< Tich Joote 22 >
1 “Owetena gi wuonena, koro winjuru wechena manyisou ni aonge ketho.”
“Brother and fathers,” he said, “Please listen as I give my defense before you.”
2 Kane giwinjo kowuoyonegi gi dho jo-Hibrania kamano, negilingʼ thi. Eka Paulo nowacho niya,
When they heard him speaking to them in Aramaic, they became very quiet.
3 “An ja-Yahudi monywol Tarso, e piny Kilikia, to ne adongo Jerusalem ka. Ne ayudo tiegruok matut e chike mag kwerewa e bwo Gamaliel, kendo ne achiwora ne Nyasaye mana kaka koro un bende uchaloni.
“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia,” he began. “However, I was brought up here in this city, and sat at the feet of Gamaliel. I was taught to strictly observe the law of our fathers. I was zealous for God, just like all of you here today,
4 Ne asando joma luwo Yor Kristo mi anego moko kuomgi, to ne amako chwo gi mon mi atero e od twech.
and I persecuted the people of this Way—having them put to death, and imprisoning both men and women.
5 Jadolo maduongʼ gi jodongo duto nyalo bedo joneno ni awacho adier. Gin ema negimiya barupe mane omiya thuolo mar mako owetegi man Damaski, kendo ne adhi kuno mondo amak joma oyie mondo kel Jerusalem kaka joma otwe mondo okumgi.
As the high priest and the council of the elders can also verify, I received from them letters of authorization addressed to the Jewish brothers in Damascus, and went there to arrest these people and bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem to be punished.
6 “Kar dier odiechiengʼ tir kane achiegni chopo Damaski, ne apo ka ler mangʼangʼni moa e polo nomenya molwora.
At around noon, while I was on my way and approaching Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven shone all around me.
7 Ne agora piny kendo ne awinjo dwol moro kawachona ni, ‘Saulo! Saulo! Isanda nangʼo?’
I fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
8 “Napenjo ni, ‘In ngʼa, Ruoth?’ “To nodwoka ni, ‘An Yesu ja-Nazareth, ma isando.’
‘Who are you, Lord?’ I answered. ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, the one you are persecuting,’ he told me.
9 Joma ne wan-go bende noneno lerno, to ne ok giwinjo dwond ngʼat mane wuoyo kodano.
Those who were traveling with me did see the light, but they didn't hear the voice that spoke to me.
10 “Eka napenjo ni, ‘Atim angʼo, Ruoth.’ “To Ruoth nodwoka ni, ‘Aa malo mondo idonji Damaski. Kuno ema ibiro nyisi gik moko duto moseyieri mondo itim.’
‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I asked. The Lord told me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you'll be told everything that's arranged for you to do.’
11 Joma ne awuothogo nomako bada kagitaya ka wachomo Damaski, nikech ler mangʼangʼni mane oserieny cha noseloka muofu.
Since I couldn't see because of the brightness of the light, those who were with me led me by the hand into Damascus.
12 “Ngʼat moro miluongo ni Anania nobiro mondo onena. Ne en ngʼat morito Chik Nyasaye gi chunye duto kendo ma jo-Yahudi duto modak e dalano nomiye luor.
There a man called Ananias came to see me. He was a religious man who observed the law, and was highly respected by the Jews who lived in the town.
13 Nochungʼ e batha mowachona niya, ‘Owadwa Saulo, nen!’ Kendo gikanyono ne aneno mi angʼiye.
He stood in front of me and said, ‘Brother Saul, receive back your sight.’ At that very moment I could see again, and I looked at him.
14 “Eka nowachona ni, ‘Nyasach kwerewa oseyieri mondo ingʼe dwarone kendo ine Jatichne Makare, kendo iwinj dwonde kowuoyo kodi.
He told me, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you to know his will, to see the one who is truly good and right, and to listen to what he has to say to you.
15 Ibiro bedo janeno ni ji duto, kuom gima iseneno kendo isewinjo.
You will testify for him to everyone about what you have seen and heard. So what are you waiting for?
16 Koro pod irito angʼo? Aa malo mondo obatisi, mondo olwokni richoni, kiluongo nying Ruoth Yesu.’
Get up, be baptized, and wash away your sins as you call on his name.’
17 “Kane aseduogo Jerusalem kendo kane oyudo alemo ei hekalu, nindo notera
I returned to Jerusalem, and as I was praying in the Temple, I fell into a trance.
18 kendo ne aneno Ruoth mowuoyo koda kowachona ni, ‘Wuog mapiyo ia Jerusalem sani sani nikech ok gibi yie gi neno mitimo kuoma.’
I saw a vision of the Lord telling me, ‘Hurry! You need to leave Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept what you are telling them about me.’
19 “An to ne adwoke niya, ‘Ruoth, jogi ongʼeyo kaka nawuotho e sinagogi ka sinagogi mondo atwe kendo asandi joma oyie kuomi.
I replied, ‘Lord, they certainly know that I went from synagogue to synagogue, beating and imprisoning those who trusted in you.
20 Kane ochwer remb jatichni Stefano, ne achungʼ kanyo kayie gi nekne kendo ne arito lep joma ne nege.’
When Stephen was killed for testifying about you I was standing there in full agreement with those who killed him, holding their coats for them.’
21 “Eka Ruoth nowachona ni, ‘Wuogi idhiyo, nikech abiro ori kuma bor ir joma ok jo-Yahudi.’”
The Lord told me, ‘Leave now, for I am sending you far away to the foreigners.’”
22 Ogandano nochiko itgi kawinjo gik mane Paulo wacho, eka negichako kok giduto kagiwacho niya, “Neguru ngʼatni! Ok owinjore obed mangima!”
Up until this point they had listened to what he was saying, but then they started shouting, “Get rid of this man from the earth—he doesn't deserve to live!”
23 Kane pod gikok ka gikwadho lepgi kendo gikiro bura e kor yamo,
They screamed and tore off their coats and threw dust into the air.
24 jaduongʼ lweny nogolo chik mondo oter Paulo kama jolweny odakie. Nogolo chik mondo ochwade kendo onone kuom gima omiyo ji goyone koko kamano.
The commander ordered Paul brought into the fortress, and gave orders for him to be interrogated by flogging so he could find out the reason people were shouting so much against Paul.
25 To kane oyudo gipiele piny mondo gichwade, Paulo nowacho ni jatend jolweny manoyudo ochungʼ kanyo niya, “Bende chik oyie mondo uchwad ngʼat ma ja-Rumi kapok oyale mi oyudi ni en jaketho?”
As they stretched him out and tied him down to flog him, Paul asked the centurion standing there, “Is it legal to flog a Roman citizen who hasn't had a trial?”
26 Kane jatelono owinjo mano, nodhi ir jatend jolweny maduongʼ monyise wachno. Nowachone niya, “Idwaro timo nangʼo? Ngʼatni en ja-Rumi?”
When the centurion heard what Paul said, he went to the commander and asked him, “What are you doing? This man is a Roman citizen.”
27 Jatend jolweny maduongʼ nodhi ir Paulo mopenje niya, “Nyisa ane! In ja-Rumi?” Paulo nodwoke niya, “Ee, an ja-Rumi.”
The commander came, and asked Paul, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” Paul replied, “Yes I am.”
28 Eka jatend jolweny maduongʼ nowacho niya, “An awuon ne achulo pesa mangʼeny mondo abed ja-Rumi.” Paulo nodwoke niya, “An to ne onywola ja-Rumi.”
“I paid a lot of money to buy Roman citizenship,” said the commander. “But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.
29 Kane giwinjo kamano, to joma ne dwaro chwade noa bute kendo jatend jolweny maduongʼ bende ne luoro omako, kane ofwenyo ni nosetweyo Paulo, to kara ne en ja-Rumi.
Those who were about to interrogate Paul left immediately. The commander was worried when he found out that Paul was a Roman citizen because he had placed him in chains.
30 Nikech jatend jolweny maduongʼ ne dwaro ngʼeyo gimomiyo jo-Yahudi nedonjo ni Paulo, kinyne nogonye mogolo chik mondo jodolo madongo duto gi buch jodong jo-Sanhedrin orom. Eka nokelo Paulo mi ochunge e nyimgi mondo owuo.
The next day, wanting to find out the reason why the Jews were accusing Paul, he had him released and taken before the chief priests and the whole council which he ordered to assemble. He had Paul brought down and placed him before them.