< Daniel 11 >

1 To e higa mokwongo mar Darius Ja-Median, ne achungʼ motegno mondo akonye kendo arite.)
“As for me, during the first year that Darius was king, I helped and encouraged Michael.”
2 “Koro we anyisi fweny mabiro timore e piny Pasia: Ruodhi adek moko nobedie eka ruoth mar angʼwen nobi, ma nobed gi mwandu mathoth moloyo ruodhi mamoko duto. Bangʼ yudo duongʼ nikech mwandune, obiro thuwo ogendini gi jo-Yunani.
[The angel also said], “And what I am going to reveal to you now will truly [happen]. There will be three more kings to rule Persia, [one after the other]. Then there will be a fourth king, who will be much richer than the others. As a result of [his giving] a lot of money [to people, they will enable him to] become very powerful. Then he will incite/persuade many nations [HYP] [to fight] against the kingdom of Greece.
3 Eka ruoth moro maratego nobi, manobed jatelo man-gi teko maduongʼ kendo notim gimoro amora mohero.
Then a very powerful king will appear [in Greece]. He will rule over a very large empire, and he will do whatever he wants to do.
4 To bangʼ biro mare, pinyruodhe nopogi matindo tindo, e migepe angʼwen. Ok nopoge ne nyithinde, kendo kata teko mane en-go motelo ok nobedgo, nikech pinyruodhe nopudh oko kendo nomi joma moko.
But when he has become very powerful, [he will die]. Then his kingdom will be divided into four parts. Kings who are not his descendants will rule, but they will not be as powerful as he was.
5 “Ruoth ma milambo nobed maratego, to kata kamano achiel kuom jatend jolweny mage nobed maratego moloye, kendo enolo pinyruodhe owuon gi teko maduongʼ.
Then the King of Egypt [MTY] will become very powerful. But one of his army generals will become more powerful than he is, and he will rule a bigger area.
6 Bangʼ higni moko, ginibed pinjeruodhi mawinjore. Nyar ruoth mar Milambo nodhi ir ruoth mar Nyandwat mondo olos winjruok, to winjruogno ok nobedo amingʼa, kendo en bende, gi tekone, ok nosiki. E ndalono ruoth mar milambo nochiw nyare, kaachiel gi joritne ruoth kod jotichne ma nyako.
Several years later, the King of Egypt and the King of Syria will make an (alliance/agreement to help each other) [MTY]. The King of Syria will give his daughter to the King of Egypt to become his wife. But she will not be able to influence him [MTY] very long, and that woman, her husband, her child, and her servants will all be killed/assassinated.
7 “Ngʼat moro moa e anywolane biro wuok mondo okaw kare. Enomonj jolweny mag ruoth mar Nyandwat mi odonji nyaka e ohingane mochiel motegno kendo obiro kedo kodgi mi ologi.
Soon after that, one of her relatives [MET] will become King [of Egypt]. His army will attack the army of Syria. They will enter the fortress of the soldiers of Syria and defeat them.
8 Obiro mayogi nyisechegi, kido molos gi chuma kod gigegi mamoko ma nengogi tek molos gi fedha gi dhahabu mi odhi kodgi nyaka Misri. Kuom higni moko enowe kedo gi ruodh Nyandwat.
They will return to Egypt, taking the statues of the gods [of the people of Syria] and many items made of silver and gold that had been dedicated to those gods. Then for several years his army will not attack [the army of] the King of Syria.
9 Eka ruoth mar Nyandwat nomonj bath pinyruoth mar Milambo, to noloye moriembe nyaka e pinye owuon.
Then the army of the King of Syria will invade Egypt, but they will soon return to Syria.
10 Yawuote noikre ne lweny kendo ginichok oganda maduongʼ mar jolweny, ma noywe kamoro amora ma gichomo mana ka ohula ma ok gengʼre, kendo giniked mi gichop nyaka ei ohinga mare.
However, the sons of the King of Syria will prepare to start a war, and they will gather a large army. That army will march [south] and spread all over [Israel] like a huge flood. They will attack a strong fortress [in the south of Israel].
11 “Eka ruoth mar milambo noyar ne lweny mondo oked gi ruoth mar nyandwat ma bende nigi oganda maduongʼ mar jolweny, to giko en ni bende noloye.
Then the King of Egypt, having become very angry, will march [with his army north] from Egypt and fight against the army of Syria. The King [of Syria] will gather together a very large army, but [the army of the King of Egypt] will defeat them.
12 Bangʼ ka jolweny mag wasike osenegi, sunga nomak ruoth mar milambo mi nomed nego ji gana gi gana, to kata kamano lochneno nobed mar kinde matin.
The King of Egypt will become very proud because of [his army] having killed a very large number of soldiers [from Syria], but his army will not continue to win battles.
13 Ruoth mar Nyandwat nochok jolweny mamoko, ma nobed monj maduongʼ moloyo mano mokwongo; kendo bangʼ higni mamoko, enomonje gi jolweny mathoth man-gi gige lweny motegno.
The King of Syria will again gather together an army that will be bigger than the one that he had before. After a few years, he will again march [south on their way to Egypt] with a large army and a lot of equipment [for fighting battles].
14 “E kindeno ji mathoth nowuogi mondo oked gi ruoth mar milambo. Jo-mahundu modak e dieru nongʼany mondo fweny mane iseneno ochop kare to ok gininyal.
At that time, many people in Egypt will rebel against their king. In order to fulfill a vision that [one of their leaders had seen], some violent/lawless people from your country [of Israel] will also rebel [in order to not be controlled by Egypt any more], but they will be defeated.
15 Bangʼe ruoth mar Nyandwat nobi mi noger kuonde goyo agengʼa kendo ginikaw dala moro mochiel motegno. Jokedo mag Milambo ok nobed gi teko mar sirogi, kata mana jolwenjgi mabeyo mogik ok nobed gi teko mar siro lweny.
Then the King of Syria will come [south with his army] and pile up dirt against the walls of a city that is well protected, and they will [break through those walls and] they will capture the city. The soldiers from Egypt [who have come to defend that city], even the best troops, will not be strong enough to continue to fight.
16 Jamonj ji-cha notim gima en ema ohero; onge ngʼama nonyal chungʼ e nyime mondo oked kode. Enomanre maber mar kedo gi Piny Maber, kendo enobed gi teko mar kethe.
So the King of Syria will do whatever he wants to, and no one will be able to oppose him. [His army] will occupy the glorious land [of Israel] and completely control/subdue it.
17 Enochan mondo obi gi teko mar pinyruodhe duto, kendo enolos winjruok gi ruoth mar Milambo, kendo enomiye nyare mondo okendi, eka olo pinyno, to chenrogego ok noti, kendo ok nokonye.
Then he will decide to march [south] with all the soldiers from his kingdom. He will make an alliance with the King [of Egypt] and in order that his own daughter will [help him to] destroy the kingdom of Egypt, he will give her to the King of Egypt to become his wife. But that plan will fail.
18 Bangʼe nolokre ochom pinje manie dho nam, kendo nokaw thothgi, kata kamano jatend jolweny moro notiek achaya mochechogono, kendo nodwok achayagego e wiye owuon.
After that, the [army of] the King of Syria will attack the regions that are close to the [Mediterranean] Sea, and his [army] will conquer many of them. But [the army of] a leader from another country will defeat the army of Syria and will stop their king from continuing to be proud. He will do to the King of Syria what he deserved for being very insolent.
19 Bangʼ mano, nodog kuonde mochiel motegno manie pinygi, to kata kamano noloye ma ok nochak owinje kendo.
Then the King of Syria will return to the fortresses in his own land. But he will be defeated, and he will (die/be assassinated) [EUP] there.
20 “Ruoth machielo manokaw kare noor jasol osuru ir ji mondo pinye obed gi mwandu marahuma. To kata kamano, notieke, bangʼ higni manok, to ok gi mirima kata e lweny.
Then another man will (succeed him/become king). That king will send one of his officers to oppress the people [in Jerusalem] by forcing them to pay big taxes, in order to get more money for his kingdom. But after a few years [HYP] that king will die, but he will not die as a result of people being angry with him or in a battle.
21 “En noluwe gi ngʼat moro ma timbene richo ma ok owinjore bedo ruoth. Ngʼatni nomonj pinyruoth kinde ma jopiny paro ni gin gi kwe kendo enokaw pinyno kokonyore gi weche ma miriambo.
The next King of Syria will be an evil man who, [because he will not be the son of the previous king, ] will not have the right to become king. But he will come when people do not expect it, and he will become king by tricking the people.
22 Eka jolweny mangʼeny mapiem kode notiek duto koneno gi wangʼe, kendo en kaachiel gi ruoth moro mar singruok notiekgi.
When his army advances, they will attack any armies that oppose him and destroy those armies. They will also kill God’s Supreme Priest.
23 Bangʼ timo winjruok kode, nokaw loch kokonyore gi weche mag miriambo kendo kokonyore gi ji matin nono.
By making treaties/alliances with [the rulers of] other nations, he will deceive them, and he will become very powerful, even though he rules a nation that does not have a lot of people.
24 E kinde ma pinje moko mag pinyruoth nobed kagalo ni gidhi maber, enomonjgi, kendo enolochi e yo ma wuonege kata kwerege ne pok olochogo. Enopog gik momayo ji githuon, gi gik moyako kod mwandu duto ne jolupne. Enochan bende mar loko loje mag kuonde mochiel motegno, to notim kamano kuom kinde matin kende.
Suddenly his [army] will invade a province that is very wealthy, and they will do things that none of his ancestors did: they will capture in battles all kinds of possessions from the people whom they defeat. Then the king will divide those possessions among his friends. He will also plan [for his army] to attack fortresses [in Egypt], but only for a short time.
25 “Enoked gi ruodh milambo, ka en gi oganda maduongʼ mar jolweny. To ruoth mar milambo bende notug lweny ka en gi jolweny maratipo kendo ma tekregi ngʼeny, kata kamano ok enonyal sire nikech jolwenyge moko nondhoge.
He will courageously/boldly conscript/gather a large and powerful army to attack [the army of] the king of Egypt. But the King of Egypt will prepare to fight against them with a huge and powerful army. However, someone will deceive him, with the result that his plan will not be successful.
26 Joma chamo chiemo mopogne joka ruoth notem mondo onege; jolweny mage notieki kendo thothgi noneg gi ligangla.
Even his most trusted advisors will plan to get rid of him. His army will be defeated and many of his soldiers will be killed.
27 Ruodhi ariyogo nobedi e mesa achiel ka gichano timo gik maricho kendo ka moro ka moro wuondo nyawadgi, to parogino ok notimre, nikech gikogi pod nobi abiya, ka kinde ochopo.
Then the two [kings who both want to rule that area] will sit down at the same table and eat together, but they will both lie to each other. Neither of them will get what he wants, because it will not be the time [that God] has determined/set [for them to rule Egypt].
28 Ruodh Milambo nodog e pinye owuon ka en gi mwandu mathoth, to enoket chunye mar kedo gi singruok maler. Enotimne singruok maler gima en ema ohero eka nodog e pinygi.
[The army of] the King [of Syria] will return to Syria, taking with them all the valuable things [that they had captured]. The king will be determined to get rid of the Supreme Priest of the Jewish people. He will do what he wants to [in Israel], and then return to his own country.
29 “Ka kinde mosechan ochopo, enomonj piny Milambo kendo, to koro gima notimre nopogre gi mano mane osetimore mokwongo.
When it is the time that God has decided, the King of Syria [and his army] will invade Egypt again. But this time he will not be successful like he was before.
30 Joma oa yo podho chiengʼ mar pinje manie dho nam nobi gi yiedhigi mondo oked kode mi luoro nomake. Bangʼ mano nodog ka en gi mirima mager mondo oked gi ngʼat man-gi singruok maler. Enoluw weche mag joma oseweyo luwo singruok malerno.
The army of Rome will come in ships and oppose his army and cause him to be afraid. So he will be very angry, and [with his army] he will return [to Israel] and try to get rid of the Supreme Priest. The King of Syria will do what those who have abandoned the Jewish religion advise/want him to do for them.
31 “Jolwenje momanore gi gig lweny nowuog mondo gidwany kama ochiel motegno mar hekalu kendo ginitiek misengini mitimo pile pile. Eka ginichung gima kwero makelo kethruok kanyo.
Some of his soldiers will do things to (defile the temple/cause the temple to become unholy for them). They will prevent the priests from offering sacrifices each day, and they will put [in the temple] something that is disgusting/abominable.
32 Ruoth nongʼad rieko ne joma oseweyo singruokgi, to kata kamano joma ongʼeyo Nyasachgi nochungʼ motegno.
By deceiving those who have abandoned the Jewish religion, he will persuade them to (become his supporters/help him to do what he wants to do). But those who are devoted to their God will firmly oppose them.
33 “Joma nigi rieko e kindeno nopuonj ji mangʼeny, kata obedo ni ginipodhi e dho ligangla kuom kinde matin; kendo nowangʼ-gi gi mach, kendo omakgi, kendo oyakgi,
And wise [Israeli] leaders will teach others also. But for a while, some of those wise leaders will be killed in battles, and some will be burned to death, and some will be robbed, and some will be put in prison.
34 to giniyud kony matin ka gipodho, kendo jomoko mangʼeny mawuondore nodonj lingʼ-lingʼ diergi.
While God’s people are being persecuted, some people will help them a little bit, although some of those who help them will not do it sincerely.
35 Moko kuom joma riek noyud chandruok, mondo pwodhgi, ikgi kendo ketgi kare nyaka ndalo giko chopi, nikech chiengʼ giko nyaka bi ka kinde ochopo.
Some of those wise leaders will be killed [EUP], but as a result the others will be purified [DOU]. This suffering will continue until it is the time [that God] has appointed [for it to] end.
36 “Ruodhno notim gimoro amora mohero. Enodhialre kendo enotingʼre malo moyombo nyasaye moro amora, kendo enowach gik mapok owinji kuom Nyasaye mar nyiseche. Enobed gi loch nyaka kinde mar mirima mager rum, nikech gik mosechan nyaka timre.
The King [of Syria] will do what he wants to. He will boast and say that he is greater than any god. He will even revile the Supreme God. He will be able to do what he wants until the time that [God] punishes [MTY] him. [God] will accomplish what he has planned.
37 Ok nodew nyiseche kwerene, kata nyasach mon miluongo ni Tamuz, kata nyasaye moro amora, to enoketre malo moyombogi duto.
The [King of Syria] will ignore the god that his ancestors worshiped and the god that many women love. He will ignore every god, because he will think that he is greater than all of them.
38 Kar dewo nyisechegigo, to obiro mana miyo duongʼ mana nyasaye mar kuonde mochiel motegno, to nyasaye ma kwerene ne ok olamo obiro miyo duongʼ gi dhahabu kod fedha, gi kite ma nengogi tek kod mich ma nengogi tek.
But he will honor the god who [people think] protects fortresses. That is a god whom his ancestors did not honor. And he will give gold, silver, (jewels/very valuable stones) and other expensive gifts to that god.
39 Enomuk kuonde mochiel motegno maonge ngʼama nyalo muko, kotiyo gi teko mar nyasaye moro ma ji okia kendo enochiw mich madongo ne jomo okawe nolich. Jogo enoketi jotelo mag ji mangʼeny kendo enopognegi lowo mar dwokonegi erokamano.
He will ask that god (OR, people who worship a god) from another country to help him to defend his fortresses. He will greatly honor those who allow him [to be their ruler]. He will appoint [some of] them to important positions in the government; and to reward them, he will give them some land.
40 “To ka giko koro chiegni, ruodh Milambo notug kode lweny, kendo ruodh Nyandwat bende nowuogne gi geche mathoth mag lweny, gi farese kod yiedhi moriedo. Enomonj pinje mathoth kendo enoywegi ka ohula.
But when his time [to rule] is almost ended, [the army of] the King of Egypt will attack his [army]. The [army of the] King of Syria will fight against them furiously [SIM]. [His soldiers will be driving] chariots and [riding on] horses and [traveling in] many ships. His army will invade many countries and [spread all over those countries] like a flood [MET].
41 Piny maber bende enomonji. Pinje mangʼeny nopodhi, makmana piny Edom gi Moab kod jotend Amon ema noresi e lwete.
They will invade the glorious land [of Israel] and kill [EUP] tens of thousands of people. But the people of the Edom people-group and the people of the Moab people-group and the people of the Ammon people-group who are still alive will escape.
42 Lochne nolandre kuom pinje mangʼeny kendo kata mana Misri ok notony e lwete.
When the army of Syria invades other countries, even the people of Egypt will be defeated.
43 Enobed gi teko ewi mwandu duto kaka dhahabu gi fedha, kod mwandu duto mag Misri, kendo jo-Libya gi jo-Kush bende noluore.
The army of Syria will take away from Egypt gold, silver, and other valuable items. The people of Libya and Ethiopia will allow [the King of Syria] to rule over them.
44 Kata kamano, weche mane owinji koa yo Wuok chiengʼ gi yo Nyandwat nomiye luoro, kendo mano nomede mirima mondo omi onegi kendo otieki ji mangʼeny.
But he will become very frightened/alarmed when he hears reports about what is happening in the east and in the north. So he will become very angry, and send his army to fight furiously and kill many [of their enemies].
45 Enochung hembene mag lochne e kind nembe e tie got maler ma jaber. Kata kamano gikone nochopi, kendo onge ngʼama nokonye.
The [King of Syria] will set up his royal tents in the area between the [Mediterranean] Sea and the hill [in Jerusalem] on which the temple (exists/was built). But he will be killed there, because there will be no one to help him.”

< Daniel 11 >