< Rapar Mar Chik 31 >

1 Eka Musa nodhi mowuoyo ne jo-Israel kowacho niya,
Once Moses had finished giving these instructions to all the Israelites,
2 “Koro sani an ja-higni mia achiel gi piero ariyo kendo koro ok anyal dhi nyime gi telonu. Jehova Nyasaye osewachona ni, ‘Ok iningʼad Jordan.’
he told them, I'm now a hundred and twenty years old. I can't get around like I used to, and the Lord has told me, “You are not to cross the Jordan.”
3 Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu owuon biro telo e nyimu. Enotiek dhout pinjego duto kendo unukaw pinjegigo duto. Omiyo Joshua notelnu mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye osewacho.
The Lord your God himself is going to lead you across. He will destroy these nations as you advance, and you will take over their land. Joshua will cross ahead of you, as the Lord said.
4 Jehova Nyasaye notimnegi mana gima ne otimone Sihon kod Og, ruodhi ma jo-Amor kaachiel gi pinjegi.
The Lord will do to them what he did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and their land when he destroyed them.
5 Jehova Nyasaye nochiwgi e lwetu to nyaka utimnegi gik moko duto ma asechikou.
The Lord will hand them over to you, and you will deal with them exactly as I've told you.
6 Beduru gi chir kendo motegno. Kik uluorgi kendo kik gimi chunyu nyosre, nimar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu biro dhi kodu; ok enoweu kata jwangʼou.”
Be strong! Be brave! Don't be frightened or terrified of them, because the Lord your God will go with you. He won't ever leave you or abandon you.
7 Eka Musa noluongo Joshua ma owuoyone e nyim jo-Israel duto niya, “Bed motegno kendo ma jachir, nimar nyaka idhi gi jogi e piny mane Jehova Nyasaye osingore ne kweregi ni nomigi kendo nyaka ipog-gi kaka girkeni margi.
Moses called for Joshua and told him in front of all the Israelites, “Be strong! Be brave! You will accompany this people into the country that the Lord promised to give their forefathers, and you are to allocate it for them to own.
8 Jehova Nyasaye owuon biro dhi nyimu kendo nobed kodu, ok noweu kata jwangʼou. Kik ubed maluor, bende kik chuny nyosre.”
The Lord himself goes ahead of you. He will be with you. He won't ever leave you or abandon you. Don't be afraid and don't be discouraged.”
9 Kuom mano Musa nondiko chikegi mi omiyogi jodolo, ma yawuot Lawi, mane otingʼo Sandug Muma mar singruok Jehova Nyasaye. Jodong Israel bende nomi chikego.
Moses wrote this law down and gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi, who carried the Ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the Israelite elders.
10 Eka Musa nomiyogi chik niya, “E giko mar higa mar abiriyo ka mar abiriyo, ma en higa mar weyo gope, ma bende en kinde mar Sawo mar kiche,
Moses gave them these orders, At the end of every seven years, the year when debts are canceled during the Festival of Shelters,
11 ka jo-Israel duto obiro mochungʼ e nyim Jehova Nyasaye kama obiro yiero, nyaka usomnegi chikegi.
and when all the Israelites comes before the Lord your God at the place he will choose, you must read this law in the for everyone to hear.
12 Chokuru ji, chwo, mon kod nyithindo kaachiel gi jopinje mamoko modak e miechu mondo giwinj chikego eka mondo giwinj kendo gipuonjre luoro Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu kendo girit wechene duto maber.
Have the people gather together—the men, women, children, and the foreigners living with you—so that they can listen and learn to respect the Lord your God and to carefully observe all the instructions of this law.
13 Nyithindgi ma ok ongʼeyo chikni nyaka winji mondo opuonjre luoro Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu ndalo ma udakgo e piny ma ubiro kawo ka usengʼado aora Jordan.”
Then their children who don't know the law will listen and learn to respect the Lord your God as the whole time you live in the country that you are going to take over after you cross the Jordan.
14 Jehova Nyasaye nowachone Musa niya, “Ndaloni mar tho koro chiegni. Omiyo biuru gi Joshua mondo uchungʼ e dho Hemb Romo kama abiro miye tich.” Eka Musa kod Joshua nobiro mochungʼ e dho Hemb Romo.
Then the Lord told Moses, “Listen, you are soon going to die. Tell Joshua to meet you, and then both of you are to come and stand before me at the Tent of Meeting, so that I may appoint him as leader.” Moses and Joshua went to stand before the Lord at the Tent of Meeting.
15 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nofwenyore ka siro e rumbi, kendo rumbi nochungʼ e dhood Hema.
The Lord appeared there at the tent in a pillar of cloud. The cloud stood at the entrance to the tent.
16 Jehova Nyasaye nowachone Musa niya, “Ka isetho to jogi biro dwanyore gi nyiseche mamoko manie piny ma udonjoe, kendo gibiro jwangʼa ma giwe singruok mane atimo kodgi.
The Lord told Moses, “You will join your ancestors in death, and these people are going to prostitute themselves by worshiping the foreign gods of the country they are entering. They will abandon me and break the agreement I've made with them.
17 Odiechiengno anabed gi mirima kodgi mi ajwangʼ-gi, abiro pandonegi wangʼa kendo enotiekgi. Gik mamono kendo maricho notimrenegi kendo odiechiengno ginipenjre ni, ‘Donge masiragi osebiro nikech Nyasachwa ok nikodwa?’
Then I will abandon them and turn away from them, so they will be destroyed, and they will experience many disasters and problems. At that time they'll say, ‘We're suffering these disasters because our God has abandoned us!’
18 Odiechiengno anapand wangʼa nikech timbegi mamono ma gisebedo ka gitimo mar lamo nyiseche mamoko.
Then I will definitely ignore them because of all the evil they have done by worshiping other gods.
19 “Kuom mano koro ndikni wendni kendo ipuonj jo-Israel kaka iwere mondo wendno obednegi janeno e kinda kodgi.
So write down this song and teach it to the Israelites. Help them learn to sing it, so it will provide evidence for me against them.
20 Ka asekelogi e piny ma opongʼ gi chak kod mor kich, ma en piny mane asingora kakwongʼora ne kweregi, kendo ka gisemetho ma gibedo gi mor, to ginidogi ir nyiseche mamoko ma gilamgi, kagiweya kendo ketho singruokna.
Once I've led them into the country that I promised to give their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey, they will have plenty to eat and will do well. Then they will go and worship other gods, and they will abandon me and break my agreement.
21 Ka masiche mangʼeny kod chandruok otimorenegi, to wendni nobed janeno e kinda kodgi, nimar wachni nyikwagi wigi ok nowilgo. Angʼeyo gima giikore mar timo, kata kane pok akelogi e piny mane asingonegi kakwongʼora.”
Once they've experienced plenty of trouble and suffering, this song will testify against them, because their descendants won't forget the words. I know what they're like, even before I lead them into the country that I promised to give them.”
22 Kuom mano Musa nondiko wendno chiengʼno mopuonje jo-Israel.
Right then Moses wrote down this song and taught it to the Israelites.
23 Jehova Nyasaye ne ochiko Joshua wuod Nun niya, “Bed motegno kendo ma jachir, nimar inikel jo-Israel e piny mane asingoranegi kakwongʼora ni anamigi kendo an awuon nabed kodi.”
Then the Lord appointed Joshua son of Nun as leader, and told him, “Be strong! Be brave! For you are going to lead the Israelites into the country that I promised to give them, and I will be with you.”
24 Kane Musa osetieko ndiko wechegi e kitabu manie chik koa e chakruok nyaka giko,
After Moses had finished writing down this Law in a book from start to finish,
25 chikni ne omiyo jo-Lawi mane otingʼo Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Jehova Nyasaye.
he ordered the Levites who carried the Ark of the Lord's Agreement:
26 Nowachonegi niya, “Kaw Kitabu mar Chikegi mondo ikete but Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachi. Kitabuni nodongʼ kaka janeno e kinda kodu.
“Place this book of the Law beside the Ark of the Lord your God's Agreement, so that it will be kept there as a evidence against you.
27 Angʼeyo ni un jongʼanyo ma wigi tek. Kaka usebedo ka ungʼanyo ne Jehova Nyasaye kapod angima kendo an kodu, to koro unungʼany marom nade bangʼ kasetho.
I know how stubborn and rebellious you are. If you've already started rebelling against the Lord while I'm still alive, how much worse will you get after I die?
28 Choknauru jodongo mag ogandau to gi jotendu duto, mondo awuo e wechegi e itgi kendo mondo aluong polo gi piny obedna janeno kuomgi.
Summon all the elders of your tribes and all your officers to gather here before me so that I can tell them this directly and call on heaven and earth as witnesses against them.
29 Nimar angʼeyo ni bangʼ thona an gi adiera ni udhi bedo jo-mibadhi mi unuwe yore mane achikou. E ndalo mabiro masira nomaku nikech unutim richo e nyim Jehova Nyasaye kendo unujimb mirimbe gi gik ma lwetu oseloso.”
I know that after my death you will become completely immoral, leaving the path I have ordered you to follow. In the future, evil things will happen to you because of the evil sins you commit in the sight of the Lord, making him angry by what you do.”
30 Kuom mano Musa nosomo weche manie wendni kochake nyaka otieke ka oganda jo-Israel ochokore:
Then Moses recited all the words of this song as the Israelites listened.

< Rapar Mar Chik 31 >