi kikombege machalo maua gi thiepege kod obokege obed gimoro achiel kode.
Also thou shalt make a Candlesticke of pure golde: of worke beaten out with the hammer shall the Candlesticke be made, his shaft, and his branches, his boules, his knops: and his floures shalbe of the same.
32 Bedene auchiel noa e bath rachungi tayano, ka adek nitie e bathe konchiel kendo adek nitie komachielo.
Six braunches also shall come out of the sides of it: three branches of the Candlesticke out of the one side of it, and three branches of the Candlesticke out of the other side of it.
33 Kikombe adek molos kaka maupe mag oyungu gi thiepene kod obokene nobed e bade achiel kendo adek e bade maluwe kendo bedene auchielgo nochwogore kawuok e rachungi taya.
Three boules like vnto almondes, one knop and one floure in one braunch: and three boules like almondes in the other branch, one knop and one floure: so throughout the sixe branches that come out of the Candlesticke.
34 Kendo kuom rachungi taya enobedie kikombe angʼwen molos machal gi maupe mag oyungu mathiewo kendo golo thuoke.
And in the shaft of the Candlesticke shalbe foure boules like vnto almondes, his knops and his floures.
35 Maua achiel nobedi e bwo bede ariyo mokwongo mar rachungino, mar ariyo nobed e bwo mar ariyo, to mar adek nobed e bwo bede mar adek, giduto gin bede auchiel.
And there shalbe a knop vnder two branches made thereof: and a knop vnder two branches made thereof: and a knop vnder two branches made thereof, according to the sixe branches comming out of the Candlesticke.
36 Maupego kod bede yien-go duto gi rachungi taya nobed gimoro achiel mothedh gi dhahabu maler.
Their knops and their branches shall bee thereof. all this shalbe one beaten worke of pure golde.
37 “Bangʼ mano los techene abiriyo kendo iketgi ewi rachungi mondo giliel ka gimenyo nyime.
And thou shalt make the seuen lampes thereof: and the lampes thereof shalt thou put thereon, to giue light toward that that is before it.
38 Gima ingʼadogo otambi kod kama otambino betie nyaka los gi dhahabu maler.
Also the snuffers and snuffedishes thereof shalbe of pure golde.
39 Kilo piero adek gangʼwen mar dhahabu maler ema notigo kuom loso rachungi mar taya kod gigene duto.
Of a talent of fine gold shalt thou make it with all these instruments.
40 Nyaka ine ni igerogi machal gi kido mane onyisi ewi got.
Looke therefore that thou make them after their facion, that was shewed thee in the mountaine.

< Wuok 25 >