< Wuok 22 >

1 “Ka ngʼato okwalo rwath kata rombo kendo onege kata ouse, nyaka ochul dhok abich kuom rwath kendo kweth rombe angʼwen kuom rombo.
for to steal man: anyone cattle or sheep and to slaughter him or to sell him five cattle to complete underneath: instead [the] cattle and four flock underneath: instead [the] sheep
2 “Ka jakuo ojuk kakwelo kendo ogoye mi otho, ngʼatno mogoye remo ok nodongʼ e wiye kuom remo mochwer;
if in/on/with breaking to find [the] thief and to smite and to die nothing to/for him blood
3 to ka otimore bangʼ ka chiengʼ osetuch, to remo nodongʼ e wiye. “Jakuogno nyaka chul gima rom gi gima nokawono, to ka oonge gi gimoro, to nyaka use mondo ochulgo kuo mokwalono.
if to rise [the] sun upon him blood to/for him to complete to complete if nothing to/for him and to sell in/on/with theft his
4 “Ka chiayo mokwalno oyudego kangima bed ni en rwath kata punda kata rombo, nyaka ochul nyadiriyo.
if to find to find in/on/with hand: power his [the] theft from cattle till donkey till sheep alive two to complete
5 “Ka ngʼato okwayo jambe e puodho kata e puoth mzabibu kendo oweyogi ma gi chodo kendo gikwayo e puoth ngʼato, nyaka ochul kawuok kuom puothe kata puothene mag olembe mabeyo.
for be brutish man: anyone land: country or vineyard and to send: let go [obj] (cattle his *Q(K)*) and be brutish in/on/with land: country another best land: country his and best vineyard his to complete
6 “Ka mach omuoch mi olandore e bungu kendo owangʼo cham ma pod ochungʼ kata cham mobeti kata puodho duto, to ngʼatno mane omoko majno nyaka chul.
for to come out: issue fire and to find thorn and to eat stack or [the] standing grain or [the] land: country to complete to complete [the] to burn: burn [obj] [the] fire
7 “Ka ngʼato omiyo wadgi fedha kata mwandu mondo okanne kendo okwalgi e od wadgino, to ka omak jakuogno, to nyaka chul nyadiriyo.
for to give: give man: anyone to(wards) neighbor his silver: money or article/utensil to/for to keep: guard and to steal from house: home [the] man if to find [the] thief to complete two
8 To ka jakuo ok oyudi, wuon ot nyaka chopi e nyim jongʼad bura mondo gifweny ka dipo ni lwete omulo mwandu nyawadgi
if not to find [the] thief and to present: come master [the] house: home to(wards) [the] God if not to send: reach hand his in/on/with work neighbor his
9 E weche duto mag bedo gi rwath, e yo ma ok owinjore kata punda kata rombo kata law, kata gimoro amora molal ma ngʼato diwachie ni, ‘Ma en mara,’ jogo duto nyaka kel wechegigo e nyim jongʼad bura. Ngʼat ma jongʼad bura oyudo ni nigi ketho, nyaka chul wadgino nyadiriyo.
upon all word: case transgression upon cattle upon donkey upon sheep upon garment upon all something lost which to say for he/she/it this till [the] God to come (in): come word: case two their which be wicked [emph?] God to complete two to/for neighbor his
10 “Ka ngʼato omiyo wadgi punda kata rwath kata rombo kata chiayo moro amora mondo oritne maber to chiayono otho kata ohinyore kata okwal,
for to give: give man: anyone to(wards) neighbor his donkey or cattle or sheep and all animal to/for to keep: guard and to die or to break or to take captive nothing to see: see
11 to wach mantie e kindgi ibiro losi kuom kwongʼruok e nyim Jehova Nyasaye ne wadgino nine ok omulo mwandu wadgi. Wuon chiayono nyaka yie gi wachno, kendo onge chudo manochiw.
oath LORD to be between two their if not to send: reach hand his in/on/with work neighbor his and to take: recieve master his and not to complete
12 To ka chiayono ne okwal koa kuom wadgi, to nyaka wadgino chule nengo moromo gi chiayono.
and if to steal to steal from from with him to complete to/for master his
13 Ka chiayono ne okidhi gi le mager, to enokel choke modongʼ kaka ranyisi kendo ok enochune mondo ochul chiayo mokidhino.
if to tear to tear to come (in): bring him witness [the] torn animal not to complete
14 “Ka ngʼato oholo chiayo koa kuom wadgi kendo chiayono ohiny kata otho ka wuon-gi onge, nyaka ochul.
and for to ask man: anyone from from with neighbor his and to break or to die master his nothing with him to complete to complete
15 To ka wuon chiayo nigi chiayono, to jaholono ok nochun mondo ochul. Ka chiayono ne ichuloe gimoro, to pesa mochulno norom nyaka lalno.
if master his with him not to complete if hired he/she/it to come (in): come in/on/with wages his
16 “Ka ngʼato osero nyako mapok osingi ne kend kendo oriwore kode nyaka ochul gir keny kendo nyakono nobed chiege.
and for to entice man virgin which not to betroth and to lie down: have sex with her to pay brideprice to pay brideprice her to/for him to/for woman: wife
17 Ka wuon-gi otamore chiwe ne ngʼatno, to ngʼatno pod nyaka chul mana gir keny.
if to refuse to refuse father her to/for to give: give her to/for him silver: money to weigh like/as brideprice [the] virgin
18 “Kik uwe jajwok madhako bed mangima.
to practice sorcery not to live
19 “Ngʼato angʼata moriwore gi chiayo nyaka negi.
all to lie down: have sex with animal to die to die
20 “Ngʼato angʼata motimo misango ni nyasaye moro makmana Jehova Nyasaye nyaka negi.
to sacrifice to/for God to devote/destroy lest to/for LORD to/for alone him
21 “Kik sand jadak kata loke misumba, nikech ne un jodak Misri.
and sojourner not to oppress and not to oppress him for sojourner to be in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt
22 “Kik uthir dhako ma chwore otho kata nyathi kich.
all widow and orphan not to afflict [emph?]
23 Ka utimo kamano ma giywakna, adier anawinj ywakgi
if to afflict to afflict [obj] him that if: except if: except to cry to cry to(wards) me to hear: hear to hear: hear cry his
24 Mirimba biro bedo mager kodu kendo abiro negou gi ligangla mondeu biro bedo monde liete kendo nyithindu biro bedo nyithi kiye.
and to be incensed face: anger my and to kill [obj] you in/on/with sword and to be woman: wife your widow and son: child your orphan
25 “Ka iholo pesa ni achiel kuom joga ma jachan mantie e dieru, to kik uchal gi ji mamoko ma holo ji pesa kendo kik ukaw ohala kuomgi.
if silver: money to borrow [obj] people my [obj] [the] afflicted with you not to be to/for him like/as to lend not to set: take [emph?] upon him interest
26 Ka ikawo law wadu kaka gir singo, to duoknego kapok chiengʼ opodho,
if to pledge to pledge garment neighbor your till to come (in): come [the] sun to return: return him to/for him
27 nikech laweno kende ema oumorego. Ere gima donindie? Ka oywakna, to abiro winjo, nimar an Nyasaye ma jangʼwono.
for he/she/it (covering his *Q(k)*) to/for alone her he/she/it mantle his to/for skin his in/on/with what? to lie down: sleep and to be for to cry to(wards) me and to hear: hear for gracious I
28 “Kik iyany Nyasaye kata kwongʼo jatend jou.
God not to lighten and leader in/on/with people your not to curse
29 “Kik utamru golo chiwo mowuok e decheu kata kuonde kenou. “Nyaka umiya yawuotu makayo.
fruit your and juice your not to delay firstborn son: child your to give: give to/for me
30 Timuru machal kamano ni rwethu kod rombeu. Weuru gibed gi minegi kuom ndalo abiriyo, to chiengʼ mar aboro miyagiuru.
so to make: do to/for cattle your to/for flock your seven day to be with mother his in/on/with day [the] eighth to give: give him to/for me
31 “Unubed joga maler. Kuom mano kik ucham ring chiayo mondiek onego; direuru ne guogi.
and human holiness to be [emph?] to/for me and flesh in/on/with land: country torn animal not to eat to/for dog to throw [emph?] [obj] him

< Wuok 22 >