< Rapar Mar Chik 22 >
1 Ka ineno rwadh wadu kata rombone kolal, kik iwuondri ni ok inene, to kawe idwokene wuon.
“You do not see the ox of your brother or his sheep driven away, and have hidden yourself from them, you certainly turn them back to your brother;
2 Ka owaduno ok odak machiegni kodi kaw chiayono iter dalani nyaka chop obi odware, eka mondo imiye.
and if your brother [is] not near to you, and you have not known him, then you have removed it to the midst of your house, and it has been with you until your brother seeks it, and you have given it back to him;
3 Tim kamano bende ne pundane, kata lawe kata gire moro amora molal kendo kik ichal ngʼama ok oneno.
and so you do to his donkey, and so you do to his garment, and so you do to any lost thing of your brother’s, which is lost by him, and you have found it; you are not able to hide yourself.
4 Ka ineno punda mar nyawadu kata rwadhe kopodho e yo, to kik ichal ngʼama ok oneno, to kony wuon-gi mondo ochunge oa malo.
You do not see the donkey of your brother, or his ox, falling in the way, and have hid yourself from them; you certainly raise [them] up for him.
5 Dhako ok onego rwak lewni mag chwo, chwo bende kik rwak lewni mag mon, nimar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu ok dwar joma timo kamano.
Anything of a man is not on a woman, nor does a man put on the garment of a woman, for anyone doing these [is] an abomination [to] your God YHWH.
6 Ka iyudo od winyo e bath yo, manie yien kata e lum piny kendo winyo madhako onindo e tongʼe kata oumo nyithinde, to kik ikaw winyono gi nyithinde.
When a bird’s nest comes before you in the way, in any tree, or on the earth, [with] brood or eggs, and the mother is sitting on the brood or on the eggs, you do not take the mother with the young ones;
7 Inyalo kawo nyithinde to iwe winyono odhi, mondo omi idhi maber kendo idag amingʼa.
you certainly send the mother away, and take the young ones for yourself, so that it is well with you and you have prolonged days.
8 Ka igero ot manyien, to nyaka iriw ragengʼ molworo gama mondo kik ikel chwero remo e odi ka ngʼato olwar e tat odi.
When you build a new house, then you have made a parapet for your roof, and you do not put blood on your house when one falls from it.
9 Kik ipidh kothe ariyo e puoth mzabibu, kitimo kamano, to gik motwi kata ochiek kanyo duto nobed mogak kendo ginidongʼ ei kama ler mar lemo.
You do not sow your vineyard [with] two kinds [of seed], lest the fullness of the seed which you sow and the increase of the vineyard be separated.
10 Kik ipur gi rwath kod punda kitweyo e jok achiel.
You do not plow with an ox and with a donkey together.
11 Kik irwak law molos gi yie rombo kod katana motwangʼ kanyakla.
You do not put on mixed material, wool and linens together.
12 Nyaka imin usi e konde angʼwen mar lawi mar abola.
You make fringes for yourself on the four skirts of your covering with which you cover [yourself].
13 Ka ngʼato okendo chiege bangʼe bangʼ riwore kode chunye oa kuome kata oyudo ni ok ohere,
When a man takes a wife, and has gone in to her, and hated her,
14 kendo owuok oketho nyinge komiye nying marach kendo owacho niya, “Ne anywomo dhakoni to kane ariwora kode to ne ok ayude gi gige ringre.”
and laid evil deeds of words against her, and brought out an evil name against her, and said, I have taken this woman, and I draw near to her, and I have not found proofs of virginity in her;
15 Eka wuon nyako kod min nokel gima nyiso ni en kod ringre ne jodongo e ranga dala.
then the father of the girl, and her mother, have taken and brought out the girl’s proofs of virginity to [the] elderly of the city in the gate,
16 Wuon nyako nowach ne jodongo niya, “Ne achiwo nyara e kend ne ngʼatni to ok ohere.
and the father of the girl has said to the elderly, I have given my daughter to this man for a wife, and he hates her;
17 To koro oseketho nyinge kowacho ni, ‘Ne ok ayudo nyari gi ringre.’ To ma e gima nyiso ni nyara ne oyud gi gige ringre.” Bangʼe jonywolne noyar law e nyim jodong gwengʼ,
and behold, he has laid evil deeds of words, saying, I have not found proofs of virginity for your daughter—and these [are] the proofs of virginity of my daughter! And they have spread out the garment before [the] elderly of the city.
18 kendo jodongogo nokaw ngʼatno mi kume.
And [the] elderly of that city have taken the man, and discipline him,
19 Ngʼatno nochul chudo moromo sekel mia achiel mar fedha mondo mi wuon nyako nikech ngʼatni osemiyo nyar Israel mangili nying marach. Nyakono nosik kode kaka chiege kendo ok noriembe nyaka chiengʼ.
and fined him one hundred pieces of silver, and given [them] to the father of the girl, because he has brought out an evil name on a virgin of Israel; and she is to him for a wife—he is not able to send her away [for] all his days.
20 To ka dipo ni oyud ni en adier ni nyakono ne ok oyudo gi gige ringre,
And if this thing has been truth—proofs of virginity have not been found for the girl—
21 to nyakono nokel e dhood wuon mare kendo joma chwo ma gwengʼno nochiele gi kite motho, nikech otimo gima rach e kind jo-Israel kodoko jachode e od wuon. Tim marachno nyaka ugol e dieru.
then they have brought out the girl to the opening of her father’s house, and the men of her city have stoned her with stones and she has died, for she has done folly in Israel, to go whoring [in] her father’s house; and you have put away evil out of your midst.
22 Ka ngʼato oyud ka terore gi chi wadgi, to dhakono kod ngʼatno nyaka negi. Tim marachno nyaka gol e dier jo-Israel.
When a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them have died—the man who is lying with the woman, and the woman; and you have put away evil out of Israel.
23 Ka ngʼato oyudo nyako ngili e dala matin ma osetimo winjruok mar kend kod ngʼat machielo ma oterore kode,
When there is a girl, a virgin, betrothed to a man, and a man has found her in a city and lain with her,
24 to nyaka ugol ji ariyogo e dhorangach mar dala oko kendo chielgi gi kite ma githo. Nyakono nogo gi kite nikech ne en e gwengʼ to ok ogoyo koko mondo okonye, kendo ngʼatno nochiel nikech odwanyo chi ngʼato. Tim marachno nyaka ugol e dieru.
then you have brought them both out to the gate of that city, and stoned them with stones, and they have died: the girl, because that she has not cried in a city; and the man, because that he has humbled his neighbor’s wife; and you have put away evil out of your midst.
25 To ka ngʼato oromo gi nyako ma osetimo winjruok gi ngʼato mar kend mi omake githuon moterore kode, ngʼatno ema nyaka negi.
And if the man finds the girl who is betrothed in a field, and the man has laid hold on her, and lain with her, then the man who has lain with her has died alone;
26 Kik utim gima rach ne nyakono, onge richo motimo mowinjore gi tho. Wachni chalo kod ngʼat ma omonjo wadgi monego,
and you do not do anything to the girl—the girl has no deadly sin; for as a man rises against his neighbor and has murdered him, [taking] a life, so [is] this thing;
27 nimar ngʼatni noromo gi nyakoni to kata nyako mosetimgo winjruokni ogoyo koko, ne onge ngʼama okonye.
for he found her in a field, [and when] she has cried—the girl who is betrothed—then she has no savior.
28 Ka ngʼato oromo gi nyako mapok otimo winjruok mar kend gi ngʼato mi oterore kode githuon mi ofwenygi,
When a man finds a girl, a virgin who is not betrothed, and has caught her, and lain with her, and they have been found,
29 nyaka ochul wuon nyakono sekel piero abich mar fedha. Nyaka okend nyakono nimar osekethone, kendo ok noriembe e ndalo duto mar ngimane.
then the man who is lying with her has given fifty pieces of silver to the father of the girl, and she is to him for a wife; because that he has humbled her, he is not able to send her away [for] all his days.
30 Ngʼato ok onego kend chi wuon, kendo kik odwany kitanda wuon mare.
A man does not take his father’s wife, nor uncover his father’s skirt.”