< Tich Joote 4 >
1 Kane Petro gi Johana pod wuoyo gi ji, jodolo gi jatend jorit hekalu kod jo-Sadukai nobiro irgi.
While they were saying this to the people, the Priests, the Commander of the Temple Guard, and the Sadducees came upon them,
2 Igi nowangʼ kendo chunygi nokethore nikech jootego ne puonjo ji ni joma osetho biro chier kuom Yesu.
highly incensed at their teaching the people and proclaiming in the case of Jesus the Resurrection from among the dead.
3 Negimako Petro gi Johana, to kaka piny koro ne dwaro yuso, negiketogi e od twech nyaka kinyne.
They arrested the two Apostles and lodged them in custody till the next day; for it was already evening.
4 Ji mangʼeny mane owinjo puonj jootego noyie, kendo kar romb chwo mane oyie nomedore moromo chwo alufu abich.
But many of those who had listened to their preaching believed; and the number of the adult men had now grown to be about 5,000.
5 Kinyne, jotend jo-Yahudi gi jodongo kod jopuonj Chik noromo Jerusalem.
The next day a meeting was held in Jerusalem of their Rulers, Elders, and Scribes,
6 Anas, jadolo maduongʼ, bende ne ni kanyo, kaachiel gi Kaifas, Johana, Aleksanda, kod jood jadolo maduongʼ mamoko.
with Annas the High Priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and the other members of the high-priestly family.
7 Negigolo chik mondo okel Petro gi Johana e nyimgi, eka negichako penjogi niya, “En teko mane, kata nying ngʼa mane mutimogo gima utimoni?”
So they made the Apostles stand in the centre, and demanded of them, "By what power or in what name have you done this?"
8 Eka Petro mane oyudo opongʼ gi Roho Maler nowachonegi niya, “Jotelo gi jodongo mag oganda!
Then Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he replied, "Rulers and Elders of the people,
9 Ka dipo ni uluongowa e nyimu ka mondo waler gimomiyo otim tim maber ne puth, kendo mondo upenjwa kaka nende oyudo chang,
if we to-day are under examination concerning the benefit conferred on a man helplessly lame, as to how this man has been cured;
10 to gima onego ungʼe kaachiel gi jo-Israel duto ema: Kuom nying Yesu Kristo ja-Nazareth mane uguro un uwegi, to Nyasaye nochiere oa kuom joma otho ema omiyo ngʼatni ochungʼ e dieru kangima chuth.
be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that through the name of Jesus the Anointed, the Nazarene, whom you crucified, but whom God has raised from among the dead-- through that name this man stands here before you in perfect health.
11 Yesu ema Ndiko owuoyo kuome kawacho niya, “‘Kidi ma un jogedo nudagi ema koro osedoko kidi motegno moriwo kor ot.’
This Jesus is the Stone treated with contempt by you the builders, but it has been made the Cornerstone.
12 Warruok ok nyal yud kuom ngʼat moro machielo; nikech onge nying moro machielo e bwo polo mosechiw ni mondo ji oyud warruok kuome.”
And in no other is the great salvation to be found; for, in fact, there is no second name under Heaven that has been given among men through which we are to be saved."
13 Kane gineno chir mane Petro gi Johana nigo, kendo kane ginwangʼo ni gin ji ajia ma ok osomo, ne giwuoro ahinya, eka negifwenyo ni jogi yande nigi Yesu.
As they looked on Peter and John so fearlessly outspoken--and also discovered that they were illiterate persons, untrained in the schools--they were surprised; and now they recognized them as having been with Jesus.
14 To nikech ne pod gineno ka ngʼat mane osechangi ochungʼ e diergi kanyo, onge gima neginyalo wacho mondo gikwed gima nosetimoreno.
And seeing the man standing with them--the man who had been cured--they had no reply to make.
15 Kuom mano, negiriembogi oko mar buch Sanhedrin, eka bangʼe ne gikuotho e kindgi giwegi niya,
So they ordered them to withdraw from the Sanhedrin while they conferred among themselves.
16 “Angʼo ma wanyalo timo ni jogi? Ji duto modak Jerusalem ongʼeyo maber ni gisetimo hono mongʼongʼore, kendo ok wanyal kwedo mano.
"What are we to do with these men?" they asked one another; for the fact that a remarkable miracle has been performed by them is well known to every one in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.
17 To mondo wagengʼ wachni kik landre malach e dier ji, nyaka wasiem jogi ni kik gichak giwuo kuom nyingni ne ngʼato angʼata.”
But to prevent the matter spreading any further among the people, let us stop them by threats from speaking in the future in this name to any one whatever."
18 Eka ne gichak giluongogi mi gisiemogi ni kik giwuo kata puonjo e nying Yesu.
So they recalled the Apostles, and ordered them altogether to give up speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus.
19 To Petro gi Johana nodwokogi niya, “Un ema ungʼad bura kendu, ka bende en gima ber e nyim Nyasaye mondo wawinju moloyo winjo Nyasaye.
But Peter and John replied, "Judge whether it is right in God's sight to listen to you instead of listening to God.
20 Nikech ok wanyal lingʼ ma ok wawuoyo kuom gik ma waseneno kendo ma wasewinjo.”
As for us, what we have seen and heard we cannot help speaking about."
21 Bangʼ medo siemo jootego, ne giweyogi gidhi. Ne ok ginyal yudo yo ma ginyalo kumogigo nikech ji duto ne miyo Nyasaye duongʼ kuom gima nosetimoreno,
The Court added further threats and then let them go, being quite unable to find any way of punishing them on account of the people, because all gave God the glory for the thing that had happened.
22 kendo ngʼat mane ochangi e yor honono ne hike oloyo piero angʼwen.
For the man was over forty years of age on whom this miracle of restoration to health had been performed.
23 Kane osegony Petro gi Johana, negidok ir owete mamoko mi ginyisogi gik moko duto ma jodolo madongo gi jodong oganda nosewachonegi.
After their release the two Apostles went to their friends, and told them all that the High Priests and Elders had said.
24 Bangʼ winjo wachgino, negitingʼo dwondgi malo kaachiel ka gilamo Nyasaye niya, “Yaye Ruoth Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, in ema nichweyo polo gi piny gi nam kod gik moko duto manie igi.
And they, upon hearing the story, all lifted up their voices to God and said, "O Sovereign Lord, it is Thou who didst make Heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them,
25 Ne iwuoyo kuom Roho Maler gi dho jatichni, ma en kwarwa Daudi, kiwacho niya: “‘Angʼo momiyo ogendini igi owangʼ kendo ji chano jiemo kayiem nono?
and didst say through the Holy Spirit by the lips of our forefather David Thy servant, "'Why have the nations stamped and raged, and the peoples formed futile plans?
26 Ruodhi mag piny osebiro kanyakla kendo jotelo pimo wach kaachiel, mondo giked gi Jehova Nyasaye kendo giked gi Ngʼate mowir.’
The kings of the earth came near, and the rulers assembled together against the Lord and against His Anointed.'"
27 Chutho, Herode gi Pontio Pilato noromo e dalani kod joma ok jo-Yahudi kaachiel gi jo-Israel mondo gilos yor hinyo Jatichni Maler ma isewiro, ma en Yesu.
"They did indeed assemble in this city in hostility to Thy holy Servant Jesus whom Thou hadst anointed--Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and also the tribes of Israel--
28 Negitimo gima in iwuon ne isechano chon gi tekoni kod ngʼeyoni ni nyaka timre.
to do all that Thy power and Thy will had predetermined should be done.
29 To koro Ruoth, winj siem ma gisiemowago, kendo mi jotichni teko mondo ohul wachni gi teko moloyo.
And now, Lord, listen to their threats, and enable Thy servants to proclaim Thy Message with fearless courage,
30 Rie badi mondo ichangi jotuo kendo itim honni kod ranyisi madongo e nying Yesu, Jatichni Maler.”
whilst Thou stretchest out Thine arm to cure men, and to give signs and marvels through the name of Thy holy Servant Jesus."
31 Kane giselamo, kama ne gichokoreno noyiengni, kendo Roho Maler nopongʼogi giduto, mi giyalo Wach Nyasaye gi chir.
When they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled shook, and they were, one and all, filled with the Holy Spirit, and proceeded to tell God's Message with boldness.
32 Joma oyie kuom Kristo duto ne timo gik moko gi chuny achiel kod paro achiel. Onge ngʼato kuomgi kata achiel mane okawo mwandune kaka gige owuon, to ngʼato ka ngʼato ne pogo gige duto ni nyawadgi, ka gikonyore ngʼato gi ngʼato.
Among all those who had embraced the faith there was but one heart and soul, so that none of them claimed any of his possessions as his own, but everything they had was common property;
33 Joote nodhi nyime gi hulo wach kuom chier mar Ruoth Yesu gi teko mangʼongo, kendo ngʼwono maduongʼ ne ni kodgi duto.
while the Apostles with great force of conviction delivered their testimony as to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all.
34 Onge ngʼato kuomgi mane ochando gimoro, nikech kinde ka kinde jogo mane nigi puothe kata udi ne loko gigegigo pesa, kendo negikelo pesa mane giyudo mi
And, in fact, there was not a needy man among them, for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the money which they realised,
35 giket e lwet joote eka joote ne pogo pesago kaka ne ngʼato ka ngʼato dwaro.
and gave it to the Apostles, and distribution was made to every one according to his wants.
36 Kamano bende, e kaka Josef ma Ja-Lawi modak Saipras, mane joote ochako ni Barnaba (ma tiende ni “Ngʼat ma jiwo ji”),
In this way Joseph, whom the Apostles gave the name of Bar-nabas--signifying 'Son of Encouragement' --a Levite, a native of Cyprus,
37 noloko puothe pesa mi okelo oketo e lwet joote.
sold a farm which he had, and brought the money and gave it to the Apostles.