< Tich Joote 17 >

1 Kane gisekalo Amfipoli gi Apolonia, ne gitundo Thesalonika, kuma ne nitie sinagogi moro mar jo-Yahudi.
SO journeying through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of Jews:
2 Kaka Paulo ne jatimo pile, ne odonjo e od lemono, kendo kuom Sabato adek moluwore, nopimo kodgi wach kuom weche mondiki e Muma.
And Paul, according to his usual custom, went in to them, and for three sabbaths he reasoned with them from the scriptures,
3 Noleronigi tiendgi kendo nomiyo gingʼeyo gadiera ni Kristo ne nyaka sandi eka bangʼe ochier oa kuom joma otho. Nowachonegi niya, “Yesu ma ayalonuni e Kristo.”
opening them clearly, and laying it evidently down that the Messiah must suffer, and rise again from the dead; and that this man is the Messiah, even Jesus, whom I preach unto you.
4 Jomoko kuom jo-Yahudi ne wach oywayo kendo ne giyie mi giluwo Paulo gi Sila, mana kaka jo-Yunani moluoro Nyasaye mathoth kaachiel gi mon moko mongʼere bende noyie.
And some of them believed, and associated themselves with Paul and Silas; and of the religious Greeks a vast multitude, and of the wives of the first people not a few.
5 To jo-Yahudi mamoko ne nyiego omako; omiyo negidhi gichoko acheje moko mane bayo e chiro kanyo, eka negichoko oganda maduongʼ mar joma achejego, kendo negichako lweny e dalano. Ne gimwomore e od Jason, ka gimanyo Paulo gi Sila, mondo gigolgi oko ni oganda.
But the unbelieving Jews, roused to a fit of zeal, and taking some of the lowest vulgar men of vile characters, and raising a mob, set the city in an uproar, and besetting the house of Jason, sought them to bring them unto the people.
6 To kane ok giyudogi, ne giywayo Jason kod jowete moko e nyim jotend dalano. Negigoyo koko kagiwacho niya, “Jok mosekelo chandruok e piny kuonde duto koro osechopo ka,
But not finding them there, they dragged Jason and certain brethren to the city magistrates, roaring out, These are the men who are movers of sedition through the world, and are come in hither;
7 kendo Jason-ni ema oserwakogi e ode. Giduto gidagi luwo chike Kaisar, kagiwacho ni nitie ruoth machielo, miluongo ni Yesu.”
whom Jason has entertained in his house: and the practice of all these fellows is in direct opposition to all Caesar’s ordinances, for they affirm that another is king, one Jesus.
8 Kane giwinjo wechegi, oganda mane osechokore kanyo kod jotelo mag dalano nogoyo koko.
And they greatly agitated the people and the city magistrates when they heard these things.
9 Jotelogo noketo ne Jason gi joge mamoko nengo mar singruok ni ok ginichak gikel koko kendo, bangʼe ne giweyogi gidhi.
So after taking sufficient security from Jason and the rest, they dismissed them.
10 Kane piny oimore, jowete nooro Paulo gi Sila Berea. Kane gichopo, negidonjo e sinagogi mar jo-Yahudi.
Then the disciples immediately by night sent off both Paul and Silas to Berea; who were no sooner arrived, than they went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11 To jo-Berea ne nigi kido maber moloyo jo-Thesalonika, nikech negirwako wach gi chuny mamor, kendo neginono Ndiko pile ka pile, mondo gine ane ka gik mane Paulo wacho gin adier.
Now these were more liberally minded men than those of Thessalonica, for they received the word with all readiness of mind, daily, examining the Scriptures if these things were really so.
12 Jo-Yahudi mathoth noyie, kaachiel gi mon mathoth ma jo-Yunani mongʼere, kod jo-Yunani mangʼeny machwo.
Then many of them truly believed: and of the Grecian proselyte women of respectability, and of the men not a few.
13 Ka jo-Yahudi manodak Thesalonika nowinjo ni Paulo ne yalo wach Nyasaye Berea, negidhi kuno bende, kendo negichoko oganda mondo ochak koko, ka giketho chuny ji.
But when the Jews of Thessalonica knew that at Berea also the word of God was preached by Paul, they came thither, and stirred up the populace.
14 Jowete nooro Paulo e dho nam ma ok odeko, ka Sila gi Timotheo to jodong Berea.
Then immediately on this the brethren sent off Paul, to go as if by sea: but Silas and Timothy abode there still.
15 Joma ne odhi gi Paulo notere nyaka Athene, bangʼe negidok Berea mi ginyiso Sila gi Timotheo yo mane ginyalo chopogo ir Paulo mapiyo.
And those who conduced Paul brought him as far as Athens, and receiving an injunction for Silas and Timothy that they should come to him as speedily as possible, they departed.
16 Kane Paulo pod rito Sila gi Timotheo Athene, chunye nosin kane oneno kaka jo-dalano noketo chunygi kuom lamo kido mag nyiseche manono.
Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit within him was greatly grieved, beholding the city so devoted to idolatry.
17 Omiyo nowuoyo kod jo-Yahudi gi jo-Yunani moluoro Nyasaye e sinagogi. Bende pile pile nowuoyo gi ji mane budho e chiro e dalano.
Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews, and those who worshipped there, and in the forum every day with those he happened to meet.
18 Jorieko moko mag Epikurio kod Stoiko nochako mino kode wach. Moko kuomgi nopenjo niya, “Angʼo ma jawach thoreni temo wacho?” To moko nowacho niya, “Chal ka gima oyalo kuom nyiseche moko ma welo.” Negiwacho kamano nikech Paulo ne yalo kuom Yesu kendo kuom chier.
Then certain of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers attacked him: and some said, What will this chattering fellow say? but others, He seemeth to be a preacher of foreign deities, because he preached to them Jesus and the resurrection.
19 Eka ne gikawe mi gidhi kode kar romo margi miluongo ni Areopago, bangʼe gipenje niya, “Donge dinyiswae tiend puonj manyien mikelo kaeni?
So they took him and led him to the hill of Mars, saying, May we know what this novel doctrine taught by thee is?
20 Isako itwa gi puonj manyien mapok wawinjo, omiyo wadwaro ngʼeyo tiendgi.”
For thou bringest some strange stories to our ears; we wish therefore to know what these things mean.
21 (Jo-Athene duto kod jopinje mamoko mane odak kanyo nohero ketho sechegi kanyo ka gigoyo mbaka kendo giwinjo paro gi rieko manyien.)
Now all the Athenians and the strangers who come to sojourn there, take pleasure in spending their time in nothing else but in talking, or hearing of some novelty.
22 Eka Paulo nochungʼ e nyim chokruok mane ni ei Areopago mochako wuoyo kowacho niya, “Un jo-Athene, ayudo ni un joma ohero lemo e ngimau duto.
Then Paul standing in the midst of the Areopagus said, Ye men of Athens, I observe that in all things ye are too much devoted to the worship of daemons.
23 Nikech kane awuotho kalworora ka anono malongʼo kuondeu mag lemo, to ne ayudo nyaka kendo mar misango mondikie niya, ‘Ne nyasaye ma ok ongʼe’. Koro gima ulamo kaka gima ok ongʼe ema adwaro yalonu.
For as I walked about, and attentively viewed the objects of your worship, I found even an altar on which was this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore you in ignorance adore, him I preach unto you.
24 “Nyasaye mane ochweyo piny kaachiel gi gik moko duto manie iye en Ruodh polo gi piny, kendo ok odak ei hekalu ma oger gi lwet dhano,
The God who created the world, and all things in it, he that is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples of man’s construction;
25 bende ok tine gi lwet dhano ka gima odwaro gimoro kuom dhano nikech en owuon ema ochiwo ne dhano, ngima gi muya mi yweyo kod gik moko duto.
nor is he served by human hands, as if he needed any creature, himself imparting to all beings life, and breath, and all things.
26 Koa kuom dhano achiel, nochweyo ogendini duto mag ji, mondo gipongʼ piny duto, kendo en ema oketo ni ngʼato ka ngʼato kar romb higni monego odag-go e piny, kod kuonde monego gidagie.
And hath made from one man’s blood all the nations of mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, fixing the predetermined periods of their existence, and the boundaries of their several abodes;
27 Nyasaye notimo ma mondo ji obed gi chuny madware kendo mondo kanyalore to gichop kuma entie, mi giyude, kata obedo ni ok en mabor kodwa.
that they should seek the Lord, if indeed they might haply grope him out, and find him, though truly he is not far from any individual of us:
28 ‘Wangima nikech En, kendo wawuotho nikech En, kendo wantie nikech En.’ En mana kaka jowendu moko osewacho ni, ‘Wan bende wan kothe.’
for from him we derive life, and power of motion, and existence; as also some of your own poets have said, “For we are even his offspring.”
29 “Ka wan koth Nyasaye kamano, to koro ok onego wapar ni Nyasaye chalo gi dhahabu kata gi fedha kata kidi, ma gin mana kido ma dhano oloso kendo oketo gi pache.
Being then the offspring of God, we ought not to imagine that the Divinity is like to gold, or silver, or stone sculptured by human art or contrivance.
30 E kinde mokalo Nyasaye ne ok odewo fuwo machal kamano, to koro sani osegolo chik ni ji duto kamoro amora mondo olokre owe richo.
These times indeed of ignorance God then overlooked; but he now commands all men in every place to repent:
31 Nikech oseketo chiengʼ mobiro ngʼadoe bura ne piny duto gadiera, kokalo kuom ngʼat moseyiero. Bende osenyiso ji malongʼo ni obiro timo mano ni ji duto, nikech nochiere oa kuom joma otho.”
because he hath fixed the day in which he will judge the whole world in righteousness by the man whom he hath appointed; affording evidence of this to all, by raising him from the dead.
32 Kane jogo owinjo ka Paulo wuoyo kuom wach chier aa kuom joma otho, moko kuomgi nojare, to moko to nowachone niya, “Wabiro dwaro mondo iwuo kodwa kendo e wachni.”
But when they heard of the resurrection from the dead, Some scoffed: and others said, We will hear thee again on this subject.
33 Eka Paulo nowuok moweyo joburago.
And so Paul departed from the midst of them.
34 Ji moko manok nodok kor Paulo, mi giyie kuom Kristo. Achiel kuom joma noyie ne en Dionusio, mane en jabuch Areopago, gi dhako moro ma nyinge Damaris, kod ji mamoko manok.
But certain persons cleaving to him, believed: among whom was even Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

< Tich Joote 17 >