< Daniel 11 >

1 To e higa mokwongo mar Darius Ja-Median, ne achungʼ motegno mondo akonye kendo arite.)
“And I, in the first year of Darius the Mede, my standing [is] for a strengthener, and for a stronghold to him;
2 “Koro we anyisi fweny mabiro timore e piny Pasia: Ruodhi adek moko nobedie eka ruoth mar angʼwen nobi, ma nobed gi mwandu mathoth moloyo ruodhi mamoko duto. Bangʼ yudo duongʼ nikech mwandune, obiro thuwo ogendini gi jo-Yunani.
and now, I declare to you truth: Behold, yet three kings are standing for Persia, and the fourth becomes far richer than all, and according to his strength by his riches he stirs up the whole, with the kingdom of Javan.
3 Eka ruoth moro maratego nobi, manobed jatelo man-gi teko maduongʼ kendo notim gimoro amora mohero.
And a mighty king has stood, and he has ruled a great dominion, and has done according to his will;
4 To bangʼ biro mare, pinyruodhe nopogi matindo tindo, e migepe angʼwen. Ok nopoge ne nyithinde, kendo kata teko mane en-go motelo ok nobedgo, nikech pinyruodhe nopudh oko kendo nomi joma moko.
and according to his standing is his kingdom broken, and divided to the four winds of the heavens, and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion that he ruled, for his kingdom is plucked up—and for others apart from these.
5 “Ruoth ma milambo nobed maratego, to kata kamano achiel kuom jatend jolweny mage nobed maratego moloye, kendo enolo pinyruodhe owuon gi teko maduongʼ.
And a king of the south—even of his princes—becomes strong, and prevails against him, and has ruled; a great dominion [is] his dominion.
6 Bangʼ higni moko, ginibed pinjeruodhi mawinjore. Nyar ruoth mar Milambo nodhi ir ruoth mar Nyandwat mondo olos winjruok, to winjruogno ok nobedo amingʼa, kendo en bende, gi tekone, ok nosiki. E ndalono ruoth mar milambo nochiw nyare, kaachiel gi joritne ruoth kod jotichne ma nyako.
And at the end of years they join themselves together, and a daughter of the king of the south comes to the king of the north to do upright things; and she does not retain the power of the arm; and he does not stand, nor his arm; and she is given up, she, and those bringing her in, and her child, and he who is strengthening her in [these] times.
7 “Ngʼat moro moa e anywolane biro wuok mondo okaw kare. Enomonj jolweny mag ruoth mar Nyandwat mi odonji nyaka e ohingane mochiel motegno kendo obiro kedo kodgi mi ologi.
And [one] has stood up from a branch of her roots, [in] his station, and he comes to the bulwark, indeed, he comes into a stronghold of the king of the north, and has worked against them, and has done mightily;
8 Obiro mayogi nyisechegi, kido molos gi chuma kod gigegi mamoko ma nengogi tek molos gi fedha gi dhahabu mi odhi kodgi nyaka Misri. Kuom higni moko enowe kedo gi ruodh Nyandwat.
and also their gods, with their princes, with their desirable vessels of silver and gold, he brings in captivity [to] Egypt; and he stands more years than the king of the north.
9 Eka ruoth mar Nyandwat nomonj bath pinyruoth mar Milambo, to noloye moriembe nyaka e pinye owuon.
And the king of the south has come into the kingdom, and turned back to his own land;
10 Yawuote noikre ne lweny kendo ginichok oganda maduongʼ mar jolweny, ma noywe kamoro amora ma gichomo mana ka ohula ma ok gengʼre, kendo giniked mi gichop nyaka ei ohinga mare.
and his sons stir themselves up, and have gathered a multitude of great forces, and he has certainly come in, and overflowed, and passed through, and he turns back, and they stir themselves up to his stronghold.
11 “Eka ruoth mar milambo noyar ne lweny mondo oked gi ruoth mar nyandwat ma bende nigi oganda maduongʼ mar jolweny, to giko en ni bende noloye.
And the king of the south becomes embittered, and has gone forth and fought with him, with the king of the north, and has caused a great multitude to stand, and the multitude has been given into his hand,
12 Bangʼ ka jolweny mag wasike osenegi, sunga nomak ruoth mar milambo mi nomed nego ji gana gi gana, to kata kamano lochneno nobed mar kinde matin.
and he has carried away the multitude, his heart is high, and he has caused myriads to fall, and he does not become strong.
13 Ruoth mar Nyandwat nochok jolweny mamoko, ma nobed monj maduongʼ moloyo mano mokwongo; kendo bangʼ higni mamoko, enomonje gi jolweny mathoth man-gi gige lweny motegno.
And the king of the north has turned back, and has caused a multitude to stand, greater than the first, and at the end of the times a second time he certainly comes in with a great force, and with much substance;
14 “E kindeno ji mathoth nowuogi mondo oked gi ruoth mar milambo. Jo-mahundu modak e dieru nongʼany mondo fweny mane iseneno ochop kare to ok gininyal.
and in those times many stand up against the king of the south, and sons of the destroyers of your people lift themselves up to establish the vision—and they have stumbled.
15 Bangʼe ruoth mar Nyandwat nobi mi noger kuonde goyo agengʼa kendo ginikaw dala moro mochiel motegno. Jokedo mag Milambo ok nobed gi teko mar sirogi, kata mana jolwenjgi mabeyo mogik ok nobed gi teko mar siro lweny.
And the king of the north comes in, and pours out a mound, and has captured fortified cities; and the arms of the south do not stand, nor the people of his choice, indeed, there is no power to stand.
16 Jamonj ji-cha notim gima en ema ohero; onge ngʼama nonyal chungʼ e nyime mondo oked kode. Enomanre maber mar kedo gi Piny Maber, kendo enobed gi teko mar kethe.
And he who is coming to him does according to his will, and there is none standing before him; and he stands in the desirable land, and [it is] wholly in his hand.
17 Enochan mondo obi gi teko mar pinyruodhe duto, kendo enolos winjruok gi ruoth mar Milambo, kendo enomiye nyare mondo okendi, eka olo pinyno, to chenrogego ok noti, kendo ok nokonye.
And he sets his face to go in with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; and he has worked, and the daughter of women he gives to him, to corrupt her; and she does not stand, nor is for him.
18 Bangʼe nolokre ochom pinje manie dho nam, kendo nokaw thothgi, kata kamano jatend jolweny moro notiek achaya mochechogono, kendo nodwok achayagego e wiye owuon.
And he turns back his face to the islands, and has captured many; and a prince has caused his reproach of himself to cease; without his reproach he turns [it] back to him.
19 Bangʼ mano, nodog kuonde mochiel motegno manie pinygi, to kata kamano noloye ma ok nochak owinje kendo.
And he turns back his face to the strongholds of his land, and has stumbled and fallen, and is not found.
20 “Ruoth machielo manokaw kare noor jasol osuru ir ji mondo pinye obed gi mwandu marahuma. To kata kamano, notieke, bangʼ higni manok, to ok gi mirima kata e lweny.
And stood up on his station has [one] causing an exactor to pass over the honor of the kingdom, and in a few days he is destroyed, and not in anger, nor in battle.
21 “En noluwe gi ngʼat moro ma timbene richo ma ok owinjore bedo ruoth. Ngʼatni nomonj pinyruoth kinde ma jopiny paro ni gin gi kwe kendo enokaw pinyno kokonyore gi weche ma miriambo.
And a despicable one has stood up on his station, and they have not given to him the splendor of the kingdom, and he has come in quietly, and has strengthened the kingdom by flatteries.
22 Eka jolweny mangʼeny mapiem kode notiek duto koneno gi wangʼe, kendo en kaachiel gi ruoth moro mar singruok notiekgi.
And the arms of the flood are overflowed from before him, and are broken; and also the leader of the covenant.
23 Bangʼ timo winjruok kode, nokaw loch kokonyore gi weche mag miriambo kendo kokonyore gi ji matin nono.
And after they join themselves to him, he works deceit, and has increased, and has been strong by a few of the nation.
24 E kinde ma pinje moko mag pinyruoth nobed kagalo ni gidhi maber, enomonjgi, kendo enolochi e yo ma wuonege kata kwerege ne pok olochogo. Enopog gik momayo ji githuon, gi gik moyako kod mwandu duto ne jolupne. Enochan bende mar loko loje mag kuonde mochiel motegno, to notim kamano kuom kinde matin kende.
Peaceably even into the fertile places of the province He comes, and he has done that which his fathers did not, nor his fathers’ fathers; prey, and spoil, and substance, he scatters to them, and against fortifications he devises his plans, even for a time.
25 “Enoked gi ruodh milambo, ka en gi oganda maduongʼ mar jolweny. To ruoth mar milambo bende notug lweny ka en gi jolweny maratipo kendo ma tekregi ngʼeny, kata kamano ok enonyal sire nikech jolwenyge moko nondhoge.
And he stirs up his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great force, and the king of the south stirs himself up to battle with a very great and mighty force, and does not stand, for they devise plans against him,
26 Joma chamo chiemo mopogne joka ruoth notem mondo onege; jolweny mage notieki kendo thothgi noneg gi ligangla.
and those eating his portion of food destroy him, and his force overflows, and many wounded have fallen.
27 Ruodhi ariyogo nobedi e mesa achiel ka gichano timo gik maricho kendo ka moro ka moro wuondo nyawadgi, to parogino ok notimre, nikech gikogi pod nobi abiya, ka kinde ochopo.
And both of the kings’ hearts [are] to do evil, and at one table they speak lies, and it does not prosper, for yet the end [is] at a time appointed.
28 Ruodh Milambo nodog e pinye owuon ka en gi mwandu mathoth, to enoket chunye mar kedo gi singruok maler. Enotimne singruok maler gima en ema ohero eka nodog e pinygi.
And he turns back [to] his land with great substance, and his heart [is] against the holy covenant, and he has worked, and turned back to his land.
29 “Ka kinde mosechan ochopo, enomonj piny Milambo kendo, to koro gima notimre nopogre gi mano mane osetimore mokwongo.
At the appointed time he turns back, and has come against the south, and it is not as the former, and as the latter.
30 Joma oa yo podho chiengʼ mar pinje manie dho nam nobi gi yiedhigi mondo oked kode mi luoro nomake. Bangʼ mano nodog ka en gi mirima mager mondo oked gi ngʼat man-gi singruok maler. Enoluw weche mag joma oseweyo luwo singruok malerno.
And ships of Chittim have come in against him, and he has been pained, and has turned back, and has been insolent toward the holy covenant, and has worked, and turned back, and he understands concerning those forsaking the holy covenant.
31 “Jolwenje momanore gi gig lweny nowuog mondo gidwany kama ochiel motegno mar hekalu kendo ginitiek misengini mitimo pile pile. Eka ginichung gima kwero makelo kethruok kanyo.
And strong ones stand up out of him, and have defiled the sanctuary, the stronghold, and have turned aside the continual [sacrifice], and appointed the desolating abomination.
32 Ruoth nongʼad rieko ne joma oseweyo singruokgi, to kata kamano joma ongʼeyo Nyasachgi nochungʼ motegno.
And those acting wickedly [against] the covenant, he defiles by flatteries; and the people knowing their God are strong, and have worked.
33 “Joma nigi rieko e kindeno nopuonj ji mangʼeny, kata obedo ni ginipodhi e dho ligangla kuom kinde matin; kendo nowangʼ-gi gi mach, kendo omakgi, kendo oyakgi,
And the teachers of the people give understanding to many; and they have stumbled by sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil—days.
34 to giniyud kony matin ka gipodho, kendo jomoko mangʼeny mawuondore nodonj lingʼ-lingʼ diergi.
And in their stumbling, they are helped—a little help, and joined to them have been many with flatteries.
35 Moko kuom joma riek noyud chandruok, mondo pwodhgi, ikgi kendo ketgi kare nyaka ndalo giko chopi, nikech chiengʼ giko nyaka bi ka kinde ochopo.
And some of the teachers stumble for refining by them, and for purifying, and for making white—until the end of the time, for [it is] yet for a time appointed.
36 “Ruodhno notim gimoro amora mohero. Enodhialre kendo enotingʼre malo moyombo nyasaye moro amora, kendo enowach gik mapok owinji kuom Nyasaye mar nyiseche. Enobed gi loch nyaka kinde mar mirima mager rum, nikech gik mosechan nyaka timre.
And the king has done according to his will, and exalts himself, and magnifies himself against every god, and he speaks wonderful things against the God of gods, and has prospered until the indignation has been completed, for that which is determined has been done.
37 Ok nodew nyiseche kwerene, kata nyasach mon miluongo ni Tamuz, kata nyasaye moro amora, to enoketre malo moyombogi duto.
And to the God of his fathers he does not attend, nor to the desire of women, indeed, he does not attend to any god, for he magnifies himself against all.
38 Kar dewo nyisechegigo, to obiro mana miyo duongʼ mana nyasaye mar kuonde mochiel motegno, to nyasaye ma kwerene ne ok olamo obiro miyo duongʼ gi dhahabu kod fedha, gi kite ma nengogi tek kod mich ma nengogi tek.
And to the god of strongholds, on his station, he gives honor; indeed, to a god whom his fathers did not know he gives honor, with gold, and with silver, and with precious stone, and with desirable things.
39 Enomuk kuonde mochiel motegno maonge ngʼama nyalo muko, kotiyo gi teko mar nyasaye moro ma ji okia kendo enochiw mich madongo ne jomo okawe nolich. Jogo enoketi jotelo mag ji mangʼeny kendo enopognegi lowo mar dwokonegi erokamano.
And he has dealt in the fortresses of the strongholds with a strange god whom he has acknowledged; he multiplies honor, and has caused them to rule over many, and the ground he apportions at a price.
40 “To ka giko koro chiegni, ruodh Milambo notug kode lweny, kendo ruodh Nyandwat bende nowuogne gi geche mathoth mag lweny, gi farese kod yiedhi moriedo. Enomonj pinje mathoth kendo enoywegi ka ohula.
And at the time of the end, a king of the south pushes himself forward with him, and a king of the north storms against him, with chariot, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he has come into the lands, and has overflowed, and passed over,
41 Piny maber bende enomonji. Pinje mangʼeny nopodhi, makmana piny Edom gi Moab kod jotend Amon ema noresi e lwete.
and has come into the desirable land, and many stumble, and these escape from his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the sons of Ammon.
42 Lochne nolandre kuom pinje mangʼeny kendo kata mana Misri ok notony e lwete.
And he sends forth his hand on the lands, and the land of Egypt is not for an escape;
43 Enobed gi teko ewi mwandu duto kaka dhahabu gi fedha, kod mwandu duto mag Misri, kendo jo-Libya gi jo-Kush bende noluore.
and he has ruled over treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the desirable things of Egypt, and Lubim and Cushim [are] at his steps.
44 Kata kamano, weche mane owinji koa yo Wuok chiengʼ gi yo Nyandwat nomiye luoro, kendo mano nomede mirima mondo omi onegi kendo otieki ji mangʼeny.
And reports trouble him out of the east and out of the north, and he has gone forth in great fury to destroy, and to devote many to destruction;
45 Enochung hembene mag lochne e kind nembe e tie got maler ma jaber. Kata kamano gikone nochopi, kendo onge ngʼama nokonye.
and he plants the tents of his palace between the seas and the holy desirable mountain, and has come to his end, and there is no helper to him.”

< Daniel 11 >